Rules ??

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Rules ??

Post by stinull57 » Mon Dec 16, 2024 1:51 am

You can attack with 2 . But that 1 rules is kinda bad .Becourse you attack with 2 ridders and have guy on follow on other Team what happen you attack and at same time the other team attack also and my guy was on follow . It not my fault that the attack the Same km . so why should have to drop 1 if i dont know that he gone attack.

other thing attack with 2 in Km 1 attack with 2 in KM dont think thats ok. why that not ok becourse chain attack is i what think attack in Km 1 attack in km 2 attack in Km 3 . Not that some guy attacks the same time you attack and you unlucky had 1 on follow on the guy becourse you wonted to defend the jersey.

Also what have seen is when team attacks happend the always drop the rider the dont realy need ? Maybe the should drop the best rider in the grp .

i know you all will disagree but thats ok ))

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Re: Rules ??

Post by schappy » Mon Dec 16, 2024 6:47 am

Easy, if you attack with 2 and the chained attack rule is not deactivated by exceptions, you can not set follow with a guy in the same group. Both is something you do activ in the tactics, so you are responsible for it.

If this happens, i let the beste guy fall, who follow. Dont know, how other guys in these situation reacts.

For me the rules are very clear and the sence of it is well balanced.
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Re: Rules ??

Post by flockmastoR » Mon Dec 16, 2024 9:39 am

stinull57 wrote:
Mon Dec 16, 2024 1:51 am
You can attack with 2 . But that 1 rules is kinda bad .Becourse you attack with 2 ridders and have guy on follow on other Team what happen you attack and at same time the other team attack also and my guy was on follow . It not my fault that the attack the Same km . so why should have to drop 1 if i dont know that he gone attack.

other thing attack with 2 in Km 1 attack with 2 in KM dont think thats ok. why that not ok becourse chain attack is i what think attack in Km 1 attack in km 2 attack in Km 3 . Not that some guy attacks the same time you attack and you unlucky had 1 on follow on the guy becourse you wonted to defend the jersey.

Also what have seen is when team attacks happend the always drop the rider the dont realy need ? Maybe the should drop the best rider in the grp .

i know you all will disagree but thats ok ))
Well, first (but disappointing) answer is: The rules say the one is ok and the other one is not. Simple as that.

Most important difference is the factor, that you can react in the second case, so team attacks with 2 riders, someone in the peloton doesn't want that team to attack and can ride tempo in the back. If you end up with (lets say) 4 riders in the same constellation with a chained team attack (2 attack 2 follow) there is no reaction possibility for the peloton and it has to face 4 riders of the same team there.

Yes chained team attacks can happen accidentially. The thing is, with the exceptions, you never know if the final attack will be right or wrong. You just look at the result and if it is a violation, you need to restore a situation that is within the rules. Usually drop a rider that did not already ride in the group that was created by the team attack. It is crucial to react rapidly (having another rider there as a helper for many km can already influence) such that your 3rd guy has no impact on the outcome of the race.

There is a rule that prohibits combined team attacks (more than 5 riders attacking within 20km, but not more than 2 at a single km)
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