19H GIRO 2023, better than The "Real" GIRO

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19H GIRO 2023, better than The "Real" GIRO

Post by lennylenny » Thu Apr 20, 2023 11:22 am

The snakessss will start here with GC Ambitions

X1 Pablo Abian - GC rider
X2 Felix Burestedt - climber helper, willing to sacrifice himself for Pablo
X3 Mads Christophersen - classic with Sprint for the hilly stages and to help Pablo for his goal
X4 Brian Yang - classic to help Pablo and Mads
X5 Victor Svendsen - classic to help Pablo and Mads
X6 Kalle Koljonen - young rider for the slightly hilly terrain
X7 Koceila Mammeri - young rider for the slightly hilly terrain
X8 Jonathan Matias - young rider for the slightly hilly terrain
X9 one of the sprinty guys

Salary currently about 600k
Last edited by lennylenny on Thu Apr 27, 2023 7:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Early Evening GIRO 2023

Post by Chense » Fri Apr 21, 2023 12:53 pm

99,99% the Trojers will also start here!

Our lineup is pretty easy to determine (Stats as of 21.04.2023)

1) Christian Grafenmatt - 82-63 58tt - Our leader for GC without big chances but hoping to get at least into the top 10
2) Siegfried Schauinsland - 76-83 60reg - Our Co-Leader and main Stagehunter and also the maybe more offensive part of our double
3) Reinhold Notschrei - 67-80-74 - The first and last classic helper
4) Heinrich Eck - 64-82 54reg - Our best flatrider (apart of Siegfried) and leader of the "60-80-Squad"
5) Christian Fröhnd - 64-80-76 - Master of hilly terrain ... either a helper for Siegfried and Christian or a escaper on some less hilly stages
6) Lluis Companys - 51-77 - Perfect flattraining (so far) ... Number one of our new Spanish fighters for freedom
7) Rodrigo Vivar - 52-75 57reg - One of the "flat lungs" and the 2nd fighter for freedom
8) Robert Halde - 52-76 59reg - Backup for Rodrigo and always willing to either help in groups early or control them early

9th spot will be between:
- Alexander Nothelfer: 55-70-71 - Our ultracheap not so easy to sieb but also not so often to ride guy
- Christian Dachsberg: 50-70 81sp - Our "sprinter" who could try to win a stage or two
- A mysterious new rider: Most likely we wont have the money to get another guy to join us but who knows if some absolutely perfect youth classic appears we might think about him clearly!

The decision will be in the end taken after we have seen our salary for may and the possibilities of sprints.

Salary will be somewhere between 490 and 530k we presume...

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Re:19H GIRO 2023, better than The "Real" GIRO

Post by Hansa » Thu Apr 27, 2023 4:12 pm

Hansa will start here

est. 03.08.2009

Team stevens
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Re: 19H GIRO 2023, better than The "Real" GIRO

Post by Team stevens » Fri Apr 28, 2023 11:17 am

I will start here too, I don't know the team yet but I will be there.

Carry Rhodan
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Re: Re:19H GIRO 2023, better than The "Real" GIRO

Post by Carry Rhodan » Fri Apr 28, 2023 10:34 pm

Hansa wrote:
Thu Apr 27, 2023 4:12 pm
Hansa will start here
Waerl will then also be here at the start! :D
WE ARE THE UNDERDOGS! Rhodan Underdogs

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Re: 19H GIRO 2023, better than The "Real" GIRO

Post by Chense » Wed May 03, 2023 12:16 pm

After Mr. Notschreis constant refusal of training we decided to give him another chance at another team and sign our new classics star one month earlier then planned so the squad will look as follows:

1) Christian Grafenmatt - 82-63 58tt - Our leader for GC without big chances but hoping to get at least into the top 10
2) Siegfried Schauinsland - 76-83 60reg - Our Co-Leader and main Stagehunter and also the maybe more offensive part of our double
3) Heinrich Eck - 64-83 54reg - Our best flatrider (apart of Siegfried) and leader of the "60-80-Squad"
4) Christian Fröhnd - 64-80-76 - Master of hilly terrain ... either a helper for Siegfried and Christian or a escaper on some less hilly stages
5) Giovanni Garibaldi - 56-73-71 - Will try to gain experience and mostly lure behind Siegfried who wants to give him the "training gen"
6) Lluis Companys - 52-77 - Perfect flattraining (so far) ... Number one of our new Spanish fighters for freedom
7) Rodrigo Vivar - 52-76 57reg - One of the "flat lungs" and the 2nd fighter for freedom
8) Robert Halde - 52-77 59reg - Backup for Rodrigo and always willing to either help in groups early or control them early
9) Christian Dachsberg - 50-70 81sp - Trying to gain some money and placements in sprints

The salary will be 478k so hopelessly overpriced for what we can hope to achieve :)

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Re: 19H GIRO 2023, better than The "Real" GIRO

Post by waer » Fri May 05, 2023 7:02 pm

The international team WAERL
⚑ Rider
CH Dean Glass 87 61 79 55 50 Leader TOP 3
A Walter Kiobsky 83 57 76 50 58 White help Dean ;focused to surprise attack;green
AUS Elliot Hemsworth 75 66 69 52 60 stage and help Dean and Walter
N Ruben Runarsson 70 67 76 48 49 help
F Frederic Marechal 69 77 51 46 46 Mountain point
CH Kim Schmitt 68 77 65 51 57 Mountain point
B Danny klein 67 74 59 50 44 help
DZ Kacem Lefki 61 76 58 54 77 stage
B Stef Peeters 57 80 73 48 44 help

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Re: 19H GIRO 2023, better than The "Real" GIRO

Post by Team ABC-Polsat » Fri May 05, 2023 7:08 pm

First big GC after 8 years, Young Team, weak riders, no hopes but hopefully a bit of luck.

X1 Luis Sinisterra - GC Leader refuses to train properly, looking for Top 3 for the white jersey
x2 Walter Kiappuk - Classic without sprint
x3 Scott Shinnie - good reg
x4 Kenny Baitz - bringing water
x5 Jamal Musiala - only good in football, still young though
x6 Dimitri Heck - decent flat
x7 Léon Rouillé - same as Heck
x8 Pawel Dawidowicz - first to get siebed
x9 Mateusz Legowski / Nicola Zalewski - last spot will be for one of the "sprinters"

Salary will be $418,427, looking for some money

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Re: 19H GIRO 2023, better than The "Real" GIRO

Post by Quick » Fri May 05, 2023 8:02 pm

80% sure I will start here.

Ganna has MSR, now he wants a Giro stage as well.

Probably starting:


Maybe I'll try to get Chantaca in there but with 460k that looks too expensive already for my taste and ambitions.
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Re: 19H GIRO 2023, better than The "Real" GIRO

Post by Bright » Sat May 06, 2023 4:53 pm

This years Giro will have the following Bright riders:

1 Flopp McMell -Rising Star-
Flopp will be riding the Giro in preparation of the Tour de France
-top 12 in the final classification. SURPASSED!!!!
-At least one top 10 placing) SURPASSED 3 TIMES!
-Being in the top three of young riders. DONE
2 Grace Kelly -Classic Sprinter-
Grace will be a frequent escapee in hilly stagesq
- A stage win. FAIL
- Be in at least five groups DONE
- Top 3 Mountain Jersey. DONE
3 Gilles Moulin -Junior Pave Rider-
Gilles will be visible in flat time-trials, but otherwise invisible.
Goals: -Top 10 positions in the first 2 Time-Trials DONE
4 Marny Sheep -Helper-
Marny is a flat rider who loves to sacrifice his chances for others
Goals: -Finish the Giro FAIL
5 Merrin Farmboy -Junior Sprinter-
Merrin is the sprinter in the Bright team
Goals: -Top 10 in at least 3 stages in the Giro SHORT ONLY 2 STAGES
6 Pim Shorts -Helper-
Pim is Bright's most loyal helper, he loves helping his teammates
Goals: -Helping others done and more to come
7 Petter Maljevic - Senior helper-
Petter's experience helps the rookies in the team relax
Goals: - Finishing the Giro FAIL
8 Philmius Pantium -Junior helper-
Philmius is here to learn and help others where he can
Goals: -Finishing the Giro DONE
9 Carlo Muraro -TT and DH specialist-
Carlo's brilliant recovery rate will make him a great escape artist, He also loves riding Time-Trials
Goals: -Finishing in the top 10 in the two time-trials DONE

The team budget will be just under 381k. Erwin Plower was left home at the last minute due to health issues.

General Goals:
At least 1 stage win. DONE
Wearing at least 1 Jersey during the Giro. SURPASSED MANY JERSEYS
Making at least 1.5 mln profit. SURPASSED +/- 2MLN
Last edited by Bright on Sat May 27, 2023 7:29 pm, edited 9 times in total.

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Re: 19H GIRO 2023, better than The "Real" GIRO

Post by Bright » Mon May 08, 2023 3:40 pm

After a surprise start with Gilles grabbing the Maglia Rosa, he barily managed to hold on to it in the 2nd stage. Today will be his final stage in pink, but his Giro has already succeeded, no matrer what happens today.

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Re: 19H GIRO 2023, better than The "Real" GIRO

Post by Bright » Wed May 10, 2023 7:56 am

After the first hills yesterday, the time-trial specialists dropped out of the top positions and the Giro's best climber Alejandro Velasco grabbed a win. Pablo Albion lost a few seconds, but took first place in the GC and is wearing pink today.

Today will most likely be a day for the sprinters, but no doubt am early group will try to stay out of the grasp of the group and hope for a victory.

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Re: 19H GIRO 2023, better than The "Real" GIRO

Post by Quick » Fri May 19, 2023 11:27 am

GC fight starts today. Velasco only 3 minutes behind Abian. Expected more after the 2 flat TTs but Lenny has been very happy to help Velasco get his Boni seconds so far.

An way, best group here. Action nearly every day, real riding, real fights.
J-Czucz hype train

Team stevens
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Re: 19H GIRO 2023, better than The "Real" GIRO

Post by Team stevens » Mon May 22, 2023 7:58 pm

This 19h giro was very tough every day. Difficult weather and very high tempo. Hansa particularly shined with 2 victories and a magnificent move in stage 13 leading to crans montagna. This 13th stage was exceptional with a combined move by hansa and TTV that allowed the 2 leaders to regain 1min30 on abian the main favo. The 15th stage in bergamo allowed velasco to hit a similar shot in another huge stage, his 30th career victory.
As we enter the final week, we are faced with a situation where Abian still has a significant advantage but adversity is dangerously close now

1/ Pablo Abian
2/ Oscar Henneberger + 0.38
3/ Alberto Velasco +1.01
4/ Christian Grafenmatt +1.23
5/ Dean Glass 1.53

5 riders under 2 minutes for 1 single pink jersey

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