Player calling me multi accounting for third tour in a row

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Re: Player calling me multi accounting for third tour in a r

Post by Robyklebt » Sat Jun 17, 2017 5:40 pm

simon-bolivar wrote:No, I use your usual style. And not scream. I only received offenses. Then get in a hurry to get used to and learn the language. Anyway I like it, I got one result, all thrown into threats, but no one said that the toy is clean.
A bit confusing, not exactly sure what you want to say.... Try in Italian? If it's important, if it's not important, no worries.
But just to remind you, the topic is not "if the toy is clean" (in case you mean the game is clean), the topic is YOU accusing a newcomer of being a multi without backing that up with convincing evidence. To use your usual style: Open another thread if you want to have a general discussion about the cleanliness of the game. Here the topic is another one.
simon-bolivar wrote:Probably to you as to some other moralist the game is fine like that. The usual moralists who call mafiosi the others, of course.
Why not just stick to what I say instead of speculating about what I think? And why bring something up that, again, isn't the topic? Moralist, mafiosi, bla bla bla. Whine about it when and if I call you that, not when I don't.
simon-bolivar wrote:Very very well. If there is no other offense from anyone, Post closed for me, what I wanted to know now is clear
Well, post closed for you, nothing solved. You'll continue intimidating and insulting newcomers. And then claim that somehow you're the victim. Very weak. Why not open your mind a bit and try to HELP the newcomers, even if the ride like shit? Instead of accusing them of being multis, without backing it up.
And post closed.... if you still think the guy IS a multi, then you should try to show it to the rest of us, if you now changed your mind, might be worth noting it too.
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