December Tour 2010 presentations

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el Galactico
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December Tour 2010 presentations

Post by el Galactico » Sun Oct 03, 2010 10:29 am

Image Volta do Brasil Image

So today i want to present my december which i created during this past year. As you could imagine long before it will be located in Brasil. A wonderful country but mostly unknown to the world of cycling. The tour has a little prolog at the beginning and after that there will follow 12 other stages through Brazil. It will go along the coast from Belem to Porto Alegre, which is the location for the last stage. We will cross the most important cities like Rio de Janeiro, Santos or Sao Paulo.
My goal was to create a tour which can be won by climbers, but only if they have a strong team behind them. So we have 3 mountain arrivals during this Tour as well as an TTT in the middle of this tour. The stages left should be for sprinter teams with some balls, always chances for a hill sprint or classic riders as well. In the following i will present each stage with some pictures and informations necessary. Have fun and vote for Brazil!


Like i have said the first stage is a little Prolog in Belém. 9 Km with no difficulties on straight streets. Finish is on the Igreja das Merces(pic 4) close to the Amazonas(pic3).



Stage 1: Belo Horizonte - Lafaiete (154 km)

In the afternoon after the prolog in Belém the riders have to take the plane to go on the biggest transfer to Belo Horizonte(pic 1) which is about 2500 km away from Belém in the north, but after this short time trial it should be no problem for them and they all should be fit on the next day when the tour really begins.
It's a short stage to the city of Lafaiete (pic 2) which has about 115.000 inhabitants.
With 4 mountain climbs it will be a fight for the red jersey and at the end it should be a fight for the stage between between classic riders, classic sprinters and maybe some hill sprinters. The leaders jersey should change his owner for the first time.

Pico do Itabira

Difficulties: Serra do Mola Roca (Cat.3): 3-4-5-15-11
Pico do Itabira (Cat.2): 5-7-12-11-18
Serra do Espinhaco (Cat.3): 7-1-4-(-1)-6-9-5

last 10 km: 1,7,4,-9,-1,0,3,1,-1,-1


Stage 2: Lafaiete - Tres Rios (230 km)

The 3rd stage begins in the arrival town of the last day and leads the peloton over Juiz de Fora(pic 2) to the city of Tres Rios(pic 3) on the Rio Paraiba do Sul.
With 230 kms it is the longest stage of this tour. With only 2 cat.4 climbs there are nearly no difficulties for the sprinters but nevertheless some strong classic sprinters or hill sprinters can leave them behind and win on their own. A resting day for the GC leader even if he has to be attentive at the end.
Tres Rios was once the end point of one of the first railways in Brazil around 1900. La Linha do Norte(pic 1) connected Rio de Janeiro with it.


last +5 or more: km 219 (+5)

last 10 kms: -5,1,1,-2,-1,-1,0,2,-1,0


Stage 3: Rio de Janeiro (177 km)

The 3rd stage is located in and around Rio de Janeiro. Start will be on the Ponte Pres. Costa E. Silva(pic 1), then the course leads us around the Baia Guanabara and back to city of Rio. In a big circle its going back to the beach and then along the coast where we leave the well known beaches of Ipanema(pic 3) and Copacabana(pic 2) behind us. After that the peloton rides back into the city and with another circle it is going up to the most famous place in whole Brazil, the Corcovado(pic 4) with the big Jesus-statue on top. A spectacular finish and the first so to say mountain stage of this tour.


Corcovado(Cat. 1): 3-7-11-3-8-3-5-8-5-3-(-2)-(-5)-(-2)-(-2)-8-8


Stage 4: Petrópolis - Morro do Guandu (156 km)

Next stage, next mountain final. This time the climb up to the Morro do Guandu has to be done by the peloton. Before that they are on a course which starts in Petrópolis(pic 1) and after they go down to sea level they have to climb back to Petrópolis. With 156 km its a quite short stage. Courageous teams can try to decimate their opponents but it's a long flat way before they arrive at the bottom of Morro do Guandu.


Difficulties: Petrópolis (Cat. 2): 20 km; 4,5 %
Morro do Guandu (Cat. 1): 6-6-10-9-5-13-12-7


Stage 5: Rio de Janeiro - Angra dos Reis (190 km)

After 2 mountain stages its following a flat stage. It leads us away from Rio de Janeiro along the coast to Angra dos Reis (pic 1). Like always it is not only flat but the sprinter should have a good chance to win if they show a good team work.


Last +5 or more: km 148 (+5)

Last 10 kms: 0,-2,-1,-2,1,-1,1,-1,0,0


Stage 6: Angra dos Reis - Sao Luis do Paraitinga (196 km)

The 6th stage leads the peloton again along the coast more and more into the South of Brazil. Finish will be after 196 kms in Sao Luis do Paraitinga(pic 1). Biggest difficulty on this way is the Pico do Cuscuzeiro about 80 kms away from the finish line. An open stage for strong teams. Strong classic riders can win with an attack against the classic and hill sprinters.


Difficulties: Pico do Cuscuzeiro (Cat. 1): 4-9-7-9-11-11-14-10-10-12-11-8-8-8-7-8
km 131-132 (Cat. 4): 8-8

Last +5 or more: km 162 (+6)


Stage 7: Taubaté - Sao Paolo (195 km)

This stage starts in Taubaté(pic 1), a city with about 270.000 inhabitants. Then the course takes its way to Sao Paolo(pic 2) in mostly flat terrain. It should be a clear sprinter stage. The only hills on this stage are very early and not very long or steep. A day to relax for the GC candidates.



Stage 8: Santos - Praia Grande (25 km TTT)

The 8th stage is a little but maybe deciding TTT from Santos(pic 1) to Praia Grande(pic 2). With 25 km its not too long but the guy who wants to win this tour needs a strong team here to save his chances for the win. The TTT is almost flat and goes along the coast so it could become very windy which is another difficulty for the teams on this day.



Stage 9: Peruibe - Cananeia (188 km)

Stage 9 ends up in Cananeia(pic 1), a little city in the South of the state Sao Paulo. The start is 188 km away in Peruibe(pic 2). Except of one little hill the profil doesn't show hard difficulties but at the end the peloton has to climb up a little road near the harbour of Cananeia. On picture 1 you can see the road and in the background is the little hill where the finish line is located.


last 10 km: -1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,5


Stage 10: Cananeia - Antonina(154 km)

Stage number 10. The tour goes to the end. This time its a stage which will hopefully create a good fight between sprinters and teams with different interests. With 154 km its a very short stage so that it should come to a lot of action. From the last mountain its nearly 40 km to the finish in Antonina(pic 1). Enough time for strong sprinters to come back and a good classic or hill sprinter team will have his problems to hold the group together as well. At km 136 there is a last single +6 where a strong group can be builded as well.


Problem: Some parts of this stage are on dirt road, but as long as we have no good solution for it i left it like it is. IF you want pave * i can change it easily! I ask here for some advice.

Difficulties: km 113-116: 7-10-13-14

Last +5 or more: km 136 (+6)


Stage 11: Paranagua - Pico Caratuba (206 km)

The second last stage of this Volta do Brasil. With 206 kms its the second longest stage and the 3rd mountain stage. This time the riders have to climb up to the top of the Pico Caratuba (pic 3). Start is in Paranagua(pic 2) near to the coast. The route leads over the Pico do Marumbi(pic 1) and the following high-plateau.
The final climb is 14 km long but not very steep. It will be a fight for seconds here.



Stage 12: Porto Alegre (225 km)

The last stage changed. First it was planned in Curitiba but as there was no good course found for the last stage they changed the location to Porto Alegre (pic 3), a city of about 1,5 million inhabitants. All in all there are 3 rounds in the city. One round is 75 km long and the field has to climb up to 4 hills during one round. The Morro Santana(pic 1) is ridden 2 times in a round, each time there is a different hill before. With still 30 points for the climbers jersey there is maybe a fight for the climbers jersey as well as for the General Classement. With 225 km the stage is very long so that the actual leader and his team has a last day with much work to do.

Image Image Image

Morro Pedro Redonda (Cat. 4): 2-10-11
Morro Santana (Cat 4): 10-9-6
Morro da Pamecor (Cat 4): 4-9-6

Last 10 kilometers: 10,9,6,-2,-6,-7,-6,-6,0,0

Last edited by el Galactico on Mon Oct 11, 2010 11:57 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: December Tour 2010 presentations

Post by Bear » Tue Oct 05, 2010 10:49 am

Freiburg - Udine
Five states, thirteen days

No extraordinary name, no unique region, no special tour, no glamorous presentation. Just some more or less nice stages, one after the other. Actually I wanted to design a tour in North America, but this project failed. Because I wanted to be part of this competition, I designed this tour.

There are stages for sprinters, stages for fights between hill-sprinters and sprinters, stages for classic riders and stages for climbers. The GC might be for climbers or Huber, I don't really know. And I don't really care. For me, it's just about the single stages.

Some facts before I start with the profiles:

Stages: 13
Flat: 4
Semi Mountain: 4
Hard Mountain: 3
ITT: 1
TTT: 1
Intermediate sprints: -


Stage 1: Freiburg - Weil am Rhein
Semi Mountain


The first day is not an easy day. Starting in Freiburg the route goes through the "Black Forest" and will end in Weil am Rhein. The last little ascent in Unter Tüllingen could be the decisive part of the stage.


Stage 2: Basel - Belfort


Short side trip to the Vosges Mountains. A day for the sprinters. But not a day to relax if the only hill will be ridden hard.

Ballon d'Alsace

Stage 3: Belfort - Neuchâtel
Semi Mountain


Classic riders will like this profile. After some climbs of the Jura Mountains, the riders have to tackle the uphill-finish (4-4) in Neuchatel.

Col des Rangiers
Col du Mont Crosin
Col du Chasseral

Stage 4: Neuchâtel - Genève
Semi Mountain


Mass sprint or Hill sprint...

Col du Marchairuz

Stage 5: Genève - Col du Joly
Hard Mountain


First hard mountain stage. The climbs are not the steepest/hardest, but in the end there are three in a row and a short downhill to the finish.

Col de la Croisette
Col des Aravis
Col des Saisies
Col du Joly
Col du Joly (profile)

Rest Day
Transfer to Martigny

Stage 6: Martigny - Martigny
Individual Time Trial


Col des Planches
Col des Planches (profile)

Mountainous time trial around Martigny. Relating to the next stage it could be a more tactical time trial than normal... maybe the regenaration is more important.

Stage 7: Martigny - Engstlenalp
Hard Mountain


More or less hard mountain stage. Easy start, hard finish. Early action might be a surprise on this stage.

Engstlenalp (profile)

Stage 8: Meiringen - Lustenau


A day for sprinters. But not easy. Bumpy stage I would say. Maybe a nice day to escape...


Stage 9: Dornbirn - Serfaus
Semi Mountain


Mountainous stage in Austria with an mountain-top finish in Serfaus.

Serfaus (profile)

Stage 10: Ried im Oberinntal - Bolzano


Sprinters day.

Passo di Resia

Stage 11: Bolzano - Caprile
Hard Mountain


The queens stage. Early action is required if the climbers want to build up a solid gap. Some famous and really nice climbs. Nothing more to say.

Passo di Costalunga
Passo di Pordoi
Passo di Giau
Passo di Falzarego
Passo di Giau (profile)
Passo di Falzarego (profile)

Stage 12: Saviner di Laste - Udine


Last chance for the sprinters to fight for the points classification.

La Crosetta

Stage 13: Udine - Udine
Team Time Trial


Judgment day for the GC contenders. TTT on the last day. Big advantage for the teams with all riders left.

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Re: December Tour 2010 presentations

Post by olmania » Sun Oct 10, 2010 11:11 pm

After the big vote, to choose the stages of my December tour, here the consequent :

Kurdistan Tour !
Some infos :
- 12stages, 13days, Riposo day7.
- GPM and SI were smartly willing, always 2SI by stage
- 2275 kms
- GPM in 11 stages (ready for the fight ?)
- 4 HC climbs
- 19 1cat and 2cat climbs
- 4 (or 5) flat stages
- 4 (or 5) Middle mountain stages
- 3 HC stages
- 0 ITT
- 0 TTT

An easy flat stage to start, with an urban circuit to finish ! One short climb for the mountain jersey.

Only 2x6% (km155 and km162) in the last climb, sprinters will have difficulties, but they still can win here ! Downhill not steep (only 2x-5%, the rest is -2/-3%)

A flat stage with a tiring long 1-4%climb ... (5% km167-168). Last km : -1%

The climbers will have to fight in the flat end of race ... surprises could be possible !

And easy flat stage, after the big HC stage day 4. For sprinters !

The last climb is 17kms, with max6% (km145 and km155). Sprinters could have a chance against hugelsprinters with the 9kms of pure flat at the end ?


A last long climb with some 5-6-7%. Possibilities for classic riders with attacks, both with climbers ? Or for really strong teams of classic sprinters ? It looks open !

A nervous end of stage, the las 4kms (4-5-6-3%). Some opportunities or classic riders, like the day before.

An open race, maybe classic sprinters, but the last hill could be dangerous for a lot of them, because it's steep !

Mountain Stage, with two close last hills to try ... And, the reg of the climbers will be really important ! A stage to loose the Kurdistan Tour for some climbers !

Welcome to the hell ! 29kms, 7.3%

A crazy circuit really open ! Who's fresh after the big day before ? (-4/0/-4/0/4/2/-2/3/5/2/3/-6/-3)

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Cape Town - Johannesburg

Post by lcb » Fri Oct 15, 2010 1:25 pm

So even after some time away from RSF I decided that I just can't miss the "December-Tour-Contest", so I decided to create an entry, I don't really intend to win it, as I think it should be someone who regularly rides at RSF and who will enjoy riding his own tour, but I also don't expect to win, as I pretty much sticked to my own style which never won in the last years and, as it is so much harder to find nice stages outside of europe, this is also much worse than my entries in the last years, but nevertheless I decided to try one outside europe, mainly to please Roby 8-) (but also to have a new challenge and because I didn't want to repeat too much and had "farmed" most of the nice stages in europe already in the last years).

So this is the Cape Town - Johannesburg stage race, connecting South Africas most well known city to it's biggest, it will go over 13 stages in 13 days with two stages on day one and a rest day on day seven, so first some facts about the tour:


13 stages
5 Flat
2 Medium Mountain
4 High Mountain

1995km (including 34km against the clock)
25200m Height Difference
31 Mountain Sprints (17x Cat 4; 4x Cat 3; 6x Cat 2; 3x Cat 1; 1x HC)
3 Intermediate Sprints per stage (to give the Points-Classification-contenders at least some incentive to attack on stages that don't suit them too well)

all transfers (with the execption of the rest day with ~350km) are less than 100km, so no longer than those at the Giro or the Vuelta
the weather will be Europe Ocean Summer until the rest day and desert afterwards

btw the South African flag doesn't seem to work for me in the editor, but that shouldn't be too much of a problem I think...

stage 1a
Team Time Trial
140m Heigth Difference
60s/km from km 0

The tour will start with a short but interesting Team Time Trial in Cape Town, which will rise for the first half without being to steep for a TTT but then go down again for the second half, so it should be interesting to see which riders will have problems in any of the terrains found here, but in the end with just 11km this shouldn't have too much of an impact on the General Classification and should allow for interesting fights for the leader's jersey in the coming days.

stage 1b
1040m Heigth Difference
60s/km from km 63
Signal Hill: 6/3/-5/9/9; Red Hill: 4/3/6/6/3; Final: 0/1/1/0/0/0/1/-1/0/0

The second stage of day one takes a turn around the Cape of Good Hope and should be one for the sprinters and perhaps allow one of them to take over the leader's jersey, while the attackers get two nice ascents to fight for the climbers jersey, including the Signal Hill, known from the Giro del Capo.

stage 2
Medium Mountain
2230m Heigth Difference
60s/km from km 143
Sir Lowrys Pass: 3/4/4/6/6/6/8/4; Overberg: 4/7/2; Akedisberg: 2/6/4; Soetmuisberg: 4/4/1/7/6/7/6; Final: 0/0/2/-1/-1/2/0/1/0/2

Stage 2 will take the riders from the Cape of Good Hope to Bredasdorp over the first two categorie three climbs, which might be a first real challenge, especially the Soetmuisberg coming just 26 Kilometers before the finish, which could see the Sprinters fighting for a return after the steep and challenging downhill, while the attackers get to fight for the mountains jersey again during the stage.

stage 3
1260m Heigth Difference
60s/km from km 130
Final: -1/0/0/0/1/-1/0/0/-1/-1

Stage 3 might just be the easiest of the whole tour, but still there are at least some difficulties on the way, the hardest one probably the ascent coming right after Riversdale with percentages up to 6% and the one just over 30km from the finish with up to 5%, but in the end this should almost surely end in a mass sprint, with those sprinters that managed to limit their losses yesterday possibly being able to fight for the leader's jersey again.

stage 4
2440m Heigth Difference
60s/km from km 122
Robinson Pass: 8/5/9/7/3/4/-1/8; Swartberg Pass: 4/5/8/5/3/6/7/9/11/9 Final: -8/-6/-6/-2/4/-3/-8/-9/-8/-11/-8/-7/-6/-5/-2/-2/-1/0/-3/-1

Stage 4 might be one of the shortest of the whole race, but it should surely cause a major General Classification overhaul. While the Robinson Pass might be another chance for those looking for the KoM-jersey, the Swartberg Pass will surely cause the peloton to split apart whith only the best climbers being able to survive, Prince Albert might than see a sprint of a small group of General Classification contenders.

stage 5
Medium Mountain
2220m Heigth Difference
60s/km from km 214
Dorberg: 6/7/6; Witkliprug: 4/4/-2/4/6; Tolberg: 5/2/3/5/6; Goukamma: 6/4/5; Concordia Hill: 5/6/6/3/5; Final: -1/-3/-2/0/0/-5/-10/-6/2

Stage 5 is the longest of the tour and will see the classics specialists taking their role in the fight over the finishing lap around Knysna, which could also see another fight for the leader's jersey if the time differences are small enough.

stage 6
1660m Heigth Difference
60s/km from km 184
Sapper's Hill: 5/6/6/4; Tsitsikamma Mountain: 6/7/7; Thornhill: 5/8/4/1/-3/0/4/1/4; Witteklip: 5/6; Final: 0/0/-1/-1/0/0/-1/-1/-1/-1

Stage 6 should again be one for the sprinters, although there are some minor difficulties, with the Snapper's Hill being a nice opporunity to form a dangerous break and fight for some mountain-points again.

stage 7
3370m Heigth Difference
60s/km from km 164
Satan's Neck: 4/4/7/7/4/6/5/6/1/2/3; Barkly Pass: 6/5/4/4/9/8/5/5/8/1/-1/0/7/2; Bell Kop: 6/6/3/5/6/3; Bobbejaankop: 9/6/6/10/9/3/5/9; Final: 1/0/0/-9/-7/-3/-1/0/2/4/6

After the rest day the riders will rejoin at Engcobo to tackle the race's second mountain stage which will beginn with an ascent to Satan's Neck from the start which should see a breakaway form to fight for the mountain-points again until the gc-contenders should probably take over at the Bobbejaankop where again an elite group could be formed, which should then fight for the stage win at the final ascent to Naudes Pek.

stage 8
1980m Heigth Difference
60s/km from km 171
Tsitsa: 4/5/3/7/5; Moroka: 6/3/2/7/5; Final: 3/-4/1/-3/-2/4/2/3/-1/-3

Stage 8 is an easier one again, although the combination of those hills right at the beginning and the not so easy run in to Kokstad, including another climb with up to 5% just 25km before the finish, could mean that there will be a breakaway fighting for the stage win oover those last few hills.

stage 9
3540m Heigth Difference
60s/km from km 74
Sani Pass: 5/6/10/9/14/4/12/11/13/12/1/0/0/-2/-3/-2/-2/2/7/14/12/6/-1/5; Minoaning Pass: 9/8/8/6/3/4/5/0/0/-1/1/5/-3/6/6/12/11/13

Stage 9 might be short, but the course is unforgiving and clearly the queen stage of the race, going over the Sani Pass, South Africa's highest road pass, and finishing at Lesotho's Minoaning Pass. The ascent to the Sani Pass, 25km long including a flat part of 8km in between, with percentages of up to 14%, should surely see the peloton split apart and after the downhill to Sehopahong an elite group of climbers will tackle the final ascent, which also has a flatter part in the middle, which means that the timing of attacks will be quite important, and the last 3km with a gradient of over 10% will surely create a spectacular finish.

stage 10
4020m Heigth Difference
60s/km from km 147
Ha Mafotha: 7/5/3/4/5/2; Mahlanapeng: 7/11/5/3/10/9/4; Bolese: 7/9/7/6/4/4/8/5/2/7; Laitsoka: 4/5/-5/4/9/10/9/6/8; Mafika-Lisiu Pass: 5/5/11/11/12/9/12/10/-2/-2/4/9/6/2; Final: 5/0/-6/-1/4/3/1/-1/0/0/-1

After the queen stage the riders have to tackle right another Mountain stage, after the first two ascents to Ha Mafotha and Mahlanapeng the course gets a bit easier, before the roads start to rise again for the final 100km after reaching the Katse Dam and it's artificial lake, the ascents to the Bolese and the Laitsoka will both be first legtesters and perhaps the place for the final clash of the KoM-contenders, while the ascent to the Mafika-Lisiu Pass will surely be the deciding factor for the stage win, although there is the possibility, that at least some of the general classification-contenders might prefer to safe some energy for the following time trial, so this might prove to be an opportunity for someone who is willing to sacrifice the classification hopes for the chance of a stage win.

stage 11
280m Heigth Difference
60s/km from km 1

The penultimate stage will be the final time trial to decide the overall winner, coming right after two hard mountain stages it will also test the riders regeneration abilities, while the hilly character of the lap around Fouriersburg could allow the climbers to limit their losses to some degree, altough, in the end, the stage win should most likely still go to a time-trial-specialist.

stage 12
1220m Heigth Difference
60s/km from km 159
Winchester Hill: 3/3/5/4/0/4; Final: 1/0/2/-2/-2/-1/1/2/3/-3/-1

The final stage should be one for the sprinters again, although the ascent to Winchester Hill and the hilly run in to Johannesburg might cause some trouble for the sprinters teams.

After two last-minute changes while I was already writing this presentation yesterday, I'm actually quite happy about the tour, although I would have liked a real medium mountain stage like those in the vosges ahead of stage 4. Originally I had planned to let stage 2 go on for 50 flat kilometers after the Soetmuisberg for a finish at Cape Agulhas, Africas souhternmost point, to make sure that the sprinters actually get to fight over the leader's jearsey, but in the end I decided that 6 Flat Stages were too much (although this could still be called a "Flat Stage" after all), and wanted to give the Classics Specialists more chances, so I decided to change the finish to Bredasdorp, cutting the flat part after last hill in half. Also I originally had a different finish for the queen stage, which can be seen below, with a final ascent to the Tlaeng Pass, which I really liked (more so than the new Mountaintop finish), but unfortunately the flat part after the Sani Pass was way too long, especially with the ITT coming directly after this stage, as I only added the fourth mountain stage afterwards, because the transfer from the new finishing point would have been too long, but in the end I'm also quite satisfied with the Minoaning Pass, as there are different points to attack during the ascent, although the downhill after the Sani Pass is still a bit too long to really be an opportunity for attacks. As I said, stage 10 was only added after changing stage 9, but I'm actually pretty happy about the stage, although another one or two mountains between Thaba-Tseka and Katse would have been nice, and I also had to think for quite some time where to put the finish, as I originally intended to go to Hlotse to have it finish in a somewhat bigger city (50'000 inhabitans), but another 25 more or less flat kilometers in the end would have probably killed the chances of the climbers, so I decided to settle with Pitseng, and I think the distance is actually quite nice to have the gc-contenders think about whether or not to attack on the slopes of the Mafika-Lisiu Pass ahead of the final time trial, and the same is actually true for the stage before, where they also have to think about whether or not they can risk going into stage 10 without full energy, so it should be a nice three stages to determine the final outcome.

old stage 9 (no longer included)
4290m Heigth Difference
60s/km from km 136
Sani Pass: 5/6/10/9/14/4/12/11/13/12/1/0/0/-2/-3/-2/-2/2/7/14/12/6/-1/5; Makhomalong: 7/3/7/9/4/-5/7/5; Tlaeng Pass: 7/8/3/6/9/9/9/8/8/7/6/3

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Re: December Tour 2010 presentations

Post by Chense » Sun Oct 17, 2010 6:14 pm

Team Chense presents: Passau - Como - München

First a bit about the history of the tour ... I decided fairly early to design a december tour this year and so my first try was early planned.
After finishing the first stages I realized, that this tour was maybe nice for real cycling but not for RSF so I started a second try and I was convinced
it could be a nice tour. The end of the song? Right before finishing my Laptop totally crashed and I lost all my data.
As I love planning trips I then decided to see this as a sign to design a third try. And now its finished.

The Tour heads from Passau in Lower Bavaria to Como in Italy and then back to Munich the capital of bavaria.

The Facts

The Stages

Stage 1: Passau - Salzburg

The Tour starts in the heart of the "Three-River-City" Passau - From there the riders ride nearly strictly south to Salzburg the "Mozart-City" in Austria over Burghausen with the longest castle in the world and Marktl birthplace of the pope.
As the stage is only 144km long and the only real climb is easy and far far from the finish this should be a easy start for the sprinter teams.

Length: 144km - Height Difference: 650hm - 60s/km: KM 115 - Duration: 86,5 min


Mariahilfberg 485m - 180hm - 6km with 3% - Cat. 4

Stage 2: Salzburg - Kufstein

Now the Tour is really starting - From Salzburg the riders have to ride some flat km to reach into the first big climb of the tour the Roßfeldpaß.
After a downhill they pass Berchtesgaden and ride over two more easyier climbs to the east over Waidring, Scheffau and Wörgl to Kufstein.
Normally the stage should be won by sprinters but this 151km will be much harder then the first stage.

Length: 151km - Height Difference: 2250hm - 60s/km: KM 121 - Duration: 90,5 min


Roßfeldpaß 1530m - 1090hm - 14km with 7,7% - Cat. 1
Schwarzbachwachtsattel 900m - 310hm - 10km with 3,1% - Cat. 3
Paß Strub 750m - 180hm - 9km with 2% - Cat. 4

Stage 3: Wörgl - Innsbruck

The third stage will maybe be the first one that goes to some hillsprinter or classicsprinter. From Wörgl it goes up to the Achensee from where the riders go down to Lengriess and over the Jachenau to Mittenwald where the second hill of the day the Zirlerberg which is feared by cardrivers awaits the riders.
After a last downhill and 153km the riders reach Innsbruck which is with 3 times the most used city on the way.

Length: 153km - Height Difference: 1390hm - 60s/km: KM 128 - Duration: 91 min


Maurach 980m - 430hm - 8km with 5,4% - Cat. 2
Zirlerberg 1230m - 190hm - 4km with 4,7% - Cat. 4

Stage 4: Innsbruck - Meran

On the fourth stage the riders go into high alpine realms for the first time of this tour. On the way to Meran over Sölden the Kühtai and the Timmelsjoch are awaiting the riders. But as the way from the Timmelsjoch to Meran is fairly far this stage won´t be the decider of the tour.

Length: 155km - Height Difference: 3300hm - 60s/km: KM 83 - Duration: 113,5 min


Kühtai 2030m - 1430hm - 25km with 5,7% - Cat. 1
Timmelsjoch 2470m - 1680hm - 55km with 3,1% - Cat. HC

Stage 5: Ponte di Legno - Stelvio Trincerone

Compared to this one yesterdays stage was just a little breece ... this is the "King Stage" of the tour.
From Ponte di Legno the riders start directly into the Passo de Gavia from there it goes do down to Bormio and back up to Livigno over 2 more passes.
Then it goes from Livigno to the Munt la Schera Tunnel and from there to Val Müstair over the Fuorn.
But thats not all ... now the Stelvio awaits the riders for a ride up to the Trincerone on 3030m

Length: 136km - Height Difference: 4760hm - 60s/km: KM 96 - Duration: 88 min


Passo del Gavia 2620m - 1320hm - 16km with 8,25% - Cat. HC
Passo del Foscagno 2290m - 980hm - 15km with 6,5% - Cat. 1
Passo d´Eira 2210m - 170hm - 3km with 5,9% - Cat. 3
Stelvio Trincerone 3030m - 1650hm - 18km with 9,2% - Cat. HC

Stage 6: Stelvio - Riva del Garda

The last of 3 mountainous stages is getting easier then the last ones - First nearly 80km downhill to Merano and then 3 mountains that look harder then they are. In the end the hillsprinters and the classicsprinters should decide the fight.

Length: 220km - Height Difference: 2540hm - 60s/km: KM 190 - Duration: 125 min


Passo del Palade 1530m - 1210hm - 18km with 6,7% - Cat. HC
Castel Belfort 1030m - 810hm - 12km with with 6,8% - Cat. 1
Ballino 770m - 370hm - 9km with 4,1% - Cat. 3

Stage 7: Riva del Garda - Como

Now the riders reach the flat middle part of the tour.
From Riva del Garda the stage is following the Gardasena Occidentale to Salo from there it goes nearly flat to the west - passing Brescia and Bergamo - always heading towards the turning point of the tour in Como.
This one could be a stage for classic riders if the sprinter teams are to weak to hold it together in the finish which is not totally flat.

Length: 188km - Height Difference: 1400hm - 60s/km: KM 157 - Duration: 109,5 min


3 times Cat. 4

- Stages 8 to 12 to come -

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Re: December Tour 2010 presentations

Post by Aston » Fri Oct 22, 2010 4:18 pm

5 Länder Tour

The 5 countries route we in the countries France, Italy, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, and Austria. The route has 12 stages and 1 quiescent day in Vaduz (light stone). The start is in Chambéry (France) and the end of the route is in complaint ford at the word lake (Austria)

Stage 1 Chambéry - Cluses 196km
The first stage is not completely easy with the small mountains the heaviest one in addition!

Stage 2 Cluses - Aosta 189km
In the process of the stage it becomes requirement more fully to approx. 80 km before the goal the rise the small pc. Bernhard always begins.

Stage 3 Aosta - Zermatt 186km
To that small pc. Bernhard also still the large pc. Bernhard comes. With the Sprint in Martigny there is flattening cut off until Visp gives it a not too heavy ascended after Zermatt.

Stage 4 Brig – Andermatt 213km
King the stage of the route! 5 highly alps of passports. To the start in Brig it goes to the foot of the Nufenenpass after approximately of 40 km begins and the highest point of the whole route is. Already in the upward gradient to the next passport there is still another Sprint in Airolo. With the kilometer of 99 there is a goal a passage in other matte. It follow the Sustenpass to that it into the valley goes. To that valley drive still goes it over the Grimselpass and the Furkapass.

Stage 5 Andermatt- Vaduz 205km
To a long departure it goes the Klaus passport highly. Then direction along Näfels and the whale lake. Until there is round course in Vaduz.

Stage 6 Vaduz - Malbun 23km
A very fastidious time driving into light stone. The goal is with the station Malbun.

Stage 7 Vaduz - Serfaus 213km
After the quiescent day it goes through the Toggenburg and through the Appenzellerland. The longest rise of the daily is to the Arlbergpass. Until approx. 10 km are before the goal to Serfaus highly.

Stage 8 Landeck - Kitzbühler Horn 231km
The 8th stage is the longest one of the whole route. In the whole stage is not only the Inn along, separates also by the hills Drumherum. As well as by the Tyroleans capital Innsbruck. Shortly before gives it conclusion-rose a Sprint in Kitzbühel.

Stage 9 Kitzbühel - Murau 198km
Shortly after the start it goes on the Passthurn. The whole stage has smaller hills in it however no heavy passport.

Stage 10 Murau – Klagenfurt am Wörthersee 208km
With the 10th stage one arrives in the goal place of the route! But it is not yet the end. Still another not simple mountain comes to 42 km otherwise is flat it toward end of rather and in the round course in complaint ford can one still 2x sprint points itself to fight for.

Stage 11 Klagenfurt – Klagenfurt 54km
The secondary rubber strips stage is a long individual time driving into and around complaint ford.

Stage 12 Klagenfurt – Klagenfurt 188km
To a heavy route finally the long-longed goal comes! Only a round course around the Wörthersee then is conclusion.
Last edited by Aston on Thu Oct 28, 2010 4:31 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: December Tour 2010 presentations

Post by Hansa » Tue Oct 26, 2010 3:29 pm

3 Flat Stages
3 Middle Mountain Stages
3 Hard Mountain Stages
2 ITT´s

Day 1: ITT
A TTT at the begin of the Tour here it will win a Team with few time trial rider and will cut out some rider for the Classment
Day 2:Flat
A flat Stage for Sprinter.
164 km/97 min
Day 3: Middle Mountain
A Middle Mountain Stage for Classicspritner or hilly sprinter.
Climb: Greixer:7,3,2,20,17,19,20
Day 4: Hard Mountain
A hard Stage it is an interesting stage and it´s one of the Classement Stages.
Climbs: 1.13,2,6,-3,14,4,2,0,0,6,2,11,2,-8,10,5 2.17,2,-3,-17,-12,- 3. 7,7,13,8,8,8,8,5,7,7,2,5,4,5,5,8,2
Day 5: Flat
Again a Flat Stage for Sprinter with a hard mountain at the beginning but I think the Classic Sprinters can´t win here.
Day 6: Middle Mountain
A middle Mountain Stage with 15 km before the finish a km wit 17 % here the classicsprinter will win again.
Climbs: KM 103. 4,7,5,5,5,7,5,5,5,7,4,6,3 KM 175. 17% KM 179. 8%
Day 7: Middle Mountain
A middle Mountain Stage with a long downhill i think here will win a classic rider but not a classic sprinter.
Climbs: Voriron: 17,18,-19,-16,3,12,-4,6,7,10,8,8,6
Day 8:Hard Mountain
A very hard Mountain the stage will be in alpe d´Huez and on the Galibier the finish is after a long downhill down the Galibier here the Mountainrider win and it is interesting for the classement.
Climbs: Alpe d´Huez: 9,15,8,8,14,7,7,12,11,10,9,5,-2,6 Galibier:7,7,17,-8,1,3,5,5,10,8,6,10,6,6,4,11,6,2,6,8,8,9,8,7,6,6,9
Day 9: hard Mountain
A short stage with a long mountain at the end the finish is in Plan Maison here the Mountainrider will win again and it will shuffle the Classemant.
Climbs: Plan Maison: 5,-2,5,0,7,7,3,3,-1,-3,0,6,-6,8,8,5,5,11,3,7,7,1,1,4,3,5,10,4,-1,10,-10,13,8,3,15,-4,11,5,5,5,5,-2,8,19,12,10,16,11,3
Day 10:ITT
A Hilly ITT after 2 Hard mountain Stages it is interesting for Mountainrider with any time trial points it is very interested and the classement can win here.
Day 11: Repos
Day 12: Flat
A flat Stage for get Power for the last stage.
Day 13: TTT
The last Stage and the last chance to win the Classement because of the length i think the Classement will win before this stage.

est. 03.08.2009

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Re: December Tour 2010 presentations

Post by Falkenbier » Mon Nov 01, 2010 5:54 pm

Bah, I know that I'm too late, however I will present my designed tour now... (if it's too late, this one will participate in 2011 again... :twisted: )

Sheikh Tour

So this one starts in the desert of Saudi Arabia and goes southwards to the Republic of Yemen, where the tour ends in its capital Sana'a.

Stages: 12, classified in 4 flat, 4 middle mountain, 3 HC and 1 ITT
Distance: 2'133 km
Climate: desert / dry

(saved as sheikh1 - sheikh12)

Stage 1 (flat)

A long flat stage with two little hills cat. 4.
Distance: 229 km
Last 10 km: completely flat
No difficulties
60s/km from km 210

Stage 2 (flat)

Easy stage for sprinters.
Distance: 191 km
Last 10 km: 0/0/0/0/1/0/0/1/0/0
No difficulties
60s/km from km 175

Stage 3 (HC)

First difficulty on stage 3, the climb to Jirubah, about 25 km, before another flat/downhill part of 20 km goes to the finish
Distance: 171 km
HC climb: 5/4/4/6/5/7/6/6/6/9/6/5/6/5/6/4/10/3/6/7/6/5/5/7/5
Last 10 km: -4/1/-4/-3/-1/-4/0/-2/-1/0
60s/km from km 127

Stage 4 (middle mountain)

Hilly stage with many "sieb" possibilities (6% and more), last 6 at km 181. Should be a stage for classic riders / hill sprinters.
Distance: 193 km
Last 16 km: 5/3/4/6/5/-4/-3/-1/-8/-6/-2/-2/-3/-4/2/2
60s/km from km 148

Stage 5 (middle mountain)

Hilly stage, many 5+ on the road, but with chances for sprinters (if there are some strong teams)
Distance: 196 km
Difficulties on last ~50km: km 141-143 (8/8/7), km 160/161 (6/11), km 166 (6), km 176 (5)
Last 10 km: 3/-4/-5/1/-2/-2/0/-1/-2/-1
60s/km from km 141

Stage 6 (middle mountain)

Another hilly stage, similar to stage 4 and 5, but with a more sprinter-friendly finish
Distance: 207 km
Difficulties: Last km over 5% at km 148 (11)
Last 10 km: -1/-3/-1/1/5/2/4/-4/-5/0
60s/km from km 170

Stage 7 (ITT)

A special ITT. It starts nearly flat and becomes steeper and steeper
Distance: 58 km
Whole TT: 1/2/1/1/2/2/3/1/2/3/1/2/1/2/2/1/3/1/3/2/3/1/1/4/1/4/0/4/0/2/4/3/3/5/1/2/3/3/4/3/4/3/4/4/5/5/8/8/8/3/6/11/4/8/2/-1/0/-1
60s/km from km 1

Stage 8 (flat)

After the hard time trial, an easy downhill stag for sprinters.
Distance: 196 km
Last 10 km: 0/0/0/0/0/0/-1/0/0/0
60s/km from km 181

Stage 9 (HC)

Back to the mountains! And we enter the Republic of Yemen in todays stage. Maybe one for the 80-70 guys...
Distance: 196 km
Difficulties: Km 100-114 (9/7/6/6/0/1/4/3/7/7/10/6/12/5/5)
Last 16 km: 5/10/8/8/9/7/4/6/4/-3/-2/5/2/4/-1/0
60s/km from km 176

Stage 10 (middle mountain)

A short stage today, only 126 km, but they are intensive.
Distance: 126 km
Difficulties: Km 87-102 (4/6/6/5/6/7/4/3/6/5/2/2/10/7/7/7)
Last 11 km: 5/0/-3/-2/-2/-4/-6/-7/-3/-1/-2
60s/km from km 87

Stage 11 (HC)

The hardest stage of the tour, a really hard one to win or lose the GC...
Distance: 187 km
Difficulties: km 39-49 (4/2/6/11/14/8/11/9/12/1/3), km 62-68 (7/11/10/10/11/10/7), km 91-110 (6/11/12/12/6/-3/3/6/9/9/5/7/0/2/7/6/5/9/7), km 137-150 (10/7/2/8/1/3/0/2/6/8/9/9/5/5)
Last 13 km: 7/7/10/0/-2/0/2/12/5/8/5/8/-1
60s/km from km 137

Stage 12 (flat)

The last stage, made for sprinters again.
Distance: 183 km
Difficulties: Some 5% on the city circuit (km 92, 113, 134, 155, 176)
Last 10 km: 1/2/5/-4/-1/0/-2/-1/1/0
60s/km from km 155

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