Every rider has a talent which affect his training, its generated randomly and it's visible to everyone. There are 5 level of talents.
Option 1(old version):
Oldest and the worst verion, cos of problem with older riders.How which level affect training:
1 level(the worst, the lowest talent) = every training(by every training i mean every training which you can set up) -0.8%
2 level = every training -0.6%
3 level = every training -0.4%
4 level = every training -0.2%
5 level(the best) = every training stay like it is now
If rider at the moment train with 7 trainings on one specific type of skill and have a chance to improve it 78%.
After adding talent level he has:
1lvl - 78% - 7 * (-0.8%) =~ 72%
2lvl - 78% - 7 * (-0.6%) =~ 73%
3lvl - 78% - 7 * (-0.4%) =~ 75%
4lvl - 78% - 7 * (-0.2%) =~ 76%
5lvl - 78% - 7 * (-0.0%) =~ 78%
I make a math very simple there, but correct should be like this
At the moment rider have 140% to get skill point if training for one skill
140% / 7 = 20%
so one training give you 20% atm
1lvl star will be then:
20-(-0.8%) + 20-(-0.8%) + 20-(-0.8%) + 20-(-0.8%) + 20-(-0.8%) + 20-(-0.8%) + 20-(-0.8%) = 134.4%
ALSO if your 1 training have chance lower than your talent affect, it will not downgrade you. In other words if your chance for single training is lower than talent affect it will not be minus training example:
1training chance give you 0.6% chance to improve but your riders talent is 1, so it basically it should be like this 0.6%-0.8%=-0.2% But it will not, then training shouldn't change, it should stay like it's now, means 0.6% . it's a tweak for much older riders. 2nd option is to make it 0% chance to improve, thing to discuss.
Option 2(light version):
Small impact on game, but well balanced levels.How which level affect training:
1 level(the worst, the lowest talent) = every training(by every training i mean every training which you can set up) = 92% of your training value
2 level = 94% of your training value
3 level = 96% of your training value
4 level = 98% of your training value
5 level(the best) = every training stay like it is now
If rider at the moment train with 7 trainings on one specific type of skill and have a chance to improve it 78%.
After adding talent level he has:
1lvl - 11.1%*0.92 + 11.1%*0.92 + 11.1%*0.92 + 11.1%*0.92 + 11.1%*0.92 + 11.1%*0.92 + 11.1%*0.92 = ~71.6%
2lvl - 11.1%*0.94 + 11.1%*0.94 + 11.1%*0.94 + 11.1%*0.94 + 11.1%*0.94 + 11.1%*0.94 + 11.1%*0.94 = ~73.32%
3lvl - 11.1%*0.96 + 11.1%*0.96 + 11.1%*0.96 + 11.1%*0.96 + 11.1%*0.96 + 11.1%*0.96 + 11.1%*0.96 = ~74.88%
4lvl - 11.1%*0.98 + 11.1%*0.98 + 11.1%*0.98 + 11.1%*0.98 + 11.1%*0.98 + 11.1%*0.98 + 11.1%*0.98 = ~76.44%
5lvl - = 78%
If rider at the moment train with 7 trainings on one specific type of skill and have a chance to improve it 140%.
After adding talent level he has:
1lvl - 20%*0.92 + 20%*0.92 + 20%*0.92 + 20%*0.92 + 20%*0.92 + 20%*0.92 + 20%*0.92= ~128,8%
2lvl - 20%*0.94 + 20%*0.94 + 20%*0.94 + 20%*0.94 + 20%*0.94 + 20%*0.94 + 20%*0.94 = ~131.6%
3lvl - 20%*0.96 + 20%*0.96 + 20%*0.96 + 20%*0.96 + 20%*0.96 + 20%*0.96 + 20%*0.96 = ~134.4%
4lvl - 20%*0.98 + 20%*0.98 + 20%*0.98 + 20%*0.98 + 20%*0.98 + 20%*0.98 + 20%*0.98 = ~137.2%
5lvl - = 140%
If rider at the moment train with 7 trainings on one specific type of skill and have a chance to improve it 21%.
After adding talent level he has:
1lvl - 3%*0.92 + 3%*0.92 + 3%*0.92 + 3%*0.92 + 3%*0.92 + 3%*0.92 + 3%*0.92= ~19.32%
2lvl - 3%*0.94 + 3%*0.94 + 3%*0.94 + 3%*0.94 + 3%*0.94 + 3%*0.94 + 3%*0.94 = ~19.74%
3lvl - 3%*0.96 + 3%*0.96 + 3%*0.96 + 3%*0.96 + 3%*0.96 + 3%*0.96 + 3%*0.96 = ~20.16%
4lvl - 3%*0.98 + 3%*0.98 + 3%*0.98 + 3%*0.98 + 3%*0.98 + 3%*0.98 + 3%*0.98 = ~20.58%
5lvl - = 21%
Option 3(hard version):
Big impact on game, but the difference between each level is too huge in my opinion.How which level affect training:
1 level(the worst, the lowest talent) = every training(by every training i mean every training which you can set up) = 84% of your training value
2 level = 88% of your training value
3 level = 92% of your training value
4 level = 96% of your training value
5 level(the best) = every training stay like it is now
If rider at the moment train with 7 trainings on one specific type of skill and have a chance to improve it 78%.
After adding talent level he has:
1lvl - 78%/7 *0.84*7 = ~65.52%
2lvl - 78%/7 *0.88*7 = ~68.64%
3lvl - 78%/7 *0.92*7 = ~71.76%
4lvl - 78%/7 *0.96*7 = ~74.88%
5lvl - = 78%
If rider at the moment train with 7 trainings on one specific type of skill and have a chance to improve it 140%.
After adding talent level he has:
1lvl - 140%/7 *0.84*7 = ~117.6%
2lvl - 140%/7 *0.88*7 = ~123.2%
3lvl - 140%/7 *0.92*7 = ~128.8%
4lvl - 140%/7 *0.96*7 = ~134.4%
5lvl - = 140%
If rider at the moment train with 7 trainings on one specific type of skill and have a chance to improve it 21%.
After adding talent level he has:
1lvl - 21%/7 *0.84*7 = ~17.64%
2lvl - 21%/7 *0.88*7 = ~18.48%
3lvl - 21%/7 *0.92*7 = ~19.32%
4lvl - 21%/7 *0.96*7 = ~20.6%
5lvl - = 21%
Option 4(more levels): <- imo best option
Big impact on game, with more level imo well balanced.How which level affect training:
1 level(the worst, the lowest talent) = every training(by every training i mean every training which you can set up) = 84% of your training value
2 level = 86% of your training value
3 level = 88% of your training value
4 level = 90% of your training value
5 level = 92% of your training value
6 level = 94% of your training value
7 level = 96% of your training value
8 level = 98% of your training value
9 level(the best) = every training stay like it is now
If rider at the moment train with 7 trainings on one specific type of skill and have a chance to improve it 78%.
After adding talent level he has:
1lvl - 78%/7 *0.84*7 = ~65.52%
2lvl - 78%/7 *0.86*7 = ~67.08%
3lvl - 78%/7 *0.88*7 = ~68.64%
4lvl - 78%/7 *0.90*7 = ~70.02%
5lvl - 78%/7 *0.92*7 = ~71.76%
6lvl - 78%/7 *0.94*7 = ~73.32%
7lvl - 78%/7 *0.96*7 = ~74.88%
8lvl - 78%/7 *0.98*7 = ~76.44%
9lvl - = 78%
If rider at the moment train with 7 trainings on one specific type of skill and have a chance to improve it 140%.
After adding talent level he has:
1lvl - 140%/7 *0.84*7 = ~117.6%
2lvl - 140%/7 *0.86*7 = ~120.4%
3lvl - 140%/7 *0.88*7 = ~123.2%
4lvl - 140%/7 *0.90*7 = ~126%
5lvl - 140%/7 *0.92*7 = ~128.8%
6lvl - 140%/7 *0.94*7 = ~131.6%
7lvl - 140%/7 *0.96*7 = ~124.4%
8lvl - 140%/7 *0.98*7 = ~137.2%
9lvl - = 140%
If rider at the moment train with 7 trainings on one specific type of skill and have a chance to improve it 21%.
After adding talent level he has:
1lvl - 21%/7 *0.84*7 = ~17.64%
2lvl - 21%/7 *0.88*7 = ~18.06%
3lvl - 21%/7 *0.92*7 = ~18.48%
4lvl - 21%/7 *0.90*7 = ~18.9%
5lvl - 21%/7 *0.92*7 = ~19.32%
6lvl - 21%/7 *0.94*7 = ~19.74%
7lvl - 21%/7 *0.96*7 = ~20.16%
8lvl - 21%/7 *0.98*7 = ~20.58%
9lvl - = 21%
Other things:
- the values and salary stay like it is now. No need to change it, cos better talent doesn't mean the rider will be better, so still should be counted by skills and regen.
- talent is generated for every new rider, it will never change.
- talent affect mainly for worse training than now, so it will not make new riders super cyborgs with 99 points in skills, it will actually make it harder to get high skill, but the variety of rider will be wider.
- the talent can be shown as a stars or some bars, exmaple:

The chances that new generated rider will get good talent:
5level system:
1lvl: 35% - most have low talent to be good rider
2lvl: 30%
3lvl: 20% - here starts a pro tour riders
4lvl: 10%
5lvl: 5% - exclusive riders, it will be very hard to get such a rider, still it doesn't mean he will be training super good.
9leel system:
1lvl - 20%
2lvl - 18%
3lvl - 16%
4lvl - 14%
5lvl - 12%
6lvl - 8%
7lvl - 6%
8lvl - 4%
9lvl - 2% -exclusive
Why in my opinion it's good idea:
- more fun on transfer list, it will be harder to make a good bid because you will have to valuate not only skills of rider but also talent
- bigger variety in riders
- you will need to consider which rider is better, with worse skills but better talent or better skills lower talent
- the training still will be all about luck, but now you have ability to make it little better when you buy rider with higher talent, so your choice when buying rider affect much more training
- your riders will have awesome stars
- like in real life, all riders have different talent to do their job, option for real freaks

The bad things about this idea:
- the riders which exist now will have randomly added talent if this options will be added to the game
The things to consider:
- I wrote that talent shouldn't affect value of rider, it can, lower talent lower value of rider than now, but in my opinion it isnt good idea, higher talent doesn't mean better rider.
- all values open for discussion
- for 6-7 div market max 5 talent lvl?
- more riders on transfer list, especially for 1-5div market because of wider variety of rider, but how much more? 50%? 75%? 100%?