Abendgiro 2010 - 22 Uhr

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Re: Abendgiro 2010 - 22 Uhr

Post by Bear » Mon May 17, 2010 9:25 pm

GC after stage 7

Arnthor Valgeirsson +0:00
Matthew Bearclaw +0:44
Jean Coulieu + 1:14
Maxime Kletter +1:53
Lionel Terray + 2:12
Wilmer Esmander + 2:35
Tendzin Rinpoche + 4:55
Phillipe Thys + 5:00
Daniel Lindblom +5:12

Better?? :)

captain ahab
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Re: Abendgiro 2010 - 22 Uhr

Post by captain ahab » Tue May 18, 2010 2:44 am

na prack...wenn man nach der fairnessbewertung geht,macht sich aghn ja jede menge neuer freunde ;)

Cerro Torre RT
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Re: Abendgiro 2010 - 22 Uhr

Post by Cerro Torre RT » Tue May 18, 2010 10:56 am

probably yes...

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Re: Abendgiro 2010 - 22 Uhr

Post by Buhmann » Tue May 18, 2010 2:51 pm

War hier überhaupt schonmal jemand der nicht Deutsch spricht? Jedenfalls mache ich mir das jetzt mal einfacher.

Giro bis jetzt ganz lustig. Leicht Sorgen macht mir, dass Libby das Ding super easy nach Hause schaukeln wird. 90er hin oder her, mit 35 Reg gewinnt man keinen Blumentopf. Da war ich für GTs mit Latour und co. damals weitaus besser bestückt. Ohne Zeitfahren braucht man bekloppte Aktionen. Mit 35 Reg sind bekloppte Reaktionen noch viel bekloppter. Werde versuchen mit Coulieu aufs Podium zu kommen und noch 2 Etappen zu gewinnen. Dann bin ich mit dem Giro mehr als zufrieden :) Gut, nen Ausreissersieg wäre auch noch schön ;)
Bin gespannt ob es heute wieder einen Sprint gibt. Hätte mal Lust auf ne Gruppe die mit ein paar Minuten Vorsprung ins Ziel kommt. Naja, vielleicht ja die Tage mal. Vor der nächsten schwierigen Bergetappe zum Beispiel. Achja, Fretiag oder Samstag bin ich wohl nicht da. Samsatg würd ich mich ja einfahc verhängen, aber mit 35 Reg hab ich doch Angst dass derjenige mich schön kaputt attackiert ;)

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Re: Abendgiro 2010 - 22 Uhr

Post by Bear » Tue May 18, 2010 3:56 pm

Yes, I think there are only german speaking managers writing here. But who knows how many non-german managers read this? I think this is the reason to write in english. But the managers who think that their english is not good enough can write in german for sure. I don't think this would be a problem.

Cerro Torre RT
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Re: Abendgiro 2010 - 22 Uhr

Post by Cerro Torre RT » Tue May 18, 2010 6:12 pm

I'll stay with english, too...

To tell about my furhter goals: GC is gone since Tuesday. Libby is unbeatable for me, and podium doesn't interest me, i wont fight for it, if it happens, it happens, if not, no problem. I totally focus on winning stages, like i do the whole tour. One mountain stage will not be possilbe, as there are just 2 more where i will be online, but it stays the goal.

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Re: Abendgiro 2010 - 22 Uhr

Post by Bear » Thu May 20, 2010 10:49 am

Puh, what a finish yesterday. A very narrow decision in the sprint. Maybe the stage was boring because only Cerro, Erkrath and of course AGHN tried something (ok, in the end there were also some attacks). But I don't care about this. For me just the stage win counts.

I feel a bit sorry for Radler. If I knew that my chances are better than Bone's I would have helped more. Radler was my favorite for the stage, but without an attack on the first 5% it was over. But there are some more stages to come which Coulieu can win. Bone had only one helper for the last kilometers. With a second helper he would have been the strongest for sure.

Today will be a stage for Leso I think. If he can controll the bunch in the end, he has best chances for the stage win.

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Re: Abendgiro 2010 - 22 Uhr

Post by lesossies » Thu May 20, 2010 2:49 pm

Bear wrote: Today will be a stage for Leso I think. If he can controll the bunch in the end, he has best chances for the stage win.
I think it is impossible to control all the 75-80 doped drivers :evil:
Nobody has interest to help me so I won´t kill my riders for a very very incertain issue.

But I hope we´ll get again a big fight for this stage, the question is how tired are the teams from the (260km long) yesterday stage and how much are they ready to give for the 3 next difficult stages.

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Re: Abendgiro 2010 - 22 Uhr

Post by Buhmann » Thu May 20, 2010 4:27 pm

No problem yesterday. Attack at the first 5% would be better. At the end a really bad race for me. Lost the jersey and a bad result at the end. Th eproblem is the money, but okay.

Today maybe i escape with one rider. But not more...need the energy.

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Re: Abendgiro 2010 - 22 Uhr

Post by Bear » Sat May 22, 2010 3:27 pm

Here are the stage winners so far:

1. Etappe - Amsterdam (Prolog) - Cal Clutterbuck (Team Bearclaw)
2. Etappe - Amsterdam–Utrecht (Flachetappe)- Ion Belaustegui (Cerro Torre RT)
3. Etappe - Amsterdam–Middelburg (Flachetappe) - Adrian Croft (Rhino Cycling)
1. Ruhetag -
4. Etappe - Savigliano–Cuneo (MZF) - LibertySeguros
5. Etappe - Novara–Novi Ligure (Flachetappe) - Hans Laen (Bonebreakers)
6. Etappe - Fidenza–Carrara (Mittl. Bergetappe) - Pablo Huntera (Team AGHN)
7. Etappe - Carrara–Montalcino (Mittl. Bergetappe) - Aron Palmarsson (Cerro Torre RT)
8. Etappe - Chianciano Terme–Monte Terminillo (HC Bergetappe) - Jean Coulieu (Radler)
9. Etappe - Frosinone–Cava de’ Tirreni (Flachetappe) - Adrian Croft (Rhino Cycling)
10. Etappe - Avellino–Bitonto (Flachetappe) - Juha Salminen (Team Bearclaw)
11. Etappe - Lucera–L’Aquila (Mittl. Bergetappe) - Matthew Bearclaw (Team Bearclaw)
12. Etappe - Città Sant'Angelo–Porto Recanati (Flachetappe) - Franck Saucé (Radler)
13. Etappe - Porto Recanati–Cesenatico (Mittl. Bergetappe) - David Silva (Cerro Torre RT)
14. Etappe - Ferrara–Asolo (HC Bergetappe) - ?
15. Etappe - Mestre–Monte Zoncolan (HC Bergetappe) - ?
2. Ruhetag -
16. Etappe - St. Vigil–Kronplatz (Berg-Zeitfahren) - ?
17. Etappe - Bruneck–Peio (Mittl. Bergetappe) - ?
18. Etappe - Levico Terme–Brescia (Flachetappe) - ?
19. Etappe - Brescia–Aprica (HC Bergetappe) - ?
20. Etappe - Bormio–Tonalepass (HC Bergetappe) - ?
21. Etappe - Verona (Zeitfahren) - ?

Today is difficult to say who got the best chances, depends on the speed on the Monte Grappa probably. Tomorrow is Coulieu's day. The mountain-TT is something for Arnthor, Esmander and Coulieu again, maybe Coulieu is the strongest. He might lose only time in the beginning of the TT. In Peio Terme some riders will get a chance, maybe a classic rider can make it with a good attack before the last climb. The flat stage is the day of the sprinters, we will see if they want to work for a mass sprint. The last two HC mountain stages will be challenging, maybe a non GC climber will make it. The final TT might be something for Cal (if he is still in the race).

Cerro Torre RT
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Re: Abendgiro 2010 - 22 Uhr

Post by Cerro Torre RT » Sat May 22, 2010 5:18 pm

I like the look at that list. 3 stage wins out of 13 stages, and 3 times more a second place where i have had a shot at the win. So I was included in the stage decission far mor offen than expected, nearly at half of the stages. Also, i reached my minimum goal of at least 3 stage wins. I never have won so much in a Giro ever before. Due to my transfers i have some little pressure to make some more money during the rest of the tour (ca. 600k including the end classements over the last 8 days) or i have to throw out Vicente (what wouldn't be the big deal either). We'll see, think today i will come a bit later, completly frustrated or celebrating my team.

And i don't expect Coulieu to win the Plan de Corones, mountain value very important there but some time trail is still an advantage. I expect a more or less clear victory of Valgeirsson there.

Today I'll vote for Stinga.

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Re: Abendgiro 2010 - 22 Uhr

Post by Bear » Sun May 23, 2010 1:17 am

Here are the stage winners so far:

1. Etappe - Amsterdam (Prolog) - Cal Clutterbuck (Team Bearclaw)
2. Etappe - Amsterdam–Utrecht (Flachetappe)- Ion Belaustegui (Cerro Torre RT)
3. Etappe - Amsterdam–Middelburg (Flachetappe) - Adrian Croft (Rhino Cycling)
1. Ruhetag -
4. Etappe - Savigliano–Cuneo (MZF) - LibertySeguros
5. Etappe - Novara–Novi Ligure (Flachetappe) - Hans Laen (Bonebreakers)
6. Etappe - Fidenza–Carrara (Mittl. Bergetappe) - Pablo Huntera (Team AGHN)
7. Etappe - Carrara–Montalcino (Mittl. Bergetappe) - Aron Palmarsson (Cerro Torre RT)
8. Etappe - Chianciano Terme–Monte Terminillo (HC Bergetappe) - Jean Coulieu (Radler)
9. Etappe - Frosinone–Cava de’ Tirreni (Flachetappe) - Adrian Croft (Rhino Cycling)
10. Etappe - Avellino–Bitonto (Flachetappe) - Juha Salminen (Team Bearclaw)
11. Etappe - Lucera–L’Aquila (Mittl. Bergetappe) - Matthew Bearclaw (Team Bearclaw)
12. Etappe - Città Sant'Angelo–Porto Recanati (Flachetappe) - Franck Saucé (Radler)
13. Etappe - Porto Recanati–Cesenatico (Mittl. Bergetappe) - David Silva (Cerro Torre RT)
14. Etappe - Ferrara–Asolo (HC Bergetappe) - Luuk vanKekkerstaan (Team Erkrath RS)
15. Etappe - Mestre–Monte Zoncolan (HC Bergetappe) - ?
2. Ruhetag -
16. Etappe - St. Vigil–Kronplatz (Berg-Zeitfahren) - ?
17. Etappe - Bruneck–Peio (Mittl. Bergetappe) - ?
18. Etappe - Levico Terme–Brescia (Flachetappe) - ?
19. Etappe - Brescia–Aprica (HC Bergetappe) - ?
20. Etappe - Bormio–Tonalepass (HC Bergetappe) - ?
21. Etappe - Verona (Zeitfahren) - ?

Great escape group today. First it looked like we will get through "easily". After the Monte Grappa I was sure that we will be caught. In the end we reached the line 4 sec ahead of the main bunch. Thanks to Luuk who saved the group, he was the deserved winner. Juha with 10 energy points at the finish. Good work in the group. Thanks to Leso, Ol/Erk and Larapana.

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Re: Abendgiro 2010 - 22 Uhr

Post by olmania » Sun May 23, 2010 10:07 am

After the Monte Grappa I was sure that we will be caught
Not sure, and that was good to continue.
Be cause only cerro did a big job to come back, not libby in the first group for example. And we had good skills in the downhill. A good stage, I was happy to do race with this 22h group, nice escape.

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Re: Abendgiro 2010 - 22 Uhr

Post by Bear » Sun May 23, 2010 7:43 pm

One thing I have to say. I liked the escapes in our field very much. I can't remember a single "pulling"-group. Thumps up for this.

Cerro Torre RT
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Re: Abendgiro 2010 - 22 Uhr

Post by Cerro Torre RT » Sun May 23, 2010 7:51 pm

Thougth we got them, remember stage 2. Or yesterday, a classic double attack by me. But they are few, very few. Most teams learned that it is nearly senceless in this Tour to waste more than one for a early group, while the outcome is nearly the same if they di it with one.

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Re: Abendgiro 2010 - 22 Uhr

Post by Bear » Mon May 24, 2010 1:38 am

Ok. Zoncolan is done. Matthew lost only 17 seconds on Coulieu and could gain 8 sec to Arnthor (time bonuses included). A good result because I thought that the race will be really challenging and Matthew will lose some time at the Zoncolan. Maybe, it was more exciting back in the field as in front. After Coulieu's attack the stage win was save when he was 16 sec ahead.

GC after stage 15:

Arnthor Valgeirsson +0:00
Matthew Bearclaw +0:13
Jean Coulieu + 0:49
Maxime Kletter +2:16
Lionel Terray + 3:11
Wilmer Esmander + 3:45

Because Jean and Matthew are both very weak in TT it will be just a fight for the second place as it seems. Coulieu has the better chances when he takes also the next mountain stages and saves the time bonuses. And he will be stronger on the Plan de Corones. I hope for a good clean fight... The other climbers are more than 2 minutes down. But maybe they can gain some time with a brave attack.

Here are the stage winners so far:

1. Etappe - Amsterdam (Prolog) - Cal Clutterbuck (Team Bearclaw)
2. Etappe - Amsterdam–Utrecht (Flachetappe)- Ion Belaustegui (Cerro Torre RT)
3. Etappe - Amsterdam–Middelburg (Flachetappe) - Adrian Croft (Rhino Cycling)
1. Ruhetag -
4. Etappe - Savigliano–Cuneo (MZF) - LibertySeguros
5. Etappe - Novara–Novi Ligure (Flachetappe) - Hans Laen (Bonebreakers)
6. Etappe - Fidenza–Carrara (Mittl. Bergetappe) - Pablo Huntera (Team AGHN)
7. Etappe - Carrara–Montalcino (Mittl. Bergetappe) - Aron Palmarsson (Cerro Torre RT)
8. Etappe - Chianciano Terme–Monte Terminillo (HC Bergetappe) - Jean Coulieu (Radler)
9. Etappe - Frosinone–Cava de’ Tirreni (Flachetappe) - Adrian Croft (Rhino Cycling)
10. Etappe - Avellino–Bitonto (Flachetappe) - Juha Salminen (Team Bearclaw)
11. Etappe - Lucera–L’Aquila (Mittl. Bergetappe) - Matthew Bearclaw (Team Bearclaw)
12. Etappe - Città Sant'Angelo–Porto Recanati (Flachetappe) - Franck Saucé (Radler)
13. Etappe - Porto Recanati–Cesenatico (Mittl. Bergetappe) - David Silva (Cerro Torre RT)
14. Etappe - Ferrara–Asolo (HC Bergetappe) - Luuk vanKekkerstaan (Team Erkrath RS)
15. Etappe - Mestre–Monte Zoncolan (HC Bergetappe) - Jean Coulieu (Radler)
2. Ruhetag -
16. Etappe - St. Vigil–Kronplatz (Berg-Zeitfahren) - ?
17. Etappe - Bruneck–Peio (Mittl. Bergetappe) - ?
18. Etappe - Levico Terme–Brescia (Flachetappe) - ?
19. Etappe - Brescia–Aprica (HC Bergetappe) - ?
20. Etappe - Bormio–Tonalepass (HC Bergetappe) - ?
21. Etappe - Verona (Zeitfahren) - ?

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Re: Abendgiro 2010 - 22 Uhr

Post by Bear » Tue May 25, 2010 12:34 pm

my guess for todays mountain TT:

Arnthor Valgeirsson 0:00
Wilmer Esmander 0:05
Jean Coulieu 0:10
Daniel Lindblom 0:20
Lionel Terray 0:25
Matthew Bearclaw 0:30
Tendzin Rinpoche 0:40

Surprises are welcome!!!

Cerro Torre RT
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Re: Abendgiro 2010 - 22 Uhr

Post by Cerro Torre RT » Tue May 25, 2010 2:49 pm

Arnthor Valgeirsson 0:00
Wilmer Esmander 0:02
Jean Coulieu 0:10
Daniel Lindblom 0:15
Lionel Terray 0:16
Tendzin Rinpoche 0:20
Matthew Bearclaw 0:20

that's my guess, i think the mountain riders will be much closer together.

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Re: Abendgiro 2010 - 22 Uhr

Post by Bear » Tue May 25, 2010 10:43 pm

Here are the stage winners so far:

1. Etappe - Amsterdam (Prolog) - Cal Clutterbuck (Team Bearclaw)
2. Etappe - Amsterdam–Utrecht (Flachetappe)- Ion Belaustegui (Cerro Torre RT)
3. Etappe - Amsterdam–Middelburg (Flachetappe) - Adrian Croft (Rhino Cycling)
1. Ruhetag -
4. Etappe - Savigliano–Cuneo (MZF) - LibertySeguros
5. Etappe - Novara–Novi Ligure (Flachetappe) - Hans Laen (Bonebreakers)
6. Etappe - Fidenza–Carrara (Mittl. Bergetappe) - Pablo Huntera (Team AGHN)
7. Etappe - Carrara–Montalcino (Mittl. Bergetappe) - Aron Palmarsson (Cerro Torre RT)
8. Etappe - Chianciano Terme–Monte Terminillo (HC Bergetappe) - Jean Coulieu (Radler)
9. Etappe - Frosinone–Cava de’ Tirreni (Flachetappe) - Adrian Croft (Rhino Cycling)
10. Etappe - Avellino–Bitonto (Flachetappe) - Juha Salminen (Team Bearclaw)
11. Etappe - Lucera–L’Aquila (Mittl. Bergetappe) - Matthew Bearclaw (Team Bearclaw)
12. Etappe - Città Sant'Angelo–Porto Recanati (Flachetappe) - Franck Saucé (Radler)
13. Etappe - Porto Recanati–Cesenatico (Mittl. Bergetappe) - David Silva (Cerro Torre RT)
14. Etappe - Ferrara–Asolo (HC Bergetappe) - Luuk vanKekkerstaan (Team Erkrath RS)
15. Etappe - Mestre–Monte Zoncolan (HC Bergetappe) - Jean Coulieu (Radler)
2. Ruhetag -
16. Etappe - St. Vigil–Kronplatz (Berg-Zeitfahren) - Wilmer Esmander (RP KMT)
17. Etappe - Bruneck–Peio (Mittl. Bergetappe) - ?
18. Etappe - Levico Terme–Brescia (Flachetappe) - ?
19. Etappe - Brescia–Aprica (HC Bergetappe) - ?
20. Etappe - Bormio–Tonalepass (HC Bergetappe) - ?
21. Etappe - Verona (Zeitfahren) - ?

TT Plan de Corones:
Wilmer Esmander 0:00
Arnthor Valgeirsson 0:05
Jean Coulieu 0:18
Matthew Bearclaw 0:21
Tendzin Rinpoche 0:30
Daniel Lindblom 1:09
Lionel Terray 2:15

Right cerro, closer than I expected. I really thought Esmander and Valgeirsson will gain some more seconds against the others (except Coulieu). But the price was high, tomorrow Coulieu and Matthew will be way under reg. A chance for other climbers to go for the stage win. My favorites are Esmander and Terray. I am not sure of Valgeirsson, I really don't know where he will use his form for a stage win. I am looking forward for tomorrow and the fight against Radler.

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Re: Abendgiro 2010 - 22 Uhr

Post by Buhmann » Wed May 26, 2010 9:49 am

Should we fight against eachother? Maybe we both should fight for winning the giro. 2nd or 3th is not really important. We have a good advance to the 4th, so we could try something. Okay, damn reg...today i try to escape. Coulieu is chilling and will loose some seconds at the end. But no problem, not a long final.

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Re: Abendgiro 2010 - 22 Uhr

Post by Bear » Wed May 26, 2010 10:38 am

For sure, we have to try to win. And we will. But I am realistic enough to see that Valgeirsson is almost unbeatable. The only chance I see is on the Mortirolo stage when we could isolate the duo Valgeirsson/Lindblom from their classical helpers. But also in this case it's almost impossible to gain more than one minute against Valgeirsson. And in the final TT we lose at least 50 seconds. Furthermore, we both will lose time today. You've got the better chances to go on Arnthor's nerves (because of your team with Feet and Krajak). I don't believe that I can decrease the gap anymore.

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Re: Abendgiro 2010 - 22 Uhr

Post by Buhmann » Wed May 26, 2010 11:04 am

Yes, of course it is quite impossible to win. But maybe better trying that than fight for the second place. If you attack, i won´t try to catch you. It is Libbys job. That´s what i mean. I have no problem to get 3th. (If i get the climber jersey too :P)

Cerro Torre RT
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Re: Abendgiro 2010 - 22 Uhr

Post by Cerro Torre RT » Wed May 26, 2010 11:05 am

Hey Bearclaw, and what's up with Lindbloom, who is a much better sprinter than Terray and Esmander? Considering that Libby again has 2 fit mountain riders, the favourite position in a finish from the field is clear.

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Re: Abendgiro 2010 - 22 Uhr

Post by Rockstar Inc » Wed May 26, 2010 11:05 am

Isolating from the classic helper seems a little bit hard...Behle strong than the your classic riders...so Libby will remain with three riders while Mr. Bearclaw is probably alone and Mr. Radler has three, perhaps only 2 left (Behle stronger than Feet) ;)
"I'm an old-school sprinter. I can't climb a mountain but if I am in front with 200 metres to go then there's nobody who can beat me.” Mark Cavendish, at the 2007 Eneco Tour

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Re: Abendgiro 2010 - 22 Uhr

Post by Bear » Wed May 26, 2010 11:14 am

Team Franconia wrote:Isolating from the classic helper seems a little bit hard...Behle strong than the your classic riders...so Libby will remain with three riders while Mr. Bearclaw is probably alone and Mr. Radler has three, perhaps only 2 left (Behle stronger than Feet) ;)
I know that. I was thinking of Radler's team with Krajak. But for sure, Libby's team is the strongest and like I said, there is almost no chance to beat Valgeirsson.

@cerro: For sure, Lindblom is one of the favorites. But I wouldn't say "the" favorite because I think Esmander and Terray are in better shape. "If" he can follow Esmander or Terray he is the best in the sprint. I know that. But I am not sure if there will be a three-man sprint.

@Radler: I want to fight as well. So we both have to try something on the last two mountain stages. But at the moment I don't have an idea how.

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