fairness regel!

Diskussionen zum Thema Fairness hier rein. Regelverstoße anderer Teams ebenfalls hier melden.

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team fl
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Re: fairness regel!

Post by team fl » Mon Jul 19, 2010 1:53 pm

ah, forget the fairness regel, enjoy a schoko riegel!
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

gaurain rx
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Re: fairness regel!

Post by gaurain rx » Sun Jul 25, 2010 5:17 pm

Erz gets a fine... Why?

And Elb' and me too... Excellent. But can you say to me by Pn how much it was cause I was on holidays. And secondly, thinks I get a -70.000 on financial cause they count 2 times the costs of the inscription for stage 1 of Wallonie!!

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Re: fairness regel!

Post by Buhmann » Mon Jul 26, 2010 12:48 am

It was maximum 50.000

gaurain rx
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Re: fairness regel!

Post by gaurain rx » Tue Jul 27, 2010 6:42 pm

Buhmann wrote:It was maximum 50.000
Great way to "manage" the Forum here... What is this Fairness Comity??? Never heard about him. Never explained me exactly why I've been punished

You supressed my "insutling" message but not the Elb racists words... great!! (Here, not against Elb', I had an explanation with him).

Next time, i'll wrote anti German words on the forum! Maybe the reaction will be faster and higher... And maybe will be clever enough to understand the reaction!

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Re: fairness regel!

Post by Buhmann » Wed Jul 28, 2010 9:33 am

The fairnessjury helps me. You can be lucky that i don´t do exactly what they would do, because your penalty would be much harder.
You both got a fine, where is the problem? That what you said was not ok. This is a game for young players, too. You bahviour, exspecially your terminology was totally misplaced. You has to accept your (small) fine.
i'll wrote anti German words on the forum! Maybe the reaction will be faster and higher...
Aha...and why??? Why should the raction than be faster? Okay, i don´t want an answer. I have no time for that. Thank you.

gaurain rx
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Re: fairness regel!

Post by gaurain rx » Wed Jul 28, 2010 10:33 am

I still can read it on the forum :

"Elbcoast Riders: man ich gründe bald ne anti Franzosen Gruppe für rsf. Das gibts doch nicht sowas!!!"

More than 3 weeks to supress it... WAW!! Really, really fast ;) Don't really think an anti German sentences would survive so much here (and my words have been supressed fastly)!

And Fairness comity, What's this? Who are they? The opacity is clear. Just warned me I was involved in a bad deal but nver explained to me exactly, never said : "here you can write to defend yourself"!! Great comity... Doing his job all alone!

And what is his purpose if you don't really follow it??? How do they propose to fine us (Elb and me)?

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Re: fairness regel!

Post by Robyklebt » Wed Jul 28, 2010 12:14 pm

Don't really think an anti German sentences would survive so much here
Mmh, read the french part Gaurain. There are regularly stupid comments about french in general here, regularly stupid comments about germans in the french part. More stupid comments about the french, since the potential for stupidity in the german part is higher, more germans/swiss/austrians and LIechtensteiner Devils than Fra/Bel.

As for the committee:

Buhmann not enough time.

He selected a few to be in an advisory committee (resp. you could apply then maybe he took you). They keep track of the complaints brought forward in the forum, talk about it ingame and tell Buh what they think he should do. Which underpants to wear etc. No no, that was another committee I think. Anyway, they are mostly there to make sure he doesn't lose track of all the fairness-things. Remind him ingame of everything, say what they would do, but Buh then still has the last word. At least that's what Buhmann announced when it was done. Could have been in German, don't really remember.

Who is it?

Don't remember.

As for suppressing the messages here: No reason to suppress any messages really.
Kraftsystemrevision! Include the distance!
Basics reform: Give blue a chance!
Don't punish bugusers. We all have to use bugs, since most of them are declared as "features"!

gaurain rx
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Re: fairness regel!

Post by gaurain rx » Wed Jul 28, 2010 12:49 pm

Ben oui bien sur, des propos anti francophones/germanophones/autres ont totalement leur place ici. Pourquoi punit-on les insultes personnelles alors?

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