The afternoon Giro interview corner

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The afternoon Giro interview corner

Post by Robyklebt » Sat May 07, 2011 12:45 pm

New thread, please no comments.

Since for the Giro we don't have the feature from the TdF 2010, special interviews for the stage, we'll do it here.

We get 3 interview makers: LIzard, FL and me, three forum active afternoon Giro veterans. We can decide who does the interviews when later if you're ok. The rest please just answer when you are called for an interview. Copy the interview for you, add your answers. I will then delete the post with the question to keep it "übersichtlich". Let's do it mostly in english... if somebody doesn't understand english of course we'll do an german/french/italian one too.

For the first day: I'll ask questions to 2 managers, if LIzard and FL are around... make one for me... I'm the Titelverteidiger, want one today!!!!!


- Team Owl, your debut in the afternoon Giro, and with Ange Girard you have a rider who could fight for the win. Do you like your chances?

- You are a fairly unknown team in the afternoon. Can you tell us something about Girard, his strenghts, his weaknesses?

- Just one name, with or without explanation. Who will win this Giro?

- Today the TTT in Torino. You have been named as one of the favorites. Who can beat you today?


- Bergwerk, you start as probably the big favorite. Do you feel the pressure?

- Do you hope to win stages too, or are you 100% focused on the general?

- Who will be your biggest opponents you think?

- Today the TTT, what result do you expect?
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The Owl
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Re: The afternoon Giro interview corner

Post by The Owl » Sat May 07, 2011 1:37 pm


- Team Owl, your debut in the afternoon Giro, and with Ange Girard you have a rider who could fight for the win. Do you like your chances?

I hope I can have a chance to win this race until the end but they are so many good opponent in the afternoon and I think it will be a difficult and interesting race!

- You are a fairly unknown team in the afternoon. Can you tell us something about Girard, his strenghts, his weaknesses?

For a climber , he si not bad in TT but his flach can be a problem and the big problem for him is the stage with "strada bianca"

- Just one name, with or without explanation. Who will win this Giro?

Dodo Edemann! (in order to put the pression on bergwerk)

- Today the TTT in Torino. You have been named as one of the favorites. Who can beat you today?

me because i'm not expert on TTT !!!

Thanks for this interwiew and sorry for my english!

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Re: The afternoon Giro interview corner

Post by Robyklebt » Sat May 07, 2011 1:53 pm

Got an interview from Lizards, thanks

- Petit Singe, you are the current champion of the Giro d'Italia. Do you see chances to defend this title in 2011?

There are always chances, yes. But to be realistic, the chances are not that big. Bergwerk has a strong team. But then there are a lot of outsiders that could have chances, from Girard to Schrödinger, from Mastrangelo to Corvia, from the Wizards to the Ape. And haven't mentioned all yet. That means that the race risks being blocked at times, but on the other hand it could become a really open one too. We'll see.

- With Yuri Gamov a pure climber was able to win this tour. This year we have 20kms of TTT and 45 of ITT. How are the chances for the weaker time trialists this time?

Basically the chances for weaker time trialists are there. But looking at the start list.. There are not many of those around it seems. Even Fahrny and Urganov have 54-53. Milano of course is a big obstacle for the weaker ones.

- Having a look at the profile of this Giro we can see many very challenging stages in the last 10 days. Where could the tour be decided?

Not only in the last ten days.. The first test will be the strade bianche. Which, unfortunately is probably my best chance to repeat last years victory. What makes this Giro fairly hard to predict is that almost every day can be the decisve one. Not only the BIG days like Zoncolan and Gardeccia. Castelfidardo, Etna, Tirano as well.

- At last a question on today's TTT: What are your aims and how big will be the gap to other competetitors for the overall?

My aim is the usual, be in the upper midfield. Haven't looked at the other teams exactly, but think I can aim at somewhere between 4-8 I guess. Time loss, under a minute I hope, but I repeat, haven't really analyzed the TTT strenght of other teams. We have to do our best, not race according to the opponents.
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team fl
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Re: The afternoon Giro interview corner

Post by team fl » Sun May 08, 2011 9:23 am


- Kämpfer, Dürr, now Schmarotz, will you finally get your sprinters win at the Giro this year?

Well, I hope so, but it will be hard. Schmarotz is the only real Sprinter in the peloton. Of course Team FL will try

- Today the first chance to get a sprint. Confident you will get it?

The last 50 km don't look good for Cédric. And there will be lots of teams who will just work against a MS for a Sprints, just to let another rider win in front. Just because it's "cool". But we will see

- Mastrangelo got a big time gap already yesterday. Was that tactical to get more freedom to go for stagewins later in the race?

Team FL does not care. First, the Team management could not be there, so we sent Motorizzati. We gave instructions that obviously did not work out very well. We don't know why. But as far as Luigi has no intention to win the GC, it does not matter anyway. Team FL likes to win some stages, if possible
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

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Re: The afternoon Giro interview corner

Post by Demuth » Sun May 08, 2011 10:56 am


- You are one of the 3 teams with a 88 climber, together with Bergwerk one of the "Ueberteams". So in theory you and Bergwerk seem to be the nr 1 favorites. Agreed?
In my opinion Dodo is the favorite and Girard and Morten are the most competative challangers. My team is better than owl's, but his was better yesterday. But 1:10 gap between Dodo and Girard is really really big, Bergwerk needs to attack Owl, and this could be my chance. But the Giro is young and the Giro will be long and hard. A lot of things can happen.

- Your second goal probably will be the maglia rossa, right? Kratos Aurnion. Nr 1 favorite again there too?
Yeah, Kratos is in a very good position and I'll try to make the best of it.

- Who will be the main adversaries for the maglia rossa in your opinion?
Difficult to say. I see Schrödinger in a really good position. But we will see.

- Your team cost is enormous, 637'939 per day. How will you recover from that after the Giro? Even with rosa and rosso it seems unlikely that you can avoid a huge deficit.
I have a good financial foundation. Heads will roll after the Giro. Young riders will follow, but i don't know where the way goes. I want to start something new but i'm not sure what will it be. Maybe a clone of the Petit Singe team. Bad riders, never win, a lot of smoking and a lot of fuss about nothing, I'd like that :)

gaurain rx
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Re: The afternoon Giro interview corner

Post by gaurain rx » Sun May 08, 2011 12:46 pm


- Gaurain, last year Prébois won the maglia rossa. This year you started without a sprinter, why?

Well, defending a Rossa jersey is not really a goal... Prebuisson would have had too much pressure on his shoulder, didn't want to bring him here so! Prefer to keep him fresh for the rest of the season!

- Today nominally is a sprinters stage. Do you expect the race to end in a bunch sprint? Or is FL to isolated too get the sprint?

I hope fl can do it... But don't know if the Owl will work the all day to keep his rosa jersey... Actually, I wouldn't really burn all my team on the second stage if I was him!

- No sprinter, climber at 81, what are your goals for this Giro?

You are right, the team is highly weaker than last year!I But they are younger... secondly, goal is not the big tours, this will be the 2012 classics... Anyway, I'm already too late in my recruitment programm!

Actually could have brought no climber! Field is really strong too... Big density of 84-85 climbers... last year, I think they were better big leaders but less density... But as already said, didn't want to "burn" Prebuisson... Anyway, team his here to take some experience, win a bit money and so on!

- Last question, who will be Prébois successor in red in Milano?

I bet a coin on Mastrangelo!

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Re: The afternoon Giro interview corner

Post by bergwerk cycling » Tue May 10, 2011 9:29 am

Oh sry ... i see this interviews here the first time ...
it's too late, but i do it now and sry for my "broken" english

- Bergwerk, you start as probably the big favorite. Do you feel the pressure?
Before the first stage it looks not so bad for Dodo, but there are two other 88er climbers with chances. After loosing the teamtrial i don't know if i have a chance anymore ... i try my best and we will see in the end if it will be enough.
The Pressure is gone now ... after the first stage i think i only can win anymore.

- Do you hope to win stages too, or are you 100% focused on the general?
Don't know sure ... i'am waiting for the first hills to see, if i have any chance in the general ...
But i'am hoping for a stagewin as well!

- Who will be your biggest opponents you think?
I think Girard an Agger, both with 88er hillskill and good timetrialskills ... or a third lucky winner who knows it^^

- Today the TTT, what result do you expect?
no comment!

Us Lecce
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Re: The afternoon Giro interview corner

Post by Us Lecce » Tue May 10, 2011 2:00 pm


- Pandev won his first Giro stage and is now wearing the Ciclamino. How does he feel, especially while his team manager was not there to celebrate?
Well, HE feels good, he knew that it wasn't possible for his team manager to be there...but he knows, that his team manager has faith in him, so he did everything
he could in order to make his manager proud of him,and that he did.

- Do you intend that Pandev will be wearing the Ciclamino also in Milano? If not, what are your goals for the Giro then?
I don't think that Pandev will wear the Ciclamino in Milano, but he'll try for it. My goals are maybe other stage wins and to ride the giro as good as possible.

- Who do you consider as the main favorite in the afternoon Giro? What is the GC-place you twish for Coriva?
Main favorites are Demuth, Owl and Bergwerk. But i think, that Wizards or Mathematique will do it. I'd like to win the Giro with Corvia,
but he won't train anymore...

- Last but not least a very delicate question: the real Giro experienced a tragedy yesterday. What would be, according to you, appropriate measures to cope with the death of a rider during a stage race? If you don't want to answer this question, just leave it out.
Sorry,but i don't want to answer this question.

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Re: The afternoon Giro interview corner

Post by flockmastoR » Tue May 10, 2011 2:28 pm


- We are glad to see you here again with great ambitions for many objectives. Do you have special aims?

Aims? Well there are aims, thats true, we want to collect some Giro stages. On our first participation in 2009 we totaly failed so we have some pressure here.

- What's more important: Ciclamino or overall?

It seems we do have more chances for Ciclamino and that would be a great sucess, but there are the strong classics too that can win it. In the fight for rosa its hard but we want to surprise there too. But first we want to get our first Giro stage

- So far the classic riders were ruling this tour, perhaps today will be the same. But if "stage win" is the cat in the box - is Schrödinger's cat alive or not?

It wasn't much alive in the last too days but who knows?

- Who's the hotter chick: Megan Fox or Jennifer Aniston?

we are not talking about RSF here?
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Re: The afternoon Giro interview corner

Post by Allagen » Tue May 10, 2011 2:46 pm


- This is your second participation at the Giro d'Italia. Excited?

I´m really excited. You can not compare the teams from 2007 and 2011. 2007 we were the big favorite with Lopez and he dominated the tour. Today, our Leader Nipp is very young and probably he is not able to get a GK top ten position at the end. And the team is very young too. So it will be very difficult to ride the giro this year, but we like that.

- Four years ago your rider Daniel Lopez has won the tour, so what aims do you have left for this time?

Like I said, our team is very young. You can compare the team with the Tour Team 2008 (all riders 23 years old in 2008). We won 4 tour stages 2008. That was brillant. Today, we want to win just 1 stage. 1 stage and we are very happy. And our second aim is, we do not want to go broken after the giro ;) That will be not easy...

- Lutz Putz was not able to win a stage so far, but today he again has the chance. Will he get a stage?

The last 2 stages he finished at position 2. That is typicall for him. By the way, he was born in leverkusen, you know what i mean? So position 2 is quite normal. He finished more then 10-12 races at position 2. Today, i think he is not able to win. Van Amstel and Pandev were to strong (after a split, putz was allways behind them). But we will see. The giro is not over after 4 stages, so hopefully he is able to win a stage during this long tour.

- Your captain will be Stefan Nipp. He is very young, but do you see options for his overall ambitions? And will he ride the other grand tours in 2011?

Well, 82 climb is not good enough. Perhaps he can finish at GK Position 10, but that is very difficult. It depend on the trainingresults. perhaps he is a 84 at the end of the tour, we will see. Yeah, we want to ride the other GTs, but we need more time for that and a very tolerant girlfriend. the problem is, that she hates it´s not easy. But who knows, perhaps he is able to ride the big tours. with a good training he is able to win a gt, we will see.
RV Allagen. Qualität seit 2006. Erfolg seit 2006.

team fl
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Re: The afternoon Giro interview corner

Post by team fl » Wed May 11, 2011 10:33 am

Interview für Psychopathen:

- Dies ist glaube ich nicht die erste Teilnahme beim Giro. Gibt es eigentlich automatisch Freigang von der Anstalt für grosse Touren?

- Momentan trägt Arvid Sveringson das Trikot des besten Jugendfahrers. Ist diese Wertung ein erklärtes Ziel des Teams?

- Wen siehst du als den grössten Konkurrenten im Kampf um das Trikot des besten Jugendfahrers? Wer gewinnt den Giro?

- Gibt es sonst Ziele, die sich die Psychopathen beim diesjährigen Giro gesetzt haben?
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

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Re: The afternoon Giro interview corner

Post by Lizard » Wed May 11, 2011 11:47 am


- You came here with the stated goal to win the Giro. Today the first important test. What do you expect of your 2 leaders?

Today's stage is a little similar to Monte Paschi Eroica, it will be very hard to keep Andrew and Eddy in front. We can possibly get rid of a few other contestants for the tour but especially Fahrny+Urganov aswell as Schrödinger will make plenty of time I guess.

- Do you expect big time gaps between the leaders today?

Between my two leaders? No. Between others? Big gaps. Many Giro dreams will be buried today. And I see some teams not prepared for this kind of stage aswell.

- Van Amstel was one of the most visible riders so far in this Giro. 1 stage win and 2 other stages as one of the main protagonists. Will he ride for the stage win or for your climbers today?

This is a tough question. It is absolutely possible Tom goes for a 2nd stage win, it really depends on how many riders I can keep with the two climbers.

- Who is your GC favorite ahead of his stage?

To be honest: I don't have any clue anymore. The peloton is so balanced it is hard to call a favourite. Not even Girard and Erdemann stick out that much since they will lose a lot of time today. If the gap is very big today it could already be Schrödinger or Fahrny. Otherwise Erdemann would make a good step.
Wizards Cycling: De toenemende Ster van Amsterdam

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Re: The afternoon Giro interview corner

Post by Robyklebt » Thu May 12, 2011 11:19 am

Ape :

Only 39 secsz taken on the other Giro fav' yesterday... What was missing to take more time?

2 things, a better connection, which would have made everything easier, poor Roland Guggisberg who was giving the orders, was calculating, working in the tactics menu, doing this and that while not always seeing everything. And better nerves for Roland, when the decisive km came, he had an ok connection, not necessarily before and after, or not for long, but right then it was ok, and he just forgot, missed to tell Qian to make tempo. We didn't expect huge differences anyway, but actually we think it could have been 1' without too many problems.

If you had the opportunity to take a rider to one of your opponents, which rider would you choose? Why?

Difficult question.. 2 possibilites. 1) Andrew Stockdale, then sell him immediately, he's the most expensive rider in the peloton and would really help our finances :D If you want me to use a guy...Simon Laplace, a strong complete rider, good regeneration too. A rider type we are missing a bit here, but he would be useful after the Giro too.

We've seen your team riding for Fahrny yesterday, Urganov will have his "chance" too later during this Giro... Or it is all for Fahrny

We will see, the situation is the same as at the start of the Giro. Fahrny is more likely to be the leader, but Urganov doesn't start as automatic nr 2. It will depend how the race develops. The logical choice would be Fahrny, but as long neither of the 2 is actually in a obvious position to win it, it doesn't make sense to sacrifice one for the other.

IS the relation between Fahrny and Urganov good?

Yes, they both know their respective strenghts and limitations, they both know that they have to rely on each other to be able to achieve something. They share the same room in the hotel at each race they ride together, so here as well.
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Re: The afternoon Giro interview corner

Post by Allagen » Thu May 12, 2011 11:21 am

- You were certainly one of the most visible teams in the Giro so far. Putz in red, Sackhaar in green, 3 second places with Putz in 4 stages. Are you satisfied with the 2 jerseys or would you have preferred a win instead?

That is a very good and difficult question. We are proud to wear 2 jerseys. And 3 second places are also very good (don´t forget 3. place with nipp), but we would like to win 1 stage. This is our tour aim. But we are very happy about the last 4 stages, still without a win.

- Today the next chance for a stage win, are you confident it will be your day?

Well, Lutz is able to win, that´s for sure. But i fear that it´s not hilly enough today and demuth will win. And still without Demuth, its not easy, because it´s very close between Pandev and Lutz, perhaps they will follow each other and Schrödi will win. We will see.

- Nipp's goal is, as you repeatedly stated, although mostly by completely dismissing your chances, is the white jersey. Can we get an honest appraisal of your chances?

First stage, we lost 27 seconds because we were to late. Otherwise Nipp wear the white jersey for some stages, brrr. Yesterday we lost some time too. We did not ride with schmalzbrot, because it was a GC-fight and we are no gc team. So we lost about 40-50 seconds, (including the ttt).

My Favos for white:

Fahrny with 65 % (good manager, good team with 2 climbers. 85 climb and 54 tt but without reg)

Arvid Sveringson with 30 % (without a 2. climber, but with 86 climb. and with good regneration, 52 tt)

Nipp, 5 % (lost about 40-50 sek untill now, no second climber, only 83 climb, but 60 tt)

i only have 2 chances: roby and psycho follow each other and nipp is able to attack without them. perhaps roby change his leader durring the tour and fahrny is only support for urganov. and i need an other skillup at climb. however, nipp will lose much time at the hc stages with only 83 climb and without a second climber. so i think 5 % is honest appraisal of my chances.

but it is a long tour, we will see what will happpen.

- The fight for red, for the moment it seems to be Pandev vs Putz, with Schrödinger a bit behind, who do you think will be in front at the end?

I hope that Putz is able to wear the red jersey at the end of the tour. But Schrödi will score a lot of points at the hc-stages and putz not. it´s very close. pandev (36 reg) and vanamstel (35) will have some reg-problems. But it looks still good for putz. 30% of winning the red jersey, but schrödi is my favo (35%).

- Last queston for today: Who is your favorite for the overall win right now?

Everbody is talking about Bergwerk and Owl. But i think, that Wizard will win the Giro! I do not know why, but i think he will win. We will see a big attack of his 2 climbers and owl and bergwerk do not want to work or something like that ;)
RV Allagen. Qualität seit 2006. Erfolg seit 2006.

team fl
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Re: The afternoon Giro interview corner

Post by team fl » Thu May 12, 2011 1:21 pm


- Until today Gent-Wevelgem and Het Nieuwsblad winner Garrido was not able to win a stage. He would've had chances yesterday probably, but a group went without him. Today he might score, right?

The Giro stages so far were to steep for Garrido while to many good mountain riders are among the peloton. As Team FL pronounced earlier, it is the goal to win at least one stage, but we don't know, if Garrido can make it. Demuth will be there too for a "classic" sprint...

- Luigi Mastrangelo was already wearing the king of the hill jersey for a few days, is it an aim for your team to win the climber's classement?

Yes, it is the aim to win this jersey with Luigi. We have to see how it works out, especially because his regeneration is not the best.

- So far Cedric Schmarotz wasn't able to get his bunch sprint. If he will, his chances are fairly good. But since there are not really other sprinter teams - do you think he'll get his sprint?

Team FL will ride for a sprint on the flat stages. I think it depends on the help of the GC-Leader for the sprint. But until know, Team FL always got a sprint at the Grio.

- Which team was so far the strongest in this Giro?

So far, Allagen and Lecce were very strong. Allagen as the most active team in escapes was unlucky so far not to win a stage with Putz, but wearing two special jerseys. Lecce is wearing the Maglia Rosa and has already won a stage with Pandev, beeing one of the stongest classic riders in the peloton. For the upcoming mountain stages, I really count with the Singe and Wizards to turn the GC upside down.
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

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Re: The afternoon Giro interview corner

Post by Psychopath » Thu May 12, 2011 3:16 pm

Team FL hat gesagt, ich soll jemanden Interviewen. Weiß aber nicht we, drum beantworte ich selber die Fragen:

Interview für Psychopathen:

- Dies ist glaube ich nicht die erste Teilnahme beim Giro. Gibt es eigentlich automatisch Freigang von der Anstalt für grosse Touren?

Ich hatte GIRO gelesen und dachte es würde um unser Girokonto gehen. Also habe ich die Anstalt mobilisiert, damit die Bank uns das nicht wieder sperrt.
Von Fahrradfahren war da eigentlich gar nicht die Rede. Aber wenn dadurch das Konto offen bleibt, dann machen wir eben auch das.

- Momentan trägt Arvid Sveringson das Trikot des besten Jugendfahrers. Ist diese Wertung ein erklärtes Ziel des Teams?

Gestern haben wir das verloren, weil irgendwer das mit dem Kölsch nicht hinbekommen hatte und das nicht rechtzeitig nach vorn getragen haben oder selbst getrunken hat - ich weiß nicht so genau. Zur Strafe hat Arvid aber hervorragend trainiert und greift jetzt als bester Jugend-Berfahrer nach dem weißen Trikot!.Was auch gut so ist, da der Junge schon eimerweise Waschpulver eingekauft hat, damit das auch schön weiß bleibt!

- Wen siehst du als den grössten Konkurrenten im Kampf um das Trikot des besten Jugendfahrers? Wer gewinnt den Giro?

Diesen Typen da von dem Äffchen, diesem Analphabeten, diesen Typen da aus Honkgong oder wo der her ist. Als der aht auf jeden Fall einen im Stall, der gefährlich werden könnte. Aber wir waren clever und haben genau dem das weiße Trikot gestern gegeben. Vorher haben wir natürlich Juckepulver reingetan. Das will de rbestimmt nicht mehr wieder haben...

- Gibt es sonst Ziele, die sich die Psychopathen beim diesjährigen Giro gesetzt haben?

Ja. Wir würden gern mal ins Plus auf unserem Konto kommen, aber momentan sieht es eher so aus, als müssten wir anschließend das halbe Team verkaufen.

So, alles beantwortet. Und wie war das jetzt mit der Prämie, die du versprochen hast, wenn wir .....

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Re: The afternoon Giro interview corner

Post by Robyklebt » Fri May 13, 2011 2:31 pm

Team Owl

- Today the first mountain stage. The first win for Girard?

- Yesterday Girard lost time to Erdemann and Agger, is this a big setback? How is Girard mentally now?

- Do you expect big time gaps between the favorites today?
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The Owl
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Re: The afternoon Giro interview corner

Post by The Owl » Fri May 13, 2011 2:54 pm

Team Owl

- Today the first mountain stage. The first win for Girard?

I hope but i think it will difficult with Dodo et Morten, i not have a big team compare of this 2, it is my big problem in this tour . but if Girard can win today he will do it because the bonification are certainly very important in this tour!

- Yesterday Girard lost time to Erdemann and Agger, is this a big setback? How is Girard mentally now?

not a good day for all the team and his manager but this the race, he loose time but maybe today he win. he would restore the situation!

- Do you expect big time gaps between the favorites today?

i don't think the is a big gap today maybe in the etna stage but today no

thanks for this inteview! :)

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Re: The afternoon Giro interview corner

Post by flockmastoR » Sat May 14, 2011 3:16 pm


- Another flat stage, will you attack or recover from the efforts from yesterday?

Well there wasnt much effort yesterday to be true and we are in the attacke right now

- Do you think there are chances that there will be a mass sprint today, or do you think km 216 will be too hard for the sprinters? Or will a group make it?

Well i hope for a group. I dont really know if Schmarotz manage it but there are sprinter with better mountain skill that will survive the +5, so maybe a group

- After yesterdays victory, Schrödinger now seems to be one of the main favorites for the Giro win. Do you agree? And who will be his toughest opponents?

Yeah of course he is. He hears that all the time he believes it himself. At my more objective point of view its a very open Tour with strong climbers. They will get loads of time on the big stages. For me they are the favorites but it wouldn't be a Giro if not any underdog would win as last year Gamov did
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Us Lecce
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Re: The afternoon Giro interview corner

Post by Us Lecce » Sun May 15, 2011 2:57 pm


- Pandev will probably lose rosa again today. Will Corvia take over?

I hope so, but i think that Schrödinger will take it today.

- The stage win, possible for Corvia or too hard?

Too hard i think, but i'll try..

- In the GC Corvia is still the best classified climber, is it correct to say that he is now one of the favorites for the Giro?

I don't think so, Schrödinger is just a few seconds behind him and much better. Plus Corvias mountain skills aren't quite good
related to the "Grand 3"(Demuth,Owl,Bergwerk).

- Last question, who will win today?

Schrödinger or Mastrangelo i think. Don't ask why i think so ;)

Ps: Your interviews are getting shorter and shorter... :P

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Re: The afternoon Giro interview corner

Post by Allagen » Sun May 15, 2011 5:42 pm


-The first tough mountain stage of the Giro, what do you expect will happen?

Well, the afternoon giro is ultraconversativ. We do not see many attacks, so we will see a lot of tempo till the end and then the favos will attack at the last 5-8 kms.

- Nipp seems a bit weak to compete for the win here yet, will he still be your leader today? Or will you ride for Putz

Nipp is our leader, but you´re right, he is to weak. Our aim is to be gc top 10 at the end, but that will be difficult. Putz will support Nipp.

- You have been represented in the escape every day so far, today again? Will you try to regain the green jersey?

Our Team is to weak for the end, so we have to escape every day. Only way of winning a stage. Okay Putz is able to win a stage, i forgot. At the end of the Giro we try to win the red and green jersey, but Luigi (FL) and Schrödi (flocke) are very strong. It´s not an easy job for our team but we will try it.
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Re: The afternoon Giro interview corner

Post by Robyklebt » Tue May 17, 2011 1:05 pm

Interview for Petit Singe:
- What did you and your riders do on the first resting day of the Giro to be in good shape for the second week?

The usual low intensity training. Nothing more. What are riders need is not training, but experience. They are getting it here. Although we are the most experienced RSF Team, we started here with one of the most inexperienced teams. Only Qian, Bakhtiyar, Haryono and Osamu had more than 100 races in their career before the start of the Giro. 4 of our starters had less than 20 days in competition, the fifth, Urganov, had 30 races before the Giro. So our main problem is not the training, the fitness, it's more experience.

- Petit Singe hat some communication problems during the first Giro-week. Are these problems solved now?

We will see...

- This week will be decisive for the general classement of the Giro. Do you already have a plan for the upcoming stages until the next resting day or do you just hope nothing bad happens?

Rather hope something good happens... Of course we have a general idea about what we want to do, but no fixed plans, we will have to adjust our ideas to the race situation of course.

- Some say that athlete-suitable catering during the stages is very important for a good performance. What has the team Petit Singe to offer its riders?

Well, with Martin Rösti, Emil Röstis son, we have the best chef in the peloton. For the final week Emil announced that he will join too, but as the team has done since SPIH, the riders won't be eating what he cooks, the stomach bug that forced the whole team to abandon at SPIH is still in our memories. Of course we can't expect a 89 old man too still have the cooking skills he had in his youth. But we are more than happy with the work his son does, not only his Rösti and Pasta is outstanding, but the food he cooks for the staff too. Yesterday we got a bananasoufflé! Excellent.
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Re: The afternoon Giro interview corner

Post by flockmastoR » Wed May 18, 2011 1:05 pm

Interview for Equipe Mathematique

- Today a short, very likely nervous stage. Is the team ready?

We will see. We dont have any special plan here today. Maybe thats a disadvantage, maybe not. But it would be perfect to defense rosa one more time

- One of the favorites for today is once again Schrödinger. Will he try to get his 3rd stage or is it enough to protect the rosa jersey?

It's very hard to tell. Today is much more open than the stages Erwin could win. It is just one 6 in the end, very hilly the whole time. I don't calculate with a win today and the team will not try that hard to go for it like it was during the Etna stage. Defending Rosa and go to Austria with it would be Erwins dream.

- Which teams do you expect to collaborate today? After all today looks to be a very difficult stage to control for a single team.

Well thats the big problem. Nobody will help so it will be a group winning today i think. It will be more important to control in the end and if the 20 seconds of bonification go to an escaper its easier for rosa today.

- How is Erwin dealing with the increased pressure he is facing these days. From outsider he has developped into one of the main favorites in these first 10 stages.

Erwin is fine. Everything that happened the first 10days is fantastic and if we end up 15th and 16th in the general at the end its no problem. We have 3 stages now and that was the ultramegaopptimistic goal for the whole Giro. So no pressure on Erwin or the other teammates

- Will the team, especially Rondeau and Heuser, be ready to protect Schrödinger later this week? Crostis, Zoncolan, Giau, Fedaia, Gardeccia, 2 really hard stages back to back. Some commentators have some doubts about how effective especially Rondeau can be in those 2 stages.

To be true we dont care for Rosa after the Glockner stage. Schrödinger wants to carry Rosy up to the famous Glockner and then we open up the race. We will not be able to defend it till the end, so why should we try? Rondeau has other problems, maybe he wants to win a stage too. We didnt came here to win the Giro. We say that a lot but this whole project is for fun and stages, we got some stages, the real fun is beginning in the upcoming week and we dont wanna block the race and we dont wanna cling on the rosa jersey, thats just not our way of riding. Maybe with this whole attention we get, we are the last one who is able to win in the end, but this can open up ways for other teams
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Re: The afternoon Giro interview corner

Post by Robyklebt » Sat May 21, 2011 1:40 pm

OK, more interviews today, I make 3 others welcome to make some too.

The owl:

- The second of 3 hard mountains stages, the first of 2 ultrahard ones, is the team ready?

- In the GC you still are 20" ahead of Erdemann. Will you try to attack him today, to gain more time or will you rather ride defensively?

- Getting the maglia rosa back today seems very possible, is that the goal for the day?

- RSF decided to ride the Crostis. Is that good or bad for you?


- Before yesterday Stockdale seemed to be out of the fight for rosa. Is he back in now?

- Both your GC riders are known more for their good endurance than for their pure climbing skills. Do you think they will be able to profit from their strenght in the next 2 days?

- What kind of stage do you predict, a rather calm one, everybody saving energy for tomorrow, or do you expect fireworks today as well?

- Talking about fireworks, you are one of the teams that are expected to light them. Will you?


- Mastrangelo seems to become stronger and stronger during this Giro. Now he is regarded as maybe the strongest pure climber in the peloton. Green and stages still the goals, or do you think about the GC too now?

- Mastrangelos biggest problem seems to be his lack of recovery between stages. It seems unlikely that he can fight for the stage win both today and tomorrow. Which of the 2 stages is more important for you?

- Erdemann, Girard, Mastrangelo, one of those 3 or will somebody else manage to surprise the big 3 today?

- You are expected to be fairly well represented in the gruppetto too today. Do you think Wesley and Schmarotz wll survive this 2 hellish days?

- A prediction for the winners of the 4 jerseys please!
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Re: The afternoon Giro interview corner

Post by Lizard » Sat May 21, 2011 2:41 pm


- Before yesterday Stockdale seemed to be out of the fight for rosa. Is he back in now?

He is still 2:34mins behind Schrödinger. Erdemann is 1:31mins ahead, which is also way too much. Stockdale might need to make another three minutes, else it's hopeless.

- Both your GC riders are known more for their good endurance than for their pure climbing skills. Do you think they will be able to profit from their strenght in the next 2 days?

They do already. Stockdale, even though in an exhausting breakaway yesterday seems to be in a good shape today again. For sure the two of them will benefit from it, even if they go into attacks.

- What kind of stage do you predict, a rather calm one, everybody saving energy for tomorrow, or do you expect fireworks today as well?

Today will be very decisive. Up first Monte Crostis, where only the very strong climbers can stay in the peloton, then after the long downhill the Monte Zoncolan which was ridden last year aswell, right? Who attacks today might lose the tour tomorrow. If you're willing to risk that, you can start your own fireworks.

- Talking about fireworks, you are one of the teams that are expected to light them. Will you?

At least I am not afraid to risk Andrew's or Eddy's chances in the general classement. It might happen.
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