french all the time 23h USA

Discussion about fairness-stuff. Advices of breach of rules and so on.

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ATB - Racing
Posts: 261
Joined: Fri May 04, 2012 11:57 am

french all the time 23h USA

Post by ATB - Racing » Sun Aug 25, 2013 12:56 am

USA Tour

a lot of french players around here ... so chat was french nearly all the time.
well if they dont speak about the race and players who are involved, no problem for me.

BUT they were talking about race stuff nearly all the time and last time they start to insult me.

i asked several times for some english in chat ....
of course no reaction, so i decided to ask here for an reaction.

teams: Armorique, Pharaon (not online today), Bmv Team (most likely a multi as well), reds devils

after the race i give some fairnesvotes: i named them to be "franzöische Sprachnazis" which means they speak french all the time, which is pretty unfair in my eyes.
When they talking french all the time all i understand was: ... atb ..... .... ...

so how can i know that they dont insult me?

Ambition: gn8
ATB - Racing: just join
ATB - Racing: said
ATB - Racing: dont need to i opened a fairness thread like i sias
Team Armorique: have a good night
Team Armorique: ok BMW, we will talk about it tomorrow, i have done screen save
Team Armorique: if you are not exclude, i will intent a justice action against the game , if such speaking are alloed
Bmw Team: je me joint a ta demande armo
Team Armorique: laugh my friend laugh till it is time to do it
ATB - Racing: do it
ATB - Racing: muahahaaha
Team Armorique: do not answer bmw, i will ask for his exclusion of the game
Bmw Team: ils dit que nous sommes des nazi ? ou je comprend pas sont allemands ?
Team Armorique: ok sorry guy, you have a big problem in your head, i do not care
Bmw Team: armo ?
ATB - Racing: you speak french all the time
ATB - Racing: scroll down
Team Armorique: ??? me where ? tell me ?
ATB - Racing: when you were asked to speak english several times
ATB - Racing: you are a speaking nazi; just using french
ATB - Racing: you stoped tempo so did i and nopik waited for him in the back :D
Team Armorique: sorry ATB but i do not understand what you say with you fairplay : franzosich.... blabla bla
Ambition: yes… i just saw that we lost 20 seconds and wondered why.
ATB - Racing: problem was that nopik waited too long for Cassel.... for that reason we lost about 20s ... otherwise we get them in front
Ambition: ja… war nicht gscheit. sowas passiert mit nur 4h schlaf nach einer durchsoffenen nacht ;)
Ambition: maybe i could have cateched up.
ATB - Racing: wobei wenn wir nich auf nopik gewartet hätten wären wir vorne gewesen
Ambition: yeah amorique.... i know it was a fault to stop tempo.
ATB - Racing: meine waren platt, war mir recht sicher da nich mehr ranzukommen
Ambition: schon das zweite mal, dass ich bei seiji knapp nicht mitkomme und dann nicht mehr rankomme
ATB - Racing: grün is sicher, sollte zumindest sein
Team Armorique: ambi, never let one second to seiji, it is his last race, so ... go or die
Ambition: dachte du würdest eh einholen…
ATB - Racing: aber wären ja eh geblockt worden
ATB - Racing: ja hab auch nich verstanden warum du gewartet hast
Ambition: ein paar falsche entscheidungen heute. naja. noch hab ich grün…
ATB - Racing: ich meinte attacke mit esche oder wem auch immer
Ambition: ich hätte mit duncan nach dem sioeb weiterfahren sollen. war mit clarence nur 3 sekunden hinter seiji.
Ambition: oder attacke mit esche…
Team Armorique: thks ambi
Ambition: shit, ich dachte du meinst einen sieb
Bmw Team: deux fois deuxieme
Ambition: gw amorique
Team Armorique: thanks guys to let a climber wins such a stage lol, collector this one ^^
ATB - Racing: ambi ich meinte mit eneco tour attacke am 7er
Bmw Team: puis bon un coup les mecs sprint a 100m un autre coup a 50m, ca sera toujours l'inverse de ce que je ferais
Team Armorique: ah oui c'est vrai j'avais oublié
Bmw Team: ouai j'ai attaquer quand même dans la montagne moi, ca aurais vraiment était étonnant
Ambition: 2 wrong decisions. sprinted with second 50 m too late and with clarence too
Team Arm
Bmw Team: ca serais vraiment étonnant, je n'est absolument pas penser a une victoire aujourd'hui*
Team Armorique: 4 mecs étaient dans la première attaque, donc pas frais, reste nos deux gars
Bmw Team: moi ?
Team Armorique: mais je pense que l'étape est pour toi mon gars a taffé dur
Team Armorique: dédain, vla que je me mets à faire des fautes
Team Armorique: ma dédicace sera le dédaib par le silence c'est comme çà qu'il vaut mieux traiter ce typ d'indiv
Bmw Team: si tu gagne fait lui une dédicasse
Team Armorique: enfin aujourd'hui il a le caquet en berne, ayons le trimophe modeste ^^
Bmw Team: c'est lui qui a commencer nananere !
ATB - Racing: bmw you started giving -2
Ambition: right wheel this time atb ;)
Team Armorique: yes he sucks too much may be ^^
Bmw Team: c'est pas grave atb tu mettra ton petit -2 habituel tu sera content
ATB - Racing: if you talk about me do it in ENGLISH
Bmw Team: atb ....
ATB - Racing: bmw .....
Bmw Team: surtout atb je suis bien content
Team Armorique: bon ben bonne étape bmw, tu as la montagne et les 2 zouaves l'ont bien profond
ATB - Racing: nach der tour kann ich meine rote liste mal wieder arg erweitern
Ambition: nopik got chances for stage win…
NoPikouze: de toute manière, on ne te reprend rien, mais quand tu roules seul...
Team Armorique: oui bien sur
NoPikouze: et puis bon, si j'ai envie de rouler, c'est mon problème après tout, non?
ATB - Racing: why Uberto always helping your other guys velo?
ATB - Racing: he lost yellow on first stage, cause he didnt work in peloton ... as usual
Ambition: today only 20 points?
Team Armorique: velo if vittirio may help a bit ?
ATB - Racing: of course he got a chance
reds devils: armo, mdr tu n'es qu'a une minute du jaune...
Team Armorique: ta aucune chance contre le train d'ambi
NoPikouze: c'est vrai que je n'ai pas de sprinter non plus...
ATB - Racing: armo ..... Nopik got by far the best sprinter
Team Armorique: bah pedro faut pas rouler alors, ta première place est pas menacée, laisse ambi rouler pour son sprinter et atb pour défendre sa 2 eme place
ATB - Racing: the "real" ghost was a teammanager
NoPikouze: in fact, that's Pedrocito
ATB - Racing: ok not the real ghost so just a ordanary one
NoPikouze: the first part of my sentence was "it's not NoPik" ^^
ATB - Racing: a ghost or the real one?
reds devils: je suis deg, le mec , ce conecte pas et il me prend du temps...
NoPikouze: no
ATB - Racing: the buhman killing guy?
NoPikouze: no
ATB - Racing: a poke?
NoPikouze: it's not NoPik, just a ghost
ATB - Racing: nopik, just in time
reds devils: sorry
ATB - Racing: why????
ATB - Racing: reds please go out
Team Armorique: -3 et -8
Team Armorique: bmw tu peuw aider juste descente
ATB - Racing: uberto???
Ambition: no i dont interfere fight for gc
ATB - Racing: hello nopik .....
ATB - Racing: ambi please dont poull Willem yellow attack and i wil wait
ATB - Racing: nice
ATB - Racing: hahahaah
Team Armorique: allez les pt'tits loups va y avoir du fun
ATB - Racing: i am not sure if we thinking about the same :D
Ambition: not 100% sure if i know what you mean, but wait…
Ambition: sure
ATB - Racing: ambi wanna try like eneco ?
ATB - Racing: dont understand
reds devils: that is, if both leader does not connect, the second pass first?
Team Armorique: ok
VeloPiemonte : armorique? red?
reds devils: laisse tomber, et bonne course
Ambition: downhill i expected it
ATB - Racing: but i dont like to win a tour that way
ATB - Racing: well could have tried it, thats right
ATB - Racing: reds, just do it in english i dont understand what the google translator wants to say
Ambition: yeah……
ATB - Racing: i guess he is hanging
Ambition: thx... why you didnt attack with racu? nopik still offline
reds devils: wenn ich fragen was du gestern gesagt.das heißt, ob es auf dem sehr umständlich Humor war
ATB - Racing: ambition if help is needed let me know
ATB - Racing: dont understand it
reds devils: Sie sagen, über die äußerste Grenze der Französisch Menschen, und Sie reden über Respekt!
ATB - Racing: so why the hell i should show some respect to you?
ATB - Racing: yeah you showed no respect to me, insult me; i asked several times for some english .... no reaction JUST more french about me
reds devils: respect !!!
ATB - Racing: nicht verboten, hat was mit Respekt zu tun und Fairness, aber wem erzähle ich das
reds devils: Ich frage den Webmaster, Sie verbieten?
ATB - Racing: 3. wenn ihr euch einfach so unterhaltet, könnt ihr das auf französisch machen, is mir egal
ATB - Racing: 1. kannst mich mit du anreden 2. brauchst die frage nich mit google translator übersetzen, einfach englisch reden wenn ihr über mich oder mit mir reden wollt
reds devils: c'est facile
ATB - Racing: hab ich vergessen
reds devils: atb dann bitte ich Sie, die Frage, was Sie über die Französisch gestern gesagt? der Krieg?
reds devils: atb then, I ask you the question, what you said about the French yesterday? the war?
ATB - Racing: sag mal tust du nur so doof oder bist du es?
reds devils: alors atb, je te pose la question, qu'est ce que tu as dit sur les français , hier ? sur la guerre ?
reds devils: ok
ATB - Racing: brüller was ne argumentation von devils ... chapeau
Ambition: ambition is the same in english, german and french
reds devils: ambition cela peut etre français aussi, lol. c'est un paradoxe aussi...
Ambition: thats paradox
Ambition: you say that in french reds? lol
ATB - Racing: thanks, will open a thread in the fairnes part
Bmw Team: quel rageux ce atb
reds devils: moi je dirais 99% en allemand
reds devils: ahah mdr
ATB - Racing: thanks ambi
Ambition: we talk german very occasionally. 99% in english… with you its almost other way round... 1% english.
ATB - Racing: i didnt speak ABOUT you ******
Bmw Team: c'est tout de meme incroyable le mec attaque juste pour me faire chier et m'empecher de prendre le maillot a poids
reds devils: tu parle allemand deèuis le debut
ATB - Racing: otherwise i will demand a fine
reds devils: belle victoire, tu le merite
ATB - Racing: last time: if you speak about me do it in english
reds devils: je peux me mordre les doigts d'avoir louper la premiere etape
Bmw Team: bien content que l'autre salaud est rater sont coup dis donc
Bmw Team: merci bien jouer a toi aussi
reds devils: lol grand prix montagne
Team Armorique: grand prix montagne
Bmw Team: gpm ?
ATB - Racing: beleidigungen sind immer gut
reds devils: bravo bmw pour le gpm
Bmw Team: da,ns ton cul mon atb :p
Bmw Team: et voila maillot a poids et 4eme au général parfait
Team Armorique: tu vois c'est comme je t'ai dit
Bmw Team: bye bye atb... :P
Bmw Team: nan je vaux mieux que ca, je vais pas me mettre a leurs niveau
Team Armorique: non si tu attaques tu casse rien mais a toi de voir
ATB - Racing: sieb is comming :D
Bmw Team: comme ca je fait chier les emmerdeurs au passage
Bmw Team: je fait casser le peloton ?
Team Armorique: tu rattrappes tranquillou et tu passes si tu attaques
ATB - Racing: right means ride obviously
ATB - Racing: pfff i dont care about you and your red i right for my team
Bmw Team: je sais pas si ils croient allez bien loin avec ses 50 en montagne sur du 8 et 9 % lol
Bmw Team: c'est la qu'on voit l'intélligence des types
Bmw Team: non ils roulent juste pour que je prend pas le maillot a poids tout simplement
ATB - Racing: schleich dich, bmw
Team Armorique: au contraire bmw c'est ta chance il faut que quelques courueurs s'intercalent entre toi et le second en montagne
Team Armorique: ok atb
Bmw Team: ATTACK epic fail ATB :P
Bmw Team: cette attaque inutile mdr
ATB - Racing: Armo, all together?
ATB - Racing: hopefully we wont see a ms tomorrow, otherwise that big sucker got a chance to win a stage
ATB - Racing: hrhr
Ambition: sich mit den franzosen anzulegen, keine gute idee ;)
ATB - Racing: aber ich bin ja schon ruhig
ATB - Racing: zudem hab ich noch nichmal angefangen :D
ATB - Racing: hihi droht der knilch mir? süß
Ambition: sowas wie: wenn du damit aufhören würdest, wäre das eine gute sache für alle. die franzosen werden sich das sehr gut merken
ATB - Racing: ja ganz ganz schlimm werde mich jetzt mal selbst geißeln
Ambition: pöhse atb, pöhse
Ambition: sowas wie atb hat kommentare abgegeben, die sich nur gegen die franzosen richteten. ist das sein humor?
ATB - Racing: hab ja echt übelst lust Pharaon rot zu sichern
Bmw Team: ATB si tu pouvais la fermer une bonne fois pour toute, le peuple français t'en serais trés reconnaissant
ATB - Racing: kannst das mal übersetzen? atb a tenu des propos, tres limite sur les français, est ce de l'humour ?
ATB - Racing: btw velo what happened to Uberto two days ago?
ATB - Racing: hehe
Ambition: even better ^^
Ambition: and kind of pakistani "choclate"
ATB - Racing: that one sounds even nicer :D
Ambition: and a bit of special "green tea"
ATB - Racing: sounds great
Ambition: later i need some (more) koffee
Ambition: organic tea from south korea at price of 190€ a kg
Ambition: only the best.
Ambition: my wife is a green-tea maniac
Ambition: better wait for attack after mountain…
ATB - Racing: tea is also fine; i never drink coffee
ATB - Racing: that red jersey destroy all the tour
Ambition: prost... tea for me
Ambition: nein, dazu bin ich inzwischen realistisch genug..
ATB - Racing: btw PROST
ATB - Racing: :D
ATB - Racing: und dann am nächsten morgen: NIE WIEDER ALKOHOL
Ambition: im too old for that shit ;)
ATB - Racing: hehe
Ambition: tomorrow will be bad weather, so no bad feeling about not going to ride bycicle instead of staying at home
Ambition: more drinking. haha
ATB - Racing: that one sounds also nice :D
ATB - Racing: oha
Ambition: just returned
Ambition: family birthday barbecue…
ATB - Racing: hehe, why you didnt sleep all day long?
Ambition: today it doesnt feel that nice, but it was fun ;)
ATB - Racing: sounds nice
ATB - Racing: and nopik is off btw
ATB - Racing: why not?
Ambition: or 2 o'clock maybe
Ambition: continued in the club around 1:20
Flinky: why are you chasing so hard?
Ambition: no… at 25 hours hotel. nice bar on top.
ATB - Racing: you started at 7 in the club???
Ambition: no vorglühen... thats why it became so expensive
ATB - Racing: some "vorglühen" included?
Ambition: started at 7 pm. so more than 12 hours party.
Ambition: me normally too. maybe two or three times a year. thats enough for an old man ;)
Ambition: a bottle gin with tonic 120€
ATB - Racing: if i do party hard also from time to time, but in a cheaper way :D
Ambition: volksgarten
Ambition: went to most famous club of vienna...
ATB - Racing: WOW
Ambition: we spent around 200€ each for drinks
ATB - Racing: nice
Ambition: i was home at 7:30
ATB - Racing: until?
Ambition: extemely hard.
Ambition: yes...
ATB - Racing: party hard this night?
Ambition: my reg is below 200…
Ambition: im so dead... only slept 4 hours.
ATB - Racing: nah not wow, but stupid
Ambition: wow
ATB - Racing: i really LOVE this stage ... 3rd time that i ride it today :D
ATB - Racing: heya
Ambition: hi

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Re: french all the time 23h USA

Post by chartreusecycle » Sun Sep 01, 2013 5:27 pm

Well... Now you can feel what all french people felt 2,3 years ago when they arrived in RSF.

But I admit it is not a solution! I will tell them next time and now let speak English... or Esperanto ?
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Re: french all the time 23h USA

Post by sylvainmeteo » Sun Sep 01, 2013 6:08 pm

chartreusecycle wrote:Well... Now you can feel what all french people felt 2,3 years ago when they arrived in RSF.

But I admit it is not a solution! I will tell them next time and now let speak English... or Esperanto ?
I fully agree with this statement :) would be nice if all speak english, but some can't unfortunately...
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