Fire Auxilium from the Fairness committee

Discussion about fairness-stuff. Advices of breach of rules and so on.

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Fire Auxilium from the Fairness committee

Post by Robyklebt » Thu Oct 27, 2011 7:37 pm

He's not fit to serve in that committee.

- he doesn't understand fairness anyway, he keeps giving minus for TACTICAL reasons.. .don't like the tactics, give - in fairlplay.
- His role in the Italia Ciclyng case is too bad. Can't leave somebody keep judging us.
- After a mysterious post from Lizard in the FL press department, wasn't sure if it was ironic or not (still don't know) looked at 17h Hainan. Saw Selenga riding there, see post somewhere else. Then saw read through the chat to see if FL was sitting Lizard, what do I see?
Auxilium Torino(FairPlay): Hi..bitte, CC and TTT sprechen english und nicht beleidigen ha detto che non tira ieri, perche' Nepal e nautico lo hanno aiutato e voleva rendergli il favore, non per ALTRI MOTIVI
Once again Auxilium Torino blatantly misbehaves, badly. Inacceptable.

Situation from what i can see: Yellow an Italian, Pro Team Moscow, sprinters demand help, he doesn't want to help. Different people ask him for help in english, one then complains in German that Moscow isn't even answering. Then there is a message from a FAIRPLAYCOMITEEMEMBER here, that seems to accuse 2 guys of not speaking english (while they tried) and insulting (which they didn't). Basically it officially tells them to shut up? Or what? Is it a threat? Is it influencing the behaviour of the others?

Anyway here the full chat until Aux barges in with no reason and sense. And doesn't really make any sense either.
Auxilium Torino(FairPlay): Hi..bitte, CC and TTT sprechen english und nicht beleidigen ha detto che non tira ieri, perche' Nepal e nautico lo hanno aiutato e voleva rendergli il favore, non per ALTRI MOTIVI
Gaurain Rx: Well, were you there the last 3 days?
Club Nautico: :)
Gaurain Rx: true, it's just a discussion between Freude and CC for the most
Team Nepal: my problem is the general blabla about moscow
Moscow Team Pro: ho tutto sotto controllo ;-)
Freudenfeuer: whats your Problem Nepal?
Gaurain Rx: ?
Gaurain Rx: well, Nepal is Moto, isn't it
Team Nepal: non tocca a te tirare
Team Nepal: tira solo se stai rischiando di perdere la gialla
Team Nepal: non tirare un metro
Club Nautico: moscow prima che ti picchino :D tira anche te quando vedi che è il caso
Team Nepal: learn to play and stop cry
Team Nepal: if your teams are week and taked a lot from him is not his fault is yours
CC LdeMar: und dieses dumme grinssen kam gestern auch der macht sich doch nen spaß draus alle zu verarschen
Team Nepal: what is the problem for him? he have yellow he win this tour now you play for the stages
Moscow Team Pro: :-)
CC LdeMar: wird er aber icht das nein gestern wird er heute und morgen auch nicht ändern
Freudenfeuer: ich bin ja nun nicht der faulste CC, aber ich denke es reicht mal. Moscow mit viel Glück vorgestern gelb geholt, Grund kennst du ja. Der kann auch mal 20-30 Kilometer fahren
Gaurain Rx: So, just remember that know we have to deal with it
CC LdeMar: hättet ihr mich gestern mal durchgelassen dann hätt ich min 100km jeden tag geholfen
TTT Hamburg: ja ich weis habe ihn aber vorhin gefragt?
Gaurain Rx: So the problem will be the same tomorrow
Gaurain Rx: He won't ride, not today, not tommorrow... And I don't think best will do too :-)
Team Nepal: freud moscow have to defend yellow not the ms
CC LdeMar: doch gestren hat er nein gesagt ttt ^^
TTT Hamburg: der schafft ja noch nich ma nein zu sagen..
Freudenfeuer: Moscow have yellow Nepal
Team Nepal: ahah
Team Nepal: furbo lui
CC LdeMar: der wird nie fahren
Team Nepal: Moscow don't ride while Nautico and i are in fuge, not for other ù
best team: club nautico you can roll 10km just for cres the gap
CC LdeMar: na gut dann lasst uns heute nochmal nen ms zusammenfahren und morgen geh ich dann eben wieder in ne gruppe und hol mir gelb
Freudenfeuer: meine bedingung ist, dass Moscow am anfang fährt, wird ja nicht so schwer sein oder?
Gaurain Rx: Anyway, I'll help for ms today
Freudenfeuer: ich wollte grün gestern und ich bin jeden Tag gefahren. irgend wann ist mal schluß
Gaurain Rx: rode
Gaurain Rx: As said yesterday you ride against the guys who helped you
CC LdeMar: dich
Team Nepal: well the cool thing if group win is you all lost a lot of money :D
Freudenfeuer: wen meinst Du CC?
Gaurain Rx: And highly fairer
Freudenfeuer: wiz nicht da, Selena und ChartreuseCycle auch nicht. Mir wurscht heute. ich verballere nicht jeden tag meine fahrer für gelb
CC LdeMar: na klar gestern als sein trikot in gefahr ist fährst du nach und heute wo nix ist da fährst du nicht nach ? lol
Gaurain Rx: Pff... Well, was maybe more intelligent to let CC the yellow yesterday
TTT Hamburg: yes gw the best team^^
best team: er a l'avant tous le monde tempo please!!!
Freudenfeuer: gw group
ARCfortune: best team....
Freudenfeuer: dann ist die Gruppe durch wenn Moscow nicht am Anfang kontrolliert. Ich mache dann null und nichts an Tempo
TTT Hamburg: heute kann best team das gelbe übernehmen is mir scheißegal
Team Nepal: well so you ttt and all the 93 have to he just need to controll for the shirt but not for the final so he can take 15 minutes and come back to 4 in the end don't count on him
Freudenfeuer: geht das wieder los mit dem drücken von Moscow?
TTT Hamburg: selena 2 days off
Team Nepal: don't be stupid ^^ he don't need to ride for the yellow today cycling selenia ttt have to
Freudenfeuer: wenn das nicht passiert halte ich mich im Hintergrund. Viel mache ich nicht sonst
Freudenfeuer: @ Moscow:your right today for your yellow jersey?
TTT Hamburg: moscow you control the race in the next time?? later help the sprintteams!!
Club Nautico: ciao moscow
ARCfortune: green tempo is ok
Club Nautico: hihi
ARCfortune: raga non dite ste cose in chat....
Club Nautico: I need patata ma quella pelosa
ARCfortune: escartinos ;)
best team: escartinos roule avec nous
ARCfortune: who has 2 riders please 1 in green tempo
Club Nautico: boh!
Team Nepal: who need potatoes?
Team Nepal: :D
Team Nepal: i need potatoes
Freudenfeuer: where is Moscow?
Club Nautico: asp nepal
ARCfortune: hahaha
Gaurain Rx: tu as enfin trouvé le chat... Incroyable
best team: arc fortune pk tempo
CC LdeMar: ja soweit ist aase ja ganz nett aber da fehlt der kick und das ist berg ^^
cycloStar: gl
cycloStar: hi all
Freudenfeuer: lass keinen Rüden raufspringen..........
TTT Hamburg: ja heiß^^^bis gleich
Freudenfeuer: hot? Läufig meinst du wohl ;-))
Club Nautico: ciao
TTT Hamburg: Hi ....some minutes later dog cry^^ she is hot^
Team Nepal: hi, motorizzati here for nepal
Team Nepal: uhm ok marco is here so i will sit nepal LOL
Gaurain Rx: Hello
Club Nautico: hi motorizzati here for marco
Freudenfeuer: Das heißt sie trainieren doch gut. aase doch klasse mensch mit flach
CC LdeMar: bald hab ich nen geilen ks aber kein team dafür
CC LdeMar: bei mir haben alle falsch trainiert juan nimmt abfahrt statt flach und aase nimmt flach statt berg
CC LdeMar: man darf bugs doch nicht ausnutzen und das reset in dem zustand den ich hatte war ein bug
Freudenfeuer: mein neuer Sprinter von Franco hat liegen lassen. War Risiko kauf. der ist 23 und hat 90 Sprint. Hatte gehofft der trainiert, na ja, malsehen was aus dem wird
Freudenfeuer: enrique? na ja, lasse ich mit mir reden. Zamino auf keinen fall^^
CC LdeMar: und enrique auch ^^
CC LdeMar: ach ja freude ich will zamino wieder haben ^^
best team: hello everybody
ARCfortune: hi
CC LdeMar: nur erik berg genommen sonst keiner ...zum kotzen
Freudenfeuer: bei mir auch CC
CC LdeMar: bad training
Freudenfeuer: Uh, Guillaume is a 93 Sprinter, gw gaurain
: puh, gerade noch rausgeredet

Seriously what is this? There was no need for him to post anything at all. There were no insults.

This is not the main reason that Aux should simply not be in the fairness comittee. That is nr 2 up there somewhere. But here again he shows that he isn't able to separate nationality and fairness, that he isn't able to stay objective. His contribution didn't explain anything to anybody, it just "accused" 2 people of not speaking english (while one clearly did, and got no answer) and insulting.

I demand that at least a fairness topic, ingame, be opened.
Aware that nothing will happen. After all Aux cleverly managed to make it personal, so that now all my posts on this topic will be ignored and dismissed as "it's personal".

Forget the messenger, look at the facts.
Kraftsystemrevision! Include the distance!
Basics reform: Give blue a chance!
Don't punish bugusers. We all have to use bugs, since most of them are declared as "features"!
Got a carrot from FL. But they threaten to take it away now.

gaurain rx
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Re: Fire Auxilium from the Fairness committee

Post by gaurain rx » Thu Oct 27, 2011 9:28 pm

I wrote it later in the chat :

"Gaurain Rx: well, cool to see Auxi... Anyway, don't really understand what's wrong in term of fairplay here"

Really doesn't know why he reacts. Had no problem with it but ok, one part in German that I can understand, then another in Italian where I get highly nothing. Maybe all in english so that the majority can understand what he says would have been cool!

Acelot Team
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Re: Fire Auxilium from the Fairness committee

Post by Acelot Team » Wed Nov 02, 2011 12:26 pm

Also do not appreciate the way he talks to people, I've had two discursões with him, and gives notes is arrogant just because we have a negative táctita different from him, sometimes I think if you use your position to the committee if you feel you have race

team fl
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Re: Fire Auxilium from the Fairness committee

Post by team fl » Wed Nov 02, 2011 12:42 pm

I demand a fine for Wizards Cycling for not writing it clearly and Robystandable that Team FL is the greatest sitter in RSF!!!

Everything else is out of my mind. I guess it happened, when I left the race with offline settings. Anyway, Auxilium's reaction in the chat seems inappropriate to me. Auxilium's general behaviour as a FC-member may be questioned. So, what to do? Kick Auxilium Torino out fo the FC? Good question only one person in RSF can answer finally...

My impression: Auxilium is often not as neutral, objective, appropriatly emotionally distanced and unbiased as needed when acting as a FC-member, not to mention his acting as a normal player during a race [Btw, this counts for other members of the FC too...]. What speaks in his favour is his dedication. The question is, if this is enough. Again a question of Kwalität vs. Kwantität :)
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

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Re: Fire Auxilium from the Fairness committee

Post by flockmastoR » Fri Nov 04, 2011 1:00 pm

team fl wrote:
My impression: Auxilium is often not as neutral, objective, appropriatly emotionally distanced and unbiased as needed when acting as a FC-member, not to mention his acting as a normal player during a race [Btw, this counts for other members of the FC too...]
Please tell us who you mean by that!!!
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Re: Fire Auxilium from the Fairness committee

Post by Robyklebt » Fri Nov 04, 2011 2:03 pm

Not sure what he means either.

IMO FC member though can act as normal players in races, no problem, they don't need to be FC members in races. Just normal players.

But what in case of Aux (and Adler too) speaks against him is that he simply seems to have no clue about fairness.
When he has a sprinter he gives sprinter teams that attack a minus vote, calling them unfair. When he doesn't have one he gives them +3 because they cooperate with him in the escape. This understanding of "fairness" simply is not enough to be in the committee.
Kraftsystemrevision! Include the distance!
Basics reform: Give blue a chance!
Don't punish bugusers. We all have to use bugs, since most of them are declared as "features"!
Got a carrot from FL. But they threaten to take it away now.

team fl
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Re: Fire Auxilium from the Fairness committee

Post by team fl » Fri Nov 04, 2011 3:12 pm

flockmastoR wrote:
team fl wrote:
My impression: Auxilium is often not as neutral, objective, appropriatly emotionally distanced and unbiased as needed when acting as a FC-member, not to mention his acting as a normal player during a race [Btw, this counts for other members of the FC too...]
Please tell us who you mean by that!!!
Why? I don't even get told who exactly is in the Fc..."!!!"

And of course I just wanted to say that other members of the FC also sometimes curse when acting as normal players or have a bad day, etc. pipapo. but especially i meant this Equipe Mathematique, just not bearable this guy :P
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

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