National Commitee: Pakal Ixpiyacoc

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National Commitee: Pakal Ixpiyacoc

Post by Schnuggeritos » Fri Oct 06, 2023 5:57 pm

In todays 15:00 race (Paris - Bourges) we had some discussions about (possible) names (complete chat below).
AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR) wrote:AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR)(16:04): about NC Gip, I have a question. Can a rider be named "Dieu"/"God"/"Allah"/"Yahvé"/"Gott"/... ? I suppose no, but I would like your confirmation.
We answered as follows:
Schnuggeritos(16:09): AGF, normally, these names should not pass as first names. With the surnames it is another story.
Gipfelstuermer(16:09): so I think No @AGF
Gipfelstuermer(16:09): from the rules "All first names and last names should exist in reality or at least sound realistic."
AGF later specified it to surnames.
AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR)(16:10): ah ok I missed your second part of answer Gipfel
AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR)(16:10): I talk about "family names", to be precise, Schnugg
AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR)(16:09): so "Gott" name "sounds realistic" ?
There is some writing about the surname Gott and the first name Gottfried (both in German speaking countries) and then AGF gets to the point:
AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR)(16:13): not against you Schnugg :) Just one more example that "there is no management" of this game, and that rules are different for some^^
AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR)(16:12): not that I find a pb to have a rider named "Ixpiyacoc", I absolutely do not care. But what I care is equity in the rules application for everyone.
AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR)(16:11): Then, are rules different for NC teams and others? I say that because... in an NC team here on the race, there is a rider which family name is NOT a local family name, but the name of an ancient Divinity...
So, just to point out: I told AGF 6 minutes before that surnames are a bit different (to handle) and now it's about the surname of my rider Pakal. A discussion about the general handling arises. A discussion about general handling arises and some whataboutism comes in.
Alive And Dead(16:15): its like feeding the troll
AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR)(16:16): when you are a NC member, imho, you have to show example/act with examplarity.
AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR)(16:16): well, Gipfel, it is more like the police itself is driving too fast, and they got nothing...
AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR)(16:17): one more unbalanced thing in this game
AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR)(16:19): there is no troll, I love this game and I try to do it better for everyone, not for a small number of teams that make it good for themselves (I have examples with Alk, with Donkey, now with Schnugg [this one does not change anything on the game, I like Paxal name and I wish he could keep it, but on the principle, one more thing different for a few...]
My answer to his point regarding Pakal
Schnuggeritos(16:19): I totally inderstand your point, AGF but as far as I know Mayans (sometimes) named their childrens like their gods. Maybe I'm wrong,
Now it's about his former rider "Lory Classico" which was requested by whomever as a NC case. Tbh I don't know who exactly did the first decission and who accpted it.
AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR)(16:20): (and was removed by Schnugg himself^^)
AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR)(16:20): yes Gipfel, there is a timing thing. But Classico was also bought and named before the new NC even existed. But her nationality was removed...
AGF answered to my message 3 mins before:
AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR)(16:22): You are wrong on 2 plans, Schnugg. 1° Belizian from XXth/XXIst century people are not Mayans from XVth. 2° It was an exclusive Divinity family named never beared by any Mayan, as far as we/historian know. But good try for defending. Could you open a NC case against yourself to let the other members of it discuss of that? And include the fact you tried to pass through a rule that you impose to others?
So my comment on that: There is still Maya population in Belize (
Schnuggeritos(16:33): to my chat message: of course not FPC, but NC
Schnuggeritos(16:29): well, AGF, you opened the case, I have to accept the decision of FPC. You are right that the country Belize and the mayan-culture are not the same but there are still mayans living in south america (e.g. in Belize). Maybe I was misinformed about the way children where named. So as I mentioned: I accept any decision of the FPC
The discussion switched to other points so I skip them. I just added the info that Ixpiyacoc is a name and not a term for a higher being.
Schnuggeritos(17:04): Schnuggeritos(16:09): AGF, normally, these names should not pass as first names. With the surnames it is another story. <-- I told you that surnames are handled differently as there are real surnames like "Gott" and all its translations (god, dieu, ...). Allah is the arabic translation. Ixpiyacoc is just a name.
I would also like to point out that in this day and age first names can also be used as last names. Otherwise, people with the last name Thomas, James or whatever would also have to be checked as they have a first name as family name. :roll:

This case can be discussed right now. I pointed everything out why I don't see a problem with the name at all and why all translations of 'God' as a first name are not okay. I will not participate further in the discussion as I'm part of the NC and I am part of this conflict.

Complete chat will be a second post in this thread.

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Re: National Commitee: Pakal Ixpiyacoc

Post by Schnuggeritos » Fri Oct 06, 2023 5:58 pm

Please read from buttom to top.
Schappy(17:06): "no moral principles" means the whole thing, here was only one little thing, so its only your opinion
Schnuggeritos(17:05): to open the discussion for everyone I open a thread
Schnuggeritos(17:04): Schnuggeritos(16:09): AGF, normally, these names should not pass as first names. With the surnames it is another story. <-- I told you that surnames are handled differently as there are real surnames like "Gott" and all its translations (god, dieu, ...). Allah is the arabic translation. Ixpiyacoc is just a name.
Brunsketti Swiss Team(17:03): gw OL
Schartner Bombe(17:01): das ist nicht kanada - das ist dieses clown-jersey
OLcycle(17:01): thanks for the coop in peloton !
AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR)(17:01): deserved
AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR)(17:01): pareil !
AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR)(17:01): @Schappy it is not an opinion, it is a fact based on today's chat. Some evidence in it.
Provinois(17:01): bien joué OL content que ce soit toi qui la gagne
Schnuggeritos(17:01): gw
Medical Service(17:01): gw
Schappy(17:01): gw OL
Alive And Dead(17:01): gw
Alive And Dead(17:01): gw
Gipfelstuermer(17:01): gw
AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR)(17:00): gw OL
Schappy(17:00): Kanada Trikot nicht windschnittig genug
Schartner Bombe(16:59): Schappy lass mich nicht stehn .-)
Schappy(16:59): or it is a fact?
Schartner Bombe(16:59): alter gehts noch?
Schappy(16:59): imo missing
OLcycle(16:58): merci provinois, j'espère aussi
AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR)(16:58): you have no moral principles, I'm fine with that
Schartner Bombe(16:56): ah see him
Schartner Bombe(16:56): where is Watt now?
Alive And Dead(16:56): yeah killing children is totally fine, thx for the comparison
AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR)(16:55): thank you all for this race and this clarity
AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR)(16:55): anyway good to have the official explaination today: it is perfectly OK to the guys that manage this game to have an asymetry between teams as long as they do something. So e.g. NC teams can name as they want their riders but not others. Really interesting also the reaction to most players to that.
Alive And Dead(16:55): Moral winner James Watt
Schartner Bombe(16:54): only toxic guy in this chat is you .-)
Team Dagestan(16:54): it is just a fact :D
Provinois(16:54): ol si tu gagne je suis content :p
AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR)(16:53): Team Dagestan(16:50): AGF failed to ride for the win today <== Toxic
Medical Service(16:52): gl
Provinois(16:51): good luck
Provinois(16:51): bengals you have your chance
OLcycle(16:51): yep, a couple of them it seems :)
Gipfelstuermer(16:50): Watt has some Watts
Provinois(16:50): I do what I please, thank you
Team Dagestan(16:50): AGF failed to ride for the win today
Schnuggeritos(16:50): nevermind
Brunsketti Swiss Team(16:50): that was a mean km :-D
Schnuggeritos(16:50): Bengals Udine, is there no way to ride for Nehuen Perez?
Alive And Dead(16:49): see, I didn't comment your way of riding, so please also do that, thx
OLcycle(16:49): Klaas Kemp to the rescue maybe ?
Provinois(16:49): yes i prefer alive
Schartner Bombe(16:46): yes SC Happy, but I am to stupid for many things :-9
Alive And Dead(16:46): your chances against a 77 are way better, true
OLcycle(16:46): big chance for Diego in front too :)
Provinois(16:46): big chance with 86 lol
Schappy(16:46): but the Forum is bad Schartner, you can not understand it
Alive And Dead(16:45): not surprisingly I prefer a sprint
Team Dagestan(16:45): ah wait, aad prefers to sprint in the back
Team Dagestan(16:45): all in?
Schartner Bombe(16:44): this chat is not the right place for your doctoral theses - write that in forum
Brunsketti Swiss Team(16:44): what a pity so many riders were hanging
AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR)(16:43): Schartner Bombe(16:39): you only "flood the zone with shit" here <== sorry, but no. If my opinion do not fit yours, don't read and keep quiet instead of being toxic
Schartner Bombe(16:43): and 95% sheeps
AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR)(16:43): if people are blind enough to not distinguish facts, truth, and the sand around their head when they do not want to see evidence, it is not my pb, AAD
Alive And Dead(16:42): Bengals
Alive And Dead(16:42): Bengels some help for your 89 sprinter?
Alive And Dead(16:39): last time you only stated your opinions as facts, or as the truth, no need to try to argue with such persons
Schartner Bombe(16:39): you only "flood the zone with shit" here
AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR)(16:39): Alive And Dead(16:36): you confuse your opinion with facts <== no, I perfectly know the difference. And I say both things. Some facts, and some opinions. Usually, opinions are when I add "imho" or "to me".
Schartner Bombe(16:38): please show that in forum
AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR)(16:38): Schappy(16:35): Schartner never do anything toxic in the forum <== to you. But not to me. And btw, you are sometimes blind and feeding the toxic people, Schappy. Care of it please.
Schartner Bombe(16:37): ... and about this fact I cannot see any toxic text or thing
AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR)(16:37): Gip, if you had a better management of this game, you also would have had much more help for the game. If my technical help would have been accepted 1 year before flash, as I proposed at that time, we probably never have a rupture in the game and lose 50% of players (and most of non-German speaking players).
Schartner Bombe(16:37): ... for instance, fact is your sprint with rfm - something is in the forum
Alive And Dead(16:36): you confuse your opinion with facts
Schappy(16:35): Donkey is Donkey
AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR)(16:35): there is no trolling AAD, there are facts and opinions, but some people try to discredit it - and it works well - because they just dont like criticism or other opinions
Schappy(16:35): Schartner never do anything toxic in the forum
Schartner Bombe(16:35): oh, you have a space problem too?
Provinois(16:35): just don't give them any importance...
AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR)(16:34): no way I put down feets (fingers) on it again
AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR)(16:34): Forum is still a toxic place where Donkey and Schart have too much space.
Schartner Bombe(16:34): SC Happy!
Schnuggeritos(16:33): to my chat message: of course not FPC, but NC
Schartner Bombe(16:32): Gip is The Good Shepherd .-9
Gipfelstuermer(16:31): ;-)
Gipfelstuermer(16:31): I write that as Monsieur Chat Inspector.
Gipfelstuermer(16:31): And write in forum instead.
Gipfelstuermer(16:30): So you can relax.
Alive And Dead(16:30): this comes out when feeding a troll, you guys all new in the internet?
Schartner Bombe(16:30): Gip said, please flood the forum with your arguments
Gipfelstuermer(16:30): Nobody killed noone.
AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR)(16:30): You give a smile to 99 children, but you kill one. You will defend this to the Judge with your argument. OK.
Gipfelstuermer(16:30): Well, if we had only people doing nothing for the game, it would be dead for a long time.
Schartner Bombe(16:29): or a ssebastian kurz komplex - its called, "flood the zone with shit"
AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR)(16:29): Gipfelstuermer(16:28): No, but doing 99 things right and 1 thing wrong, is much much better than doing nothing. <== I deeply disagree on this point. But OK.
Schnuggeritos(16:29): well, AGF, you opened the case, I have to accept the decision of FPC. You are right that the country Belize and the mayan-culture are not the same but there are still mayans living in south america (e.g. in Belize). Maybe I was misinformed about the way children where named. So as I mentioned: I accept any decision of the FPC
AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR)(16:28): Schartner Bombe(16:26): ... think there is abit of napoleon-complex ... <== you TOXIC as usual
Gipfelstuermer(16:28): No, but doing 99 things right and 1 thing wrong, is much much better than doing nothing.
AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR)(16:28): OK Gipfel, "the criticism also needs to be in relation to what some have done for the game" <== so doing something allows you to be an asshole? (I target no one, I say in another way your argument) Good news :)
AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR)(16:27): doing things do not dispense to do things correctly. Having unbalanced/disequilibrium does not mean to try to correct them. Or at least accept remarks to do so. And biggest problem imho: there is no management. Alk said it himself. But it is a long term problem, several years I claim about it, even before the transmissions. But still nothing done (or communicated), even though it is the pb n°1.
Schartner Bombe(16:26): ... think there is abit of napoleon-complex ...
Gipfelstuermer(16:25): I get the point, AGF, but the criticism also needs to be in relation to what some have done for the game.
Gipfelstuermer(16:24): just some nice teasing from admin to admin
Schartner Bombe(16:23): who is monsieur chatinspector?
AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR)(16:23): you don't get the point Gipfel, but no problem :)
Gipfelstuermer(16:23): For Donkey, he gave up the calendar mangement, if you havent noticed. For Alk, he did 90% of the work here, so it's harsh to complain just because not everything is perfect yet
AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR)(16:22): You are wrong on 2 plans, Schnugg. 1° Belizian from XXth/XXIst century people are not Mayans from XVth. 2° It was an exclusive Divinity family named never beared by any Mayan, as far as we/historian know. But good try for defending. Could you open a NC case against yourself to let the other members of it discuss of that? And include the fact you tried to pass through a rule that you impose to others?
Alive And Dead(16:22): Its like Monsieur chat inspector not doing his job when needed but when everything is fine, he is bullying some guys that do constructive work
Gipfelstuermer(16:21): Old riders need to be flagged to NC (which you now did, dont know if you did before).
Gipfelstuermer(16:21): All new riders automatically go through NC.
Schartner Bombe(16:20): in a game with 95% sheeps, its like it is :-)
AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR)(16:20): (and was removed by Schnugg himself^^)
AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR)(16:20): yes Gipfel, there is a timing thing. But Classico was also bought and named before the new NC even existed. But her nationality was removed...
Schnuggeritos(16:19): I totally inderstand your point, AGF but as far as I know Mayans (sometimes) named their childrens like their gods. Maybe I'm wrong,
AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR)(16:19): there is no troll, I love this game and I try to do it better for everyone, not for a small number of teams that make it good for themselves (I have examples with Alk, with Donkey, now with Schnugg [this one does not change anything on the game, I like Paxal name and I wish he could keep it, but on the principle, one more thing different for a few...]
Gipfelstuermer(16:18): The rider was bought/named before the NC even existed.
Alive And Dead(16:18): ah the bergwerk tactic, didn't work for him, hope it doesn't for you
AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR)(16:17): one more unbalanced thing in this game
Alive And Dead(16:17): we would need some mass of 80+ flat riders now
Medical Service(16:17): not as long as lanka is in front
AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR)(16:16): when you are a NC member, imho, you have to show example/act with examplarity.
AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR)(16:16): well, Gipfel, it is more like the police itself is driving too fast, and they got nothing...
Alive And Dead(16:16): Medical you join the sprinters?
AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR)(16:16): but Ixpiyacoc is not one :)
Alive And Dead(16:16): let Rolf do uphill
Alive And Dead(16:15): its like feeding the troll
Gipfelstuermer(16:14): If some people get caught driving too fast and some do not, that's just life, can't expect the police to get everyone
Schartner Bombe(16:14): only to say, Gott is a family name
AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR)(16:13): not against you Schnugg :) Just one more example that "there is no management" of this game, and that rules are different for some^^
AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR)(16:12): not that I find a pb to have a rider named "Ixpiyacoc", I absolutely do not care. But what I care is equity in the rules application for everyone.
AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR)(16:11): Then, are rules different for NC teams and others? I say that because... in an NC team here on the race, there is a rider which family name is NOT a local family name, but the name of an ancient Divinity...
Alive And Dead(16:11): but there was a singer called Karel Gott, so
AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR)(16:10): thank you, sounds clear :)
Alive And Dead(16:10): Gottfried yes, but Gott doesn't sound realistic
AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR)(16:10): ah ok I missed your second part of answer Gipfel
AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR)(16:10): I talk about "family names", to be precise, Schnugg
AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR)(16:09): so "Gott" name "sounds realistic" ?
Schnuggeritos(16:09): AGF, normally, these names should not pass as first names. With the surnames it is another story.
Gipfelstuermer(16:09): so I think No @AGF
Gipfelstuermer(16:09): from the rules "All first names and last names should exist in reality or at least sound realistic."
Brunsketti Swiss Team(16:07): yes i see, they are riding too hard to catch us
Team Dagestan(16:06): no chance to get anything more than sprints, so lets stay green
Brunsketti Swiss Team(16:06): green or blue?
Brunsketti Swiss Team(16:05): now :)
Team Dagestan(16:05): just name the km, im in
AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR)(16:04): about NC Gip, I have a question. Can a rider be named "Dieu"/"God"/"Allah"/"Yahvé"/"Gott"/... ? I suppose no, but I would like your confirmation.
Brunsketti Swiss Team(16:04): @dagestan: when do you want to change to the fresh rider?
Gipfelstuermer(16:01): No no, all messages can be there in the long-run. NC, FPC, Other Notifications,...
Schartner Bombe(16:00): ... and the goal is, for every different theme a messagesystem? :-))))
Schnuggeritos(15:57): if there are any issues with your riders / nationality you get there info about it
Schartner Bombe(15:57): ok
Gipfelstuermer(15:56): for everyone
Schartner Bombe(15:56): ... yes, but for whom is this messagesystem?
Gipfelstuermer(15:56): Only used for NC-messages at the moment
Gipfelstuermer(15:56): In development
Gipfelstuermer(15:56): It's a message system :-)
Alive And Dead(15:55): I asked him here to get a quick answer, worked
Schartner Bombe(15:55): someone of you knows what "Mitteilungen" in "Mehr" is?
Gipfelstuermer(15:54): yep no problem for me, but problem is, often the racechat-conversations lead to nothing because they are just forgotten whereas in forum/other chat there is higher chance for implementation I would say.
Schartner Bombe(15:53): also from my profile editor?
Schartner Bombe(15:53): or a better filing system :-)
Alive And Dead(15:53): if the race is taken, it disappears from your view, at least when it is published
Alive And Dead(15:52): we didn't interrupt any interesting race related topic Monsieur chat inspector
Schartner Bombe(15:52): would also prefer if the race was taken, that it goes into an archive which is by you 2 - and be deleted in my editor
Team Dagestan(15:51): ok
Brunsketti Swiss Team(15:50): @dagestan after the mountain red?
Alive And Dead(15:50): yes, there is no reason we should do that manually ^^, some time between click and deletion ok, you can correct if you clicked the wrong one, but
Gipfelstuermer(15:49): But this isn't the Editor Chat ! ;-P
Schartner Bombe(15:49): which are as delete in profile eeditor? yes please
Gipfelstuermer(15:49): we should have some daily/weekly/monthly/whatever skript that deletes all profiles which are "ToBeDeleted"
Alive And Dead(15:49): shall I delete all of those?
Schartner Bombe(15:48): yes that I know, did it - so one day race - meant in profile editor, the races with delete
Alive And Dead(15:47): happens when you add stuff and not fully reload the view
Alive And Dead(15:46): in the stages view, you just delete the one without a proper name, and you correctly set the min tact for the other one
Alive And Dead(15:46): no its in the "Race Editor" there is the error, you added the profile 2 times, I can resolve it if it is meant as one day race, was just not sure
Schartner Bombe(15:45): have to many races in editor - did same mistake at cuba - took a stage which didnt want - bad that we cannot delete races
Alive And Dead(15:45): 25.07
Alive And Dead(15:44): mauritius
Schartner Bombe(15:44): dont find it - which code does it have?
Schartner Bombe(15:39): oh, I have to look, but one day race
Alive And Dead(15:28): @Schartner, whats that "Mauritius Flic-en flac" kind of race, is this supposed to be a tour or one day race, because it is shown with 2 "stages" looks like should be a one day race
AGF (Asso du Ghetto FR)(15:15): hi
Brunsketti Swiss Team(15:03): @OL will that be your tactic till the end ? :)
Alive And Dead(14:53): been busy still, will help for the non mountain strong sprinters
Medical Service(14:53): ola
Alive And Dead(14:53): hi freaks
Schnuggeritos(14:47): hiho :)
Schartner Bombe(14:47): hello again
Gipfelstuermer(14:44): Bonjour

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Re: National Commitee: Pakal Ixpiyacoc

Post by schappy » Sat Oct 07, 2023 6:31 am

If you check like this before you removed the nation for other rider, its okay. In the past, it happened not sometimes. So NC have to check everybody befor remove the Nation.
I´ve got the magic in me

Chemnitz Pro Cycling Team
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Re: National Commitee: Pakal Ixpiyacoc

Post by Chemnitz Pro Cycling Team » Wed Oct 11, 2023 11:59 am

The NC comes to the following result:

The name Ixpiyacoc corresponds to the rules and guidelines and can therefore be kept. We are aware that we are walking a tightrope here, but there are real life examples where people were named after deities, e.g.:
Karel Gott, Czech singer - Gott is the German word for God
Amon-Ra St. Brown - German-American American football player - Amun Re is an Egyptian god (close enough)

There are cultures in which deities are not used for naming. We therefore ask for sensitivity on this topic.

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