gp monte cornetta 1400

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gp monte cornetta 1400

Post by udinese1970 » Mon Aug 12, 2013 10:42 pm

Hi, i demand a fine for r Quick.......
he said speaking about me...r QUICK: write english you fuckin idiot

i think a fine is the minimum....and this is all the chat

X Later: la mia squadra è distrutta ahahah
X Later: 1 secondo
Bengals Udine: tanto non sprintavo....
Avance: gx R 1S
X Later: scusa per l'attacco ma almeno un 8 posto ahah
Bengals Udine: sepensa mi interessiciò che scrvie il poveretto...
X Later: per avance
X Later: difficile prendere 7 secondi
r QUICK: hoffentlich versucht bengals udine das in seinen übersetzer einzugeben oba dea wiad dem beidl a nix höfn
Bengals Udine: non so...forse sul -8...
X Later: dipende quanto prende con wirtanen quick
X Later: cambiato pronostico ahah
X Later: attenzione a avance
Bengals Udine: aspettami con luck che saliamo insieme
X Later: aha ci ha già pensato lui
X Later: parto io allora ***
Bengals Udine: tanto è appiccicato al mio culo...
X Later: lo aiuti cosi
Bengals Udine: nulla...tanto spero di arrivare tra i primi 10
X Later: che fai?
Bengals Udine: a ecco non lo riscordavo....ora anche a me......benissimo
X Later: nono gli stava già antipatico
Bengals Udine: ora ne mettiamo unaltro tra i pirlotti di aux :)
X Later: da uno dei favoriti mi sa che faccio fatica a arrivare nei 10
X Later: si bellissima
Bengals Udine: bella giornata XL vero ?
r QUICK: and now don't tell me this isn't cuntish behaviour
Bengals Udine: colgionazzo
r QUICK: cunt
Bengals Udine: i write in my language.....every time i want....if u are not able to use google trasnlator is not my problem...
r QUICK: no, just write english when you write about me, disrespectful cheesehead
Bengals Udine: che testa di michione....
Bengals Udine: go on google translator !
r QUICK: i don't know
Bengals Udine: i have not insult u in italian !
r QUICK: yes, and i do it in english. you write about me in in italian.
Movistar: i think xD
Bengals Udine: write english you fuckin idiot....u speak about me ?
X Later: credo proprio di si
Bengals Udine: ma ce l ha con me ?
X Later: è stanchissimo
r QUICK: write english you fuckin idiot
Bengals Udine: wirtanen attaccherà sierra in pinura e se ne andrà...
r QUICK: i hink
r QUICK: me or avance
r QUICK: if one thing is sure it's sierra won't win
X Later: non ha discesa
Bengals Udine: non credo...vincerà r quick...
Movistar: voila ce qu'il arrive quand les favoris, ne jouent pas leurs rôles
X Later: gw sierra
Bengals Udine: merda.....ora non posso più fare nulla...
r QUICK: lol u kiddin m8?
Movistar: i heklp in thje moutain
Bengals Udine: movistar help or i will stop
r QUICK: hope noone noobsiebs now with his mountainrider!
X Later: ahah si
X Later: ah cpt
Bengals Udine: pirkio e luques :)
Bengals Udine: ah già che tu avevi due sitter ieri :)
Bengals Udine: è partito troppo presto sulla salita finale....e ha fatto una brutta fine....
Bengals Udine: altrimenti r quick è sempre il favorito....vedrai che qualcosafarà...
X Later: perchè che ha fatto?
Bengals Udine: tu devi giocarla bene...non come astana ieri ad esempio....
X Later: bengals per te chi vince
X Later: don't help in group?
X Later: mi sono già fermato..
Bengals Udine: fermati ora...lascia lavorare gli altri...
Movistar: c'est pas quand l'échapper sera hors de portée qu'il faudra ce décider a rouler
X Later: 2 rider
Movistar: c'est loin d'etre un soucis
X Later: you have only 3 riders in first group
Movistar: je fait ton boulot, donc te plain pas
X Later: mi fa fuori tutta la squadra sto quà
X Later: movistar... stop tempo
X Later: ah ok
Movistar: x later and mokotow are favo
Bengals Udine: r quick is always favo....
Bengals Udine: no...domattina si lavora e nanna presto....non ce la faccio....
r QUICK: who is favo???
X Later: tu lo puoi sittare aux alle 23?
Bengals Udine: basta che ci rimanga :)
X Later: bene
X Later: motokow offline
X Later: ah ok mi consolo
Bengals Udine: il mio anche meno :)
X Later: è possibile che il mio scalatore ha già 961 di energia?
Bengals Udine: annibale scarso :)
Bengals Udine: io l'ho abbassato comprando uno da 25k di stipendio....
X Later: salario alto oggi il mio
Bengals Udine: ciao XL
X Later: ciao bengals
Bengals Udine: ciao !!!!
r QUICK: ballantines not here. hihihihi
RF Team: hi
X Later: ah ok!
r QUICK: actually, i'm not even sure if i could
r QUICK: i could but i won't
X Later: quick you can sitter auxilium torino tonight?
r QUICK: cu
X Later: ciaoo!

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Re: gp monte cornetta 1400

Post by luques » Tue Aug 13, 2013 12:21 am

I fully support bengals here, for a big reason and some minor.

BIG reason more about what i think is the concept of a game: told already many times, this is a game, an online game where you play and chat with people you don't know and probably will never know.
So as it is an online game relax, quiet down, put the problems of your life in another place, we want have fun not hear frustrated people.
And as you speak with people you don't know be polite... if you know or you already speak with him ok no problem, but with all other people you meet first time at least be polite, make your opinion about him and if you need discuss... I don't think that if a customer comes to you or a beautiful girl you never see you say to him "fucking idiot" speak my language (so i think it's an insult)...

Now why i support bengals about this particular case:

1) Bengals told earlier in the race chat
Bengals Udine: r quick is always favo....
I think this is an appreciation of that player (or at least of his team)
2) Happened to me many times that french people speak french, german speak german... happen also that they speak about me in another language... i simply ask them what they said or used a translator and never had problems.
3) X Later as much as i know speak very little english, it's quite normal that he will tend to speak italian and italian players to reply in italian, same thing happens with some germans that speak little english and are more comfortable speaking german, never had a problem
4) It's quite funny see that Quick and Bengals said the same thing and quick get angry for something he said...
Bengals Udine: wirtanen attaccherà sierra in pinura e se ne andrà... (translation: wirtanen(quick) will attack sierra and will gain time on him...
r QUICK: me or avance
r QUICK: if one thing is sure it's sierra won't win
5) Bengals spoke about Wirtanen, never tell nothing about quick, he was speaking about one of his rider not his manager... don't know why quick thought they were speaking about him and offending him
6) The sad fact is that quick is not a newbie, is an expert that could be a mentor for many new players and also an ex (or actual?) member of the FC so should give the example imo...


What happened after was just an action-reaction chain due by the fucking idiot...

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Re: gp monte cornetta 1400

Post by ATB - Racing » Tue Aug 13, 2013 1:34 am

if this ends in a fine ...
some members of the fairnes comitee should spent A LOT of money

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Re: gp monte cornetta 1400

Post by Rockstar Inc » Tue Aug 13, 2013 9:59 am

ATB - Racing wrote:if this ends in a fine ...
some members of the fairnes comitee should spent A LOT of money
as long as some way more important or way more worse things aren't cleared a fine for this would be FUCKING IDIOTIC
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Re: gp monte cornetta 1400

Post by Rastaman » Tue Aug 13, 2013 10:26 am

Fine won't help this guy will keep on insulting him until he doesnt like the game anymore. :lol:

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Re: gp monte cornetta 1400

Post by flockmastoR » Tue Aug 13, 2013 3:41 pm

Well in fact he spoke about r Quick (some lines earlier). And i couldnt get the meaning of it with translator. Could mean both that he thinks Quick will win or not win.

Natürlich sollte er dann nicht "fucking idiot" sagen. Vor allem weil er zuvor nicht mal nett darauf hingewiesen hat dass er gerne hätte, dass man über ihn auf Englisch schreiben soll. Wenn er es getan hätte und dann "i write in my language.....every time i want" bekommen hätte würde ichs ja noch eher ein "fucking idiot" verstehen. Aber dafür gleich eine Strafe? Gibts schon einen Beleidigungsstrafenkatalog?

Und um Quick zu zitieren: Waun der "beidl" mein beitrog lesn wü soi er eam in translator kopiern
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Re: gp monte cornetta 1400

Post by Radomiak » Tue Aug 13, 2013 6:33 pm

I am on r Kwik side. This is international game so the chat should be in english, which is commonly choosen to be the main language to use while being in international group. If you dont speak it at all, use some messenger/facebook to chat with other guy and keep it private since not everyone can read it.

Fine for everyone who speak other language than english.

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Re: gp monte cornetta 1400

Post by IDF » Tue Aug 13, 2013 6:56 pm

" Fine for everyone who speak other language than english. "

i'm agree , really. ( hi Hypo :) )
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Re: gp monte cornetta 1400

Post by Rockstar Inc » Tue Aug 13, 2013 7:14 pm

IDF wrote: ( hi Hypo :) )
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Re: gp monte cornetta 1400

Post by IDF » Wed Aug 14, 2013 9:41 pm

Please , need a rule like that..
[8:11:11 PM] SM: j'ai un bug la j'arrive plus a aller sur RFM

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Re: gp monte cornetta 1400

Post by Robyklebt » Wed Aug 14, 2013 11:19 pm

IDF wrote:Please , need a rule like that..
No we don't
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Re: gp monte cornetta 1400

Post by Radomiak » Wed Aug 14, 2013 11:45 pm

Robyklebt wrote:
IDF wrote:Please , need a rule like that..
No we don't
Yes, we do.

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Re: gp monte cornetta 1400

Post by luques » Wed Aug 14, 2013 11:53 pm

Robyklebt wrote:
IDF wrote:Please , need a rule like that..
No we don't
Agree with Robyklebt.
Ask me to speak english and i will do, no problem.
But give a fine for those who don't speak english is ridiculous.

Seems we are getting back of 20-30years... Spain, Catala vs Castillano, fortunately now there is freedom to speak every language you want!

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Re: gp monte cornetta 1400

Post by Robyklebt » Thu Aug 15, 2013 12:06 am

Mmh, sure you want that Rado? You'd get a fine each time you'd use the polish word for peloton!
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Re: gp monte cornetta 1400

Post by IDF » Thu Aug 15, 2013 12:45 am

luques wrote: Agree with Robyklebt.
Ask me to speak english and i will do, no problem.
Everybody isn"t like you :( ...
[8:11:11 PM] SM: j'ai un bug la j'arrive plus a aller sur RFM

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Re: gp monte cornetta 1400

Post by Radomiak » Thu Aug 15, 2013 8:42 am

Robyklebt wrote:Mmh, sure you want that Rado? You'd get a fine each time you'd use the polish word for peloton!
If this would make stop people talking in other languages, I can sacrifice myself for greater good.


Chat is for everyone so if you use it, everybody should be able to understand. The worst thing in talking in other languages is that you feel like its spam. For example there are to 2 guys who speak in their language enitre race, you are in escape and you would like to communicate with them, if you write something, it will be lost in spam of their conversation, because everybody stop watching chat when they dont understand anything, its super annoying. You want to start talking in english with someone? It will be hard for the same reason. It's just fking annoying and rude to speak language where most of the people dont understand it. Why not to talk in private if you speak only with 1-2 players? Chat is for everyone and we should use the most common language.

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Re: gp monte cornetta 1400

Post by luques » Thu Aug 15, 2013 12:14 pm


I agree with you in general, i also don't like when they speak german in the system or international part of the forum.

But i think it is more a problem of education (not cut out someone from the conversation) and don't think that a fine can solve that, otherwise they will find other ways, for example speaking via skype or similar, but at this point you obtain a race chat empty and they that discuss about their tactics and other things via skype/facebook etc... I prefer to know what they are thinking using a translator instead of being in the dark.

For example another thing that annoy me much as people speaking other languages is people always complaining and whining, do they deserve a fine? i think yes, because their behaviour often ruins the "atmosphere" of the race, but after i realized that it's not a fine in a game online that can make them change their behaviour, so just accept them as they are :)

Instead for the general chat i think that it is ok to speak the language you prefer.

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Re: gp monte cornetta 1400

Post by udinese1970 » Fri Aug 16, 2013 9:37 am sanctions for insulting other people ?
i have 43 yrs old....and if someone insult me in Italy i will go to the police to report this man & have a judgment with an obligation to pay me....a lot....for insult.....
This is a is not possible that someone could insult the others only for speaking his guys....this in not grave......
if the situation remain the same i will not renew the license.....which expire in 12 days.....

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Re: gp monte cornetta 1400

Post by Radomiak » Fri Aug 16, 2013 10:15 am

udinese1970 sanctions for insulting other people ?
i have 43 yrs old....and if someone insult me in Italy i will go to the police to report this man & have a judgment with an obligation to pay me....a lot....for insult.....
This is a is not possible that someone could insult the others only for speaking his guys....this in not grave......
if the situation remain the same i will not renew the license.....which expire in 12 days.....
I am glad to hear that. I also advise not only to quit the game, but also uninstall internet and throw away your pc.
Thanks in advance...

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Re: gp monte cornetta 1400

Post by Robyklebt » Fri Aug 16, 2013 12:52 pm

udinese1970 wrote:Hi, i demand a fine for r Quick.......
he said speaking about me...r QUICK: write english you fuckin idiot

i think a fine is the minimum....and this is all the chat

r QUICK: hoffentlich versucht bengals udine das in seinen übersetzer einzugeben oba dea wiad dem beidl a nix höfn
Bengals Udine: non so...forse sul -8...
X Later: dipende quanto prende con wirtanen quick
X Later: cambiato pronostico ahah
X Later: attenzione a avance
Bengals Udine: aspettami con luck che saliamo insieme
X Later: aha ci ha già pensato lui
X Later: parto io allora ***
Bengals Udine: tanto è appiccicato al mio culo...
X Later: lo aiuti cosi
Bengals Udine: nulla...tanto spero di arrivare tra i primi 10
X Later: che fai?
Bengals Udine: a ecco non lo riscordavo....ora anche a me......benissimo
X Later: nono gli stava già antipatico
Bengals Udine: ora ne mettiamo unaltro tra i pirlotti di aux :)
X Later: da uno dei favoriti mi sa che faccio fatica a arrivare nei 10
X Later: si bellissima
Bengals Udine: bella giornata XL vero ?
r QUICK: and now don't tell me this isn't cuntish behaviour
Bengals Udine: colgionazzo
r QUICK: cunt
Bengals Udine: i write in my language.....every time i want....if u are not able to use google trasnlator is not my problem...
r QUICK: no, just write english when you write about me, disrespectful cheesehead
Bengals Udine: che testa di michione....
Bengals Udine: go on google translator !
r QUICK: i don't know
Bengals Udine: i have not insult u in italian !
r QUICK: yes, and i do it in english. you write about me in in italian.
Movistar: i think xD
Bengals Udine: write english you fuckin idiot....u speak about me ?
X Later: credo proprio di si
Bengals Udine: ma ce l ha con me ?
X Later: è stanchissimo
r QUICK: write english you fuckin idiot
Bengals, but then you are demanding a fine for yourself too I guess?
The bolding here is mine. Quicks starts and insults you. So yes, standard procedure is: He gets a fine. Usually long after the fact, since the whole fairness system is kind of broken. Big Boss Buhmann mostly offline, fairness committee seems not to be working.
But then you react and insult him back, testa di michione, I guess that's insulting? Coglionazzo comes from coglione, insulting, the Aux thing doesn't sound nice either, In the end the insulting match ends 3-3. Normally in those cases both insulters get a fine. Getting insulted is not a free pass to insult back without punishment, while the other gets a punishment. When I was involved in those cases I usually got double the fine of the other guy (because I start insulting).
Here all pretty clear:
1. Quick insults you
2. Short discussion, then you insult him back. I think, not really sure actually what it is.
3. He insults you again, you insult him again, until 3-3.
First insult the heaviest, after that more stuff that too me doesn't seem that heavy..but ok still insults.
Now up to the great fairness committee to work... good luck with that.
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Re: gp monte cornetta 1400

Post by NoPikouze » Fri Aug 16, 2013 1:48 pm

Well I guess Quick started the insults but Bengals was talking about him in italian, which is not very respectful neither, I think most RSF-players agree on that.
Btw I dont know what he said and I couldn't care less.
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Re: gp monte cornetta 1400

Post by sylvainmeteo » Fri Aug 16, 2013 2:44 pm

A bit the same at Burgos (no insults or big problems), always speaking italian between Aux, X Later, Bengals etc... :?
I agree with NoPik and Roby, some italian managers seem to not do enough to try to speak english as much as possible...
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Re: gp monte cornetta 1400

Post by luques » Fri Aug 16, 2013 3:05 pm

sylvainmeteo wrote:A bit the same at Burgos (no insults or big problems), always speaking italian between Aux, X Later, Bengals etc... :?
I agree with NoPik and Roby, some italian managers seem to not do enough to try to speak english as much as possible...
Hihi, X Later knows only a couple of words in english :)
Anyway, i don't think that it is only an "italian problem", i see often german do the same (speaking german)....

And anyway i still think that it was simply to say "When you speak about me speak english bengals... thanks..." instead of insulting, and all these would have never happened!

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Re: gp monte cornetta 1400

Post by Robyklebt » Fri Aug 16, 2013 3:30 pm

Oh fuck it, I demand a big fucking huge fine for SM.
sylvainmeteo wrote:A bit the same at Burgos (no insults or big problems), always speaking italian between Aux, X Later, Bengals etc... :?
I agree with NoPik and Roby, some italian managers seem to not do enough to try to speak english as much as possible...
So, somebody just reading this post and not the ones before will think. "Oh, NoPik and Roby said that some Italian managers do not enough to try to speak english"
Which is not what fucking Roby fucking posted in this fucking thread.

What the ape wrote was something different and unlike most of the posts here was actually on topic. I repeat:
Quick insulted Bengals: Would normally get a fine.
Bengals insulted back: Would normally get a smaller fine.

And as Luques said it's not an Italian problem or one by some Italian managers anyway. Troublemakers nr 1: Germans. Or german speakers. Logica, still the majority. But of course the majority doesn't really realize that, since it isn't affected by it. Nr 2 frenchies, they're the second most "own language speakers". Biggest minority too, oh what a surprise. And btw SM himself fortunately (because hten less people understand his idiocies) is one of the bigger "french talking" offenders.

Everybody speaks what they want. Those that know that what they say is highly uninteresting will chose a language few understand, SM mostly french, those like me that know that their every word is worth lots and lots will use english so that as many people as possible can profit from my limitless wisdom.

And in the meantime fine SM.
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Re: gp monte cornetta 1400

Post by udinese1970 » Fri Aug 16, 2013 4:50 pm

sylvainmeteo wrote:A bit the same at Burgos (no insults or big problems), always speaking italian between Aux, X Later, Bengals etc... :?
I agree with NoPik and Roby, some italian managers seem to not do enough to try to speak english as much as possible...
this morning at buffalo gp at 9.00 a lot of people spoke problem....i could say the same for german or french.....not only italian....sometimes they don't try to speak english.....but i problem...i think everyone could speak the language he wants...why not ?

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