Team FL

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team fl
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Re: Team FL

Post by team fl » Mon May 02, 2011 9:00 am

FL Duo joins FL

On the first of May 2011, two young lads waited in front of the Team FL's HQ entrance. Still looking a bit shy Nathaniel and Toni are ready to rock the next year for Team FL.

Nathaniel and Toni grew up door to door in Schellenberg, Liechtenstein. Living door to door, they even took the same bus to the Team FL training center in Vaduz. And this is a good thing, because Team FL's hilly stuff already gets old. Tony and Pedro are 33, Chuck 31 and nobody knows how long their career will last. So, the Team' s managemend decided to freshen up the classic section for autum 2011 and spring 2011 with some fresh blood. Now, together with Hugo Marxer, there are three young Liechtenstein candidates for the upcoming hilly races. Team FL therefore hopes for good training results. Some facts about the two soulmates:
  • - Image Nathaniel Biedermann, 21, Hill specialist

    -> 54-74-76-48-51, Pavé 68, Reg 47

    - Image Toni Hassler, 21, Hill and Pavé specialist

    -> 54-74-69-52-56, Pavé 73, Reg 45
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

team fl
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Re: Team FL

Post by team fl » Wed May 18, 2011 9:13 am

Divided by Zero!!!

... would have been the same thing than wait for a sprinter's win for Team FL at the Giro. Kämpfer failed in 2009, Dürr failed in 2010. But since yesterday the universe has been turning upside down: Schmarotz won stage 10 from Termoli to Teramo.

Interview with Wesley after the stage:

I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

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Re: Team FL

Post by Robyklebt » Thu May 19, 2011 4:11 pm

FL is nice
he doesn't eat mice
like any cool bloke
he drinks coke
the sprint by Schmarotz
everybody just says donnerpotz
FL is just a hero
he can even divide by zero
Kraftsystemrevision! Include the distance!
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team fl
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Re: Team FL

Post by team fl » Thu May 19, 2011 5:19 pm

Divide by Zero to the power of 2?!

Was it the nice poem from Robyklebt or was it the creative poem from Zentaron? We don't know, but Cédric Schmarotz won his second Giro stage! Two days after his first victory he was also successful on the last flat stage of the Giro'11.

And with his victory, he also presented the new Team FL jersey:

I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

team fl
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Re: Team FL

Post by team fl » Fri May 27, 2011 11:25 am

Chuck Bass makes it a three

Chuck Bass won the the Giro's 18th Stage from Morbegno to S. Pellegrino. Thus, the Team FL's teamscore goes up to three stage wins at the Giro 2011.

After the finish line, Chuck drank a big bottle of ice cold mineral water, "senza gas". Most of his muscles where sore, but he was happy, especially about the huge number of pretty girls standing next to him, offering their phone numbers or pleading for a signature on their breas... äh t-shirts. For once, the team management decided not to order Chuck back to the other team members and to let him celebrate his victory.

Chuck Bass' victory was Team FL's third during the current Giro, more than all the other Giro stage wins counted together. Additionally, Luigi Mastrangelo got some important mountain points for this classement. So, after a certain unluck time, Team FL gets back on track for a good end at the Giro 2011. All that lacks is another stage win, but Luigi himself...
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

team fl
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Re: Team FL

Post by team fl » Mon Jun 06, 2011 1:51 pm

Summing-up Giro 2011

Although Team FL could not reach the Top 5 in the general classement, it could count three stage wins and the win of the mountain classement by the local hero Luigi Mastrangelo. After all, a successful Giro.

The first weeks of the Giro 2011 were exhausting. No luck for Team FL, mostly smiling opponents. Luigi could only come up with second places. Well, Luigi could not win any stage at this years' Giro, but Cédric and Chuck could, the former even two in three days. In the general classement, Luigi lost very unluckily too much time to be competitive after two weeks. In the end, he got at least a Top10 placement. Second best Team FL rider was Tony Longo on place 27. All the rest worked their asses of for their captains. A special thanks goes to Wesley Lichtenkiesel and Fred Colon who had to quit the Giro after two weeks. Even Cédric Schmarotz could not follow the high tempo in the mountains. So, for the first time, Team FL lost a rider at the Giro before the last stage. Well, this does not sound that great, but Luigi Mastrangelo could win the mountain classement at his home Tour. He is the first rider ever for Team FL who could win this special jersey.

Finally, some summing-up for the lazy people who do not appreciate a good text:

General classement:
10. Luigi Mastrangelo
27. Tony Longo

Mountain classement:
1. Luigi Mastrangelo

Stage wins:
2 - Cédric Schmarotz
1 - Chuck Bass
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

team fl
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Re: Team FL

Post by team fl » Wed Jun 08, 2011 11:44 am

Ciao Tony!

Yesterady, Tony Longo, 34, retired from professional cycling. Now he will go back to Italy to open a Pizzeria franchise in Calabria together with Severino Nicolosi.

If you ask his Team mates about him, Tony must be a great cook, especially when it's about Pizzas and Pasta. Usually assisting the Team catering, he was often found in or near a kitchen. During the Grio 2011, he was visiting Severino Nicolosi during the first resting stage and discussed with him the plans to opena a Pizzeria franchise. Planned is also a delightful Pizza menu for the famous Fanta-Bar.

Being successful with food, he forgot to be successful in cycling. He attended the Giro two times but could not win any stage during his career, mostly being a helper for his more successful teammates like Nicolosi or Garrido. End the end, he rode 115 races for Team FL and collected 1'651 eternal points. Without Longo, Team FL will not be less victorious, but for sure less appetising. So, ciao Tony, and good luck with the Pizzas!
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

team fl
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Re: Team FL

Post by team fl » Thu Jun 30, 2011 10:54 am

Luigi makes short June shining

Despite a short race calender in June 2011 because of holidays, Team FL can count on Luigi Mastrangelo. The Italian climber is responsible for the continuing winning streak since the beginng of the year.

Masoma to Acoma, the only race that mattered for Luigi, was a high crowded and chaotic up and down ride. Lots of Italian teams came to see the Giro mountain jersey winner. After serious handshaking, the team management was even a bit concerned at the beginning, thus they could not watch the first 20 km of the race. too nervous. But everything went fine, the first group was caught quickly by other nervous team managements and the early splitts were no problem for the Team FL cracks. In the end, it was pure strengh on the last climb from Luigi that made the difference. 20 km alone in front, he won the race easily and has another nice entry into his palmares.

Team FL at the Tour?
Still, June is not over yet and tomorrow, a flat race for Schmarotz is waiting. Also a decision is waiting if Team FL rides the Tour de France for the first time ever. After a long discussion, the team management decided not to ride in the afternoon. As an alternative, there ist still the morning. Question is: What about the money? Team FL still needs new rider material and therefore lots of money, which will not be earned easily at the Tour. So what to do? Ride the Tour at 9? Skip it completely? Or join the afternoon crowed? Discuss!...
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

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Re: Team FL

Post by Robyklebt » Thu Jun 30, 2011 11:27 am

what a dumb question

morning: a bunch of really strange guys
afternoon: a clever ape, a guy in a korean jersey, your buddy allagen, sm for some kinky stuff
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team fl
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Re: Team FL

Post by team fl » Thu Jun 30, 2011 11:32 am

Robyklebt wrote:what a dumb question

morning: a bunch of really strange guys
afternoon: a clever ape, a guy in a korean jersey, your buddy allagen, sm for some kinky stuff
well, but the main question is: riding the Tour at all?
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

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Re: Team FL

Post by Robyklebt » Thu Jun 30, 2011 11:45 am

06: the ape rides no tour, is bored to death
07: no tour, bored to death
08: wants the tour, visaproblems, no tour, would have been possible in retrospect. bored only to half death
09: tour, tired since at 17h
10: tour, 14h, kind of fun

ok, since 06 things have changed, then it was just horrible, in 07 too, to many newcomers, to many weak groups, i won nonstop, 10 wins in 06 july i think, less in 07 because i went on holiday. 08 was a bit more competitive. but still boring

so, the main question is, do you plan to ride daily or almost, or just here an there. if daily, go for the tour. austria is boring imo, qinghai sibiu very likely or at least hopefully closed to you. brixia not sure, wallonie some hilly stuff for your 69 heroes.. one day races parallel to the tour still kind of weak imo, even i would win a few, even in 2011. so depends on how often you want to ride.
Kraftsystemrevision! Include the distance!
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team fl
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Re: Team FL

Post by team fl » Thu Jun 30, 2011 12:07 pm

and here comes the thing: although I usually prefer the afternoon, I could ride almost daily (exept week-ends, but perhaps there too a few times) at 9h. at 14h it will be much more difficult...
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

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Re: Team FL

Post by Robyklebt » Thu Jun 30, 2011 12:20 pm

then ride at 9... if you want to ride daily or almost.
Kraftsystemrevision! Include the distance!
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Re: Team FL

Post by Alkworld » Thu Jun 30, 2011 9:38 pm

Riding at 9 isn't that bad. Samurais, Celtic, Equipe Legende and Alk have announced to start there, BMG was mentioning something, sure some more are still to come. And the good news is, Vuvuzela is already riding the small tour now, so no weird race like the Giro is to be expected :-)

team fl
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Re: Team FL

Post by team fl » Fri Jul 01, 2011 11:51 am

Team FL at the Tour de France, Pit for Pedro

For the first time, Team FL will take part at the Tour de France. At 9h, it will compete with teams like Alkworld or Samurais and BMG. In the meantime, Pit Schlechter joined the Team while Superstar Pedro Garrido retired.

After almost 5 years of existance, Team FL will start at the Tour the France for the first time. The team management is very excited and so are the riders. With the particiaption, there are also lots of questions: Will Cédric Schmarotz be able to win a Tour stage? Will Luigi Mastrangelo also win the Tour's mountain jersey? Will there be 9 Team FL riders in Paris after 23 days? Well, we will see. At least, Team FL is ready to go.

El Chupo leaves Team FL
Before Team FL startetd its journey for the TdF, there will be a huge goodbye party tonight for Pedro "El Chupo" Garrido. After a very successful career and 196 races, the rider with the most eternal points for Team FL (5'432) leaves the Liechtenstein Cycling team at the age of 35. the Spanish classic rider and womaniser could win Omloop and Gent - Wevelgem both in 2011 and won 5 stages in total. Known as "El Chupo" he was not friends with all of his opponents, but he was the the women's darling and a well respected team mate. He also likes wine a lot and therefore he goes back to spain to open a vineyard or a "bodega" in Andalusia.

Another member of a small state
Not as a substitute for Pedro, but as a helper for the coming autumn and the first half of 2012, Team FL recruits the young Luxembourgian Pit Schlechter, according to a tip from Gilles Braas. He could also be seen at the olympic games for the small states of Europe this year.

- Image Pit Schlechter, 21, Helper

-> 46-66-64-56-44, Pavé 60, Reg 41
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

team fl
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Re: Team FL

Post by team fl » Thu Jul 14, 2011 11:45 am

Luigi rocks the Tourmalet

With winning the 12th stage of this year's Tour de France from Cugnaux to the Luz Ardiden, Luigi rode into the jersey of the best climber. It's the first stage victory at the Tour so far for Team FL after lots of podium places.


Three brave riders tried their luck in an escape at the first hard mountain stage of this year's Tour de France. They even got 35 Minutes but also that would not be the time they needed. At least, they got over the Tourmalet in front of the favorites. In the end it were the expected teams who took the lead, BMG-Allstars and Alkworld. Anyway, Jinichi Nasawa from Samurais until the last climb. There, the GC-Favorits took completely over to distance Langeleben and Nasawa. This worked of course in favor of Mastrangelo who attacked during the last two km and won the stage in front of (no, not!)(<- well yes, but not directly in front of) Marc Sage (but infront of Gael Barron in fact!), who could follow for the first attack. So, the first stage win at the Tour ever for Team FL is done and Luigi wearing the climber's jersey, like at the Giro. The question is, can he keep it? Or will he rider for his GC-Ambitions that are not so good anymore after Tuesday?
Last edited by team fl on Thu Jul 14, 2011 1:18 pm, edited 3 times in total.
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

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Re: Team FL

Post by Robyklebt » Thu Jul 14, 2011 12:45 pm

Team FL has a new nightmare. Kitovras. Since Kitovras seems to beat FL everytime, winning 3 stages before FL finally managed to win one, FL now seems to see Kitovras riders, everywhere, even when they are not there.... tragic, as soon as the team seems to overcome the trauma inflicted upon them by Vittorio Vittoria, with his countless moral victories over them, now the next trauma is coming. Kitovras. Today Marc Sage was fifth, not 2nd!
Kraftsystemrevision! Include the distance!
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team fl
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Re: Team FL

Post by team fl » Thu Jul 14, 2011 12:48 pm

Robyklebt wrote:Team FL has a new nightmare. Kitovras. Since Kitovras seems to beat FL everytime, winning 3 stages before FL finally managed to win one, FL now seems to see Kitovras riders, everywhere, even when they are not there.... tragic, as soon as the team seems to overcome the trauma inflicted upon them by Vittorio Vittoria, with his countless moral victories over them, now the next trauma is coming. Kitovras. Today Marc Sage was fifth, not 2nd!
Sage is the new Vittorio!

But besides that, Kitovras rides a really good tour, I am impressend.

And good to see you reading my messages.
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

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Re: Team FL

Post by Robyklebt » Thu Jul 14, 2011 1:06 pm

well, actually i didn't read it properly it seems..

anyway, now, you claim that you weren't in front of marc sage? so you were behind him? how did you win then? this marc sage trauma seems to become a problem already.
how about: in front of marc sage, but not directly in front of him, since he was fifth, but direclty in front of gael barron, who ....

who's your press secretary? he's horrible.
Kraftsystemrevision! Include the distance!
Basics reform: Give blue a chance!
Don't punish bugusers. We all have to use bugs, since most of them are declared as "features"!

team fl
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Re: Team FL

Post by team fl » Thu Jul 14, 2011 1:16 pm

Robyklebt wrote:well, actually i didn't read it properly it seems..

anyway, now, you claim that you weren't in front of marc sage? so you were behind him? how did you win then? this marc sage trauma seems to become a problem already.
how about: in front of marc sage, but not directly in front of him, since he was fifth, but direclty in front of gael barron, who ....

who's your press secretary? he's horrible.

Press secretary is Josef "Sepp" Fichtl, a lazy Austrian. I have to talk to him soon... But I also guess the team is still confused because of the sitter on the weekend and on Wednesday.
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

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Re: Team FL

Post by Allagen » Thu Jul 14, 2011 1:37 pm

congrats for red and the stage! well done
RV Allagen. Qualität seit 2006. Erfolg seit 2006.

team fl
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Re: Team FL

Post by team fl » Sun Jul 24, 2011 5:05 pm

Tour with a Happy End for Team FL

After a one and a half week not like Team FL hoped it to be, Cédric Schmarotz brought the second stage win of the Tour de France with the the prestigious finish at the Champs-Elysees.

After many podium places but no victories, it was a relief for Team FL and Cédric Schmarotz to win the last stage of the Tour de France in Paris. In the end, it was again a good cooperation among the sprint teams, Celtic Club and la fr des Jeux, while Kitovras again prefered the escape. The group that attacked in the beginning of the stage was never a real danger for the sprinters and so it was the complete peloton that arrived at the Champs-Elysees together. There, Schmarotz took Eclassan's backwheel like so many times during this tour, but contrary to the past, this time he won the stage.

Luigi misses Top5 in the GC
In the general classement, Luigi Mastrangelo is finally placed on the 6th position, after a good time trial from and to Grenoble. Before the Tour, a top5 place was the aim, but because of many technical problems, Team FL is glad that Luigi got a decent result after all. Sadly, he had to give away the fight for the mountain jersey after the second week, but for the frist Tour attendance of Team FL, the team management takes this as experience for the coming holdings of the Tour. Finally, the results of the Tour de France at 9h:

24.07.2011,9 Uhr Le Tour
1. Platz: Jinichi Nasawa (Samurais)
2. Platz: Martin Langeleben (SV Furpach)
3. Platz: Bamba Anderson (BMG-Allstars)
6. Platz: Luigi Mastrangelo (Team FL)

Bergtrikot: Bamba Anderson (BMG-Allstars)
Sprinttrikot: Philippe Chevallier (Celtic Club)
Jungfahrertrikot: Joe Tikki (SV Furpach)
Mannschaftswertung: SV Furpach
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

team fl
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Re: Team FL

Post by team fl » Thu Aug 04, 2011 8:29 am

Team changes while at Burgos

Since yesterday, Team FL has been riding at the Burgos. In the meantime there have been some changes in the team roster back in Liechtenstein. While Chuck Bass retired, young Liechtenstein rider Stefan Küng joined the team.

After the Tour de France, Burgos is the next tour for Team FL. Captain in Spain is Luigi Mastrangelo who got third in the first stage. Today, there is the change for Cédric Schmarotz to win another sprint royale. While the main part of the team is riding in spain, four riders had do stay in Liechtenstein, with them also Chuck Bass. Consequently, the spoiled US-American was furious about him not beeing nominated for the tour and has drawn the conclusions. But Team FL would not be Team FL without a back-up plan. Thus, immediatly after Chuck Bass announced his retirement, the team presented with Stefan Küng a new young rider from Liechtenstein:

- Image Stefan Küng, 21, Hill and Pavé Specialist, Liechtenstein

-> 52-74-73-60-60, Pavé 72, Reg 46

A piece of the cake
Chuck Bass will go back to the USA and help to fix the debt problem, he said. How, he was not able to tell. But rumour has it that he will lead a hotel in New York, Upper East Side. The Team FL management wishes him good luck, with the hotel and the debts, and thanks him for his stage win at the Giro 2011. Anyway, lets talk about the new man: Stefan Küng, was born in Switzerland but is riding for Liechtenstein for a while now. He will hopefully develop as a leader for the spring 2012 and for hilly and pavé races in general, although his weakness are long hard climbs. His mother also told us, that he cannot survive without a daily Thurgauer Apfeltorte. What the hell...
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

team fl
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Re: Team FL

Post by team fl » Fri Aug 05, 2011 10:20 am

Cédric wins, Luigi fails

While Cédric Schmarotz won the second stage of Burgos, Luigi Mastrangelo failed in the time trial today and lost useful time against the co-favorites. Team FL hopes, that Schmarotz can duplicate his victory tomorrow.

The stage was made for Cédric "the Parasite". flat almost till the finish line. Well, some hilly parts in the end, but nothing to fear about. So, from the beginning Team FL took the lead, while other sprint teams tried their look with attacks. After an eventful start, it was Samurais together with RV Zahna in a small group of three riders. Aixteam with Lennox in yellow let them go and so it was Tatsuki Nasawa who could win it due to the sprintpoints on the way. After that, the group stopped their escape and Team FL together with Team Edelweiss dictated the tempo in the peloton. In the end, there were again some attacks which could be caught easily. In the final sprint, Schmarotz prove that he is the best sprinter in the peloton and won the first stage for Team FL at Burgos.

Time trial not as expected
One stage win and a third place is so far what Team FL could achieve at Burgos. Thus, the team management was optimistic that this trend will go on in the time trial. Contrary to this, Luigi Mastrangelo failed the task to put himself in a good GC-position for the final stage on sunday. He even lost 11 seconds against Gabriel GarciaMarquez from Alkworld. This arises the question if other climbers have a better form than Luigi. Nevertheless, nominally the best climber in the peloton, Luigi will try his best, despite todays result.
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

team fl
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Re: Team FL

Post by team fl » Mon Aug 08, 2011 8:36 am

Luigi wins, Cédric fails (almost)

While Luigi Mastrangelo won the last stage of Burgos, Cédric Schmarotz could win the points classement, the first in Team FL's history, despite losing the sprint on Saturday.

Burgos is over. A nice little tour with an interesting finish had its last stage on Sunday with a H.C. finish, perfectly made for Luigi Mastrangelo. But first, Team FL had to master another challenge. While Cédric wearing the points jersey at the beginning of the stage, bringing it back home was at stake when Vargas, second in the points classement with only 5 points behind Schmarotz, attacked at km 1, looking for the sprint intermediaries early in the stage. Of course Team FL reacted promptly but could not prevent a dangerous gap between the escapers and the peloton. Luckily, the group did not cooperate well, so Fred, Tim and Wesley could get them before the first sprint, where Cédric snagged some points and could celebrate the first win of the points classement in the history fo Team FL!

Two out of three
And Luigi is one of them. Consequently, he won the last stage in front of Gabriel GarciaMarquez who accompanied him as the only one on the last climb. This was the second stage win for Team FL at Burgos. Not bad for a five day tour. Nevertheless, it should have been three wins, but Cédric Schmarotz failed to win the sprint at Saturday. Instead, it was Mario Vargas who surprised everybody. Anyway, Team FL is very happy with the result at Burgos. But beeing in tempo almost all the time costed lots of power. Thus, Team FL takes a little break from riding tours and will start mostly at one day races this week, beginning with the nice hilly pavé race today, trying to keep up with Alkworld's newly got pavé-magic.
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

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