Youth market REVOLUTION!!!

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Youth market REVOLUTION!!!

Post by Zauberlehrling » Sat Oct 30, 2010 9:14 pm

In the german forum the discussion about the youth market is coming to a more or less agreement, topic: viewtopic.php?f=30&t=909

Problem: The actual youth market is just for freaks and velocity is really important: After a refill after 5 Minutes the best 5 riders are gone, after 1 hour the next 15 useable riders are gone, it remains just shit on the market. So, velocity is important, if you want to buy a rider, you have to watch the youth market on every possible refill-time or be a really really lucky guy.
We would like to change this, so everybody has the same chance to buy a specific rider.

Result: We want auctions!!

I explain shortly (for the longer part, ask Roby :D):
The auction of a specific amount of riders will for example start at 18.00h. 6 hours before (so at 12.00h), the riders are presented, there is one 56-74-79, market value is 2 Mio.
Now you can bid on him, I want him, I say, I want to pay 2.04 Mio for him, I place the bid.

The auctions will go inversely (also called "dutch auctions"), but we adapt it, it will be called then "Hernian Auctions" ;)

18.00 , day 1: The auction starts at 1000% of the Market Value of the rider. It goes down regularly to 200% after 24 hours.
18.00, day 2: The auction goes on, now from 200% to 150%
18.00, day 3: The auction goes from 150% to 100%.
If no one buys the rider he remains one day (or more, or not at all, not really discussed) for the market price on the youth market.

It counts down until it reaches the highest bid, then the auction is over, the one with the highest bid gets the rider immediately.

You can place bids for as many riders as you want, as long as you have the money in cash. If I have 2.4 Mio in cash, I can bet on 20 riders simultanously if I want to. If I get one of these riders, my other bids are erased, because I can't afford it any longer.

Important: The bids are SECRET!! So I don't see, if anyone else bids on the 56-74-79, I also don't see the highest bid. I just bid and wait, nothing more. If the bid is over, the rider is buyed, you just see the team that buyed him and his bid. You don't see all the other bids without success.

1. You don't need to be quick, normally you will have about 2 days to place the bid. You don't need to place the bid in the beginning, just place it whenever you want (perhaps we will need a block for one hour or something)
2. Popular riders will become more expensive, the others stay... perhaps adapt Tax rate?

- Advantage for rich teams... if that's a disadvantage.

Oh: And of course (for me) the salary remains!!

gaurain rx
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Re: Youth market REVOLUTION!!!

Post by gaurain rx » Sat Oct 30, 2010 9:35 pm

The solution you come to seems quite good but anyway, we will know it better when it will come in use

Just a little question : what about the 21 years old riders on the normal market between the first and the fifth of each month? If the system remains the same as today with this, some teams will try to have their "future" big leaders cheaper (than in the JTM) if they are fast enough!

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Re: Youth market REVOLUTION!!!

Post by Zauberlehrling » Sat Oct 30, 2010 9:57 pm

Good point, we didn't thought of that (french are smarter, I always knew this ;))

Easy possibility: No 21years old until the first training.

Goal: Auctions for EVERY rider, youth market is just the beginning.

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Re: Youth market REVOLUTION!!!

Post by gaurain rx » Sat Oct 30, 2010 10:15 pm

Zauberlehrling wrote: Goal: Auctions for EVERY rider, youth market is just the beginning.
Yep, I was thinking about that too... I mean that could be a cool way for a good (and so maybe "teuer" rider : a climber for ex.) rider to find faster than now a new team... And helps the fact that there are more "active" riders than now (meaning on a team and not on the TM).

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Re: Youth market REVOLUTION!!!

Post by Aixteam » Sat Oct 30, 2010 11:18 pm

Zauberlehrling wrote:(french are smarter, I always knew this ;))
He's Belgian and Belgians are not known to be genious in France :D :lol:
Petit Singe: Aix croit toujours qu'il sera important dans le real life, RSF bah, pas trop ambitieux, NoPik a compris que il n'aura jamais le succes qu'il peut avoir ici en real life, alors il donne tout pour RSF!

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Re: Youth market REVOLUTION!!!

Post by Luna » Sun Oct 31, 2010 6:13 pm

We could just disestablish the regular tm-refill at the oment of the season change. So there would be no run on the 21-year-olds in the first 5 days of a month.

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Re: Youth market REVOLUTION!!!

Post by Quick » Sun Oct 31, 2010 6:33 pm

What would be so bad on "normal" buying an 21year old rider in the first 5 days? They wont be much cheaper...or better.
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Re: Youth market REVOLUTION!!!

Post by Zauberlehrling » Sun Oct 31, 2010 7:00 pm

Not sure... I could imagine, that the really rare and popular riders (56-74-7x and 50-57-82 sprinters) would become significantly more expensive, so the run between 1 and 5 of a month will be worse than actually.

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Re: Youth market REVOLUTION!!!

Post by gaurain rx » Sun Oct 31, 2010 7:28 pm

Zauberlehrling wrote:Not sure... I could imagine, that the really rare and popular riders (56-74-7x and 50-57-82 sprinters) would become significantly more expensive, so the run between 1 and 5 of a month will be worse than actually.
I'm quite sure they'll be more expensive... Everybody search such riders so the ask is bigger than the "gift (offre)"
and so the price will be higher!

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Re: Youth market REVOLUTION!!!

Post by NoPikouze » Sun Oct 31, 2010 9:01 pm

What's the advantage of making good riders more expensive ?
Qui sème le vent récolte le tempo...

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Re: Youth market REVOLUTION!!!

Post by gaurain rx » Sun Oct 31, 2010 9:31 pm

NoPikouze wrote:What's the advantage of making good riders more expensive ?
Well, the goal is not to make them not expensive, the goal is to eliminate the speed as a factor to buy the rider you want!

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Re: Youth market REVOLUTION!!!

Post by Zauberlehrling » Sun Oct 31, 2010 10:04 pm

As a compensation I see two possibilities:

1. Reduce Tax a bit... let's say it goes up to 60% instead of 70% as actually

2. Reduce Market value generally 10% for every player, salary remains as it is. Then the leaders become a bit more expensive (auctions...), the helpers become a bit cheaper, the average price will remain.

For me the increase of price is no major problem, there are easy solutions to solve that problem, so no worry about this detail.

gaurain rx
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Re: Youth market REVOLUTION!!!

Post by gaurain rx » Sun Oct 31, 2010 10:15 pm

Zauberlehrling wrote:As a compensation I see two possibilities:

2. Reduce Market value generally 10% for every player, salary remains as it is. Then the leaders become a bit more expensive (auctions...), the helpers become a bit cheaper, the average price will remain.
Another solution can be : as a young guy in the market is not buy, maybe we can "allow" that the auction goes under the value of the player!

You have said if I remembered right :

Day 1: 1000%
Day 2 : 150% - 200%
Day 3 : 100% - 150%

I would add (for example) :

Day 4 : 90% - 100%
Day 5 : 85% - 90%

VC Aywaille
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Re: Youth market REVOLUTION!!!

Post by VC Aywaille » Tue Nov 02, 2010 3:45 am

The idea is really good. For the form of course we must discuss a lot and try to evalue the effects of the new rules. But the basis-idea is really really good. I am sure that a lot of managers dislike the actual system (time reaction to have a good rider).

Another possibility is to let a rider 2 or 3 days on the market, with the normal value and to let the managers make their bid. Without the system 1000%-200%, 200-150 and 150-100. But maybe i don't understand all the idea, i must ask to gaurain to send me a translation in french via MP. ;)
VC Aywaille
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team fl
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Re: Youth market REVOLUTION!!!

Post by team fl » Tue Nov 02, 2010 10:07 am

Hmm... I don't like auctions that much. Now, if I see a rider I like, I can buy it. Ok, perhaps the best are already gone, but I also can't see them anymore. So, it doesn't hurt me much. But with auctions, i want to buy a rider I see and won't get him in the end, which will be very painful, especially if I also could have bought another one on the list. This leads me to a question: is the bidding money bound on that rider? Well, everything else is not logical.... I still don't like it. It doesn't matter how i think about it, there is this bad feeling in my stomach, that Team FL will suffer a lot from auctions.

My problems with auctions:

- riders who have chances to be good will be more expensive
- money will be more important in the game
- sometimes you have to sell a rider to have enough money to buy a new one. Now, you sell a rider but you won't get the one you want for the money... So, rider sold for nothing
- you don't even get the riders you see anymore, perhaps you don't get anything
- money is bound on one rider you may not buy in the end
- very exhausting to buy a good rider
- also cheap riders (salary) will be more expensive (I think)

I know, that there is a new chance everyday. But with a growing RSF-community, also the demand will get higher. I just don't think, that this will work out very well, because there will always be teams with enough money to outbid little Team FL, who always depended on a "bargain".

But that's just me, for others it maybe will be the real deal. I always liked the transfer system in RSF, because you get what you see (of course with all it's disadvantages regarding "velocity" etc.). Now, it's much more uncertain. And so it will be for Team FL with auctions on the youth market...
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

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Re: Youth market REVOLUTION!!!

Post by VC Aywaille » Tue Nov 02, 2010 1:35 pm

I understand you fl. But i really think that there are some solutions:
team fl wrote:- riders who have chances to be good will be more expensive -> ok, but there was an idea to keep the actual balance (before in this topic)
- money will be more important in the game -> i prefer that money is more important than reactivity in the 5 first minutes
- sometimes you have to sell a rider to have enough money to buy a new one. Now, you sell a rider but you won't get the one you want for the money... So, rider sold for nothing -> now the rider that you want can be buy before you buy him and after you sell your rider. Specially if you want to buy in the first 5 minutes
- you don't even get the riders you see anymore, perhaps you don't get anything -> i don't understand this enough to comment
- money is bound on one rider you may not buy in the end -> if it's not visible (the bids) maybe we must let the possibility to bet on more than one riders. If you don't have money for the second, the second bid win
- very exhausting to buy a good rider -> not exhausting now, that's sure, because if we are not in the first all the good riders are purchased
- also cheap riders (salary) will be more expensive (I think) -> i don't think. When you take the market there come a lot of bids for the best riders. So not a lot in the same time for the cheapest. And with the idea to make down the values...
For sure, if there is a reform, i presume that Buhman accept to make the test 1 or 2 month and after adapting the market with the reactions of the managers. If we see that the price explode we must adapt the values or the primes.

I think that with your opinion the problem is not the reform but the number of riders. It must be adaptable with the number of active teams.
VC Aywaille
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team fl
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Re: Youth market REVOLUTION!!!

Post by team fl » Tue Nov 02, 2010 1:51 pm

VC Aywaille wrote:I understand you fl. But i really think that there are some solutions:
team fl wrote:- riders who have chances to be good will be more expensive -> ok, but there was an idea to keep the actual balance (before in this topic) -> supply vs. demand. somewhere explained in here ;)
- money will be more important in the game -> i prefer that money is more important than reactivity in the 5 first minutes -> for me, yes. I always got riders I want so far.
- sometimes you have to sell a rider to have enough money to buy a new one. Now, you sell a rider but you won't get the one you want for the money... So, rider sold for nothing -> now the rider that you want can be buy before you buy him and after you sell your rider. Specially if you want to buy in the first 5 minutes -> ???
- you don't even get the riders you see anymore, perhaps you don't get anything -> i don't understand this enough to comment -> get what you see principle. I see a rider, I buy him. And I get him for sure (delays because of name thing not counted). Not with an auctions-system
- money is bound on one rider you may not buy in the end -> if it's not visible (the bids) maybe we must let the possibility to bet on more than one riders. If you don't have money for the second, the second bid win
- very exhausting to buy a good rider -> not exhausting now, that's sure, because if we are not in the first all the good riders are purchased
- also cheap riders (salary) will be more expensive (I think) -> i don't think. When you take the market there come a lot of bids for the best riders. So not a lot in the same time for the cheapest. And with the idea to make down the values... -> supply and demand. if the demand is higher than the supply, prices will increase. as simple as that. and almost everybody need riders that are cheap but have some usefull skills though.
For sure, if there is a reform, i presume that Buhman accept to make the test 1 or 2 month and after adapting the market with the reactions of the managers. If we see that the price explode we must adapt the values or the primes.

I think that with your opinion the problem is not the reform but the number of riders. It must be adaptable with the number of active teams.
I am aware of the advantages of an auctions-system (everybody has the same chance to buy a rider if enough money is given). But they are no advantages to me compared with the system now. But the first come first serve-system has its advantages too. Perhaps not for everybody.

What I don't like is the uncertainty when buying a rider. And that you possibly have to attempt a few times before you have bought a rider. With the system now, it's much easier (for my nerves). Either there is a rider I want on the market or not. But if there is (at the given moment), I can get him (if I have enough money). With the auctions-system I see a fitting rider. I have to bid. And here comes the uncertainty. Perhaps I get him, perhaps not. AND in the meantime, most probably, I don't have enough money to bid for another rider. AND most probably, the rider I look for will be more expensive than with the current youth market system.

AND what about the selling price? That's another point. I need the increasing value of a rider when selling him. So, with the auctions-sytem, you buy a rider over transfer-value (according the current system), but what happens with his value then? will his transfer-value stay the same? will it increase like now? will the buying price have an influence? Have I to sell the rider with a transfer value under the buying price?

I don't want that. Just for me, personally. Of course, i will fit in if auctions will be there. But I don't want it.
Last edited by team fl on Tue Nov 02, 2010 1:52 pm, edited 2 times in total.
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

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Re: Youth market REVOLUTION!!!

Post by Luna » Tue Nov 02, 2010 1:52 pm

I would appreciate it to see the quick-sell-quick-buy activities stop, once we maybe expand the system to the non-youth riders, too.

@FL: Your money wouldn't be bound to one rider as I understand it. If you have 2 millions cash you would be free to set bids on several riders, each about 2 millions. As soon as you get one rider, the other bids would be deleted.

team fl
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Re: Youth market REVOLUTION!!!

Post by team fl » Tue Nov 02, 2010 1:53 pm

Luna wrote:I would appreciate it to see the quick-sell-quick-buy activities stop, once we maybe expand the system to the non-youth riders, too.

@FL: Your money wouldn't be bound to one rider as I understand it. If you have 2 millions cash you would be free to set bids on several riders, each about 2 millions. As soon as you get one rider, the other bids would be deleted.

But which rider do I get then? So you should be able to set priorities?

I don't know. Perhaps I'am just too well stuck in the current transfermarket system and arranged with it. I hope that, whatever will be the future youthmarket system, that my worries may lead to a near perfect solution ;)
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

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Re: Youth market REVOLUTION!!!

Post by Bear » Tue Nov 02, 2010 2:21 pm

But which rider do I get then? So you should be able to set priorities?
You get the rider which auction is finished first.

The problem of getting a rider or not. Ok, maybe you don't get the first rider on which you bid. But I think it's not more difficult than now. At the moment, you have to be on when the jtm refreshs and you have to be really fast. I agree with Aywaille, I think it's not good when the manager gets the rider who is always on and very fast in clicking. The teams which operate economically will have an advantage, that should be no negative point for auctions.

team fl
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Re: Youth market REVOLUTION!!!

Post by team fl » Tue Nov 02, 2010 2:34 pm

Bear wrote:
But which rider do I get then? So you should be able to set priorities?
You get the rider which auction is finished first.
Aha, but as I've read, the auction starts at a certain given time every day, right? So there may be 2 or even 3 riders that started the same day the same time... Btw, will I be able to withdraw my bid? For example if I find a rider I like more the next day.
Bear wrote:The problem of getting a rider or not. Ok, maybe you don't get the first rider on which you bid. But I think it's not more difficult than now. At the moment, you have to be on when the jtm refreshs and you have to be really fast. I agree with Aywaille, I think it's not good when the manager gets the rider who is always on and very fast in clicking.
Sure it is more difficult to get the rider I want. Now, if I see a rider I want, I just buy him if I have enough money. The problem is with the current system, that I don't see a rider I want. With auctions I see a (or many ) rider(s) I want but I don't know if I can get him (them). And I certainly won't get a rider for his shown transfer value as it workes now. At least it is not very probable. And for sure, everybody goes for the best, if he sees them on the market and not for the ones that lack one skill in flat, downhill or whatever.
Bear wrote:The teams which operate economically will have an advantage, that should be no negative point for auctions.
I don't know how many times Buhman emphasised in the past that RSF is not a game about economics. With the auctions-system it will be much more and much less calculable than now (uncertain expenses). Which is bad for me, I presume.
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

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Re: Youth market REVOLUTION!!!

Post by Robyklebt » Tue Nov 02, 2010 2:43 pm

The price really is a question of balance.

1 strict D1-D4/D5-6 separation

D5-6 with the old system. Yep, riders will be cheaper, an advantage for D5 teams. Go down, get your riders to the normal price, that's it. Is it a huge problem? Don't think so. But the auction system can't really work well with one big market: Balance. Buh needs to find the right balance, how many riders per day. And with an always changing number of managers it's just too time intensive. Ok, a script that automatically checks how many managers were active in the last x days then automatically adjusts the nr of riders might work, but... then the second problem comes. New manager, doesn't know the game, ok, is in D5 now, but still new, wants the cool 73-47-48-46-43 for 35 reg, a cool mountain rider. He really wants him. Instead of 2,6 or so he offers 3 Mio. No good. Other new manager knows more he wants the 73-56-79-50-50 with 45 reg. And being new and succesful he has money (earned in group 2) and still no real understanding of the prices.. he will overpay for that one too. Have 2-3 of those and the market prices for good riders increase too much...

So IMO needs to be separated.

With a separation there is a fix number of manager in D1-4, according to our resident mathematician Zauberlehrlinge 140, non mathematicians but with a deep and real understanding of Pythagoras, triangles and Oloids (one l !) put the number at 180. Be it as it may, Buh will have to figure that out, the number is fix. And with that finding the right balance is easier. I'm sure it will need adjustement in the early phase. But that's the way it is.
Rides who will, really should, because if they don't that means there are too many riders on the market, more expensive are: Absolute Topriders. 56-74-79, 73-56-79m, 50-59 82 sprint with low reg. etc. Those really superb ones every x month riders (how often do they appear now? Shouldn't become more) will get more expensive. Maybe a fair bit more expensive. A bit more normal superriders, 56-74-70, 73-55-77, 48-58 with 82 sprint and 45 reg probably a bit higher too, but shouldn't really be too much. Plus changing from month to month obviously. The 54-73-70 on the other hand might stay the same. Fairly often there I think, some might cost more, some the same. The other type that will get more expensive is: cheap riders as FL said. Sometimes there are really good cheap riders, that are wanted exactly because they are cheap. Cheap to buy, cheap in salary. They will be a bit more expensive, which is good, after all they are very useful in keeping the salary down, will become more useful and valuable if the "less riders per race" test is succesful and gets introduced. Flat guy for 1,3 will increase, The one for 1,5 probably not.

But in the end how much really depends on the balance. What's the goal, then up to Buh to find the right amount of riders.

An idea that IMo should be discussed to is: go under 100%. Right now there are some riders that are "overpriced" high reg futre flat guys for exampe. a 48-60-63-50-48 64 reg. 1,5 Mio, really expensive for what he is actually able to do later. Can become something like 50-75+-80-65 etc. Then he is actually a very useful and nice rider. But... you can buy those ready for less grown up. 45-77-69-49-56 65 reg "name geben" on the market, for 1,48 Mio. Ok, less mountain, ok ok, but this type of rider, not popular I know. the Zugravescuhype never really worked, is just hopelessly overpriced when they are young. So going under 100% would let you correct that a bit... how much, Gaurain spoke of 85, IMO that's too much. But 95? Yes, I'm aware it's then only 75k for a 1,5 Mio rider, still something. But it's 200k for a 4 Mio rider too. This would probably make the regulation of the number of riders more difficult. The lower you go, 85 (but too low anyway) the more difficult it gets. If you stop at 100, you just have to keep an eye on the high prices, if you go lower you have to keep an eye on the low ones too... more difficult, still, kind of like going under 100%. 95%.

Only bid when you have money? For it. I often wait with selling until I see the guy I want too, but in a way, would prefer I had to sell. Then no guarantee to get him? My choice, have to decide case by case. See the 54-76-79 for 1,9 Mio, want him, want to bid 2,1 Mio, need to sell, bid, lose. Ok, my choice. Think I won't get him anyway, keep him, he goes for 2 Mio. Hihihi, my fault.

MOre bid than one? Easy. 2 Mio, I bid on 70 riders. No problem. I only get ONE! Which one. The one I get first. All the other bids than are dead. Of course we will have the jokers who put in the same amount of money on 2 riders, just to see if the system explodes, RSF crashes and the world ends. Then make a system for that, same amount of money, you get the "better one", the one with the higher value. Ok, 2 have the exact same value? then the system explodes, yep.. or then make it by luck. Or whatever, devise a system. For the 0,00001% chance that that ever happens.

Tie the salary with the price? Don't really know. SEe + and - on this one.

Oh, more new stuff since I started:

Withdrawing bids: HAS to be possible. The Klebt idiocy policy, Oh, cool rider, I bis 1'700'058. And put in a 0 to much or start with a 2... of course you can withdraw bids. The real question is: Withdraw and make a new one ok? Or should that be restricted? Withdraw and you can't rebid on the same one? Withdraw and you can rebid only a once/twice?
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Re: Youth market REVOLUTION!!!

Post by Luna » Tue Nov 02, 2010 2:45 pm

team fl wrote:
Bear wrote:
But which rider do I get then? So you should be able to set priorities?
You get the rider which auction is finished first.
Aha, but as I've read, the auction starts at a certain given time every day, right? So there may be 2 or even 3 riders that started the same day the same time...
But they don't end at the same time. Each auction counts backwards minute by minute, percent by percent. And when the highest bid is reached, they auction is over. So when you place bids on 2 riders whose auction starts at the same time, you can be sure that the higher one of your bids will be the first to be calculated. If that rider goes to a different team then your lower bid for the 2nd rider will be next to be taken into account.
Btw, will I be able to withdraw my bid? For example if I find a rider I like more the next day.
I hiess you can alter your bid as well as withdrawing from it.

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Re: Youth market REVOLUTION!!!

Post by Bear » Tue Nov 02, 2010 2:59 pm

Withdrawing bids: HAS to be possible. The Klebt idiocy policy, Oh, cool rider, I bis 1'700'058. And put in a 0 to much or start with a 2... of course you can withdraw bids. The real question is: Withdraw and make a new one ok? Or should that be restricted? Withdraw and you can't rebid on the same one? Withdraw and you can rebid only a once/twice?
Maybe once a day or something like that? "Timebased"
Sure it is more difficult to get the rider I want. Now, if I see a rider I want, I just buy him if I have enough money.
Well, that's kind of right. But how much good riders you really see with the actual system. Sometimes 2-3, sometimes not a single one. And you like this better? I don't. I like to see all the riders on the market. Then I can try to buy all the riders I like. Maybe I have to spend more money on it. But I am sure this will be balanced after some time.
And for sure, everybody goes for the best, if he sees them on the market and not for the ones that lack one skill in flat, downhill or whatever.
In my opinion this is a good thing. So you get the chance to buy the almost perfect riders for the normal price (or less, 95% as Gaurain/Roby said).
I don't know how many times Buhman emphasised in the past that RSF is not a game about economics. With the auctions-system it will be much more and much less calculable than now (uncertain expenses). Which is bad for me, I presume.
I agree. This is a cycling game and not a economics game. But it's also not a game for fast-clicking-always-being-online-people. Everyone should get the chance to buy good riders.

team fl
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Re: Youth market REVOLUTION!!!

Post by team fl » Tue Nov 02, 2010 3:00 pm

Luna wrote:
team fl wrote:
Bear wrote:
But which rider do I get then? So you should be able to set priorities?
You get the rider which auction is finished first.
Aha, but as I've read, the auction starts at a certain given time every day, right? So there may be 2 or even 3 riders that started the same day the same time...
But they don't end at the same time. Each auction counts backwards minute by minute, percent by percent. And when the highest bid is reached, they auction is over. So when you place bids on 2 riders whose auction starts at the same time, you can be sure that the higher one of your bids will be the first to be calculated. If that rider goes to a different team then your lower bid for the 2nd rider will be next to be taken into account.
Btw, will I be able to withdraw my bid? For example if I find a rider I like more the next day.
I hiess you can alter your bid as well as withdrawing from it.
Ok, sounds much better so far. I think i did not understand the point with the minunte by minute thing right when reading it the first time. So thanks for explanation. Now I will read the Roby-post :geek:
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

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