gp monte cornetta 1400

Discussion about fairness-stuff. Advices of breach of rules and so on.

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Re: gp monte cornetta 1400

Post by udinese1970 » Fri Aug 16, 2013 4:54 pm

Radomiak wrote:
udinese1970 sanctions for insulting other people ?
i have 43 yrs old....and if someone insult me in Italy i will go to the police to report this man & have a judgment with an obligation to pay me....a lot....for insult.....
This is a is not possible that someone could insult the others only for speaking his guys....this in not grave......
if the situation remain the same i will not renew the license.....which expire in 12 days.....
I am glad to hear that. I also advise not only to quit the game, but also uninstall internet and throw away your pc.
Thanks in advance...
i have not said that i leave the game...only that i don't renew the is different....u have to read well.....
thanks :shock:

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Re: gp monte cornetta 1400

Post by udinese1970 » Fri Aug 16, 2013 5:01 pm

Robyklebt wrote:
udinese1970 wrote:Hi, i demand a fine for r Quick.......
he said speaking about me...r QUICK: write english you fuckin idiot

i think a fine is the minimum....and this is all the chat

r QUICK: hoffentlich versucht bengals udine das in seinen übersetzer einzugeben oba dea wiad dem beidl a nix höfn
Bengals Udine: non so...forse sul -8...
X Later: dipende quanto prende con wirtanen quick
X Later: cambiato pronostico ahah
X Later: attenzione a avance
Bengals Udine: aspettami con luck che saliamo insieme
X Later: aha ci ha già pensato lui
X Later: parto io allora ***
Bengals Udine: tanto è appiccicato al mio culo...
X Later: lo aiuti cosi
Bengals Udine: nulla...tanto spero di arrivare tra i primi 10
X Later: che fai?
Bengals Udine: a ecco non lo riscordavo....ora anche a me......benissimo
X Later: nono gli stava già antipatico
Bengals Udine: ora ne mettiamo unaltro tra i pirlotti di aux :)
X Later: da uno dei favoriti mi sa che faccio fatica a arrivare nei 10
X Later: si bellissima
Bengals Udine: bella giornata XL vero ?
r QUICK: and now don't tell me this isn't cuntish behaviour
Bengals Udine: colgionazzo
r QUICK: cunt
Bengals Udine: i write in my language.....every time i want....if u are not able to use google trasnlator is not my problem...
r QUICK: no, just write english when you write about me, disrespectful cheesehead
Bengals Udine: che testa di michione....
Bengals Udine: go on google translator !
r QUICK: i don't know
Bengals Udine: i have not insult u in italian !
r QUICK: yes, and i do it in english. you write about me in in italian.
Movistar: i think xD
Bengals Udine: write english you fuckin idiot....u speak about me ?
X Later: credo proprio di si
Bengals Udine: ma ce l ha con me ?
X Later: è stanchissimo
r QUICK: write english you fuckin idiot
Bengals, but then you are demanding a fine for yourself too I guess?
The bolding here is mine. Quicks starts and insults you. So yes, standard procedure is: He gets a fine. Usually long after the fact, since the whole fairness system is kind of broken. Big Boss Buhmann mostly offline, fairness committee seems not to be working.
But then you react and insult him back, testa di michione, I guess that's insulting? Coglionazzo comes from coglione, insulting, the Aux thing doesn't sound nice either, In the end the insulting match ends 3-3. Normally in those cases both insulters get a fine. Getting insulted is not a free pass to insult back without punishment, while the other gets a punishment. When I was involved in those cases I usually got double the fine of the other guy (because I start insulting).
Here all pretty clear:
1. Quick insults you
2. Short discussion, then you insult him back. I think, not really sure actually what it is.
3. He insults you again, you insult him again, until 3-3.
First insult the heaviest, after that more stuff that too me doesn't seem that heavy..but ok still insults.
Now up to the great fairness committee to work... good luck with that.

sorry Robyklebt....if u receive a punch in the face u try todefend yourself or not ? i do the same....i do not accept an insult for telling that a rider could attack & guys....sorry....this is not a 3-3....not for me... :(

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Re: gp monte cornetta 1400

Post by Robyklebt » Fri Aug 16, 2013 5:14 pm

In NUMBER of insults yes. 3-3. He started it, his first insult is harder than the following ones.

Point is:
He insults you. He gets a fine. Agreed?
Then you insult him. Why shouldn't you get a fine then? Where do you get the right to insult him?
You insulted him too. As I said, the usual standard as far as I know so far in those cases was double fine for the first insulter (quick), half fine for the second insulter (you).
Defence: You defend yourself by going to the police who then should protect you (by punishing him). But if he gets a fine and gets insulted by you as well, he gets double punishment.
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Re: gp monte cornetta 1400

Post by luques » Fri Aug 16, 2013 5:33 pm

l4w wrote:
udinese1970 wrote:and if someone insult me in Italy i will go to the police to report this man & have a judgment with an obligation to pay me....a lot....for insult.....
if id do that, they would pretty sure insult me for wasting their time and test me on drugs!
or simply tell me to grow up
Seriously yes!
Be distant at least 5m, can't speak anymore with that person, pay her advocate, pay some money as moral damage.

Why? This man (not me obviously!) has called her a "stupid bitch" :mrgreen:

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Re: gp monte cornetta 1400

Post by sylvainmeteo » Fri Aug 16, 2013 8:24 pm

luques wrote:
sylvainmeteo wrote:A bit the same at Burgos (no insults or big problems), always speaking italian between Aux, X Later, Bengals etc... :?
I agree with NoPik and Roby, some italian managers seem to not do enough to try to speak english as much as possible...
Hihi, X Later knows only a couple of words in english :)
Anyway, i don't think that it is only an "italian problem", i see often german do the same (speaking german)....

And anyway i still think that it was simply to say "When you speak about me speak english bengals... thanks..." instead of insulting, and all these would have never happened!
You are completely right, and for sure, it's not only with italian managers ;), it could for germans, and maybe some french ones too, and for the 2nd part of your answer, yes i don't like that someone talk about me in a ununderstandable language for me (that why I often ask what this guy said), but I don't think I'm alone in this case :)
I think r Quick lost patience fastly in this case
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