Spring classics, afternoon

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Spring classics, afternoon

Post by Robyklebt » Wed Mar 17, 2010 7:09 pm

Yes yes, I know, there already is a thread for MSR... but pff, don't care. Since nobody will want to discuss anything anyway, I just make a thread for the whole spring classics season, even if I'm the only one posting here.

Milano Sanremo first, 14 h for Mr Klebt and his stars.

Right now the following 11 riders are in Sanremo. Some like Edgar have been there for over a week, some have gone there yesterday evening, some left for Nokere and will travel to China on friday... But all of them have to study the final kilometers of the course, even the 3 that won't start.

The team as it is planned now:

1. S. Berlogea: I'm happy to be here, I'm here to learn, I know that I won't have a chance to fight for the win yet, but maybe in a year, yes.
2. K. Eiterolloid: Horrible, I'm shocked. It would be a shame to win here, it's disgusting. Sanremo represents everything that is bad with this world, exploitation, no real values, all just show! I couldn't even find an anarchist circle! And I did everywhere else! And I've been here forever now, hate it. Anarchy now! Blow Sanremo up, the world would be a better place.
3. D. Erioli: Probabilmente la mia ultima grande corsa. Si, ok, dopo correro anche il giro delle Fiandre e la Roubaix, pero la Sanremo e piu importante. Spero di vincere, ho sempre aiutato i compagni, questa volta spero che sara il mio turno. Sono in forma, sto bene. Dovro anticipare i big, credo di potercela fare.
4. A. Grillboy: Well, Karl doesn't really seem motivatied, so I'll won't have to help him too much, will be good training for Roubaix, I think I can do very well here too. Le Manie? Too far, then i Capi and the Cipressa don't really scare me.
5. P. Guggisberg. Jo, einisch luägä. Lang nümm gfahre, scho chli igroschtet.. dänkä i u dr Thömu hei guäti Chance, är vorne mit dä bärgstarche Fahrer, i hinge im HIngerhaut. Jo, Doppuspitze, Guggisberg power! Dr Karl? Dä het kei Chance do, redet ou wider nume Blödsinn im Moment, bi itz a wuche mit däm do umegfahre, ned zum ushaute.
6. T. Guggisberg: Tirreno isch aaschträngend gsi.. weiss ned rächt woni schto, itze 3 Tag usruäiä, am Samschti sotti de wider fit si. Leader? Auä dr Philipp u dr Karl, ha vom Herr Chläbt no nüt ghört.
7: W. Machoro: ça sera une course très importante pour nous et pour moi personnellement aussi.Je serais un des coureurs protegés. ça ne m'arrive pas trop souvent, faudra être pret.
8: X. Nedelcu: Not an easy race, it will be very tactical I think. And with Mr Klebt, Ares and Roland we have 3 of the best tacticians, so are chances are good. Leaders? I think Milano Sanremo is perfect for Septimiu, he has the tactical intelligence and the strength to surprise many.


I. Duculescu: Well... shit. Me want win 3 monument, Milano, Flanders and Roubaix. Why Mr Klebt not want let do win me? Not understanding I this decision.
O. Feng: Well, the Poggio is a good preparation for the Hubei cycling cup, and honestly, I much rather win that one then this overrated race here. The end is a bit similar, harder in China though. As a downhill specialist I hope to do well friday.
S. Uzielli: No, nessun problema. Sono gia contento di essere qui, 2 mesi fa ero un cicloturista, in Cina, faceva un freddo incredibile. Certo, viaggiare in bici mi manca un po... comunque tra 2-3 stagioni avro guadagnata abbastanza per viaggiare una decina d'anni. Faccio quello che mi dice Klebt, prendo soldi, tutto bene. Poi se corro la Sanremo o no me ne frega un cazzo.

Short version: The win is already almost assured. Only bugs, accidents and unfair playing can prevent the total Klebtriumph this time.
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Re: Spring classics, afternoon

Post by olmania » Wed Mar 17, 2010 9:27 pm

7: W. Machoro: ça sera une course très importante pour nous et pour moi personnellement aussi.Je serais un des coureurs protégés. ça ne m'arrive pas trop souvent, faudra être prêt.
That's the best joke of the day :lol:

team fl
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Re: Spring classics, afternoon

Post by team fl » Thu Mar 18, 2010 9:51 am

but you saw the already openend MSR 14:00 thread roby? ;)
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

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Re: Spring classics, afternoon

Post by Allagen » Thu Mar 18, 2010 10:42 am

vielleicht will man nirgends diskutieren weil die hälfte nicht weiß das man hier auch auf deutsch schreiben kann und die anderen hälfte nichts von nem neuen forum weiß? wieso ist das neue forum immer noch nicht verlinkt?

zum thema msr: also das Sprinterteam aus RV Allagen wird wohl auch am Start sein. 48 Berg könnte zwar etwas wenig sein, aber versuchen kann man es
RV Allagen. Qualität seit 2006. Erfolg seit 2006.

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Re: Spring classics, afternoon

Post by Robyklebt » Thu Mar 18, 2010 2:15 pm

team fl wrote:but you saw the already openend MSR 14:00 thread roby? ;)
Robyklebt wrote:Yes yes, I know, there already is a thread for MSR... but pff, don't care. Since nobody will want to discuss anything anyway, I just make a thread for the whole spring classics season, even if I'm the only one posting here.
Better explanation. I see no point in opening a thread for each single race, MSR, E3, Gent, Flanders, Schelde, Amstel, Flèche and LBL.

Since all that will happen is: 4-8 people post their line up. 0-1 people post something else about the race in that thread. 10 people write about their place in their press center, regardless of what place they get. Not fun. So I ignored the already existing thread, made my own, if somebody wants he/they can join, if not, no problem. I'll post here anyway, no reason to go to 8 different threads that in the end will be boring. One boring thread does the job as well. Ok, now I have Allagen who misses the point once again to entertain me here.... would have been the same in the old forum. Line ups, no analysis, no predictions, no follow up, just line ups, that are interesting too sometimes, ok, liked Lizards for example, but then nothing more... pff. One uncool thread is better than 8 uncool threads.
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Re: Spring classics, afternoon

Post by Robyklebt » Sat Mar 20, 2010 4:45 pm

Great Roby thoughts!

Instead making them in the race, I'll post it here and post it after the race.

Before the Turchino:
Los Galacticos: who makes tempo with me after the turchino?
Big mistake IMO, ok, he'll do the attack with flat riders, the sieb, then ride, but he focuses to much on the sprinters, weakening them, but favoring the classic riders.

1 km before the Turchino: No sieb at +6. Roby an idiot, he doesn't do the sieb.... only asking for help after the Turchino, which makes sense. Good Gala, +2 points, -5 for Roby... right tactic IMO, inluding asking for help, which IMO he should get from some of the other favorites, have to get back that bad Cerro, he wants to beat Haslers record.

Between Turchino and Le Manie: Celtic riding almost all alone, goes out, Gala in, Celtic back in, out. very strange, here, no reason for Gala to refuse to help... ok, one more rider that can help.. . don't like it, just ride together.

km 180 +/- Celtic going off, with announced off settings. Not perfect, but ok, that's what they are for. Let's see how it works out.

Le Manie: Very very strange. Slow connection, didn't see all, but seems Erioli siebed a bit, then Ticos probably, then everybody came back. Expected the action to start here, but not yet, everybody keeping everything till the end.
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Re: Spring classics, afternoon

Post by Robyklebt » Sat Mar 20, 2010 5:59 pm

AFter the race, pah, ... don't push submit Roby....

Nothing happening, bah...Celtics off things not working either. Not sure if that's good or bad... in a way bad, ok, in this case leaving over 100 km before the end... ok, but what if somebody has to go 20 kms from the end? so the last 5 km he can't do anything.

240 Here the great Nedelcu-Grillboy attack was planned, but everybody 100% fit, makes no sense...
248 Double attack Poison, now Merz and BSE IMO should ride... for Gala it's not necessarily bad if they get accross the Cipressa, for the rest yes, should have ridden a bit before here.
277 End of Cipressa, over for sprinters. Capo Berta killed them. will come back a bit, but not enough. Guggisberg now just following and sprinting to place nr 5-15 in the end. bah

Fuck the end. Bad riding by Roby... even forgot to sprint.. what an idiot. After the Poggio attack I did everything wrong that I could do wrong. Now Aix won, how embarassing. :oops:
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Cerro Torre RT
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Re: Spring classics, afternoon

Post by Cerro Torre RT » Sat Mar 20, 2010 6:21 pm

Even more embarassing Cerro again, who did never manage to connect any rider to something even close to have some kind of chance. Just like expected, but embarrassing in any way. Too coward to accept the truth and bring on mountain rider Terray, who even would have had, whatching the last kilometers, to take this, as he could have connected to Guggisberg at the 4%-parts. Don't know if, but could have been. I should have tried.

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Re: Spring classics, afternoon

Post by Robyklebt » Sat Mar 20, 2010 7:14 pm

Well, the win is worth nothing I decided since only 88 riders, pff. 80 actually, since Gaurain had conncetion problems he whole time. Sorry Aix, not worth anything your "win" :D Ok ok, just joking... first french with a monument in group 1!

For the sprint: Capo Berta really hell for sprinters. before they couldn't be dropped, now they can. and got to the Cipressa with already almost 30". no? 27" maybe when it started. In the end 23" Race was lost when the 2 poisons managed to get over the Capo Berta. Yes, even without those 2, it woudn't have necessarily have beenl ess, maybe even more, BUT, other riders used, other riders weakened. Who then are dropped on the Cipressa. Merz or BSE probably really should have covered with green tempo there, or more even red. with a rider that already has been used or has been helping, basically the weakest. Delek from Merz who probably was dead anyway. Enough? Maybe not, but closer. Or maybe wait for less in the Capo Berta. but ok, was all close together, ok I think. Without the 2 poisons I think it get's closer, but probably not enough, this Capo Berta really hurts the sprinters, without I think a sprint would have been more probable. Or of course Gaurain on that rides for sprint (but Prébois very obviously not in form yesterday, so basically similar to Karl) or Neutrogena with guts, not a sheep that is scared and runs away. Cipressa then was well ridden, Merz let his 71 fall, he really had to. Yes, he leaves him in front he can maybe win.. .maybe, not sure if he follows on the Cipressa, plus if Da Souza isn't dropped, was likely he would be, but not sure, then his win chances decrease... ok, having him in front could have helped slow down the others maybe... but think he had to let him fall. With 96 sprint you really have to give all for the sprint. Me, 91, yes yes, good form, but still 91 and have to rely on luck to win a sprint... no. Thomas stays where he is. would have helped, another 2-3" at least, but not my job, sorry. Sprint my best chances to win, I help a bit like I did if it's necessary, won't ride against a sprint, but can't really help that much to other riders that are that much stronger.

Then the end, Thomas following Humberto, was clear... he attacks, wasn't so clear.. then he stops... if he continues he might be fucked later, with Ticos in his wheel with his leader probably, since he had 70 other 58 sprinters in the back, weakened ones, but still dangerous.. plus nobody downhill. stopping probably the best solution. Even better maybe no attack. yes, if some with downhill attack, dangerous, so maybe ride with Humberto if somebody attacks. But he attacks, stops, ok, then I try, wasn't planned, thought I just follow til the end and get a place who nobody cares about. Attack, like I thought Aix follows (only hope was he attacks too and is behind me) then clear what I do. Out. Mistake. Should have ridden the next km. Then MAYBE the second one. then out. forever. Went out for 2 km. good. then back in when Ticos went in. Was fairly clear Ticos would go in, he can win, like others too. But I can in front too we need enough advantage for me to be able to do nothing for the rest. 1 km up, maybe 1" more, maybe not, evtl the second one, out, he does 3 downhill alone, 3 flat alone, sprint. Better than he does up alone (which cost more) then 4 together, then 2 alone. I think at least... then no stupid fucking idiotic attack at the end, didn't know what to do, in out in out in out in out in out... wasn't sure it's in or out at the end, went like a madman putting it in and out. less clicking more thinking idiotic roby! Attack pointless, he follows, I lose energy. Ok, didn't even get away. Plus I didn't put in the sprint... just never tought about it somehow, then probably assumed it was in since I put in Eiterolloids sprint... but don't remember putting in Thomas'.... idiot. No idiotic attack, 1 or 2 km in the hill, nothing else, sprint at 50, then I have an outside chance. Like that.. no. Attack in the last km... what stupidity. Help where we are slow anyway instead of where it would really help.

Otherwise good race by many, poison took the opportunity the sprinters gave him with the attack before Capo Berta. Mistakes at the end IMO. Gala rode a very intelligent race I thought, the sprinters did what they could, almost, the attack Poisons shouldn't happen. And Merz probably didn't start with everybody at 1000. Then maybe maybe wait for one rider less in the Capo Berta. Aix did what he had to do... no tempo? Well, not his job, he was an outsider, it was Ticos, Wizard, Poison who were the clear favorites in the "classic rider" scenario. Ok, thought he should have attacked with Cero in the beginning, nothing to lose. But he did the right thing by just waiting. (ok an early attack with one rider wouldn't have changed anything, just let some people work more) Celtic a bit bad that he had to go, so basically we had a 9 team race for MSR.. .too bad... a monument with 9 active managers... hope for more at Flanders.
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Re: Spring classics, afternoon

Post by Neutrogena » Sat Mar 20, 2010 8:15 pm

Robyklebt wrote:Or of course Gaurain on that rides for sprint (but Prébois very obviously not in form yesterday, so basically similar to Karl) or Neutrogena with guts, not a sheep that is scared and runs away.
Do you even remember your own definition of sheeps? I don't think I am dependant of those so-called sprinter teams... sheeps are. And I wasn't scared, I just didn't want to race with the 14h teams. 20h looks much better.
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Re: Spring classics, afternoon

Post by Robyklebt » Sat Mar 20, 2010 8:50 pm

Easier. You look for the easiest group. Fits my sheep definition.
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Re: Spring classics, afternoon

Post by Lizard » Sun Mar 21, 2010 5:04 pm

Neutrogena wrote:
Robyklebt wrote:Or of course Gaurain on that rides for sprint (but Prébois very obviously not in form yesterday, so basically similar to Karl) or Neutrogena with guts, not a sheep that is scared and runs away.
Do you even remember your own definition of sheeps? I don't think I am dependant of those so-called sprinter teams... sheeps are. And I wasn't scared, I just didn't want to race with the 14h teams. 20h looks much better.
Being a sheep has as far as I can imagine to do with riding races you can relate to with the managers, participating riders etc. in any kind. Being not a sheep is to ride a race when you have time to ride a race.
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Re: Spring classics, afternoon

Post by Rockstar Inc » Sun Mar 21, 2010 5:35 pm

Horrible Horrible...
"I'm an old-school sprinter. I can't climb a mountain but if I am in front with 200 metres to go then there's nobody who can beat me.” Mark Cavendish, at the 2007 Eneco Tour

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Re: Spring classics, afternoon

Post by Luna » Sun Mar 21, 2010 7:04 pm

Fantastic, fantastic!

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Re: Spring classics, afternoon

Post by Aixteam » Sun Mar 21, 2010 7:23 pm

Luna wrote:Fantastic, fantastic!
I agree ! :lol:
Petit Singe: Aix croit toujours qu'il sera important dans le real life, RSF bah, pas trop ambitieux, NoPik a compris que il n'aura jamais le succes qu'il peut avoir ici en real life, alors il donne tout pour RSF!

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Re: Spring classics, afternoon

Post by NoPikouze » Tue Mar 23, 2010 2:59 pm

Roko Keko, asked about his form by a french reporter, has declared : "Either today or tomorrow, but I will definitely win one of these days! I just can't retire with one single victory, that would be ridiculous for a rider like me... I don't want to think about it! Even if my team and my manager are stupid nitwits who know nothing about cycling, it doesn't matter, I'm strong enough to do the job alone."

Take care great Robyklebt, as you can hear the hostilities are open.
Qui sème le vent récolte le tempo...

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Re: Spring classics, afternoon

Post by Robyklebt » Tue Mar 23, 2010 6:34 pm

Finally somebody who manages to write more than "fantastic, fantastic" or "horrible, horrible"! Great, great says Roby!

But Roko Keko? Who is that? None of my riders ever heard of him.. At first I thought Iordan knew him, he kept saying Rokokeko, rokokeko... But after a while he started changing it to Rekokoko, Rokokeke, Rekekeke.. he just seems to like the sound of it... Hope he stops soon, is driving me crazy. Roko Keko :?: :?: Probably pre tactic by some multi account, never heard of this No Pikouze either, somebody wants to make me nervous, ha! Won't work! Roko Keko, Roko Koko!!! Kokoroko!!!!
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Re: Spring classics, afternoon

Post by Lizard » Tue Mar 23, 2010 6:52 pm

Don´t they call the architectonic era Rokoko?
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Re: Spring classics, afternoon

Post by NoPikouze » Tue Mar 23, 2010 8:02 pm


Bah Rokokoko is upset now and he's going to do shit in april...
Qui sème le vent récolte le tempo...

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Re: Spring classics, afternoon

Post by Lizard » Tue Mar 23, 2010 8:04 pm

Don´t worry NoPikouze, look at Roby´s team, he doesn´t know Roko because he barely knows good riders. :mrgreen:
Wizards Cycling: De toenemende Ster van Amsterdam

Hall of Fame:
Adam Wollfinger (73-82-80-47-57, 64 Reg)
Herbert Königsbauer (87-60-66-54-53, 57 Reg)
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Tom van Amstel (74-80-74-50-65, 35 Reg)

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Re: Spring classics, afternoon

Post by Robyklebt » Sat Mar 27, 2010 8:40 am

E3 Harelbeke, the goal is to win of course, as usual. How... a mystery again, we'll see. The Robysults in this race so far not really great, 07. Adi Oesch was 10th, in 09 G. Hänni 7th... but 09 was actually one of the nicest races of the year, main reason for the Robystars to go to Belgium and not Corsica.

1 S. Berlogea
2 I. Duculescu
3 O. Feng
4 A. Grillboy
5 P. Guggisberg
6 T. Guggisberg
7 W. Machoro
8 X. Nedelcu
9 S. Uzielli

No clearly defined leader, the 2 Guggisbergs have probably the best chances to do something.
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Re: Spring classics, afternoon

Post by Aixteam » Sat Mar 27, 2010 9:45 am

Young Aix there , to steal the win to Roby ...

1. T.Sheringham
2. A.Marchinho
3. T.Epeho
4. L.Gautherie
5. E.Rounnoud
6. A.Dalcin
7. K.Degre
8. E.Grospiron
9. J.Lizeroux
Petit Singe: Aix croit toujours qu'il sera important dans le real life, RSF bah, pas trop ambitieux, NoPik a compris que il n'aura jamais le succes qu'il peut avoir ici en real life, alors il donne tout pour RSF!

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Re: Spring classics, afternoon

Post by iBanesto » Sat Mar 27, 2010 2:43 pm

Ok, I'm here for 15h today, but still not sure how to best distribute the riders over E3 and Gent-Wevelgem. Maybe I'll start all with falling form today and all with rising form tomorrow. :lol:

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Re: Spring classics, afternoon

Post by NoPikouze » Sat Mar 27, 2010 2:57 pm

Bah my riders will all do both races :lol:
Qui sème le vent récolte le tempo...

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Re: Spring classics, afternoon

Post by Lizard » Sat Mar 27, 2010 3:04 pm


1. Manuel Clausen
2. Joost Berkefeldt
3. Basil Broucek
4. Jaroslav Jendl
5. André Katchono
6. Nicolas LaCroix
7. Ndale Mbeki
8. Jan Vermaart
9. Kato Wolfsong
Wizards Cycling: De toenemende Ster van Amsterdam

Hall of Fame:
Adam Wollfinger (73-82-80-47-57, 64 Reg)
Herbert Königsbauer (87-60-66-54-53, 57 Reg)
Manuel Clausen (76-83-63-46-64, 57 Reg)
Tom van Amstel (74-80-74-50-65, 35 Reg)

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