discussing the rules

Discussion about fairness-stuff. Advices of breach of rules and so on.

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discussing the rules

Post by Cavendish » Sat Mar 15, 2014 12:56 am

I'm a new player. I don't think I'll come back.
Please find below what we say with Deuseburger tonight (read from bottom to top)

Deuseburger : if you want to discuss the rules go to the forum thats the right place to do it...
Cavendish: that's killing freedom
Cavendish: if I don't sign i cannot play
Cavendish: the only rules I respect are what I think good. If the rule says "kill your neighbour", would you do it because it's the rule?*
Deuseburger : not discussing the sence of it... you signed the rules, now stick with em thats the point...
Cavendish: and when you see Movistar attacking with 5 riders in a mountain stage of Tour de France, QuickStep attacking with 5 riders (on 10 in front) in Kuurne... that's a stupid rule !
Deuseburger : now you are deliberatly breaking em...
Deuseburger : as stupid as europecars way of riding seems, he is within the rules, dont like the rules go on the forum and propose changes... but you committed yourself to the rules
Cavendish: rules are stupid, they shouldn't apply for late groups
Cavendish: pffff that game seemed to be cool, but I feel disappointed...
Deuseburger : you are breaking rules...
Cavendish: let me do what I want, I am not making to lose another team doing that. I am more fairplay than the teams who accept to eliminate offline ones...
Cavendish: *not nicer here
Cavendish: exactly like the other cycling online games, people are not nice... :(
Deuseburger : and it doesnt say anywhere they are nonsence if the gap is 18min+...
Cavendish: and you are stupid to ask for this
Cavendish: that's totally unfair
Cavendish: why don't ask to the online teams who did deliberately eliminate offline teams in the beginning of the race to drop their own riders?
Deuseburger : rules are clear...
Cavendish: they are 18 min late... that's a nonsense, Deuseburger
Deuseburger : Cavendish: you cannot do everytime what you want... <- exactly...
Deuseburger : i advice you to drop 2 of those riders... to be within the rules...
Cavendish: you cannot do everytime what you want...
Fdgames: so you must have been online :)
Cavendish: eliminate offline teams may be following the rules, but I don't consider that as fair play
Cavendish: but my riders are far far from the head, because one player wanted to eliminate offline teams...
Fdgames: team attack :)
Deuseburger : that was a "team attack" and isnt allowed to do...
Deuseburger : read the rules plz cavendish...
Fdgames: ok
Deuseburger : read about it in the forums afair... teams created to either split or get the full money...
Fdgames: does that happen?
Deuseburger : ceizz and loul just smell like teams created to get to a race with 10 participants... makes me wonder...
Fdgames: 70-70 riders*
Fdgames: -es and think how it is for me as i haven't any
Deuseburger : well how boring can this get...
Fdgames: bon ben bravo et tant pis pour moi
Fdgames: ok :/
Europecar: oui peut etre mais pour l'instant je fais ma course les autres je m'en fou
Fdgames: alors que là on peut les éliminer
Fdgames: tu seras encore moins sûr qd les autres se connecterons et qu'ils seronnt toujours dans le coup
Europecar: on est jamais sur de rien au depart
Fdgames: Et attends le groupe derrière stp :)
Fdgames: joins toi à l'échappée t'es sûr de gagner
Europecar: what?
Fdgames: Europecar?
Fdgames: join us Europecar, no?
Deuseburger : moin miteinander...
Europecar: hello
Fdgames: Hi all"

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Re: discussing the rules

Post by Pokemon Club » Sat Mar 15, 2014 1:08 am

Cavendish wrote: Cavendish: and when you see Movistar attacking with 5 riders in a mountain stage of Tour de France, QuickStep attacking with 5 riders (on 10 in front) in Kuurne... that's a stupid rule !
It isn't forbidden to attack with 5 riders, it is forbidden to attack with 5 at the same KMs (most exactly forbidden to attack with more than 2 riders at the same KMs)

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Re: discussing the rules

Post by deuseburger » Sat Mar 15, 2014 2:02 am

moin miteinander...

since the chat above was quoted in the midth of the race here is the rest of the chat to follow...
first some words on the situation given:
europecar with an early sieve which cought a lot of teams (since they were offline) offguarded, than a team att out of the 2nd last group:

Km: 82, Steigung: 0
Philippe Lebon (Cavendish) attackiert
Robert Bunsen (Cavendish) attackiert
Antoine deLavoisier (Cavendish) attackiert
Pierre Curie (Cavendish) attackiert

to state that clear, not asking for a fine since this was his first race, BUT the chat below shows little to no insight on the matter and i would appreciate a statement by the fc to cavendish to keep him from further ignoring the rules. i really depreve the attitude shown (see chat) and i guess a warning might provide some insight, especially since cavendish kept on riding with all of the unlegal attackers till the very end...

cheer deuse

MgN-Redteam: gw Euro
Deuseburger : sleep well and have a nice weekend... cu around...
Fdgames: please don't sprint lol :)
Deuseburger : :)
Fdgames: At the end my helpers will do better than my mountain rider ^^
Deuseburger : would have bet on place 1-4...
Europecar: mes courreurs sont en fin de carriere bientot la retraite ;((
Deuseburger : after that start its astounding that he seems not to achieve more than 1/2
Fdgames: I should develop at least one classic rider to have a bit of fun in those races :)
Fdgames: but Europecar team was so strong that it couldn't be another way
Deuseburger : those are the days... knew em myself ;)
Deuseburger : yap...
Fdgames: killed lot of riders for not so much
Deuseburger : well wasnt much to achieve besides with an early group...
Fdgames: what a shit race for me...
Deuseburger : typo...
Deuseburger : get
MgN-Redteam: dgt?
Deuseburger : nope...
MgN-Redteam: ;)
Deuseburger : can we dgt to the front?
Deuseburger : botha wont sprint...
Deuseburger : as i stated before, what you can do is to discuss the rules in the forum, what you cant do is come in create your own and ignore the given rules...
Cavendish: I think that's stupid. Rules should follow one kind of moral, and obviously they don't have...
Deuseburger : well obviously it was europecars choice to do the race this way, he brought a team that could do it even with all those guys being on, he had to invest some more but that wouldnt have made abig difference at all... anyway you might like that or not might call it bad sportmanship (i might even agree on that one ) BUT contrary to your actions it was within the rules...
Cavendish: being eliminated for few kms offline isnot a warm welcome
Fdgames: ok, i go on
Deuseburger : mgn ride along? guess aotherwise europe will come back...
Deuseburger : fd christo is finished within the next 3 km...
Deuseburger : coming into a new house and making your own rules doesnt really help for a warm welcome... might want to think about that too...
Deuseburger : Cavendish: pffff that game seemed to be cool, but I feel disappointed... <- it is cool and it can be cool within the rules... wouldnt let it down because of this... btw reading the forum might help to get a deeper understanding, clicking on the questionmark in the upper right of the picture of the race track might do that as well, and last not least, asking right here in the chat is the right thing to do... not all guys or girls around here are as rude and impolite as i am :)
Cavendish: anyway, I see how new players are welcomed here
Cavendish: will fc also talk about what Europecar did or "it's not forbidden then even if it's not fair play we don't care"?,
Cavendish: will see in the next days
Cavendish: ok. I don't care, I may not come back...
Deuseburger : fc -> fair play commitee
Deuseburger : good
Cavendish: fc?
Cavendish: that's done, I've write on the forum
Deuseburger : maybe the fc will change your attitude...
Deuseburger : Cavendish: that's killing freedomCavendish: if I don't sign i cannot play <- now it gets ludicrous
Deuseburger : if you want to discuss the rules go to the forum thats the right place to do it...
"Listen to everyone, read everything, believe nothing unless you can prove it in your own research."

Milton William Cooper

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