Los Galacticos

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el Galactico
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Re: Los Galacticos

Post by el Galactico » Sat May 01, 2010 12:11 pm

Transfer news

Benjamin was so alone, there was only this strange french guy who was able to talk to him in the team, but he doesn't like him.
Benjamin wanted to ride mountains but this frenchie always wanted to ride paves and mountainbike.

So today we bought the 24 years old Eddy Wouters to make it as comfortable as it is possible for Benjamin Gourgue.

His skills 43-79-71-49-43 are really not great but his main work will be to care about Ben. He will join the Giro team but not for riding. He will sleep beside Ben, holding his hand, and he will do everything for him outside the races so that we probably are able to win the young riders jersey.
Rodrigo Tellez - Winner of Tour Down Under 2023!!!

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el Galactico
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Re: Los Galacticos

Post by el Galactico » Tue May 04, 2010 8:03 am

Presentation of the Giro Line-Up

-9- Guilherme Callado Image 55-58-73-48-85/ 35 reg./ 22 years

The young follower of legend Leandro da Souza will achieve something that Leandro never had. A participation on a GT. With 22 years he will be the leader for the flat stages. We hope that he is able to win a stage with a little bit of luck. The young man from Santos, Brazil is for the future and can hoepfully fullfill the postion which is left open since Leandro retired a few weeks ago.
For the moment there a no victories in Guilhermes palmares.

-8- Rafael Bahamontes Image 55-77-74-51-49 / 40 reg. / 22 years

Rafael is a young guy from Madrid, Spain. He joined at the 16th of April. He will be the co-leader of the time-trial section. His work will be to lead Ben though these 3 flat time trials where our team leader expects to lose much time on his opponents. Maybe he will get the permission to attack one day to ride for his own but thats not sure at all.
For the moment he got no victories in his short career.

-7- Edson Barroso Image 50-86-74-50-50 / 42 reg. / 28 years

Edson is the everlasting helper of the team. He was never something different and he won't be that up to his career end. But as helper he is a very important one for the flat stages to lead the sprinter or to hold Ben out of the wind. Edson is in the team for his 8th year. Only Luiz Foguete is a few days longer member of our team. He was born in the capital of Brazil, Brasilia.

-6- Diego del Rios Image 54-87-76-48-56 / 53 reg. / 28 years

Diego will be the captain of attacks for the more or less flat stages. With his good regeneration and his good sprint skill he is made for a stage win out of an early group. For the other stages he has to work for our captains. Diego is the only winner of a classic race in our team and he got the 4. place at Paris-Roubaix this year. Diego is from Belém, Brazil.

-5- Luiz Foguete Image 60-84-78-50-54 / 46 reg. / 28 years

Luiz Foguete is from Rio de Janeiro and he is in the team since October 2009. This is the longest time of all riders in the current team. Luiz won 1 unimportant race in his career and made countless attacks, but he does very good services to all leaders of the team through his career. With his strong skills he is an very important helper for flat AND hilly stages who is able to stay in the first group through a long time and over many hills. He will definitely have some chances to take a stage win in this tour with an early attack.

-4- Adriano Perreira Image 64-85-75-48-46 / 54 reg. / 24 years

Adriano wants to be the future star helper of Callado for the hilly sprints. He did a fantastic training up to this moment, we hope that it will go on like that.
Adriano was born in Rio de Janeiro like Luiz Foguete. He has no victories in his palmares for the moment but the chances that he gets a stage of the Giro exists and is not the worst one i think. He will get his chances to ride for his own for sure through these 21 stages.

-3- Jorge Felicandes Image 71-79-72-51-59 / 52 reg. / 26 years

Jorge Felicandes was born in Cordoba, Spain and he moved to Madrid with 6 years to become a football player for his favorite team Atletico Madrid, but after an complicated injury he had to give up this dream and begun with the cycling. With 16 years he joined our youth team by lying that he is a supporter of Real Madrid. Up to today he won 1 stage and the GC of Paris-Nice, inclusive the white jersey. But you have to say that he had much more talent than he showed to us. With 20 years he was one of the biggest classic talents in RSF.

-2- Ignacio Castillo Image 71-81-70-56-58 / 36 reg. / 27 years

Ignacio comes originally from Madrid and he is the most loved rider from the fans. He won 1 stage at the GP Pais Vasco and he was 2. at the Ronde van Vlaanderen 2010. His job for the Giro will be to lead the team through the TTT with his great time trial skill of 56. His regeneration will not allow him to ride like the devil with many attacks but nevertheless he wants to win at least one stage. He is the most important helper of our leader Ben Gourgue in the mountains.

-1- Benjamin Gourgue Image 85-53-77-48-55 / 43 reg. / 24 years

Ben will be our leader for this tour and for the future. He wants to win the jersey for the best rider under 25 years, which will be a very hard job for him because he is very bad in time trial and he also has not a good regeneration. Maybe he can win a mountain stage. Ben was born in Liege, Belgium and joined the team as the last one last month in change for Alejandro de la Torre and Leandro da Souza.
Rodrigo Tellez - Winner of Tour Down Under 2023!!!

Siempre Campeones! Hala Galacticos!!

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el Galactico
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Re: Los Galacticos

Post by el Galactico » Wed May 05, 2010 7:41 pm

Training 5.5.2010:
Guilherme Callado Berg: +1
Eddy Wouters Flach: +1
Benjamin Gourgue Berg: +1
Benjamin Gourgue Abfahrt: -1
Rafael Bahamontes Flach: +1
Jorge Felicandes Berg: +1
Jérome LeBusquet Flach: +1


missing: +1 sprint Callado
+1 mountain Perreira
Rodrigo Tellez - Winner of Tour Down Under 2023!!!

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el Galactico
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Re: Los Galacticos

Post by el Galactico » Fri May 07, 2010 3:28 pm

Giro d'Italia 2010
1 day remaining...

Yesterday evening the team started with the plane to Amsterdam where they landed short before midnight. After they arrived at their hotel they had a short meeting with the heads of the team who wanted to wish them the best for the following days, after that the riders went to bed at about 1 o'clock in the morning. Today they had breakfast at about 10 and after that they begun with their preparation for the Giro. Some of them(Gourgue, Castillo,Barroso) watched at the route of the time trial tomorrow and the others did a short trip outside of Amsterdam. In the afternoon they had time to relax and some of them had interviews with journalists from all over the world.

Here are some extracts:
Ben Gourgue was interviewed by "La Gazzetta dello Sport":
Gazzetta: Monsieur Gourgue, how do you feel today, one day before your first big tour?
Ben: I'm really relaxed, i'm perfectly prepared i think and the team around me is very strong.
Gazzetta: What are your aims for this years Giro?
Ben: I hope i can manage to come into the Top 10 and maybe winning one stage? Maybe i can have one eye on the white jersey but i think there are some stronger rivals.
Gazzetta: Which teammate will be the most important one out of your team? And which one do you think can win a stage or can put his stamp on this tour?
Ben: Everbody of us is important, important for me? HMM there are Ignacio(Castillo) and of course Jorge(Felicandes) who will stay the longest time in my wheel when it becomes mountainous. From the other ones? I'm really a fan of our young sprinter Guilherme Callado, i hope he will get his chance, he is very talented, believe me. But maybe the Giro comes to early for him this time, we will see.
Gazzetta: Last question! What do you think about your nickname and how does it come to this name?
Ben: Oh, i think Gurke is in german a kind of vegetable, isn't it? I think i got this name only because the manager is simply to stupid to spell my name correct.
I will show them that i am more than a vegetable... It's really fun here in the team, but sometimes i need my friend Eddy Wouters to understand everything. I'm happy that he got the chance to be here, even if it's not for cycling.

Gazzetta: Merci et bonne chance M. Gourgue.
Ben: Au revoir.

O Globo is there for the 5 brasilian starters in the team, today the spoke with Adriano Perreira:

O Globo: Hi Adriano, Brazil stands behind you, and behind your team. The cycling fascination is big for this team. What do you think about that?
Adriano: It's fantastic to hear that. Unfortunately i wasn't there for a long time. But i'm happy to represent our nation here in Europe. My team did and still does an incredible big job in Brazil to advance the brasilian cycling and the talents we have there. I am one of these talents who managed it to come to Europe. I want to an good example for all of these young guys which come ot of the slums with the hope to get a better life by riding the bicycle.
O Globo: Lets talk about the Giro. What are your aims? What do you want to achieve?
Adriano: I want to do a good job for my leaders, whatever if it's Ben or Guilhe or Ignacio. And i hope to get a chance for myself. I am dreaming of a stage victory maybe. This would be a perfect thing for me.
o Globo: Thank you Adriano and good luck.

La Marca does the interview with classic stage leader Ignacio Castillo:

La Marca: Hi Senor Castillo, what do you think about the other teams in your peloton?
Ignacio: Hi, i think there are some good and some bad ones. I hope all of them will be friendly and fair. But you have to say that there can happen many things until tomorrow, so we hope that there will come some additional friendly teams.
La Marca: Which team is your wish to join the peloton?
Ignacio: i hope for Team LunaLounge.
La Marca: And please tell me what are you objectives for this Giro?
Ignacio: I want to win at least one stage. After that i hope i can do good work for Ben so that he probably comes into the Top 10 at the end of the Giro.
La Marca: How do you spend your remaining time till the time trial tomorrow begins?
Ignacio: I will go asleep early and i will have a perfect breakfast tomorrow morning. Then i will make some kms with my bike and i will call my girl friend, this relaxes me in most cases, except if she wants to have something new, like shoes or clothes. This is very nerving for me.
La Marca: Good luck for tomorrow.
Rodrigo Tellez - Winner of Tour Down Under 2023!!!

Siempre Campeones! Hala Galacticos!!

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VC Aywaille
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Re: Los Galacticos

Post by VC Aywaille » Fri May 07, 2010 11:33 pm

Ola Gala!

I find this article today! Verry nice. I think he can make it! Good luck to you and to the team!

VC Aywaille
The team to beat

Il ne faut jamais juger les gens sur leurs fréquentations : Judas, par exemple, avait des amis irréprochables! (Verlaine)

el Galactico
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Re: Los Galacticos

Post by el Galactico » Sat May 08, 2010 4:34 pm

Nice article. i like that. Hopefully he is able to fullfil the wishes of Belgium and of the team.
Rodrigo Tellez - Winner of Tour Down Under 2023!!!

Siempre Campeones! Hala Galacticos!!

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el Galactico
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Re: Los Galacticos

Post by el Galactico » Sat May 08, 2010 8:34 pm

Giro d'Italia 2010 - 1. Amsterdam(TT)


1. Konlong Zeitong (RS Walbeck)
2. William Pousson (Team LunaLounge) +13 sek.
3. Theodore Benson (RC XY-Ungeloest) +22
4. Amani Morissey (Team LunaLounge) +36
5. Chad Ochocinco (Steel Riders)
6. Ruben Zettel (RC Hypo)
7. Theo Sieger (Team Ruhrgebiet)
8.Ernst Gröger (Ansach)
9. Jens Siegel (RC Hypo)
10. Heal World (Nano Team)
26. Ignacio Castillo +1:22
43. Jorge Felicandes +1:32
70. Rafael Bahamontes +1:42
76. Edson Barroso +1:43
84. Benjamin Gourgue +1:45
86. Adriano Perreira +1:45
99. Luiz Foguete +1:49
106. Guilherme Callado +1:50
107. Diego del Rios +1:50

Maglia Rosa: Konlong Zeitong
Maglia Ciclamino: Konlong Zeitong ( in representation: William Pousson)
Maglia bianca: Chad Ochocinco

Money to earn: 2.249.520 €
earned money: 5.000€

actual loss: 102.120 €

A nice field with friendly managers like i wished it. Benjamin Gourgue is the 6th best climber and has good chances to win the white jersey. His main opponent will be Ernst Gröger(Ansach). Guilherme Callado is the 3rd best sprinter and hopes to beat Peer Pils at least one time.
Rodrigo Tellez - Winner of Tour Down Under 2023!!!

Siempre Campeones! Hala Galacticos!!

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el Galactico
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Re: Los Galacticos

Post by el Galactico » Sun May 09, 2010 11:07 pm

Giro d'Italia - 2. Amsterdam - Utrecht


1. Brahim Zemmama (Strohhutbande)
2. Peer Pils (Neutrogena)
3. Guilherme Callado (Los Galacticos) same time
4. Donald Thaler (Ansach)
5. Dennis Meckenhaut (RC Hypo)
6. Konan Puian (Kandoo-Riders)
7. Adriano LeiteRibeiro (Strohhutbande)
8. Rarong Nixtong (RS Walbeck)
9. Sep Vanmarcke (Astana)
10. Maong Zang (RS Walbeck)
13. Jorge Felicandes
32. Ignacio Castillo
40. Benjamin Gourgue
75. Rafael Bahamontes
77. Edson Barroso
93. Diego delRios
107. Adriano Perreira
111. Luiz Foguete
same time

Maglia Rosa: Konlong Zeitong
Maglia Ciclamino: Brahim Zemmama
Maglia Verde: Mbele Bamba
Maglia Bianca: Chad Ochocinco

Money to earn: 2.249.520 €
earned money: 73.900 €

actual loss: 140.340 €
Rodrigo Tellez - Winner of Tour Down Under 2023!!!

Siempre Campeones! Hala Galacticos!!

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el Galactico
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Re: Los Galacticos

Post by el Galactico » Mon May 10, 2010 10:20 pm

Giro d'Italia - 3. Amsterdam - Middelburg


1. Brahim Zemmama
2. Peer Pils
3. Guilherme Callado
4. Donald Thaler
5. Dennis Meckenhaut
6. Konan Puian
7. Pedro Merino
8. Adriano LeiteRibeiro
9. Juan David CabezasNunez
10. Sep Vanmarcke
21. Jorge Felicandes
24. Ignacio Castillo
26. Benjamin Gourgue
45. Adriano Perreira
57. Luiz Foguete
99. Rafael Bahamontes
112. Diego del Rios
127. Edson Barroso

Maglia Rosa: Konlong Zeitong
Maglia Ciclamino: Brahim Zemmama
Maglia Verde: Mbele Bamba
Maglia Bianca: Chad Ochocinco

Money to earn: 2.249.520 €
earned money: 145.900 €

actual loss: 175.460 €
Rodrigo Tellez - Winner of Tour Down Under 2023!!!

Siempre Campeones! Hala Galacticos!!

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el Galactico
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Re: Los Galacticos

Post by el Galactico » Wed May 12, 2010 8:57 pm

Giro d'Italia - Savigliano - Cuneo (TTT)


1. RC Hypo
2. Ansach +0:18
3. Team LunaLounge +0:28
4. Steel Riders +0:30
5. Astana +1:10
6. Team Ruhrgebiet + +1:17
7. L RSV +1:40
8. Nano team +1:42
9. Kandoo-Riders +1:43
10. RC XY-Ungeloest +1:47
11. Los Galacticos +2:03
12. Renault Magnum +2:25
13. Poison Dwarves +2:26
14. RS Walbeck +2:53
15. Neutrogena +2:59
16. Strohhutbande +3:54

Maglia Rosa: Ruben Zettel
Maglia Ciclamino: Brahim Zemmama
Maglia Verde: Mbele Bamba
Maglia Bianca: Ruben Zettel

Money to earn: 2.249.520 €
earned money: 145.900

actual loss: 282580 €

This was a good stage for the team. Over 100 k money lost, but Ben is only 3:09 minutes behind the leader Ruben Zettel and 2:48 behind Ernst Gröger, so the Maglia Bianca is catchable, maybe not yet at the top of the Monte Terminillo on sunday but at the following stages its more than possible to catch it and to keep it till the end. Ben has to gain about 4 minutes to survive the TT in the Maglia Bianca on the last day.

Jerome LeBusquets will be the rider who will be sold if the team doesn't start to gain some money here. 4 stages and a loss of about 282 k is a lot for the moment.
Rodrigo Tellez - Winner of Tour Down Under 2023!!!

Siempre Campeones! Hala Galacticos!!

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el Galactico
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Re: Los Galacticos

Post by el Galactico » Fri May 14, 2010 10:26 am

Giro d'Italia - 5. Novara - Novi Ligure


1. Peer Pils (Neutrogena)
2. Guilherme Callado ( Los Galacticos)
3. JuanDavid CabezasNunez (Renault Magnum)
4. Konan Puian (Kandoo-Riders)
5. Pedro Merino (Astana)
6. Sep Vanmarcke (Astana)
7. Humberto OsorioBotello (Poison Dwarves)
8. Sergio Galvez (Astana)
9. Chris Kemoeatu (Steel Riders)
10. Silvano Vazquez (Team LunaLounge)
14. Jorge Felicandes
51. Benjamin Gourgue
60. Rafael Bahamontes
62. Diego del Rios
68. Ignacio Castillo
73. Luiz Foguete
82. Adriano Perreira
102. Edson Barroso

Maglia Rosa: Ruben Zettel
Maglia Rosso: Peer Pils
Maglia Verde: Mbele Bamba
Maglia Bianca: Ruben Zettel

money still to earn: 2.016.620 €
earned money: 232.900

actual loss: 302.700 €

Not much to say about this stage, wasn't there. I was represented by Team Edelweiss. I think he did it really good. The 2. place was the best possible for me.
Frustrating to see Callado's third podium in this Giro, but that's life.
Rodrigo Tellez - Winner of Tour Down Under 2023!!!

Siempre Campeones! Hala Galacticos!!

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el Galactico
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Re: Los Galacticos

Post by el Galactico » Fri May 14, 2010 10:09 pm

Giro d'Italia - 6. Fidenza - Carrara


1. Humberto OsorioBotello (Poison Dwarves)
2. Ignacio Castillo (Los Galacticos)
3. Khoi Nguyen (Team LunaLounge)
4. Sergio Galvez (Astana)
5. Jorge Felicandes (Los Galacticos)
6. Bernado Ferras (Steel Riders)
7. Antonio Parrachillo (Renault Magnum)
8. Michele Gunirolo (Strohhutbande)
9. Kurt Loipinen (L RSV) +0:02 min.
10. Alexander Efimkin (Astana)
22. Benjamin Gourgue (Los Galacticos) +0:17
54. Adriano Perreira (Los Galacticos) +4:03
57. Luiz Foguete (Los Galacticos) +5:23
60. Guilherme Callado (Los Galacticos) +9:31
74. Rafael Bahamontes (Los Galacticos) +9:31
86. Diego delRios (Los Galacticos) +9:31
114. Edson Barroso (Los Galacticos) +16:55

Maglia Rosa: Ruben Zettel
Maglia Rosso: Peer Pils
Maglia Verde: Mbele Bamba
Maglia Bianca: Ruben Zettel

money still to earn: 1.887.020 €
earned money: 362.500 €

actual loss: 280.220 €

Today we did a very good race by reaching the 2. and 5. place at the end of the stage. The first time we made profit on a stage, but this doesn't show what really happened. It's for the 4th time that we reached the podium but we didn't win anything up to now. It's a little bit frustrating because a stage win is one of the most important goal for this tour. Tomorrow will be the next chance for us to reach this goal. A second thing which has to mentioned is that we nearly managed it to destroy this Tour because Gourgue helped Callado so that he landed far behind the other mountain riders when someone tried to sieb. It was only very lucky that this stupid mistake wasn't used by the others.
Rodrigo Tellez - Winner of Tour Down Under 2023!!!

Siempre Campeones! Hala Galacticos!!

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el Galactico
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Re: Los Galacticos

Post by el Galactico » Sat May 15, 2010 11:58 pm

Giro d'Italia - 7. Carrara - Montalcino


1. Humberto OsorioBotello (Poison Dwarves)
2. Ricardo dosSantosLeite (Strohhutbande)
3. Ignacio Castillo (Los Galacticos) +0:18 min.
4. Theo Sieger (Team Ruhrgebiet)
5. Jacob Fuglsang (RC XY-Ungeloest)
6. Saban Eskici (Steel Riders)
7. Wolong Rang (RS Walbeck)
8. Scong Nguyen (RS Walbeck)
9. Bernado Ferras (Steel Riders)
10. Krystina Kowalcyk (Nano team)
24. Adriano Perreira (Los Galacticos) +1:57
27. Benjamin Gourgue (Los Galacticos) +2:08
30. Jorge Felicandes (Los Galacticos) s.T.
62. Diego del Rios (Los Galacticos) +8:44
114. Luiz Foguete (Los Galacticos) +14:15
115. Guilherme Callado (Los Galacticos) s.T.
134. Rafael Bahamontes (Los Galacticos) +22:03
136. Edson Barroso (Los Galacticos) s.T.

Maglia Rosa: Theo Sieger
Maglia Rosso: Peer Pils
Maglia Verde: Mbele Bamba
Maglia Bianca: Ernst Gröger

money still to earn: 1.822.620 €
earned money: 426.900 €

actual loss: 322.940 €

Today was the stage which was the unclear factor in this Giro, about 20 km nature roads at the end. The well known Strade Bianche!!
Ben Gourgue lost about 50 seconds to riders like Rafael Serrano. He was in the same group like his opponent Gröger, so still 2:48 behind him. Gröger is no leader in the classement for riders under 25 years. Tomorrow will be the first real chance to attack him. Hopefully Ben Gourgue can use this chance at the Terminillo, but we think he wont get enough time at the Monte Terminillo to take the jersey.
Rodrigo Tellez - Winner of Tour Down Under 2023!!!

Siempre Campeones! Hala Galacticos!!

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el Galactico
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Re: Los Galacticos

Post by el Galactico » Sun May 16, 2010 10:40 pm

Giro d'Italia - 8. Chianciano Terme - Terminillo


1. Andrei Pelirhyn (Renault Magnum)
2. Pablo Escobar (Team LounaLounge) +0:03
3. HectorIvan PalacioMontoya (Poison Dwarves) s.t.
4. Abbadon Chadasch (L RSV) +0:38
5. Wolong Rang (RS Walbeck) s.t.
6. Ruben Escobar (Team LunaLounge) s.t.
7. Benjamin Gourgue (Los Galacticos) +0:41
8. Heal World ( Nano team) s.t.
9. Christophe Monfort (Astana) s.t.
10. Oskar Schlömilch (Kandoo-Riders) s.t.
14. Ernst Gröger (Ansach) +1:22
28. Jorge Felicandes +2:39
31. Ignacio Castillo s.t.
63. Adriano Perreira +16:44
95. Diego delRios +16:54
99. Luiz Foguete s.t.
136. Rafael Bahamontes +27:03
137. Guilherme Callado s.t.
138. Edson Barroso s.t.

Maglia Rosa: Saban Eskici
Maglia Rosso: Peer Pils
Maglia Verde: Andrei Pelirhyn
Maglia Bianca: Ernst Gröger

money still to earn: 1.780.520 €
earned money: 469.000 €

actual loss: 387.960 €

The first mountain stage with the summit on the Monte Terminillo wasn't the hoped succes. Ben gained only 41 seconds to Ernst Gröger and is therefore now 2:07 minutes behind him. The team lost again a lot of money.
Rodrigo Tellez - Winner of Tour Down Under 2023!!!

Siempre Campeones! Hala Galacticos!!

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el Galactico
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Re: Los Galacticos

Post by el Galactico » Mon May 17, 2010 10:05 pm

Giro d'Italia - 9. Frosinone - Cava dei Tirreni


1. Maxime Schlechter ( Kandoo-Riders)
2. Humberto Osorio Botello (Poison Dwarves)
3. Khoi Nguyen (Team LunaLounge)
4. Ignacio Castillo (Los Galacticos)
5. Jorge Felicandes (Los Galacticos)

6. Hannes Mieler (Kandoo-Riders)
7. Sergio Galvez (Astana)
8. Silvano Vazquez (Team LunaLounge)
9. Christophe Monfort (Astana)
10. John Couch Adams (Renault Magnum)
27. Guilherme Callado +0:02
29. Benjamin Gourgue s.T.
70. Edson Barroso
92. Diego delRios
97. Luiz Foguete
110. Rafael Bahamontes
123. Adriano Perreira

Maglia Rosa: Saban Eskici
Maglia Rosso: Peer Pils
Maglia Verde: Andrei Pelirhyn
Maglia Bianca: Ernst Gröger

money still to earn: 1.699.520 €
earned money: 550.000 €

actual loss: 414.080 €
Rodrigo Tellez - Winner of Tour Down Under 2023!!!

Siempre Campeones! Hala Galacticos!!

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VC Aywaille
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Re: Los Galacticos

Post by VC Aywaille » Tue May 18, 2010 8:10 am

Come on Ben, come on! ;)
VC Aywaille
The team to beat

Il ne faut jamais juger les gens sur leurs fréquentations : Judas, par exemple, avait des amis irréprochables! (Verlaine)

el Galactico
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Re: Los Galacticos

Post by el Galactico » Tue May 18, 2010 10:23 pm

Giro d'Italia - 10. Avellino - Bitonto


1. Peer Pils
2. Brahim Zemmama
3. Dennis Meckenhaut
4. Donald Thaler
5. Pedro Merino
6. Adriano Leite Ribeiro
7. Guilherme Callado
8. Rarong Nixtong
9. Maong Zang
10. Silvano Vazquez
14. Jorge Felicandes
22. Benjamin Gourgue
26. Ignacio Castillo
54. Luiz Foguete
86. Adriano Perreira
91. Diego delRios
112. Rafael Bahamontes
123. Edson Barroso

Maglia Rosa: Saban Eskici
Maglia Rosso: Peer Pils
Maglia Verde: Andrei Pelirhyn
Maglia Bianca: Ernst Gröger

money still to earn: 1.634.520 €
earned money: 615.000€

actual loss: 456.200 €
Rodrigo Tellez - Winner of Tour Down Under 2023!!!

Siempre Campeones! Hala Galacticos!!

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Re: Los Galacticos

Post by el Galactico » Wed May 19, 2010 11:03 pm

Giro d'Italia - 11. Lucera - L'Aquila


1. Andrei Pelirhyn
2. Hector Ivan Palacio Montoya s.t.
3. Christophe Monfort s.t.
4. Wolong Rang +0:02 min.
5. Saban Eskici +0:05
6. Oskar Schlömilch +0:06
7. Pablo Escobar s.t.
8. Humberto Osorio Botello +0:07
9. Theo Sieger +0:08
10. Heal World +0:10
11. Benjamin Gourgue s.t.
25. Jorge Felicandes
28. Ignacio Castillo
33. Adriano Perreira s.t.
78. Luiz Foguete +25:36
87. Diego del Rios s.t.
100. Edson Barroso
121. Rafael Bahamontes
126. Guilherme Callado s.t.

Maglia Rosa: Saban Eskici
11. Ignacio Castillo +2:08
14. Benjamin Gourgue +3:02

Maglia Rosso: Peer Pils
Maglia Verde: Michele Gunirolo
Maglia Bianca: Benjamin Gourgue

money still to earn: 1.582.220 €
earned money: 667.300 €

actual loss: 511.020 €

This stage today was the first real chance to attack the white jersey from Ernst Gröger and the team used this chance by an attack from Ignacio Castillo and Adriano Perreira before the last mountain and a strong selection by Ben himself at the steepest part of the mountain. After that the group behind them was splitted in big pieces when many riders tried to jump in the first group. Gröger with his team without strong flat riders was chanceless and had to see how Ben gained second for second, at the end he lost 3:30 minutes and his white jersey. Now the decision between them seems to be made very early. Ben will gain some minutes more in the mountains, so he wont lose this jersey up to the end of this tour. Now he will completely focus on a Top 10 GC-place!
Rodrigo Tellez - Winner of Tour Down Under 2023!!!

Siempre Campeones! Hala Galacticos!!

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Re: Los Galacticos

Post by el Galactico » Sat May 22, 2010 11:14 am

Giro d'Italia - 12. Sant Angelo - Porto Recananti


1. Konstatin Uljanov (RC Hypo)
2. Amani Morissey (Team LunaLounge)
3. Mbele Bamba (L RSV)
4. Alfons Kessler (Team Ruhrgebiet)
5. Edson Barroso (Los Galacticos)
6. Humberto Osorio Botello (Poison Dwarves) +12:43 min.
7. Sergio Galvez (Astana)
8. Abbadon Chadasch (L RSV)
9. Maxime Schlechter (Kandoo-Riders)
10. Saban Eskici (Steel Riders)
19. Benjamin Gourgue
45. Jorge Felicandes +12:59
51. ignacio Castillo +14:02
52. Guilherme Callado
69. Adriano Perreira +17:27
71. Diego del Rios
100. Luiz Foguete +19:30
104. Rafael Bahamontes

Maglia Rosa: Saban Eskici
Maglia Rosso: Peer Pils
Maglia Verde: Michele Gunirolo
Maglia Bianca: Benjamin Gourgue

money still to earn: 1.517.220 €
earned money: 732.300 €

actual loss: 553.140 €
Rodrigo Tellez - Winner of Tour Down Under 2023!!!

Siempre Campeones! Hala Galacticos!!

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el Galactico
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Re: Los Galacticos

Post by el Galactico » Sat May 22, 2010 11:26 am

Giro d'Italia - 13. Porto Recanati - Cesenatico


1. Adriano Leite Ribeiro (Strohhutbande)
2. Humberto Osorio Botello (Poison Dwarves)
3. Maleem Brihi (Team Ruhrgebiet)
4. JuanDavid CabezasNunez (Renault Magnum)
5. Sergio Galvez (Astana)
6. Saban Eskici (Steel Riders)
7. Chris Kemoeatu (Steel Riders)
8. Hannes Mieler (Kandoo-Riders)
9. Abbadon Chadasch (L RSV)
10. Ignacio Castillo (Los Galacticos)
12. Jorge Felicandes
28. Benjamin Gourgue
42. Diego del Rios
59. Luiz Foguete +18:52
63. Adriano Perreira
67. Guilherme Callado
114. Rafael Bahamontes +23:44
126. Edson Barroso

Maglia Rosa: Saban Eskici
13. Benjamin Gourgue +3:02
17. Ignacio Castillo +3:27

Maglia Rosso: Humberto Osorio Botello
Maglia Verde: Michele Gunirolo
Maglia Bianca: Benjamin Gourgue

money still to earn: 1.437.420 €
earned money: 812.100 €

actual loss: 580.460 €

Today evening starts the real Giro with the hard mountain stage over the Monte Grappa. From now on the fight for the GC is opened for everybody.
Rodrigo Tellez - Winner of Tour Down Under 2023!!!

Siempre Campeones! Hala Galacticos!!

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el Galactico
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Re: Los Galacticos

Post by el Galactico » Tue May 25, 2010 6:19 pm

Giro d'Italia - 14. Ferrara - Asolo


1. Bernado Ferras (Steel Riders)
2. Benjamin Gourgue (Los Galacticos)
3. Ernst Gröger (Ansach)
4. Heal World (Nano team)
5. Hannes Mieler (Kandoo-Riders)
6. Saban Eskici (Steel Riders)
7. Sergio Galvez (Astana)
8. Humberto Osorio Botello (Poison Dwarves)
9. Ruben Escobar (Team LunaLounge)
10. Chris Kemoeatu (Steel Riders)
38. Jorge Felicandes +2:08
44. Ignacio Castillo +10:54
57. Adriano Perreira +24:32
72. Guilherme Callado +30:40
86. Edson Barroso
87. Diego del Rios
105. Rafael Bahamontes
117. Luiz Foguete

Maglia Rosa: Saban Eskici
12. Benjamin Gourgue +2:50

Maglia Rosso: Humberto Osorio Botello
Maglia Verde: Michele Gunirolo
Maglia Bianca: Benjamin Gourgue

money still to earn: 1.345.820 €
earned money: 903.700 €

actual loss: 595980 €
Last edited by el Galactico on Sat May 29, 2010 11:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
Rodrigo Tellez - Winner of Tour Down Under 2023!!!

Siempre Campeones! Hala Galacticos!!

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el Galactico
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Re: Los Galacticos

Post by el Galactico » Tue May 25, 2010 6:32 pm

Giro d'Italia - 15. Mestre - Monte Zoncolan


1. Hector Ivan Palacio Montoya (Poison Dwarves)
2. Pablo Escobar (Team LunaLounge) +0:03
3. Andrei Pelirhyn (Renault Magnum) +0:21
4. Abbadon Chadasch (L RSV) +0:28
5. Christophe Monfort (Astana) s.t.
6. Heal World (Nano team) s.t.
7. Rafael Serrano (Astana) +0:32
8. Oskar Schlömilch (Kandoo-Riders) s.t.
9. Saban Eskici (Steel Riders) +0:33
10. Ruben Escobar (Team LunaLounge) s.t.
12. Benjamin Gourgue (Los Galacticos) +0:34
35. Jorge Felicandes +6:12
27. Ignacio Castillo +6:40
59. Adriano Perreira +19:17
80. Luiz Foguete +24:24
99. Rafael Bahamontes s.t.
102. Diego del Rios s.t.
130. Edson Barroso s.t.
131. Guilherme Callado s.t.

Maglia Rosa: 1. Saban Eskici
2. Pablo Escobar +0:02
3. Hector Ivan Palacio Montoya +0:09

4. Christophe Monfort +0:54
5. Rafael Serrano +1:21
6. Ruben Escobar +1:53
7. Oskar Schlömilch +2:01
8. Wolong Rang +2:23
9. Heal World +2:37
10. Benjamin Gourgue +2:51

Maglia Rosso: Humbero Osorio Botello
Maglia Verde: Michele Gunirolo
Maglia Bianca: Benjamin Gourgue

money still to earn: 1.294.220 €
earned money: 955300 €

actual loss: 651.500 €
Rodrigo Tellez - Winner of Tour Down Under 2023!!!

Siempre Campeones! Hala Galacticos!!

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el Galactico
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Re: Los Galacticos

Post by el Galactico » Tue May 25, 2010 10:46 pm

Giro d'Italia - 16. San Vigilio di Marebbe - Plan de Corones


1. Heal World (Nano team)
2. Abbadon Chadasch (L RSV) +0:13
3. Oskar Schlömilch (Kandoo-Riders) +0:18
4. Rafael Serrano (Astana) 0:29
5. Ruben Escobar (Team LunaLounge) +0:30
6. Hector Ivan Palacio Montoya (Poison Dwarves) +0:33
7. Pablo Escobar (Team LunaLounge) s.t.
8. Andrei Pelirhyn (Renault Magnum) +0:40
9. Benjamin Gourgue (Los Galacticos) +0:42
10. Christophe Monfort (Astana) +0:55
27. Jorge Felicandes +3:11
42. Ignacio Castillo +4:18
58. Adriano Perreira +5:46
66. Luiz Foguete +6:31
73. Rafael Bahamontes +7:15
76. Guilherme Callado +7:33
80. Diego del Rios +7:39
116. Edson Barroso +8:50

Maglia Rosa: 1. Pablo Escobar
2. Hector Ivan Palacio Montoya +0:07
3. Saban Eskici +0:32

4. Christophe Monfort +1:14
5. Rafael Serrano +1:15
6. Oskar Schlömilch +1:44
7. Ruben Escobar +1:48
8. Heal World +2:02
9. Benjamin Gourgue +2:58
10. Andrei Pelirhyn +3:01

Maglia Rosso: Humberto Osorio Botello
Maglia Verde: Michele Gunirolo
Maglia Bianca: Benjamin Gourgue

money still to earn: 1.245.620 €
earned money: 1.003.900 €

acutal loss: 710.020 €

Tomorrow will be a very tough race for everybody. Benjamin wont be fit, but the main part of the other climbers as well. The contract with Jerome Le Busquet has to be canceled after the Giro because the team will make some loss which have to be absorbed.

The aims the team had before the Giro are not really completed. The white jersey is save and a Top 10-place is possible. But one of the biggest aims to win a stage was not fullfilled up to now and the chances are becoming smaller and smaller. An actual loss of about 700 k is very much and the estimated earnings at the end of the Giro won't fill up this big hole completely.
Rodrigo Tellez - Winner of Tour Down Under 2023!!!

Siempre Campeones! Hala Galacticos!!

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el Galactico
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Re: Los Galacticos

Post by el Galactico » Thu May 27, 2010 6:30 pm

Giro d'Italia - 17. Brunico - Peio Terme


1. Hector Ivan Palacio Montoya (Poison Dwarves)
2. Rafael Serrano (Astana) +0:03
3. Christophe Monfort (Astana) s.t.
4. Heal World (Nano team) +0:04
5. Abbadon Chadasch (L RSV) +0:07
6. Benjamin Gourgue (Los Galacticos) s.t.
7. Abdelaziz Ahanfouf (Strohhutbande) s.t.
8. Pablo Escobar (Team LunaLounge)
9. Saban Eskici (Steel Riders)
10. Andrei Pelirhyn (Renault Magnum)
32. Ignacio Castillo +0:39
37. Jorge Felicandes +0:46
58. Luiz Foguete +5:42
60. Diego del Rios +5:48
65. Adriano Perreira s.t.
73. Rafael Bahamontes s.t.
99. Guilherme Callado +9:29
127. Edson Barroso +26:13

Maglia Rosa: 1. Hector Ivan Palacio Montoya
2. Pablo Escobar +0:20
3. Saban Eskici +0:52

4. Rafael Serrano +1:19
5. Christophe Monfort +1:22
6. Oskar Schlömilch +2:04
7. Ruben Escobar +2:08
8. Heal World +2:19
9. Benjamin Gourgue +3:18
10. Andrei Pelirhyn +3:21

Maglia Rosso: Humberto Osorio Botello
Maglia Verde: Michele Gunirolo
Maglia Bianca: Benjamin Gourgue

money still to earn: 1.199.520 €
earned money: 1.050.000 €

actual loss: 771.040 €
Rodrigo Tellez - Winner of Tour Down Under 2023!!!

Siempre Campeones! Hala Galacticos!!

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el Galactico
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Re: Los Galacticos

Post by el Galactico » Sat May 29, 2010 11:04 am

Giro d'Italia - 18. Levico Terme - Brescia


1. Peer Pils (Neutrogena)
2. Brahim Zemmama (Strohhutbande)
3. Guilherme Callado (Los Galacticos)
4. Dennis Meckenhaut (RC Hypo)
5. Maong Zang (RS Walbeck)
6. Sep Vanmarcke (Astana)
7. Thomas Mascher (Ansach)
8. Maleem Brihi (Team Ruhrgebiet)
9. Hannes Mieler (Kandoo-Riders)
10. Theo Sieger (Team Ruhrgebiet)
15. Ignacio Castillo
17. Benjamin Gourgue
24. Jorge Felicandes
27. Diego del Rios
53. Edson Barroso
61. Rafael Bahamontes
70. Adriano Perreira
91. Luiz Foguete

Maglia Rosa: 1. Hector Ivan Palacio Montoya
9. Benjamin Gourgue +3:18

Maglia Rosso: Peer Pils
Maglia Verde: Michele Gunirolo
Maglia Bianca: Benjamin Gourgue

money still to earn: 1.083.520 €
earned money: 1.166.000 €

actual loss: 762.160 €
Rodrigo Tellez - Winner of Tour Down Under 2023!!!

Siempre Campeones! Hala Galacticos!!

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