Blues Cycling

Discussion about fairness-stuff. Advices of breach of rules and so on.

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Blues Cycling

Post by PeterMeter » Sun May 20, 2012 1:26 am

Blues Cycling: What afucking asshole peter meter

Woddeltown Team
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Re: Blues Cycling

Post by Woddeltown Team » Sun May 20, 2012 1:50 am

Galway team: yes somme prefer attack instead of siebing but beginning with sieb is better i think
Bovakian-Nairn: agreed he did go 10km before Capablanca
Blues Cycling: When I see Capablanca energy, i'm sure Dante won't have 1000 tomorrow
Galway team: yes may be, but he attacks very early today...
Bovakian-Nairn: tshiepi favo with Dante then!!
team mezzo-mix: y
Galway team: tomorrow woll be funny, recuperation will count !
Bovakian-Nairn: no bonification above Cat 2 climbs
Galway team: yes but tactic is good too
Blues Cycling: I took only 7 sec on Pirata, and no bonifications
Blues Cycling: Thx, but I had the best climber
Galway team: gw blues ! great job
team mezzo-mix: gw
BierStattDoping: gw V-Team ;)
pirati: pffff
Bovakian-Nairn: gw V, Blues will probably want you to do his squad more often ;)
pirati: I no sprint, Blues attack!
BierStattDoping: gw Blues
Toreeto: gw blues
tschiepi: thank you Blues Cycling
BierStattDoping: ok
Blues Cycling: tschiepi: I won't sprint
pirati: for second
pirati: i attack Bier
team mezzo-mix: lol
Bovakian-Nairn: thank you mezzo, it was worth a try ;)
Toreeto: mezo stop tempo in pink group
pirati: But now Dante can help you?
team mezzo-mix: thx Bova
Bovakian-Nairn: mezzo do not help Xanti
Toreeto: bier atac pirati
Galway team: thanks
Galway team: with maxi
BierStattDoping: aha
Bovakian-Nairn: just to get away from Xanti I cannot catch Spinoza
pirati: Bier?
BierStattDoping: where ?
Galway team: oki
team mezzo-mix: lagarde has 0
Toreeto: no bova
Bovakian-Nairn: Laur*
Bovakian-Nairn: Toreeto put Layr in blue tempo please
Galway team: beer tempo with maxi and mezzo with lagarde
team mezzo-mix: das reicht nicht
Toreeto: why you thing that?
Blues Cycling: Bier, why do you help pirati?
Galway team: no toreeto i think i am so strong as you
Toreeto: galaway out of tempo
BierStattDoping: thx :)
BierStattDoping: pirati...together ?
Toreeto: Bier don't make tempo for pirati again
Bovakian-Nairn: Blues put Oddbjorn in tempo, Xantoi dropped
Bovakian-Nairn: Xanti dropped lets pull away together
team mezzo-mix: sorry
Bovakian-Nairn: Blues Oddbjorn in tempo now
team mezzo-mix: have red
BierStattDoping: no problem
Bovakian-Nairn: mezzo red please
team mezzo-mix: thx
Galway team: no problem bova
BierStattDoping: than,you should go alone...i think
team mezzo-mix: nice
Bovakian-Nairn: mezzo we have to go red now, sorry Galway and Bier, thanks for the help
BierStattDoping: i will help as long as go...193,194
Galway team: we will do 193 and 194
Bovakian-Nairn: you and Galway have done well Bier, thanks
Galway team: malcolm 105, philipp 308
BierStattDoping: Maxi 241,Alois 128
BierStattDoping: nearly without power
BierStattDoping: my riders have to do red...all other tempo were senceless
BierStattDoping: yes
Galway team: when 4 and less beer we do tempo
BierStattDoping: ok
team mezzo-mix: ok
Galway team: yes beer 187 190 we do tempo
Bovakian-Nairn: mezzo when we are on our own we go blue 1st
BierStattDoping: 187-190 beide wieder rein ?
BierStattDoping: ok
team mezzo-mix: bier nimm unterbach auch raus
Galway team: not red plesae
BierStattDoping: ok
BierStattDoping: hast recht...hab nicht aufgepasst
Galway team: i think all green as longer as possible and let bova and mezzo go when they want
team mezzo-mix: bier Kipflinger noch nicht
BierStattDoping: which colour shall we do ?
BierStattDoping: yes...but it sucks
Blues Cycling: He can say what he wants
BierStattDoping: tomorrow i could loose 4 or 5 riders
Toreeto: hello guys toreeto again here :D
BierStattDoping: only he doesnt make a fault
Galway team: yes tomorrow is more difficlut and riders with bad recuperation may find it hard
BierStattDoping: Blues....he also say that we are noobs and did a lot of faults :/
BierStattDoping: yes,Galway...we wont have a chance....but we should work together as long as go
Blues Cycling: I don't see where he is a genius
Blues Cycling: He is killing his riders for tomorrow
Blues Cycling: Genius? He works for the climber teams and can't expect nothing
Bovakian-Nairn: mezzo use Lagarde for rest of downhill and rest Collomb
BierStattDoping: he is a genius
Galway team: anyway if someone wins in front it si for bova or mezzo
BierStattDoping: but he knows all on every stage ^^
Bovakian-Nairn: will it be Xanti or Ramon that goes into tempo at km179?
Blues Cycling: Peter Meter tempo sucks a lot
BierStattDoping: it doesnt look very good,yes Blues
Blues Cycling: Finally, I'm not sure you will win in front
BierStattDoping: from now,Robben is my
amor lux bzh: chelsea can say thx to Robben :)
BierStattDoping: every Bayern-Loose is great....but i dont like Chelsea really...but a bit more than Bayern :p
Galway team: i think bayern is a great club, but i "hate" ribery, and i love didier full happy !
Bovakian-Nairn: k
BierStattDoping: or faster ?
BierStattDoping: all green when we are a group ?
BierStattDoping: ole...super Bayern...ole :)
team mezzo-mix: ok
Galway team: thanks
Bovakian-Nairn: no mezzo save for 2nd climb
Galway team: beer let doherty
Bovakian-Nairn: k
Galway team: CHELSEA WINS !
Galway team: mezzo bova we wait at 161
Galway team: yes of course
team mezzo-mix: Bova Blue ?
BierStattDoping: with green tempo for us !?
BierStattDoping: after 160 we should wait for mezzo and Bova
BierStattDoping: ok
Galway team: doherty will make tempo alone at 160
BierStattDoping: ok
Galway team: so red now ok
Galway team: ok please let dherty take the points, if possible
BierStattDoping: no sprint for me infront,Galway
Blues Cycling: Off and put his guys in tempo for nothing
Blues Cycling: What afucking asshole peter meter
Galway team: ok we go blue now at 147
BierStattDoping: ok...thats my thinking...later,they can catch us
Galway team: the will catch us but not to far from the top o f mountain
Galway team: not sure beer
BierStattDoping: mezzo and Bova will catch us....ok,Galway
Galway team: all blue at 148
BierStattDoping: good
Galway team: blue later
Bovakian-Nairn: how I hate offline tactics
Galway team: beer let grren it is ok
BierStattDoping: and now the group
Bovakian-Nairn: mezzo other rider in green
BierStattDoping: only reason for the attacks
BierStattDoping: at km 138 ?
Galway team: beer want to save the max riders of his team
BierStattDoping: lol...not now ;)
Blues Cycling: Bier, don't tell me you attack just for the pleasure :D
Blues Cycling: You can win the stage in front
BierStattDoping: ok
BierStattDoping: but i think,he will be out of Giro today or tomorrow
Galway team: yes beer, so we let green in front and we will see
BierStattDoping: yes Blues
BierStattDoping: i mean Pierre,not our group infront,Galway
Blues Cycling: If the tempo isn't very high
BierStattDoping: ok...some kms
BierStattDoping: or is my Pierre a helper ? ;)
Galway team: beer all green in front ok ?
BierStattDoping: not really...i only like to get them over first hill
Blues Cycling: You'll have a lot of helper for your climbers
Blues Cycling: Very good move bier
BierStattDoping: lol...robben again....same as in dortmund :)
amor lux bzh: he shots everytime on the right
Blues Cycling: Along the ground, quite in the middle
Blues Cycling: He shot very bad
amor lux bzh: robben is very stupid
Blues Cycling: is*
Blues Cycling: Cech os a hero
Blues Cycling: Stopped ><
BierStattDoping: wow
Blues Cycling: Drogba's foul :D
Blues Cycling: Penalty*
Blues Cycling: Panalty Bayern
BierStattDoping: hi amor
Galway team: hello armor
amor lux bzh: hello guys
BierStattDoping: ok
Galway team: why should we ?
BierStattDoping: shall we wait,mezzo ?
BierStattDoping: i would love to see Bayern without a title
BierStattDoping: yeeeeeeeeeees :D
Galway team: Drogba, incredible player !
Galway team: bayern 1 chelsae 1 !!!
Blues Cycling: Drogba' head on a corner
Bovakian-Nairn: 1-1
Blues Cycling: Chealsea scored
Blues Cycling: OMG
Galway team: bayern 1 chelsae 0
BierStattDoping: but it was a,Bayern will lose today :p
Blues Cycling: They are playing like against Barça
BierStattDoping: such bad ?
BierStattDoping: their arrogance
Blues Cycling: I don't see how Chelsea could score
BierStattDoping: i "hate" FC Bayern
BierStattDoping: lol
BierStattDoping: no
Blues Cycling: yes
BierStattDoping: 1:0 ?
BierStattDoping: now...i dont know to which team i shall give my sympathys...i dont like both...but for the bundesliga a win will be better
Blues Cycling: Goal Müller :)
Blues Cycling: Do someone is looking champions league final?
BierStattDoping: or mezzo
BierStattDoping: should attack ;)
BierStattDoping: we will see ;)
Blues Cycling: Ok, so let me win with Capablanca :)
BierStattDoping: an attack now doesnt make any sence for me
pirati: Blues, find someone who works for him ...attack,attack....
Blues Cycling: to tell you*
Blues Cycling: But, I'm nobody to give you what to do
BierStattDoping: today
Blues Cycling: If you want to win, it's better to attack than sucking^^
BierStattDoping: thx for the tip,but i dont like to attack
Blues Cycling: And look all the offline teams
Blues Cycling: If you attack now, I won't chase you, and Pirati too I think
BierStattDoping: but for me,this stage can stay as boring as now...the fun will come early enough
BierStattDoping: it seems like
Blues Cycling: We have to waittill km 138 before the stage becomes funny^^
Blues Cycling: Yeah
BierStattDoping: a little bit boring yet
BierStattDoping: not i meant ^^
BierStattDoping: but today,it looks a bit better :)
BierStattDoping: my time is tired since some days
BierStattDoping: but all the others were active
Blues Cycling: And why nobody want to take his chance today? ^^
Blues Cycling: Ok
BierStattDoping: end of stages
Bovakian-Nairn: UC did say that he would be missing for 10days which will take him close to 60% miss
BierStattDoping: one or two times,i think
BierStattDoping: nearly the same
Blues Cycling: Ok, as UC Nantes no?
BierStattDoping: i cant remember,i have seen him one stage
BierStattDoping: ever,i mean
Blues Cycling: Is Youpi Team often off since the Giro's start?
pirati: Sure I control you!
BierStattDoping: good luck all climbers.....or the group again ;)
Blues Cycling: Yeah, but you are the big favo for gc now so it's your job to work
pirati: @blues
Blues Cycling: Yeah,especially with some craey teams here^^
pirati: In fact, if you want to win the stage you'll need to check the race!
BierStattDoping: strange field...all could happen
BierStattDoping: hi V-Team
Blues Cycling: I hope nobody will help pirati to control the race
BierStattDoping: could be an interesting stage ^^
BierStattDoping: hello
Bovakian-Nairn: Good evening all.
team mezzo-mix: irre, 205 km und zum schluß zwei harte anstiege
team mezzo-mix: hello all
Blues Cycling: Hey, V-Team for blues tonight
Offline: 3
Youpi team(205)
UC Nantes(205)
Now I can understand why the context of the chat is such important ;)
First of all, it is V-Racing who insults because he was sitting for Blues Cycling.
2nd: the words used by V-Racing are not correct, but i guess understandable. It is annoying when a team does offline-tempo for nothing and is offline for 204 of 206km. DAS Fanradio vom EHC Timmendorfer Strand

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Re: Blues Cycling

Post by PeterMeter » Sun May 20, 2012 8:31 pm

Ich bezahle für das Spiel, also ist es mein Recht es zu nutzen. Wenn ich nunmal nicht anwesend bin, aber das Rosa Trikot besitze, warum sollte ich dann kein Offline Tempo einstellen dürfen? Ob das jetzt eine tiefgehende Beleidigung erlaubt stell ich mal in Frage.

team fl
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Re: Blues Cycling

Post by team fl » Sun May 20, 2012 8:58 pm

A good expamle for: Understandable reaction but still bad reaction, accoring to the fairness rules. It is an insult, so it must be punished. the background may be taken as basis for the punishment, but not for the question IF there is a punishment.

And of course Peter Meter is right about using offline settings. But still, it is annoying.
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

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Re: Blues Cycling

Post by NoPikouze » Sun May 20, 2012 9:35 pm

Well I'm not 100% sure but... He uses offline settings to block the race for his rosa, but his rider is not able to win it in the end ? So basically he just helps the (probably offline and without decent helpers) huber-teams ? And prevents the climber teams from doing their thing ?
I think that might also be a problem.
Qui sème le vent récolte le tempo...

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Re: Blues Cycling

Post by BlueStriker » Sun May 20, 2012 10:25 pm

As Woddeltown said the comment was from my sitter V Team. I am sorry for that Peter!

Is it possible to see the chat from stages a few days ago. Just personal interests ;)

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