Rohazon team attac, CircleCycle and valverde ziehen durch

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auxilium torino
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Rohazon team attac, CircleCycle and valverde ziehen durch

Post by auxilium torino » Fri Aug 16, 2019 5:25 pm

bei tour 16 uhr BinckBank, rohazon und valverde machen eine team attac
Rohazon fahrt eine minuten auf, obwohl ich mehrere male von eine teamattac him warne, und keine andere teetwas sagte, obwohl eindeutig war, bis wann das merkte und stoppte der tempo und less sein fahrer fallen...ab der punkt valverde ( das hatte inzwischen ein fahrer fallen lassen), und CC profittieren aus die lage und versuchen es durchzuziehen...
Allenatore Italia - Manager Dainese OG 10 bronzo TTT
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Re: Rohazon team attac, CircleCycle and valverde ziehen durch

Post by CircleCycle » Fri Aug 16, 2019 5:28 pm

Completely ridiculous attempt by Aux. Somebody can watch the replay.

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Re: Rohazon team attac, CircleCycle and valverde ziehen durch

Post by auxilium torino » Fri Aug 16, 2019 5:35 pm

Km: 156, Pendenza: 0
Stan Sanchez (ADC Team) Attacco al km
Viktor Meszaros (ADC Team) Attacco al km

Km: 155, Pendenza: 0

Km: 154, Pendenza: 0

Km: 153, Pendenza: 0

Km: 152, Pendenza: 0

Km: 151, Pendenza: 0
Raymonde Martin (Rohazon RC) l�sst sich zur�ckfallen
Suzanne Martin (Rohazon RC) l�sst sich zur�ckfallen

Km: 150, Pendenza: 0

Sprint intermedio:
1.Paulo Marinheiro (CircleCycle): 6
2.Paco Valverde (Valverde): 4
3.Vadym Kalenchuk (Tukhtahuaev): 2

Km: 149, Pendenza: 0

500 fino all arrivo

450 fino all arrivo

400 fino all arrivo

350 fino all arrivo

300 fino all arrivo

250 fino all arrivo

200 fino all arrivo

150 fino all arrivo

100 fino all arrivo
Nassir Little (ADC Team) Apre la volata

50 fino all arrivo
Vadym Kalenchuk (Tukhtahuaev) Apre la volata

Km: 148, Pendenza: 0

Km: 147, Pendenza: 0

Km: 146, Pendenza: 0
Nassir Little (ADC Team) Attacco al km
Zorro Valverde (Valverde) contrattacca
Vadym Kalenchuk (Tukhtahuaev) contrattacca
Raymonde Martin (Rohazon RC) contrattacca
Unai Valverde (Valverde) contrattacca
Panagiotis Sandalakis (CircleCycle) contrattacca
Marcelle Martin (Rohazon RC) contrattacca
José Valverde (Valverde) contrattacca
Suzanne Martin (Rohazon RC) contrattacca
Giuseppe Cruciani (Auxilium Torino) contrattacca

Km: 145, Pendenza: 0
Nassir Little (ADC Team) Attacco al km
Zorro Valverde (Valverde) contrattacca
Vadym Kalenchuk (Tukhtahuaev) contrattacca
Raymonde Martin (Rohazon RC) contrattacca
Unai Valverde (Valverde) contrattacca
Panagiotis Sandalakis (CircleCycle) contrattacca
Marcelle Martin (Rohazon RC) contrattacca
José Valverde (Valverde) contrattacca
Suzanne Martin (Rohazon RC) contrattacca
Giuseppe Cruciani (Auxilium Torino) contrattacca

Km: 144, Pendenza: 0
Nassir Little (ADC Team) Attacco al km
Vadym Kalenchuk (Tukhtahuaev) contrattacca
Raymonde Martin (Rohazon RC) contrattacca
Unai Valverde (Valverde) contrattacca
Panagiotis Sandalakis (CircleCycle) contrattacca
Marcelle Martin (Rohazon RC) contrattacca
José Valverde (Valverde) contrattacca
Suzanne Martin (Rohazon RC) contrattacca
Giuseppe Cruciani (Auxilium Torino) contrattacca
Zorro Valverde (Valverde) contrattacca

CircleCycle had at team attac point already 2 riders in front, rohazon riding several km in red tempo, i still, green, while i waitinh stop the tempo and somebody more help me to say him and valverde was not fair the move, but seem that somebody prefere an easy win and justify the move, and riding too
Allenatore Italia - Manager Dainese OG 10 bronzo TTT
Manager SantiNelli WC 10/10 argento TT
Manager SantiNelli WC 3/11 6/11Oro TT
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auxilium torino
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Re: Rohazon team attac, CircleCycle and valverde ziehen durch

Post by auxilium torino » Fri Aug 16, 2019 6:16 pm

Auxilium Torino: gw for your green...viel spass damit
Valverde: I wish all of you a nice evening. See you tomorrow
CircleCycle: show it
CircleCycle: where?
Auxilium Torino: you insult me,
Auxilium Torino: jajajajaj
CircleCycle: I feel insulted
Auxilium Torino: insult?
CircleCycle: and btw. an attack should stop if there is some non-correct following?
CircleCycle: increases the chances for a fine. could you please continue?
CircleCycle: another insult. great
ADC Team: Nassir is 485 power in sprint
Auxilium Torino: and CC, you are just patethic, gw for your green
Valverde: double gw to Aux
Auxilium Torino: because shoukd stop, and was not my work to kill my rider in fact an unfair move
ADC Team: I don't know
CircleCycle: gw for taking advantage of a team attack
Tukhtahuaev: Still don't understand your problem and why you just rode green after the attack
ADC Team: Gw Aux
Tukhtahuaev: Gw
Valverde: gw Aux
Tukhtahuaev: What are you doing that Nassir finishes so far in front?
ADC Team: 2
CircleCycle: ah, no the other 2 were allowed, correct?
CircleCycle: so 3 times teamattack then :D
CircleCycle: Nassir really attacked 3times?!
Tukhtahuaev: It wasn't even difficult to catch that group
Auxilium Torino: and you know
Auxilium Torino: win with orteg was for me important
CircleCycle: and if you win in front, your fine should be even bigger
CircleCycle: clearly
Auxilium Torino: after this move you say i must be fined...
CircleCycle: acusing and insulting me
Auxilium Torino: this is the best
CircleCycle: I hope so. You should get a fine for that
Auxilium Torino: don´t worry, are all your friends in fpk...
Valverde: Anything to do with me?
Auxilium Torino: i needed too
CircleCycle: now I need to waste time in the forum. Thanks a lot!
Valverde: ADC?
ADC Team: I ridein the last km ..
Valverde: without help we do not reach km 185
Tukhtahuaev: Nassir should just ride a bit in the last kms to get his jersey
CircleCycle: btw very unlucky for ADC that he attacked with just Nassir. Another rider attacks and no problem
Valverde: ADC you would get the yellow so youn shoulds decide if we stop or ride
Rohazon RC: valverde has also three guys in front, is it ok ? or like me
CircleCycle: even better :)
Auxilium Torino: se vuoi ti scrivo italiano e te lo traduci col traduttore}
CircleCycle: your german is hard to understand even for a native speaker
CircleCycle: write in english!
Auxilium Torino: wenn dir in dieses art spass macht, gw
CircleCycle: no. And i feel deeply sorry for you
Auxilium Torino: hauptsachen du was gewinnst
Auxilium Torino: clearly
Auxilium Torino: i clerly understand
ADC Team: What ?
CircleCycle: you clearly don't understand it
Auxilium Torino: es gibt eine fairplay komitee, lass sehen}
Valverde: ADC?
Auxilium Torino: the minute was a result that i don´t riding aqnd killing my rider only to advantage somebody that take advantage from an not fair situation
Rohazon RC: zizou mass will be better i guess
Valverde: ADC you would get the yellow may you should decide?
CircleCycle: Marinheiro and Paco were already in front
CircleCycle: the rider who did tempo is still in front, the others fell back.
CircleCycle: the minute was a result of green tempo vs. red tempo
CircleCycle: insulting now?
Tukhtahuaev: Only dropping Suzanne and continuing riding would have been your best option
Auxilium Torino: du bist lacherlich, bei jemand ohne erfahrung kann ich nachvollziehen, bei dir nicht
Rohazon RC: ah ok sorry
CircleCycle: mach dich nicht lächerlich
Auxilium Torino: no rpoblem, is in forum jetzt
CircleCycle: you dropped one guy too much @Rohazon, but you did drop the right guy (which made no tempo)
Tukhtahuaev: You didn't really take advantage of the team attack, so I don't see a fine coming for you
Rohazon RC: bah i do not know the rules very well, my brothers know it better but not here today
Tukhtahuaev: I honestly don't see the problem here
Valverde: any idea what is fair in this situation?
CircleCycle: Just because Aux is crying, doesn't mean you did something wrong or that it is wrong to continue in front
Rohazon RC: sorry i was not online when it happened as i drop i do think i break a rule, if i do iwill get a fee
Valverde: I really do not know what to do I want to be fair
CircleCycle: anyway, green won't be enough ;-)
CircleCycle: if you want to continue or not
CircleCycle: Paulo will ride 2more kms. then it is up to you, Valverde
Auxilium Torino: und team natuirlich
Auxilium Torino: gw fue rdein scheiss gruen, gelb und der rest
CircleCycle: aha
Auxilium Torino: aber anscheined wegen ein sieg ist alles erlaubt
Auxilium Torino: von dir CC hatte aber sowas nicht erwartet
Auxilium Torino: machst wie du es willst
Valverde: Wenn ich fahre mische ich mich in GC ein wenn ich nicht fahre misxche ich mich auch ins HC ein
Auxilium Torino: weiter fahren
CircleCycle: the 3rd rider of Valverde fell back. none of these riders rode. the other 8 are in front, without breaking any rule
Tukhtahuaev: Ist für mich tatsächlich absolut fair
Valverde: Also mal ehrlich was soll ich tun
CircleCycle: Rohazon did tempo with Marcelle Martin, who is still in front. the others fell back
Auxilium Torino: wenn fuer euch das fair ist , ziehehn durch
Tukhtahuaev: Aber Rohazon hat nur mit einem Fahrer Temnpo gemacht
Auxilium Torino: ist auch unfair
Auxilium Torino: mehrere male
Valverde: Aux ich habe den stärksten Fahrer (Josè) zurückfallen lassen
Auxilium Torino: das ist schon in forum diskutiert geworden
CircleCycle: Valverde?
Auxilium Torino: die profittieren von eine minute aus tempo von rohazon
Tukhtahuaev: Die zusätzlichen Fahrer haben exakt nichts gemacht
Auxilium Torino: viel spass
Auxilium Torino: auch du valverde
Auxilium Torino: durch fahren nach ein team attac ist alle letzte
CircleCycle: the riders fell back to peloton
Auxilium Torino: dann kann ich aussteigen
Auxilium Torino: sorry, aber wenn das eure fair play ist
Rohazon RC: as said yesterday do not fight for gk so good for vadym
Tukhtahuaev: The team attack part actually didn't affect anything
Auxilium Torino: du ziehest durch?
CircleCycle: what do you want?
Auxilium Torino: profit fromn a team attac?
Auxilium Torino: cc, adc? ernst?
CircleCycle: Valverde, deine chance
Rohazon RC: ah ok do not see that sorry
Auxilium Torino: rohazon?
Auxilium Torino: so ein scheiss
Valverde: one
Valverde: Tohazon should also let ine fall
Valverde: Sorry Aux war abgelenkt
Auxilium Torino: rohazon?
Auxilium Torino: tempo from team attac?
Auxilium Torino: hallo?
Auxilium Torino: valverde and rohazon
Auxilium Torino: doble team attac
Valverde: Heute hat Aranburu von Caja Tutal in Burgos gewonnen. Carapaz war an dem letzten 5% km beeser als gestern 6. mit gleicher Zeit.
Valverde: it's O. K. It's partly the power you use and partly a random Generator depending on your settings
CircleCycle: Are the explanations given there enough?
Valverde: O. K. Thank you. I've seen it.
Valverde: O. K. I will try it
CircleCycle: well, it is a white "?" in a blue circle ;-)
CircleCycle: click on the blue "?" on the right of the racegraph
Valverde: One question. Do the setiings in the ITT really influence something. I tried 2 different settings and the result seems to be more or less the same (to be honest I did not many ITT's)
Valverde: ^^most likely
Tukhtahuaev: They'll ride against each other and someone else is going to win
Valverde: crazy
Valverde: Movistar with 4 nom. Captains and same treatment in the Vuelta, Quintana, Carapaz, Valverde and Soler
Valverde: Movistar is still trying to hold him
Valverde: by the way Carapaz was not too strong yesterday at Burgos. It seems teh break was too long.
Valverde: a lot
Valverde: puh
Tukhtahuaev: TTs create big gaps and organizers don't want that
Tukhtahuaev: Giro 2015 had a 59km TT
Valverde: in this years r/l Tours I see that they put less and less ITT's
Tukhtahuaev: Definitely longer than that
Valverde: what is the longest? 40-45km?
Tukhtahuaev: It's only 8km. Why would it cost a lot?
Valverde: that's not much
Valverde: only?
CircleCycle: 60-120
Valverde: T do not know how muxch Energy 8 km flat will cost
Tukhtahuaev: With a high reg rider the TT is essentially a rest day
Tukhtahuaev: *They
Tukhtahuaev: The shouldn't
Valverde: I think they all save Energy for the time trial
CircleCycle: too boring that the chanceless teams in sprint don't try anyhting ;-)
Rohazon RC: hi
Auxilium Torino: good morning :D
Valverde: Good afternoon
ADC Team: Hello
CircleCycle: hi
Tukhtahuaev: Hello
Allenatore Italia - Manager Dainese OG 10 bronzo TTT
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Re: Rohazon team attac, CircleCycle and valverde ziehen durch

Post by CircleCycle » Fri Aug 16, 2019 6:18 pm

auxilium torino wrote:
Fri Aug 16, 2019 5:35 pm
CircleCycle had at team attac point already 2 riders in front, rohazon riding several km in red tempo, i still, green, while i waitinh stop the tempo and somebody more help me to say him and valverde was not fair the move, but seem that somebody prefere an easy win and justify the move, and riding too
this is again wrong.
True is, that there were 2 riders in front. Marinheiro (CC) and Paco Valverde (Valverde). After the 3rd attack by Nassir Little (ADC Team), Marcelle Martin startes to ride in red tempo at km147. The gap to the Peloton at that km was 33", while Marinheiro+Paco were still 15" ahead.
By km 150 the gap increased to 1'03" as Martin was riding red, while Lokkebo (Aux) was riding green in Peloton. Please note, that no other rider was riding in the escape group up to now, meanwhile José Valverde (Valverde) dropped back to the Peloton (correct, he followed with 3 at km 144).
At km 151 Rohazon drops 2 riders from the escape group because he noticed he did a team attack.
Now there is km 152 and all the riders who are in front are correctly in front, the riders which dropped back to the peloton did NOT do tempo during they where in front group.
From km153 Marinheiro continued, later joined by Paco Valverde and the escape continues, meanwhile Auxilium Torino startes scurrilous behaviour in peloton.

See the racechat, in the following post.

auxilium torino
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Re: Rohazon team attac, CircleCycle and valverde ziehen durch

Post by auxilium torino » Fri Aug 16, 2019 6:27 pm

and why should i kill my team against an unfair move? the fair will be that you stop, because you know that was not coming from an fair attac this advantage, but you prefere to take profite...this mov cost me a green jersey and some money, sand this green jersey is landing at your rider!
Allenatore Italia - Manager Dainese OG 10 bronzo TTT
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Re: Rohazon team attac, CircleCycle and valverde ziehen durch

Post by CircleCycle » Fri Aug 16, 2019 6:28 pm

Ah, Auxilium was so kind and helped me, posted the racechat already, so I don't have to do it. Since it is connected to this here, I ask the fpc to investigate the following insults I got from this Manager.
auxilium torino wrote:
Fri Aug 16, 2019 6:16 pm
Auxilium Torino: and CC, you are just patethic, gw for your green
Auxilium Torino: don´t worry, are all your friends in fpk...
Auxilium Torino: du bist lacherlich, bei jemand ohne erfahrung kann ich nachvollziehen, bei dir nicht
Auxilium Torino: und team natuirlich
Auxilium Torino: gw fue rdein scheiss gruen, gelb und der rest
Auxilium Torino: aber anscheined wegen ein sieg ist alles erlaubt
Auxilium Torino: von dir CC hatte aber sowas nicht erwartet
Auxilium Torino: machst wie du es willst
continued in the faiplay comment after the game, again insulting me. I quote: "maznipulativ, arrogant and liar, unfair, all only for win a green" connected with the -2
Of course he gets the answer with a -2, mostly because of the insults and the wrong accusations.

EDIT: I added the "are all your Friends in fpk…" part, since it is an insinuation
Last edited by CircleCycle on Fri Aug 16, 2019 6:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.

auxilium torino
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Re: Rohazon team attac, CircleCycle and valverde ziehen durch

Post by auxilium torino » Fri Aug 16, 2019 6:43 pm

Lacherlich und patethic are insult? really? in moment is every word an insult when somebody are not according to you, but you try only to change the discussion from the post here...thsi is about a doble team attac, and the consequent unfair actuation from you!

that the team attac directly was not your fail is clear, but after you was active to avoid that Ortega win the stage today( thsi was your intrest, according from your word and riding style in the others stages)...........

and this also an unfair decision
this situation is not the first time happens in game, yestardy happens to me, and i let prompty fall my rider, 1 km was not the fail, several km was rohazon in tempo, and this create a big gap..why should i ride alone against several teams that was in front , killing my team and have not controll at end, when was a not fair situation?
YOU should stop, You decide to wait the group, you decide to ride, and to create a precedent for the game, that is against the actuate from others team to now...From a team attac shoukld also others team not take advantage
Allenatore Italia - Manager Dainese OG 10 bronzo TTT
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Re: Rohazon team attac, CircleCycle and valverde ziehen durch

Post by Mangahn » Fri Aug 16, 2019 6:48 pm

It was an team attack. From Valverde and Rohazon. NOT from CC.
Rohazon let 2 rider fall back.
Valverde used his 3 rider and get all 3 to the aim. Edith: I´m told that Valverde let 1 rider fall back. He´s got 3 rider in that group because of an earlier attack.

It looks like it was an teamattack. Both teams don´t make use of the teamattack. Normaly we take this situation LIKE an legal attack.

I dont see any problem.

Aux win.

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Re: Rohazon team attac, CircleCycle and valverde ziehen durch

Post by ProTour-Team » Fri Aug 16, 2019 9:09 pm

roha and valverde followed with 3 so for that part aux is saying the truth. but only those 2 3rd riders are "illigal" and not everybody else..

Little attacked 3 times with everybody following, the km after that valverde already dropped 1 guy who obviously made no tempo.
roha made tempo with 1 rider and dropped the other 2 after some km.

so no reason to fine valvarde as he reacted fast and didnt use that rider before. roha took some more time to drop a rider while he was already making tempo, but he even dropped 2 and not the guy who made tempo aswell. so really both handled the situation fine.

CC only started to ride in the group after those riders were back in peloton so actually he did his best to correct the teamattack too.

commenting on auxis behaviour seems unless to me, but maybe the fpk feels like doing something..

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Re: Rohazon team attac, CircleCycle and valverde ziehen durch

Post by CircleCycle » Mon Sep 02, 2019 5:24 pm

fpc? are you still there?

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