Team FL

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team fl
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Re: Team FL

Post by team fl » Fri Nov 25, 2011 1:52 pm

Luigi writes Greek Mythology!

Very surprising, Luigi Mastrangelo wins the Akropolis tour and writes history for Team FL. After losing the GC fight against Gabriel GarciaMarquez, he won the stage race with a despearate (and very lucky) attempt in the last stage.

Luigi Mastrangelo posing for the winner's photo in Athens.

Team FL started with high aims at the Akropolis Tour. Luigi Mastrangelo was the GC leader and around him, Biedermann, Hassler and Marxer should be the main part for success at the hilly and mountainous Greek stage race. Before the decisive fourth stage, it was Alkworld who dominated the winner lists. Then, at the last climb at decision day, Luigi made a strong attempt, just to be caught and left behind by the very strong Gabriel GarciaMarquez from... Alkworld. Of course the proud Italian climber as well as the team itself was very frustrated after dominating the stage so far. Thus, the GC seemed to be set with GarciaMarquez as winner. Alkworld even won the second last stage too. But then, everything changed. At the last stage Luigi rode like a Greek God, with the help of Nathaniel Biedermann and the luck on his side. After a desperate attack on the last climb, he crossed the finish line as the winner of the General classement. With the first stage race win, Luigi Mastrangelo wrote history for Team FL. Not only history, Mythology! Fantasctico! Favoloso! (As another team manager would say.)
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

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Re: Team FL

Post by flockmastoR » Fri Nov 25, 2011 5:47 pm

Congrats to the first stage race win! Was really surprised to read its your first anyway
Boaz Trakhtenbrot:
  • Winner Giro 2022
  • 10 GC wins
  • 16.609 Eternal Points
Schrödinger's Dogs: Alive & Dead

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Re: Team FL

Post by team fl » Fri Nov 25, 2011 5:53 pm

flockmastoR wrote:Congrats to the first stage race win! Was really surprised to read its your first anyway
Easy. Have never ridden many stage races and have never had a real stage race team. Explains also my statistics. Besides bad tactics...
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

team fl
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Re: Team FL

Post by team fl » Mon Nov 28, 2011 10:17 am

Luigi irresistible in Andorra

Full recovered from the stage race win in Greece, Luigi Mastrangelo won the race around Andorra yesteraday. Luigi - like Cédric Schmarotz - also stands at seven race wins now, equalising the internal Team FL record.

The night from Friday to Saturday was long in Athens and a lot of the happy but tired Team FL riders were wearing sunglasses during the journey home to Liechtenstein. Perhaps the rider with the biggest headache was Luigi Mastrangelo, the big hero who won the Akropolis Tours' general classement (perhaps just because Harry Hole does not get headache anymore after being drunk). Arriving at Zurich Airport, surprisingly his nonna Assunta from Sicily was waiting for Luigi to provide him with the good old family medicin. Unfortunately she did not tell the team what it was, but it did not hit the alarm in the following doping test.

Well, matter of fact, Luigi was again in a great shape when the team went to Andorra for the next one day race. Of course, the Italian climber was highly motivated and the team believed in him. Thus, they brought him in a very good position before the last climb, where he forced the pace irresistibly. After the former escapers where caught, only Oleg Tonkov from US Avesa could follow his attack. Although Tonkov is known for having good feet at the last km, Luigi left him no chance in the downhill and won the final sprint at -9 % easily. Besides the victory at the race around Andorra, Luigi managed to equalise the Team FL record for most race wins. With seven victories in total, he stands now on the top of that list together with Cédric Schmarotz and Team FL legend Lorenz Dürr. It seems, Luigi writes history constantly for Team FL.
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

team fl
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Re: Team FL

Post by team fl » Mon Nov 28, 2011 2:25 pm

Team FL PR division understaffed

These days, the Team FL PR division just cannot keep up anymore with the messages coming in about the team's achievements. Newest message about Küng's race win at the Vitoria Critérium was the last straw that broke the camel's back.

In the Team FL office in Vaduz, chaos is running the daily business. The news about the Team FL double victory at the Vitoria Critérium has just come in and yet, everybody seems to be overextended. Well, everybody in this case is William deWorde who recently took over the team's PR division. When you ask Mavolio Bent, Team FL's CFO, about the current situation he is just shaking his head and laughing histerically. Nobody at the Team FL headquarters really know's a way out. Hence, the team management decided to employ an intern to help William with his daily business and to back up the very important stuff, like writing team messages etc. In the end, the management did not have to look far, as it fount Jens Scholz, former Team FL rider, who was working in a small news office in the nothern part of Germany. The disciplined and hard working German did not have to think twice and signed a contract until the end of 2011. After this period, it is forseen to employ him indefinitly, if it works out. So, welcome Jens, and finally congratulation to Stefan Küng and Toni Hassler for their great success today.
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

team fl
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Re: Team FL

Post by team fl » Tue Nov 29, 2011 2:59 pm


Although Team FL could not win the Fleche Jurassienne today, the team's eternal points exceed 100'000 with this race. In 2011, Team FL collected 32'083 points so far, which makes 164,5 points per race.

2011 is not over yet, but still, it is already one of the most successful years in the history of Team FL. And with today's race, even the team fucked it up for Luigi, another important milestone has been reached: 100'000 eternal points. 100'009 to be exactly. Now the team management is eagerly looking forwart to the 1'000th race standing at 934 right now. Also the aim of 100 vicories will be a short-term goal as the new Team FL PR intern Jens Scholz admits, having 89 achieved, 30 so far in 2011. It will be interesting to see, how far Team FL will come until the end of 2011, still not satisfied for this year.
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

team fl
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Re: Team FL

Post by team fl » Thu Dec 01, 2011 10:25 am

The legend of Chronos...

...and how he affected a Swiss rider in chosing his aim in cycling. And what this has to do with Liechtenstein and the grandma of Luigi Mastrangelo. A short story by Jens Scholz.

As he sat there speaking to himself for hours Chronos got more and more tired of running his fingers through his long grey beard. He was bored of beeing immortal and just watching stuff happen. And in the TV, Wheel of Fortune broadcasted the program from yesterday. He turned away from his beard and turned the Zodiac Wheel a bit, just for fun. Watching it, Chronos suddenly got an idea: Why not invent something to challenge time itself? Yes, there must be something that can beat Chronos himself, something that gets him out of the daily routine, and boredom. Consequently it had to be something with a wheel.

Another time, another place (Schaffhausen to be exactly), a young Swiss lad was sitting on a bike with training wheels. Gaudenz Taverna was three years old and already knew that this will be his destiny. Often he rode the street in front of his parents' house up and down for hourse, until the sun was so low that his mother called him for dinner. As the years passed, young Gaudenz extended the distance with his bike steadily, of course without training wheels. He used to stop the time with his chronometer. Everytime he rode the same distance, it took him less time to cover it. He rode like he wanted to challenge Chronos himself.

In October this year, Luigi Mastrangelo has been visited by his nonna Assunta from Sicily. Assunta, 82 years old but still alive and kicking, has not only been parenting her little Luigi the most time, but also using her free time to explore Liechtenstein, which of course did not took long to finish. So she just went for a walk every afternoon to reanimate her tired legs. Well, as she was walking around Vaduz one of these afternoons, she did not see the bike coming from the left. And the rider on the bike did not see Assunta, who is really not the tallest and thus not the most exposed person, so to say. To make the story short, Assunta was not as hurt as the rider after she hit him with her walking stick for around 10 min. and chased him through the pedestrian zone in Vaduz. 15 times. This was Gaudenz Taverna's first experience in Liechtenstein.

After Assunta was finished harassing Gaudenz, she took him home to have a look at his injuries. At the same time, Team FL team management wend to visit Luigi to talk to him about the Tour of Yemen, to convince him to ride another big stage race before he retires. And so, Gaudenz Taverna came in contact with the Liechtenstein cycling team. Of course, this could not just have happend by accident, this must have been destiny. This was his chance to ride, to get better, to get to the next level. Thus, Gaudenz Taverna signed a contract with Team FL to be their first rider specialised for time trials, to fight against time, to challenge Chronos:

- Image Gaudenz Taverna, 21, Time Trialist, Switzerland

53-66-75-76-54, Pave 59, Reg 42
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

team fl
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Re: Team FL

Post by team fl » Wed Dec 14, 2011 6:43 pm

Schmarotz with a hattrick in Yemen

After a disastrous first week in Yemen, Cédric Schmarotz won three stages in row from Monday on. He is now the first rider at Team FL with 10 race wins. Tomorrow, hopefully Luigi shows also a better performance.

Detailed report will follow...

Edith really has the impression that Team FL is too lazy to write a decent PM on this very important topic. Perhaps it's just the fact that PR intern Jens Scholz was not present this week because he is currently visiting his family in Germany around Christmas. William deWorde is also not at the Team FL Headquarters as he went to Belgium because of the recent tragedy in Liège. Anyway, Cédric Schmarotz now the only and only race winner at Team FL... not bad. Luigi will try today do close the gap a bit, at least.
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

team fl
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Re: Team FL

Post by team fl » Tue Dec 20, 2011 3:13 pm

Nominated for RSF-Awards

Very surprisingly Team FL itself and Gilles Braas are nominated for the RSF-Awards 2011 as the best team and as the best pavé-rider. So far, neither the team nor a rider was every nominated for an RSF Award, which underlines the team's outstanding performance this year (compared to other years...).

The news about the nominations for the RSF-awards came in late at night. William deWorde just wanted to leave his office when his phone started to ring. It was the OK for the famous and prestigious RSF-awards. The man on the phone said that a team called Petit Singe or at least a spoke sperson called Robyklebt suggested the Liechtenstein cycling team for the best-team-award, because of its versatility and general good results this year, especially at important races and tours. As this would not have been enough for the speechless William, they told him that Gilles Braas, hero of Paris-Roubaix this year, was nominated as the best pavé-rider of the year. Well, not bad either, although Pedro Garrido was a bit jealous because he also won important pavé-races. But obviously you can't compare a race with "'enfer du nord". Anyway, the team is very proud about these nominations, no matter if anaward will be won or not.

And just that second, Jens Scholz called from Germany that he even saw Hugo Marxer's Piemonte win has been nominated for the RSF-biggest-surprise-Award! it goes on an on...
Last edited by team fl on Tue Dec 20, 2011 4:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

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Re: Team FL

Post by Robyklebt » Tue Dec 20, 2011 4:33 pm

enfer du nord.
Kraftsystemrevision! Include the distance!
Basics reform: Give blue a chance!
Don't punish bugusers. We all have to use bugs, since most of them are declared as "features"!

team fl
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Re: Team FL

Post by team fl » Tue Dec 20, 2011 4:38 pm

Robyklebt wrote:enfer du nord.
right. Edith added also Jens Scholz' comment about Hugo Marxer's nomination. Luigi seems not to be happy about seeing Hugo beeing nominated for something while he himself is not.
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

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Re: Team FL

Post by team fl » Thu Dec 22, 2011 5:01 pm

Luigi won't come back after Christmas

With Luigi Mastrangelo, one of the most successful Team FL riders decided to retire from cycling. At the age of 34, he returns to Italy as a caretaker for his very old nonna (or the other way round).

Today, Luigi Mastrangelo went home to his nonna Assunta in Sicily for the Christmas holidays. After arriving in Italy, he sent a text message to the team management, that he will not return to Liechtenstein afterwards and stay at his nonna's place to take care of her until her time will come. At the same time, the Team FL head quarter got an E-Mail (!) from 96 years old Assunta who claimed that she will take care of Luigi after his long and hard cycling career. Anyway, Luigi was one of the most successful riders in the Team FL history. He was the first rider ever to reach 10'000 eternal points and won a stage race. Furthermore, he won points and youth jerseys and the mountain classement at the Giro 2011. Additionally he won 7 races to complete a full palmares. Although the lazy Italian was best in getting pampered by the team management, his team mates or his visiting nonna, Luigi was a popular team member and never late to show his gratitude to the ones that helped him collect vicotries. Finally, he is now back at his origins but will forever a part of Team FL's hall of fame.
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

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Re: Team FL

Post by NoPikouze » Fri Dec 23, 2011 11:51 am

Beaten by Suessem !!

King of Pavés... :lol:
Qui sème le vent récolte le tempo...

team fl
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Re: Team FL

Post by team fl » Fri Dec 23, 2011 1:59 pm

NoPikouze wrote:Beaten by Suessem !!

King of Pavés... :lol:
Who is King of Pavés?
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

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Re: Team FL

Post by NoPikouze » Fri Dec 23, 2011 2:12 pm

Someone told me you are. Haha ;)
Qui sème le vent récolte le tempo...

team fl
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Re: Team FL

Post by team fl » Fri Dec 23, 2011 2:30 pm

NoPikouze wrote:Someone told me you are. Haha ;)
Must have been a crazy person. Although, Gilles Braas was King of Pavés. But he has already retired...
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

team fl
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Re: Team FL

Post by team fl » Fri Jan 06, 2012 7:23 pm

Unsinn at Team FL

For 2012, Xaver Unsinn joined the Liechtenstein cycling team. But it would be absurd to write more about that...

- Image Xaver Unsinn, 21, Hill specialist, Germany

56-72-50-49-65, Pavé 67, Reg 50
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

team fl
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Re: Team FL

Post by team fl » Tue Jan 17, 2012 1:10 pm

Schmarotz like in 2011

Like last year, Schmarotz is the stage rider for Team FL. Today he won the first stage at the Tour Down Under and is waering yellow and green at least until tomorrow. This is also the first victory for Team FL in 2012.

After the GP Luxembourg and a break of almost two weaks, Team FL decided to start at the Tour Down Under. The line-up is a mix between established riders and young helpers. For the GC, Marxer and Biedermann will be the leaders in the team while during flat stages, everybody will work for a sprint to bring Schmarotz in a good position. This plan already worked well at stage one, when Schmarotz won the final sprint out of the peloton. Schmarotz therefore continues his strike of victories and bringts the first stage win for Team FL in 2012.

Still waiting for their first race are Unsinn and Taverna who stay at home practicing hard. The rest of the team will be in preparation for the Sachsen Pavés tour that starts next week and will be the second goal in January 2012 for Team FL. But first, lets hope for a good finish at the Tour Down Under after a very promising start.
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

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Re: Team FL

Post by Allagen » Tue Jan 17, 2012 1:37 pm

congrats for the stage today! i could not believe my eyes, i saw a stage win by fl? ;) congrats for yellow, green, and all the money!

PS: R.I.P. Xaver Unsinn (died at 4.1.2012) :cry:
RV Allagen. Qualität seit 2006. Erfolg seit 2006.

team fl
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Re: Team FL

Post by team fl » Tue Jan 17, 2012 2:12 pm

Allagen wrote:PS: R.I.P. Xaver Unsinn (died at 4.1.2012) :cry:
I know. Team FL's Xaver will ride on for his greatness.
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

team fl
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Re: Team FL

Post by team fl » Wed Jan 25, 2012 12:17 pm

Lichtenkiesel wins a race!

After 184 races for Team FL, Wesley Lichtenkiesel won his first race. At the Sachsen Pavés tour, he finished first after a 205 km escape. He truly is a monster.

When Tourleader Sabato and the whole team Alkword decided to have a rest day and give a group a chance, it was clear for Team FL who to send for the escape: Wesely Lichtenkiesel. The former Liechtenstein now Belgian rider is known for his endurance. Together with Takashi Murakami and two rider from SV Furpach, he attacked at Km 1. Quick, an agreement between the two teams was found that Steeve Landrin from Furpach should get the mountain points while the Team FL riders go for the stage. As announced before the race, Alkworld only controlled the time gap in the peloton without an intention for the stage. Anyway, at the end it got busy again as the fight for the GC started in the back, while the group in front could easily save their victory. Thus, it was Wesley who finished first, in front of Peter Guiness form SV Furpach. Murakami got 3rd, Landrin was satisfied with his new jersey and was the last one out of the group. In the back, Sabato from Alkworld saved points for the points classement while Stefan "King" Küng was second in the line, still being 4th in the GC. Only Toni Hassler missed to be in a better position and lost some seconds for the GC, now beeing 14th. Anyway, Team FL is ready for tomorrows two half stages, hoping for another exclamation mark, or a least strenghten Küngs GC-position among the top5.
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

team fl
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Re: Team FL

Post by team fl » Fri Jan 27, 2012 2:34 pm

Podium and team classement at Sachsen Pavés

Today, Team FL finished the Sachsen Pavés tour very successfully when winning the Team Classement. Aditionally, Stefan "King" Küng got a place on the podium of the GC (3rd), and Wesley Lichtenkiesel won the 3rd stage.

It was more the whole team effort than the work of one rider alone that was responsible for the good result at the Sachsen Pavés tour. While Stefan Küng was the leader for the general classement, the rest of the team was not very far from his pavé-skills. Mainly because of that, "King" Küng was in an excellent position after today's final stage, being second in the GC behind Phillippe Fremont from RSC Elsass. Anyway, Team FL did not count on a chance to win the tour, just because there were lots of other good pavé-riders in the peloton and the big favorite, Miguel Otero from Alkworld, was supported well by his team mates. In the end Otero won the stage and the GC consequently in front of Fremont, who also had two more pavé-specialists on his side. In the meantime, Team FL could save Küng's podium placement and his second place in the points classement. The allround team from Liechtenstein even could win the team classement, particularly because of Lichtenkiesel's and Murkami's escape during stage 3.

Now, Team FL focuses already on the development for February and the upcoming classics season. For this case , the team is looking another sprinter besides Schmarotz, a young rider that is eager to follow his predecessor's big footsteps. Until then, Team FL does what it does best: Having fun, looking cool 8-).
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

team fl
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Re: Team FL

Post by team fl » Mon Jan 30, 2012 12:48 pm

Late but still, the review of the last year, this time in German due to general lazyness:

Team FL Jahresrückblick 2011
Dieses Jahr auf Deutsch…

Das Jahr 2011 startete für das Team FL wie bereits das Jahr davor und heuer (2012) mit der Teilnahme an den Sachsen Pavés. Mit einem ausgeglichenen Team und zwei klaren Leadern konnte man zwei Etappen gewinnen sowie die Jungfahrerwertung und ein Podiumsplatz im Gesamtklassement. Ein weiteres Jungfahrertrikot gab es bei der Tour Med für Luigi Mastrangelo, der hiermit den ersten Ansatz seiner höchst erfolgreichen Karriere beim Team FL aufblitzen liess.

Im anschliessenden Klassikerfrühling zeigte das Team FL seine Stärken und konnte die prestigeträchtigen Rennen Gent-Wevelgem und Omloop Het Nieuwsblaad sowie La Wallone für sich entscheiden. Der absolute Höhepunkt war natürlich der Sieg von Gilles Braas bei der Hölle des Nordens von Paris nach Roubaix, bei der auch Tim Hamberger mit seinem 3. Platz zu glänzen wusste, als er Gilles zum Sieg beförderte.

Das alljährliche Jahreshighlight für das Team FL war wie fast immer der Giro d’Italia. Erstmals seit langem war wieder ein Bergfahrer mit dabei. Luigi Mastrangelo konnte zwar keine Etappe, aber immerhin das Bergtrikot gewinnen, was den stolzen Italiener und vor allem seine Nonna Assunta zu Freudentränen rührte. Etappensiege gab es dennoch drei, zwei durch Sprinter Cédric Schmarotz und einen durch ein Last-Minute-Attacke von Chuck Bass. Das erste Punktetrikot der Team FL Historie gewannt schliesslich Cédric Schmarotz bei der Vuelta a Burgos.

Zum ersten Mal überhaupt nahm das Team FL bei der Tour de France teil. Leider war man dabei nicht so erfolgreich wie zuvor beim Giro, aber immerhin konnte Luigi Mastrangelo hier seinen ersten Sieg bei einer GT feiern. Den zweiten steuerte – wie könnte es anders sein – Cédric Schmarotz bei. Unvergessen wird der Streit zwischen Hugo Marxer und Luigi Mastrangelo bleiben, der bei einer wichtigen Bergetappe beinahe zu einem Desaster führte. Seitdem gehen sich beide aus dem Weg.

Luigi Mastrangelo liess sich davon nicht beirren und fuhr auf hohem Niveau weiter. So verteidigte er den Klassikersieg von Keyser Söze bei Tre Valli eindrücklich und eroberte bei der South Alps Tour sogar das Punktetrikot. Auch Hugo Marxer liess sich nichts anmerken und gewannt den italienischen Herbstklassiker Piemonte in einer tollen späten Flucht gegen eine starke Konkurrenz.

Ein weitere Pavé-Highlight folgte im Oktober mit der Tour des Pavés, die für das Team FL schon zur Tradition wurde: Zwar konnten die Kopfsteinpflasterspezialisten des Teams keine Etappe gewinnen, aber dafür immer die Mannschaftswertung und die Jungfahrerwertung abgreifen. Und Gilles Braas kam als Drittplatzierter in der Tourwertung immerhin auf’s Podium.

Erfolgreich ging es weiter und die folgende Akropolis Tour und wartete mit einer Premiere für das Team FL auf: Als erster Fahrer überhaupt für das Team FL konnte Luigi Mastrangelo mit einer überraschenden Attacke auf der letzten Etappe die Gesamtwertung der Tour für sich entscheiden und krönte damit seine bis dahin schon erfolgreiche Karriere.

Seine letzte Rundfahrt seiner Karriere bestritt Luigi Mastrangelo im Dezember in Yemen. Es war gleichzeitig auch die letzte Rundfahrt des Jahres für das Team FL. Trotz guter Leistungen kam der in die Jahre gekommene Italienische Bergfahrspezialist nicht über den 4. Platz im Gesamtklassement hinaus. Mit drei Etappensiegen von Cédric Schmarotz, wem sonst, konnte auch diese Tour als Erfolg verbucht werden.

Zu guter letzt gibt noch ein kurzen Exkurs zu den nationalen Meisterschaften. Zum ersten Mal konnte Lorenz Dürr im Februar die Liechtensteiner Fahne erobern, was natürlich für den Liechtensteiner Radrennstall ein überwältigendes Gefühl war. Noch besser kam es im Oktober als Stefan Küng dieses Mal wieder die Liechtensteiner Meisterschaften gewinnen konnte. Die Fahne hat er bis heute noch nicht abgegeben, wobei es fraglich ist, ober im Februar 2012 überhaupt an den NM teilnehmen kann. Anyway, this is the end my friends, ich hoffe ihr hattet auch ein schönes Jahr 2011. 2012 ist ja bisher – zumindest für das Team FL – auch nicht gerade schlecht gestartet.

2011 in Zahlen:

Rennen: 233 (~19.4 Rennen/Monat)

Punkte: 34'982 (~150 Punkte/Rennen)

Etappensiege (33):
10 - Cédric Schmarotz
7 - Luigi Mastrangelo
4 - Pedro Garrido
4 - Gilles Braas
2 - Lorenz Dürr
2 - Stefan Küng
1 - Hugo Marxer
1 - Toni Hassler
1 - Frantz Granvorka
1 - Chuck Bass

Klassikersiege (6):
2 - Pedro Garrido (Omloop, G-W)
2 - Luigi Mastrangelo (Wallone, Tre Valli
1 - Gilles Braas (P-R)
1 - Hugo Marxer (Piemonte)

Rundfahrten (1):
1 – Luigi Mastrangelo (Akropolis Tour)

Punktewertung (2):
1 – Cédric Schmarotz (Burgos)
1 – Luigi Mastrangelo (South Alps)

Bergwertung (1):
1 – Luigi Mastrangelo (Giro)

Jungfahrerwertung (3):
1 – Gilles Braas (Sachsen Pavés)
1 – Luigi Mastrangelo (Tour Med)
1 – Stefan Küng (Tour des Pavés)

Mannschaftswertung (1).
- Tour Med

Fahrer des Jahres:

1. Luigi Mastrangelo
>10'000 ewige Punkte
1 Rundfahrt
1 2. Platz Rundfahrt
2 3. Plätze Rundfahrt
1 Bergtrikot (Giro)
1 Punktetrikot
7 Etappensiege (2 Klassiker: Wallone, Tre Valli, 2. Platz AGR)

2. Gilles Braas
>3'000 ewige Punkte
2 3. Plätze Rundfahrt
1 Jungfahrertrikot
4 Etappensiege (1 Monument: P-R)

3. Cédric Schmarotz
>4'000 ewige Punkte
1 Punktetrikot
10 Etappensiege (2 Giro, 1 Tour, 3 Yemen)

4. Pedro Garrido
>5'000 ewige Punkte
4 Etappensiege (2 Klassiker: Omloop, G-W)
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

team fl
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Re: Team FL

Post by team fl » Mon Feb 06, 2012 10:50 am

Couscous for breakfast

Team FL is currently riding in Qatar, together with its new sprint talent Jean OlléOllé from Cameroun. After his first points ever, he is now enjoying some Cousous for breakfast after the short TTT today.

Coming straight from Yaoundé, Jean is a welcome contrast to the white snow in Europe at the moment. Black as where the sun does not shine, his temper is the completely opposite: bright and sunny. Jean is a huge fan of Francis Bebey and sings his songs all the time, even when he is riding. It almost seems he only stops, when he is eating, favourably couscous. Anyway, Jean has not come to Liechtenstein for singing or eating but for cycling. Thus, he is known best for beeing very fast in the end of a race, i.e for beeing a sprinter. The Team FL management knows how hard it is to fill in the footsteps of Cédric Schmarotz. So Cédric will teach Jean a bit, before he retires. Well, Cédric has already started singing too now and praising couscous. Hopefully this will also be a very fruitful cooperation regarding cycling...

- Image Jean OlléOllé, 21, Sprinter, Cameroun

50-56-60-55-81, Pavé 54, Reg 36
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

team fl
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Joined: Tue Mar 02, 2010 10:43 am

Re: Team FL

Post by team fl » Tue Feb 07, 2012 12:27 pm

Cédric wins in the desert

Cédric Schmarotz ist the winner fo the third stage in Qatar. Due to this victory, he made a huge jump in the GC and is now only 35 seconds behind the leader, Fernando Cooperatori.

Packed with lots of water bottels, Wesley Lichtenkiesel and Pit Schlechter started todays stage in Qatar. The goal was clear: ride for a sprint royal and help Cédric Schmarotz to win the stage. The other riders were already prepared too, although Jean Ollé Ollé seemed not to care at all about the dry and hot air. He was singing and smiling (and opening a view into his mouth with some couscous pieces between his teeth). The first part of the stage was mainly shaped by Genius who presented his riders to the sponsors and spectators. Later on, a group of six riders attacked. Slowly but surely the peloton reacted in person of Saffunzanos as GC leader and SK Blu-Bardhe. Thinking two seconds longer, als Team FL joined, as well as ABC-Polsat. Riding together, the group did not stand a real chance and thus Cédric Schmarotz won the following sprint at the finish. Celebrating his 12th career victory, he is now in a good position for a podium in the GC and a good place in the points classement.
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

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