team attack with no drop from Team-Villinger

Discussion about fairness-stuff. Advices of breach of rules and so on.

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High Flyer
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Re: team attack with no drop from Team-Villinger

Post by High Flyer » Sat Jan 07, 2017 12:31 am

Too stupid to know that team attacks are banned after 300+ races.

Yet smart enough to take advantage of a bug for 300+ races. :?:

I find it funny that he replied straight away and apologized but every single (damn) time he goes in the break and uses sprint bug he'll say nothing.
This isn't someone who is getting hate becuase he sucks alot (although he does) or speaks too much, it is that he is a seasoned, through and through cheat and deserves a proper IP ban. The bug one should've been it.

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Re: team attack with no drop from Team-Villinger

Post by Hunsrueck » Sat Jan 07, 2017 12:04 pm

FPK reviewing the case

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Re: team attack with no drop from Team-Villinger

Post by Team-Villinger » Sun Jan 08, 2017 2:48 pm

In der Anleitung unten,hab ich nichts vom Mitgehen der Team-Attacke herrauslesen können.

Gruss Team Villinger


Das Thema Fairness ist heiß diskutiert und leider tauchen, wie wohl bei den meisten Browserspielen, Leute auf, die das System ausreizen und bestehende Lücken ausnutzen wollen. Die Ursprungsidee des Spiels war es, Radrennen für Freaks (Leute, die sich viel mit Radsport zumindest passiv befassen und Spaß an Renntaktiken haben) anzubieten, also die Möglichkeit, online Radrennen so realistisch wie möglich nachspielen zu können.
Was fair und was unfair ist, darüber lässt sich freilich immer trefflich streiten. Das hat auch seinen Reiz. Robbie McEwens Einsatz im Sprint wird von dem einen als unsportlich angesehen (und schon mal mit einer Disqualifikation geahndet), von anderen als sportliche Härte und Ausgebufftheit bewertet, die mit Etappensiegen belohnt wird.
Wie im richtigen Peloton wird unfaires Verhalten meist direkt von den Mitfahrern geahndet. Wer sich unbeliebt gemacht hat, wird früher vom Feld verfolgt, als jemand der bei allen beliebt ist. Wer dafür bekannt ist, in Fluchtgruppen die Arbeit einzustellen oder zu versuchen möglichst viele Fahrer zu seinem Vorteil nachzuziehen, muss damit rechnen, dass niemand mehr mit ihm zusammenarbeitet.
Bei den Fairnessregeln geht es weniger um die Bewertung von harter oder netter Fahrweise, als vielmehr um das Vermeiden von Vorteilen, die sich Mannschaften durch technische Möglichkeiten verschaffen zu versuchen, die außerhalb eines normalen, realistischen Rennverlaufs liegen. Von der Spielleitung geahndet werden unfaire Verhaltensweisen, die die Lücken des Systems ausnutzen. Spieler, die mit unrealistischen Verhaltensweisen arbeiten, es z.B. ausnutzen wollen, wenn in der Anfangsphase wenige online sind (der klassische Teamangriff), müssen damit rechnen durch Punktabzug, Geldabzug, Rennsperren bestraft zu werden. Dies lässt sich nicht alles in ein ausformuliertes Regelwerk fassen und vieles steht auch noch zur Diskussion.
Auch Mehrfachaccounts oder unrealistische Absprachen zwischen befreundeten Teams sind nicht geduldete Vorteilsnahmen, die bestraft werden sollen.

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Re: team attack with no drop from Team-Villinger

Post by Team-Villinger » Sun Jan 08, 2017 2:55 pm

Wie auch hier in der Anleitung beschrieben (unten) kann ich nichts herrauslesen das man bei km 1 das Mitgehen nicht erlaubt ist.

gruss ´Team- Villinger


Man kann bei jedem Fahrer eines anderen Teams mitgehen, wenn dieser attackiert und der eigene Fahrer stark genug ist, der Attacke zu folgen. Der Kraftaufwand für das Mitgehen hängt vom Verhältnis der Stärke des attackierenden und des mitgehenden Fahrers ab. Er beträgt zwischen 80 und 140 Kraft. Ist der Fahrer allerdings zu schwach, um die Attacke überhaupt mitzugehen, bleibt er im Feld. Wenn der Fahrer mitgeht, fährt er nach der Attacke nicht automatisch Tempo.

High Flyer
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Re: team attack with no drop from Team-Villinger

Post by High Flyer » Sun Jan 08, 2017 3:58 pm

Google translated English:
In the instructions below, I have nothing to say from the team-attack.

Greeting Team Villinger


The issue of fairness is hotly debated, and unfortunately, as with most browser games, people dive into the system and use existing gaps. The original idea of ​​the game was to offer bike races for freaks (people who have a lot to do with cycling and have fun with racing activities), so the possibility to play online cycling as realistically as possible.
What is fair and what is unfair is, of course, always an excellent argument. This also has its charm. Robbie McEwens's use in the sprint is regarded as unsporting (and sometimes punished with a disqualification), is judged by others as sporting hardness and exuberance, which is rewarded with stages.
As in the right peloton, unfair behavior is usually directly punished by the riders. Whoever has made himself unpopular, is traced earlier by the field, than someone who is popular with everyone. Whoever is known to stop work in escape groups or to try to follow as many riders as possible to his advantage must expect that no one will work with him.
The fairness rules are less about evaluating hard or nice driving, but rather about avoiding the advantages that teams are able to achieve through technical possibilities that are outside of a normal, realistic race. Unfair behavior, which exploits the gaps of the system, is punished by the management. Players who work with unrealistic behaviors, e.g. (If the classic team attack) in the initial phase, must expect to be penalized by point deduction, cash withdrawals, locks. This can not be summed up in a formulated set of rules and much is still under discussion.
Even multiple accounts or unrealistic arrangements between friendly teams are not tolerated benefits that are to be punished.

As also described in the instructions (below) I can not read anything that one at km 1 is not allowed to go with.

Greetings' Team-Villinger

Go along

You can go with each driver of another team, if the attacker and the driver is strong enough to follow the attack. The expenditure of force for the journey depends on the ratio of the strength of the attacking and the driving driver. It is between 80 and 140 force. However, if the driver is too weak to take the attack at all, he remains in the field. If the driver is involved, he does not automatically pace after the attack.

High Flyer
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Re: team attack with no drop from Team-Villinger

Post by High Flyer » Sun Jan 08, 2017 4:26 pm

If google is right with this translation, then this whole argument is stupid (will add to it).
High Flyer wrote:Google translated English:
Whoever has made himself unpopular, is traced earlier by the field, than someone who is popular with everyone. Whoever is known to stop work in escape groups or to try to follow as many riders as possible to his advantage must expect that no one will work with him.
Obviously, as you now know.
High Flyer wrote:Google translated English:

The fairness rules are less about evaluating hard or nice driving, but rather about avoiding the advantages that teams are able to achieve through technical possibilities that are outside of a normal, realistic race. Unfair behavior, which exploits the gaps of the system, is punished by the management. Players who work with unrealistic behaviors, e.g. (If the classic team attack) in the initial phase, must expect to be penalized by point deduction, cash withdrawals, locks. This can not be summed up in a formulated set of rules and much is still under discussion.
Even multiple accounts or unrealistic arrangements between friendly teams are not tolerated benefits that are to be punished.
High Flyer wrote:Google translated English:
You can go with each driver of another team, if the attacker and the driver is strong enough to follow the attack. The expenditure of force for the journey depends on the ratio of the strength of the attacking and the driving driver. It is between 80 and 140 force. However, if the driver is too weak to take the attack at all, he remains in the field. If the driver is involved, he does not automatically pace after the attack.
What a waste of website storage.He's written a good essay, but a worthless one given person, history, and mainly whats happening now. Matter of the fact for this topic is:
A: He team attacked
B: He kept riding when asked to stop
C: He has 300+ races, so I won't bother with any "I didnt know"

These 3 facts alone means that a fine/ ban or whatever punishment that is due is due.

Regarding fairplay argument in general, this may have been a useful argument for someone like Liquigas or someone who is hated for doing quite "annoying things" e.g talking too much. He can't use any sort of "unfair cause im popular" argument because:

A: He 100% used a bug
B: He knew he was it
C: He constantly lied about him using it

If it was the case that the he was only no tempoing in breaks, alright argument, but he didn't. He is a proven cheat. As I said before, once someone is capable of finding a bug that the thousands of other players can't find, then an argument of " I ddn't see/ know a rule against team attack" is rendered pointless.

I've had enough of his crap. It's getting pathetic.

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Re: team attack with no drop from Team-Villinger

Post by Team-Villinger » Sun Jan 08, 2017 8:07 pm


If a new player plays this game, I assume that he reads the rules in the tutorial. I adhere to the rules which are in the manual and not to the rules of individual players. I may have the worst reputation and some Have discovered in the system, but no reason for me to be excluded

Greeting Team-Villinger

High Flyer
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Re: team attack with no drop from Team-Villinger

Post by High Flyer » Sun Jan 08, 2017 9:14 pm

Team-Villinger wrote:Hello

If a new player plays this game, I assume that he reads the rules in the tutorial. I adhere to the rules which are in the manual and not to the rules of individual players. I may have the worst reputation and some Have discovered in the system, but no reason for me to be excluded

Greeting Team-Villinger
300 races, played since 2015, once again you've put an argument that doesn't work when said by yourself. If a new player did it, forgivable, but as I said, If you had enough time/ effort or whatever yo discover a flaw, then you have enough time to read the rules.

And Also, you are aware the EVERYTIME you open up a short or competiton race, there a list of rules you must abide by that pop up, when you click yes, you agree to them and agree to a probable punishment if otherwise.
Race Entry Pop-up (English wrote: You have to accept the following rules:

Clearly forbidden team attacks are:

1. Attack (no following) with more than 2 riders of one team at the same km out of the same group.
This rule is deactivated for the last 10 km of every race.

2. Successful attack (no following) with more than 5 different riders of one team during 20 km ( out of the same group) if these riders end up in the same group.
This rule is deactivated in the second half of every race.

3. Chained Attacks.
More than 2 riders of a team, who, through attacking or following, escape out of a group.
This rule is deactivated if more than 10 riders from at least.4 teams are represented or if the original group has less than 15 riders.
This rule is deactivated too, in the last 20km of a race and if the road rises 4% and more.

No exception for offline players!

Other fair-play rules:
- It is forbidden to be sitted in 1 day races
- unrealistic arrangements are not allowed
- every manager must do the best for his team . Separation of private and RSF is required.
- read the fair-play article at

IPs are controlled during races and if some correspond, that will be shown for all players.
I was just going to paste the rule 1, but I think you are in need of a full copy and paste. I dunno, maybe you are too busy setting up point stealing bug to notice it.

Also, with the way you have been riding, I wouldn't be surprised if you have visited the fairplay thread multiple times to see one on Team attacks.

Please, please, please. No one has time for your rubbish. Stop playing the victim card and go play a single player game.

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Re: team attack with no drop from Team-Villinger

Post by schappy » Mon Jan 09, 2017 12:19 am

Unlieber Villiger, da du ja anscheinende die Regeln bei der Anmeldung nie liest, habe ich sie dir hier in diesen Thread reimkopiert. Hier liest du ja und äußerst dich mal. Da ist klar beschrieben, dass es nicht erlaubt ist!
Sie müssen die folgenden Fairnessregeln akzeptieren:

Eindeutig verbotene Teamangriffe sind:

1. Angriff (kein mitgehen!) von mehr als 2 Fahrern einer Mannschaft am gleichen Kilometer in der gleichen Gruppe.
Diese Regel gilt nicht während der letzten 10 Km eines Rennens.

2. Erfolgreiche Angriffe (kein mitgehen!) von mehr als 5 verschiedenen Fahrern einer Mannschaft innerhalb von 20 Kilometern, so dass diese Fahrer innerhalb einer Gruppe vorzufinden sind.
Diese Regel gilt nur innerhalb der ersten Rennhälfte.

3. Verkettete Teamangriffe.
Darunter wird verstanden: Mehr als 2 eigene Fahrer, die durch Angreifen oder mitgehen innerhalb eines Kilometers aus einer Gruppe flüchten.
Diese Regel gilt nicht, wenn mehr als 10 Fahrer aus mindestens vier Mannschaften gleichzeitig aus der selben Ursprungsgruppe flüchten oder die Ursprungsgruppe zum Zeitpunkt des Angriffs weniger als 15 Fahrer hat.
Sie gilt ebenfalls nicht an einem Kilometer mit Steigungen von 4% oder höher, sowie in den letzten 20Km eines Rennens.
I´ve got the magic in me

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Re: team attack with no drop from Team-Villinger

Post by Team-Villinger » Mon Jan 09, 2017 11:33 am

Hallo Schappy

OK ich habs gefunden. Habe in der Anleitung nach den Regeln gesucht.

Muss wohl eine Strafe oder ggf eine sperre aktzepzieren.

gruss Team Villinger

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Re: team attack with no drop from Team-Villinger

Post by sgumgub » Mon Jan 09, 2017 12:23 pm

Team-Villinger wrote:Hallo Schappy

OK ich habs gefunden. Habe in der Anleitung nach den Regeln gesucht.

Muss wohl eine Strafe oder ggf eine sperre aktzepzieren.

gruss Team Villinger
aber mal ohne Mist...das musst du jedes einzelne mal aufs neue akzeptieren. was ist denn los mit dir? :D

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Re: team attack with no drop from Team-Villinger

Post by ProTour-Team » Sat Jan 14, 2017 11:15 pm

not as he would work for one team to profit from it unlike a lot of other skype/fb agreements ;) dont wanna say i like how he rides, but if his team can destroy your/a race on his own the problem isnt him :D

anyway i dont recall any fine based on those rules, no matter how obvious some actions violated them..

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Re: team attack with no drop from Team-Villinger

Post by Hunsrueck » Tue Jan 24, 2017 11:36 pm

Idéfix wrote:
Hunsrueck wrote: Sam Jan 07, 2017 12:04 pm
FPK reviewing the case
up ?

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Re: team attack with no drop from Team-Villinger

Post by luques » Mon Feb 06, 2017 11:05 pm

Idéfix wrote:
Hunsrueck wrote:
Idéfix wrote:
Hunsrueck wrote: Sam Jan 07, 2017 12:04 pm
FPK reviewing the case
up ?
Still nothing? But what does FPK? :p
1 month after, no sentence set, and the guy continues unpunished...

Edit: Huns answered in race: waiting for Leso's setting penalty. Well, hope this is coming soon...^^
Why all this urgence? It is a team attack that as you said had no influence in the race. The penalty will be at most a fine of some thousands rsf money, so relax.

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Re: team attack with no drop from Team-Villinger

Post by ProTour-Team » Tue Feb 07, 2017 12:23 am

because him destroying races is clearly a reason to ban him... :roll:

but talking about things taking time :D we will just have the WC icon forever/til the new layout?

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Re: team attack with no drop from Team-Villinger

Post by Hunsrueck » Sat Feb 18, 2017 11:48 am


High Flyer
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Re: team attack with no drop from Team-Villinger

Post by High Flyer » Sat Feb 18, 2017 11:59 am

The fun continues.

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