Fairness Votes

Discussion about fairness-stuff. Advices of breach of rules and so on.

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gaurain rx
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Fairness Votes

Post by gaurain rx » Sat Apr 10, 2010 12:19 am

I just want to open a double debate on fair play. I want to do it since long but the race I've done tonight makes it yet necessary I think.

1. What is the interest of the fairness voting? Can anybody explain me please. I think there's no interest. That influence nothing, really nothing. Nobody watch before the race the fair play notes of his opponents. We know the "bad fair play manager" by their reputation, not with the fair play vote. And I'm sure less than a half of the manager vote in fair play after the race! And managers vote more when there's something bad than when it's good!

Problem is too that some managers forget that is a fair play voting and not on opinion voting. It must not be the occasion to give a bad vote to somebody who's done somebody against our interests! A lot of vote are like this, no fair play vote, only disagree voting!

So, the system has actually no sense, and no interests... And I don't really see solution anyway! Was thinking to oblige to pay a fee when managers don't do the voting after the race to oblige managers to vote but that doesn't seem good, and it doesn't really bring more sense to the system!

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Re: Fairness Votes

Post by Luna » Sat Apr 10, 2010 12:36 am

Like you said, it's not used as a fairness vote, but as "opinion vote". Then that's what it is. Nothing more. Only a little platform for posting a little message after the race, positive or negative or what else. Giving some plus points only for sympathie or kind'a friendship, same with the minus. They are rather messager for the managers themselves than for future opponents. They are valid only a short period of time, just until the next race or shorter. Not really something that matters in the long term. Some use it, some not. Who cares. Let it be as it is. No problem for me that no real fairness rating emerges from it.

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Re: Fairness Votes

Post by Robyklebt » Sat Apr 10, 2010 3:14 am

To nr 1:

I do check the votes sometimes if I don't know somebody. Plus I check MY votes... my comments, since I almost always give comments excellent way to check what I thought of somebody. Would forget otherwise... first vote for Gaurain "très fort, dommage"... so next time I knew, not that bad that guy... after 10 races then I learned the difference between Gaurain and gounix as well... .Luna on the other hand got this: "liküfö bümak tatahe granbu vligg gobi bysa witelit". Aha. no clue what it means, must be a weirdo, so I don't trust that guy.

Then the +3 to -3.... almost never give +, sometimes when I decide to be nice, doesn't happen often, but well... plus I don't know anyway who and what is supposed to be so fair it deserves +.... - I have my own set of rules.

- Not following the fairness rules. Minus. Unless the correction follows soon, then 0
- Being offline in tours and following other riders. If the leader, or leaders, ok, normal, good, everything else would be a mistake. But just a normal "stage chaser"... -.. .-1 for each rider.
- Starting the Giro without an Italian. -1 in the first stage
- Starting the Giro and not order the riders alphabetically -1
- Being Radler on a rest day. Minus
- Using a non-authorized nickname for my riders. Minus
Will probably start soon:
- Tactical over the top topfavorite talk.

What it does finally? Nothing. But by looking at my votes and especially comments the thing is actually quite useful... not in the sense Buhmann wanted it probably, I use it as a) comments on the race/tactics, completely unrelated to fairness if nothing noteworthy happened b) a notebook for myself. Keep it like it is, like it!
Kraftsystemrevision! Include the distance!
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Re: Fairness Votes

Post by Aixteam » Sat Apr 10, 2010 10:03 am

Oh a topic about the fairness votes , cool :D

Just one thing to say , maybe it would be better to explain to new (with the name of the votes for example ... even if Fairness is nice) managers that those votes are not for judging the race . I already had 0 because I did 27th at a race and the others had +1 or +2 . Ok , no care , but that's bad ^^
Petit Singe: Aix croit toujours qu'il sera important dans le real life, RSF bah, pas trop ambitieux, NoPik a compris que il n'aura jamais le succes qu'il peut avoir ici en real life, alors il donne tout pour RSF!

VC Aywaille
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Re: Fairness Votes

Post by VC Aywaille » Wed Apr 14, 2010 8:50 am

There are managers as ritchie too, you give him a -1 and you can be sure to receive a -2 in the next hours. But don't hope a +2 if you give him +1... (maybe he make a lot for the game/site/forum/spirit) :roll:

This system is really not perfect, but what can we do versus these peoples?
VC Aywaille
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team fl
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Re: Fairness Votes

Post by team fl » Wed Apr 14, 2010 8:54 am

nothing, because it just doesn't matter. make yourself free from the guilt of irrational negative votes. that's all ;)
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

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Re: Fairness Votes

Post by Robyklebt » Wed Apr 14, 2010 8:59 am

But of course your - 1 to Ritchie is not really deserved since it isn't about fairness. You are judging his tactics (not working) not his fairness.
Kraftsystemrevision! Include the distance!
Basics reform: Give blue a chance!
Don't punish bugusers. We all have to use bugs, since most of them are declared as "features"!
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VC Aywaille
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Re: Fairness Votes

Post by VC Aywaille » Wed Apr 14, 2010 9:05 am

Of course fl! ;)

It's your conception of the fair-play Roby, not mine. I think this was not only tactical. What arrive if i don't make tempo with Lecce yesterday? Maybe (probably) i receive bad votes...

And i vote a little as the usual votes, it's not a sign that i like it. ;)

Finally, it's not a reason to give a -2. What, next time i wait 23h59 to give him -3?
VC Aywaille
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Re: Fairness Votes

Post by VC Aywaille » Sun Jun 06, 2010 1:10 pm

Superloser (Superwinner as he called himself) make funny things too. All his votes for me (2 only):

3 sry, hatte training 21.04.2010
-3 I don't like you! 04.06.2010

I am verry disappointed! I must cry all night long now... :lol:

He maybe have a problem... He begin hard in the chat and be all the race offline. :roll:
VC Aywaille
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Re: Fairness Votes

Post by VC Aywaille » Sun Jun 20, 2010 7:25 pm

What about this debat?

I think more and more each days that the vote is a bad thing. For all bad things in race we can post it on the forum. No need a fairness vote who just make the managers crazy. ;)

To explain beter what i think: le vote attise les rancunes et ne calme en aucune manière les esprits. Je pense que si quelque chose menaçait le jeu ce serait le principe du vote tel qu'il est actuellement.
VC Aywaille
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Re: Fairness Votes

Post by NoPikouze » Sun Jun 20, 2010 8:29 pm

T'as qu'a pas etre un excité et tu laisse couler ;)

I think it is to express your opinion about the other players, and it's fine as long as it's not insulting. If you cant accept criticism or other peoples opinion, then it becomes harder to accept
I dont always like criticism neither, depends how it is said
Qui sème le vent récolte le tempo...

VC Aywaille
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Re: Fairness Votes

Post by VC Aywaille » Sun Jun 20, 2010 8:32 pm

NoPikouze wrote:T'as qu'a pas etre un excité
Tu parles comme un saint... C'est vrai que t'es en croisade contre les anciens là... Mais je ne t'ai rien fait grand. Rien du tout!

Le fairplay est utilisé pour donner son avis tactique ou de camaraderie, ce n'est pas normal.

D'ailleurs ceux que tu défends viennent d'un certain forum, non?
VC Aywaille
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Re: Fairness Votes

Post by NoPikouze » Sun Jun 20, 2010 8:39 pm

Non mais c'était pas méchant, mais toi et ta copine vous faites parti des gens qui démarrent au quart de tour :D
Qui sème le vent récolte le tempo...

VC Aywaille
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Re: Fairness Votes

Post by VC Aywaille » Sun Jun 20, 2010 8:46 pm

Ben oui, moi c'est du connu! Belgian moins, si elle démarre c'est qu'un truc lui a vmt pas plu.

Sans mésestimer les nouveaux (on l'a tous été, et d'ailleurs je m'estime moins connaisseur que beaucoup qui ont le même nombre de courses que moi donc tu vois je ne suis pas très prétentieux finalement), parfois se voir critiqué par qqn qui a 8 courses, ça fait vraiment chier. Je pense que tu peux le comprendre... ;)
VC Aywaille
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Re: Fairness Votes

Post by olmania » Sun Jun 20, 2010 8:49 pm

Par ailleurs, certains gars avec 8 courses en connaissent plus que d'autres à 300courses :roll: On ne peut pas généraliser.

Now, back to english please here ! ;)

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Re: Fairness Votes

Post by NoPikouze » Sun Jun 20, 2010 8:50 pm

Oui je peux le comprendre, meme si personnellement je m'énerverais pas pour cela
C'est pour ça que je vous trouve un peu dans l'exces de réaction mais c'est pas méchant, une question de personnalité c'est tout.
Par contre je suis pas obligé de l'écrire, mais je le fais quand meme, en comptant sur la maturité des autres pour pas me faire juger pour si peu ;)

On ne remettra bien sûr pas en cause ton objectivité :lol:

Sorry for this french interlude :oops:
Qui sème le vent récolte le tempo...

team fl
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Re: Fairness Votes

Post by team fl » Fri Jan 28, 2011 11:32 am

Sachen Pavés 10h:

I wanted to give everybody +3. Instead i pressed -3 for everybody. Well, could be a Freudian, but honestly, no :)

Can this be changed?
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

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