No Sprinttrain bug nr x plus some others?

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No Sprinttrain bug nr x plus some others?

Post by Robyklebt » Sun Nov 03, 2013 9:50 pm

Check the sprint today (03.11.2013) at 15, Jalisco

The "sprintlog"
Km: 196, Steigung: 0, Meters left: 450
Nicolas Lambert (CAROLO TEMPO) schafft es nicht auszureissen
Matias Luanto(Kaju) findet kein Hinterrad
Jon Calderon(Jockelsteam) hängt sich hinten dran
Charles Rousseau(Kaju) hängt sich hinten dran
Nicolaas Bloembergen(NoPikouze) findet kein Hinterrad
Abel Tasman(Petit Singe) geht ans Hinterrad
Grzegorz Palec(Radomiak) geht ans Hinterrad
Boris Karabatic(Kaju) sprintet von vorne
Petrica Dumitru(Kaju) geht ans Hinterrad
Pontus Lidstroem(TEAM Bierbauch) sprintet von vorne und wird blockiert
Willem Barentsz(NoPikouze) sprintet von vorne
Cornelis vanRavesteyn(NoPikouze) geht ans Hinterrad
PekkaMatti Jarvinen(TEAM Bierbauch) geht ans Hinterrad
Renaud Gossens(CAROLO TEMPO) sprintet von vorne und wird blockiert
Vladimir Barychnikov(Jockelsteam) sprintet von vorne und wird blockiert
Zhores Kopelyan(Petit Singe) sprintet von vorne und wird blockiert
Juan Garcia (Recien Nacidos) schafft es nicht an die Spitze
Karl Dönitz (Recien Nacidos) schafft es nicht an die Spitze
Jon Calderon (Jockelsteam) schafft es nicht an die Spitze
Heiko Reithmeier (Jockelsteam) schafft es nicht an die Spitze
First the sprint train:
Second group:
According to NoPik he had a sprint train:
Barents-Van Ravesteyn-Bloembergen
Bloembergen didn't follow anybody, just had the help by that other dutch guy.
Bloembergen: 50 flat 87 sprint
Nicolaas Bloembergen(NoPikouze) findet kein Hinterrad
Later in the log:
Willem Barentsz(NoPikouze) sprintet von vorne
Cornelis vanRavesteyn(NoPikouze) geht ans Hinterrad
PekkaMatti Jarvinen(TEAM Bierbauch) geht ans Hinterrad
Jarvinen 62 flat 56 sprint

What happened here?
Bloembergen appears before in the log, so he didn't know yet he had to follow VanRavesteyn?
Jarvinen was stronger and got the wheel?

Other thing I noticed now:
4 guys sprint from the front and are blocked. Actually only 3 lanes where used.... so those 4 wanted to use the same three lanes but were to stupid to change lanes when they were "blocked"?
Or unfortunate wording in the log? Not sure they really wanted to sprint "von vorne"
Kopelyan at first wanted, then when the race sit. changed he decided he didn't anymore. Think I changed it, but ok, could have forgotten it. Not sure. The other 3 guys no idea.

Next in front:
First one guy didn't sprint. Strongest sprinter too. According to Jockel in the chat:
Jockelsteam: Heiko don t sprint :)
Jockelsteam: he should but he don t do a Bug :(
Jockelsteam: Keion plan ersollte eigentlich an Calderons HR hängen

Of course could be human error too, put it in too late or something, but something, not sure what exactly, leads me to believe that in the case of the sprint it's almost never wrong to blame it on bugs.

Next in front too:

Matias Luanto(Kaju) findet kein Hinterrad
Jon Calderon(Jockelsteam) hängt sich hinten dran
Charles Rousseau(Kaju) hängt sich hinten dran

Luanto 59, Calderon 54, and immediately it's clear Calderon isn't following Luanto. He loses ground immediately. LIke when some guy isn't actually following the guy in front. But it's written he "hängt sich hinten dran" Why isn't he following then?
Is the "hinten dran" too much, because he just "hangs himself" (because of the sprint then I suppose?)?
Did Jockelsteam change the setting and thought following the guy behind him was better?

Similar things IMO in the back, 3 guys clearly not following the guys ahead. Pontus L. Renaud G. and Vladimir B.
Interestingly enough that's 3 of the 4 guys that sprinted from the front but where blocked. The fourth guy, Kopelyan happily followed his guy. Checked, the guy in front of him was in without me putting him in, he was supposed to follow somebody else. Had the guy in front of him in and followed him as he should. That worked in his case. But as I said, can't really guarantee that I changed him from "from the front" to "follow". But maybe I did and that's why he did get a wheel, while maybe the others really wanted to sprint from the front but thought 3 lanes, too crowded and then...
None has the suicide note , hängt sich... , all just the block note.

Anyway, check that sprint.
Kraftsystemrevision! Include the distance!
Basics reform: Give blue a chance!
Don't punish bugusers. We all have to use bugs, since most of them are declared as "features"!

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Re: No Sprinttrain bug nr x plus some others?

Post by Robyklebt » Mon Nov 04, 2013 6:05 pm

It continues a day later: 04.11.2013, 15h Jalisco

Sprint in the main peloton:
2 NoPiks sprint nobody follows them, 2 or 3 empty lanes further down their leader is in front of a sprint line.

Here the sprintlog
Nicolaas Bloembergen(NoPikouze) findet kein Hinterrad
Abel Tasman(Petit Singe) geht ans Hinterrad
Grzegorz Palec(Radomiak) geht ans Hinterrad
PekkaMatti Jarvinen(TEAM Bierbauch) geht ans Hinterrad
Willem Barentsz(NoPikouze) sprintet von vorne
Cornelis vanRavesteyn(NoPikouze) geht ans Hinterrad
Barents was in tempo for sure that km, VanRavesteyn most likely not, ask Pik.
As for the settings:
NoPikouze: willem launch + help cor, cor follow and help nico, nico follows.
Petit Singe: You have the right helper settings??? I suppose yes.. .but just asking.
NoPikouze: only help and no following
NoPikouze: yes of course
Petit Singe: Hihi, is he following Cornelis???
NoPikouze: come on is buhmann making a bug against nico ??
Since it's too late to check yesterdays sprint I guess, how about checking this one?
Kraftsystemrevision! Include the distance!
Basics reform: Give blue a chance!
Don't punish bugusers. We all have to use bugs, since most of them are declared as "features"!

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Re: No Sprinttrain bug nr x plus some others?

Post by Buhmann » Mon Nov 04, 2013 11:30 pm

Bloembergen appears before in the log, so he didn't know yet he had to follow VanRavesteyn?
Yes, that should be the bug. Thank you. Should be fixed now.
4 guys sprint from the front and are blocked. Actually only 3 lanes where used.... so those 4 wanted to use the same three lanes but were to stupid to change lanes when they were "blocked"?
Yes, the are too stupid. I would fix it later if this is not a big problem. Or is it?

Rockstar Inc
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Re: No Sprinttrain bug nr x plus some others?

Post by Rockstar Inc » Tue Nov 05, 2013 1:35 am

new bug, old bug, wrong settings?

intermediate sprint - launcher should start at 300m, helping my other rider who had sprint at 50m

what happens? fucking nothing, except the 50m sprint...

does the 2nd guy needs "following" even at the SI?

before you ask, yes the launcher had enough energy
"I'm an old-school sprinter. I can't climb a mountain but if I am in front with 200 metres to go then there's nobody who can beat me.” Mark Cavendish, at the 2007 Eneco Tour

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Re: No Sprinttrain bug nr x plus some others?

Post by Buhmann » Tue Nov 05, 2013 9:05 am

Ii changed nothing concerning the intermediate sprints. Maybe setting failure ?

Rockstar Inc
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Re: No Sprinttrain bug nr x plus some others?

Post by Rockstar Inc » Tue Nov 05, 2013 11:34 am

x sprints from 350, y sprints from 50, x helps y

was the problem the fact that y has "only" sprint from instead of "following"?
"I'm an old-school sprinter. I can't climb a mountain but if I am in front with 200 metres to go then there's nobody who can beat me.” Mark Cavendish, at the 2007 Eneco Tour

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