Mangahn-Paneb-Harry Potter

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Mangahn-Paneb-Harry Potter

Post by Robyklebt » Fri Feb 04, 2011 11:47 am

Continue from this thread here:


Short translation for the non german speakers

Ditschen asks if a IP check of Paneb is possible, he seems to be too good for a guy with only 3 races, multi, or a comeback guy?

Buh says he'll do it. But if the guy had an old team and not using it anymore it's not a problem.

Luna asks: Make a new team every 2 months ok too? And the newcomer of the year award might be obsolete, maybe veterans winning it regularly.

Sherlock Klebt says it's Mangahn (found Paneb in another game, where he knows Mangahn plays)

Buhmann answers to Luna I suppose. Of course not ok (every 2 months) That's why I check. But if after a year no problem. Mangahn not riding as far as I know (as Mangahn)

Ape who at the time hadn't really figured out that part of the answer was to Luna slightly is slightly confused (doesn't happen a lot) and writes that Paneb was Mangahn, for sure already sold everything. But not a problem since he's not riding with another team.

Now what happened.

Mangahn goes off in January of february 2010. Maybe rides some races with a new team after, maybe not, don't know.

Comes back in January with Paneb. As said, by chance Klebt sees a team named paneb at BoC, belorussian, remembers having read something about Paneb here, connects the dots, and MANGAAAAAAAAAAAAHN. Immediately starts welcoming Manghi in the chat.
Mangahn then sells or the riders and renames the team. Why, don't know. Wasn't fun, a possibilty, but he came back a short time later. So unlikely. It's public knowledge he's Mangahn, possible too. He wants a new start, wants to ride without all of his enemies knowing who he is.. ok, why not. And while I'm the most vocal "ennemy" Mangahn has, I'm not the only one for sure. The problem of course is that to get a better reputation changing the name is not enough, change his behaviour would be more effective, as Mangahn or as something else doesn't really matter, as something else probably easier though He wants to retry the game, see if he feels like starting again, but without hurting his real team. He tries, still doesn't feel like it's fun, so waits longer and tries again in a year or so, he hurts his team financially probably, uses up some of the reserves he had built. Unlikely too, since he came back with another new team. Last possibility I see is, he doesn't want to let his oh so important average per race fall down, after all he's in front of Ticos, but the too doesn't explain the next step.

But anyway, until here I see no fairness problem at all.

Next, new team Harry Potter. Shortly after paneb finished. And here according to Buh there is a problem: German quote here:
Luna wrote:Und wenn man sich alle 2 Monate ein neues Team macht ist es auch okay?
Buhmann wrote:Natürlich nicht okay. Deswegen prüf ich das ja. Aber wenn der nach nem Jahr Pause wieder einsteigt wäre das natürlich nicht wirklich schlimm.
Mit den Awards könntest du wohl leider recht haben...
It wasn't even 2 months.. it was what, a week? And what for? He wants anonymity? The problem here is that he doesn't really try, not like chicksa did when he became Valle Nevado and was "french", he basically participates in the chat like Mangahn did.. Proof it's not the "Herrenreiter-hunter" Klebt (who actually wasn't actively looking for ManMan) who figured out that Potter is Mangahn, but 2 groups individually.... Was in the ZC of his race, Adler asks, hey, tell me who Potter actually is.. in a way that suggested he knows it, so since Ape had no idea and called ZL who was in the same race, hey, who is this Harry Potter? Mangahn no? I thought it was Mangahn, why is it somebody else? So while he seems to want anonymity, he doesn't really act like he wants it either. Strange. He seems to be indentifiable as Mangahn fairly easily. And again, after the race, now it's public knowledge who he is, he sells all the riders.

A fairness problem? In a way no, he rides with one team, on the other hand kind of yes.

1) While he doesn't manage to stay anonymous, he gets short term anonymity, which helps him in the races. He won Sachsenpavé, as Mangahn that might have been harder because Mangahn is known, Potter is new. A race with Mangahn, even though I don't think he is a top 5 manager (which really hurt him it seems...) I think he is a top 20 one for sure, top 10 probably too, you pay attention to this guy, as Harry Potter, much less. So not sure he would have won it as Mangahn, in a way I see it as a worthless win. Like I think sitter who don't say who they are, are unfair, I think this here is unfair too. Understand if he wants to stay anonymous, but then at least actually try to do it, not just get a new team and a new name.
2) He sold all his riders again. And now? He is still hanging around with Potter, sitting too.
2a) Sitting as Potter while being Mangahn, while many know that Potter is Mangahn, many others don't. And give their team to Mangahn. Many don't bother changing their passwords, of course they should, but in a way I like it if they feel they can trust the other managers. Actually that's the way it should be. But can't due to people like Mangahn. After all once during a race with Klebt, Mangahn and Quick, all of the sudden Quick had **. What happened? Mangahn didn't believe Quicks claim that he didn't have good form, so he went to check himself. Now everybody who gives his team to Potter and doesn't know that, risks the same treatment. Form checking, maybe not during the race but before. Maybe from work (if he works now) no login for Potter there, only from home. Mangahn has this history, it is a danger to give you password to Mangahn, a bigger danger than to give it to a new guy. With the new guy we just don't know what kind of guy he is, with Mangahn we know, he already did that. Of course you can say that Quick-Mangahn have a good relationship and it didn't bother Quick that much, they probably know each others form anyway, bla bla, the fact remains, MM went into an other managers account during a race to check the form (he claimed he was right, Quick was lying then) which shouldn't be done. As POtter he doesn't have this history for everybody, since not everybody knows that he is Manghi.
2b) Sitting while being inactive? Is that really the way it should be? Or is with a second account while riding with another one?
3) He made 2 teams, he sold all riders, doesn't use one anymore probably, logs in with the other, but no riders. Main Team Mangahn, no riders too, occasionally logs in too. Who says he doesn't have a next team already? Which would be 3 teams in less than a months. Stay online and visible as a sitter with Potter, stay anonymous with the active team. It's still not multiaccounting in the tradional sense, but it's clealry dishonest. Again, want anonymity, for a guy with his character difficult, but what now, each time your team is discovered you make a new one?

Not asking for a fine or anything, just asking if others see the problems too.
Basically the whole thing here to me only confirms what I already knew, Manghi is an "armseliges Würmchen". He wants to ride, ride, not my problem, MM in my races, ok, the time when I then changed my time to avoid the tiring tactical nonsense and utter bullshit the guy spews in the racechats is over, so is the time where he could hope to be let in peace in the other chats or the forum, that's the deal he wanted after all. Make a new team, if somebody figures out who you are and then your enemies know it too, deal with it, you made them your enemies. But like this is just stupid. Well actually is typical Mangahn. Absolutely idiotic, dishonest and unfair.

What I ask for though is a thorough IP check by Buhmann. If you find a new active team with riders, while ManMan is sitting as Potter, then yes, then I would ask for a fine, or better the deletion of the new team. Or a fine for the main team, MM, since that's the only thing that really would hurt him. But since that's is just a possibility, no need to aks for that yet. Just the IP check. Asking ManMan himself to please behave and stick to 1 team probably is a waste of time, so I see no point in doing it. On the other hand I think Buhmann should think about forcing ManMan to ride with his main team. Make a new team after a year, no problem. Then make a third one 1 or 2 weeks later? Problem. A third one? (Not saying there is one, but it is certainly possible) fuck it, then it's a problem.

Edith: And while I was writing Mangahns Mannen bought riders. Good. So unlikely he had a third team, But a check still can't hurt, sitting as Potter is still questionable andif 2 new teams in such a short time is ok is still worth a discussion.
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Re: Mangahn-Paneb-Harry Potter

Post by team fl » Fri Feb 04, 2011 1:10 pm

I don't really care if it's Mangahn or not. It won't really affect me. But if there is the Use of Multiple Accounts and Buh finds out, no matter if it's Mangahn or not, delete the younger accounts and leave the oldest as single one active. Not more, not less. Perhaps a penalty? don't know

But if we change to highly philosopical mode, I would also say having a secret identity here at RSF is just watching to many spy movies or playing to many computer games, taking books about 9/11 too serious, etc. Don't know. Split personality? Who knows. And again, I don't care. Pity those who need it....
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Re: Mangahn-Paneb-Harry Potter

Post by Luna » Fri Feb 04, 2011 2:06 pm

At the Sachsen Paves he tried to split the field with the help of a second team account, "Raver", 0 races, but didn't succeed. It came apparent due to ** behind Potters name. I had a brief correspondence via PN with Buhmann about it. Didn't want to open up a forum thread at the beginning. Wanted to give it a chance to be solved behind the scenes without public uproar. But now I see it's all too obvious to be treated discreetly.

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Re: Mangahn-Paneb-Harry Potter

Post by Allagen » Fri Feb 04, 2011 3:30 pm

we have one problem. if you change the teamname, it´s not easy to find the team. i saw a lot of teams (and i think they are multis) and then they change the teamname and buy new riders, so its not easy to find them.

i want to find petit singe when i search for robyklebt. we have to change that. otherwise a multi reads something about his team in the forum, change the name and buy new riders, so nobody is able to find him.
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Re: Mangahn-Paneb-Harry Potter

Post by Robyklebt » Fri Feb 04, 2011 6:29 pm

The problem is not that it's Mangahn, that's what makes it fun :lol:

The problem is the actions described. Or maybe it isn't, that's what I ask. Making 2 new teams in less than a month. Is that really ok for a veteran? Sitting while not riding, is that ok? Sitting as a veteran with a new account, without clearly clarifying who is actually behind that account, is that fair to the guy who gets sitted and to the opponents as well? Mangahn or not, irrelevant, but as I said it clearly increases the fun factor for me that it's about Mangahn. What I described wasn't multi-accounting in the sense of having 2 active teams, it's more of a ? is it ok, not? Area.

The thing described by Luna of course, if it's indeed what happened, that unlike the thing above is clear. That would be clear multi-accounting, clearly unfair, clearly punishable.
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Re: Mangahn-Paneb-Harry Potter

Post by kielgy » Fri Feb 04, 2011 9:37 pm

Robyklebt wrote: It's still not multiaccounting in the tradional sense, but ...
3 Teams using two at the same time. Multiaccounting. Fact!There is an other, a traditional sense? Didn t know that...
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Re: Mangahn-Paneb-Harry Potter

Post by NoPikouze » Sat Feb 05, 2011 7:21 pm

Aixteam: Who is sitting ol ?
No answer, but we suppose it's prince harry who refuses to identify himself :)
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Re: Mangahn-Paneb-Harry Potter

Post by sgumgub » Tue Feb 08, 2011 12:55 am

lol...seriously, is there any proof that Potter is mangahn?^^I mean did he reveal it somewhere?

They way he acted was surely MM style...

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Re: Mangahn-Paneb-Harry Potter

Post by Robyklebt » Sat Feb 12, 2011 12:13 pm

Ok, next

By now Mangahn has 3 accounts in the forum. Isn't that like 2 too many? Everybody else manages with 1, why does Mangahn need 3?
And 2 are active, Potter was online a few seconds ago, while Mangahn is already registered.
I don't trust Mangahn not to use his 3 accounts to manipulate votes. December tour, other votes about technical stuff, it has never been beneath Mangahn to twist and distort facts, I have no doubt that he would use his second and third account if he could turn a vote in his favor.
2 should be banned, Potter and Gryffindor.

I have the power to ban and delete members on this board (Buhmann being Buhmann he never managed to take that right away from me even when I asked, and now I don't ask anymore, just delete the stupid bots)but, since I'm not Mangahn I won't use this feature in this case. Even though it would clearly be the thing to do, the worthless vermin like Mangahn himself, brown Recien, Cheater sgumbug and others would just get a heart attack by this "abuse of power" which of course it wouldn't be. Unlike what Mangahn as a moderator did for ages in the old forum.
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Re: Mangahn-Paneb-Harry Potter

Post by sylvainmeteo » Sat Feb 12, 2011 1:05 pm

Mangahn Mannen will ride Kos at 5 PM...
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