Discussions during and after sprint
Hansa(16:39): thats the strange thin wolfi following arboleda and when the sprint started he followed noone anymore (because arboleda wasnt there i guess)
Romoc Riders(16:35): Arboleda and his followers were too long so kicked....except Wolfi
Big Donkey(16:31): Some people who followed somebody got lucky and sprinted somewhere despite "being blocked", others, well, Arboleda and his followers were too long so kicked.
Hansa(16:30): so wolfi just randomly the 2nd sprinter in the window and lucky i realized no following was in and i put it in in time before they started sprinting

Hansa(16:29): espacially arboela with 54 mountain and high flat not anywhere should pretty much outrule the strongest in front debate

Big Donkey(16:29): But who cares, crash, bad luck
Hansa(16:29): some 90s out
Hansa(16:28): some 50s and 60s in there
Big Donkey(16:28): Pff, I'm one of the few guys making minus? Grrrr
Hansa(16:28): but actually the order and which riders were in the sprint looks completely random
Big Donkey(16:28): He earned more than he would have in a real sprint....
Romoc Riders(16:25): and RFM wants 100k
Romoc Riders(16:25): +20k btw
Romoc Riders(16:24): exactly..
Big Donkey(16:24): Talk about an irrelevant discussion....
Romoc Riders(16:23): just to be clear, i have no problem with you or anyone else winning this but i think that the chances were not equal and the stregth logic is not strong enough for this debate
Hansa(16:23): from the sprint start till the picture in the first sprint window thats ahppening in 50ms
Romoc Riders(16:22): your point of view. not mine sorry
Hansa(16:22): if in a real sprint the flat guys come in with 60kmh and 500m before the finish line 1 single rider launches the sprint for 50M he also not gonna have 1 second gap
Hansa(16:22): sound like its realistic
Romoc Riders(16:21): Hansa(16:20): but why should he have one second?...becase all the others stayed.
Romoc Riders(16:21): it seems unfair
Romoc Riders(16:21): idk. i sprinted and you stayed near my wheel. with a bit of effort Wolfi or any other 80 sprinter could have been back on Bongani after 50m
Hansa(16:21): the flat riders are still doing the pace
Hansa(16:21): thats not what happens in a real race if a random riders launches a 500m sprint and nobody is in his wheel
Hansa(16:20): but why should he have one second?
Hansa(16:20): and he was pretty far in front in the sprint screen
Romoc Riders(16:20): he appeared on the same group. i said one second for real
Hansa(16:20): its only 50m he sprint earlier at 500m if noone else launches theird
Hansa(16:20): he had that gap romoc
Big Donkey(16:20): The only one that wants to open a thread here is Elaska too it seems
Romoc Riders(16:19): it's like an early attack
Big Donkey(16:19): So my opinion really is: Fuck it, everybody just whining after it happens but not having the energy to open a thread? So let's keep it.
Hansa(16:19): everyone else still will appear in the sprint window but without launching they dont get to hang in the wheels of their choice with
Romoc Riders(16:19): this will happen on a normal sprint
Romoc Riders(16:19): on 500m noone launched (except Bongani) ....then give Bongani 1 sec lead
Hansa(16:18): no
Big Donkey(16:18): And there was a almost identical case not too long ago... but nobody opened a thread, including me.
Romoc Riders(16:18): the only one who should have been there
Romoc Riders(16:18): Bobby Bongani(Romoc Riders) launches the sprint
Big Donkey(16:18): Was there in flash too, but there for some reason usually after 50 meters or 100 more riders would sometimes appear.
Hansa(16:18): on 500m noone launched (except Bongani) so the others were sorted by strength
Romoc Riders(16:18): idk. congrats to you but Wolfi souldn't be there
Big Donkey(16:18): Of course it's a bug
Hansa(16:18): every sprint setting that is not from in front doesnt matter
Romoc Riders(16:17): on 100m but whatever
Hansa(16:17): like in group if noone sprint the strongest is in front
Romoc Riders(16:17): he had a sprint set
Hansa(16:17): if noone sprints riders get sorted by strength
Romoc Riders(16:17): why not?
Romoc Riders(16:17): you can't call this not a bug
Hansa(16:17): no he shouldnt
Romoc Riders(16:16): and since Arboleda was not here...
Romoc Riders(16:16): then he should appear behind Arboleda on the sprint screen
Romoc Riders(16:15): Hansa(16:15): wolfi in fact was on arboleda for the sprint
Hansa(16:15): wolfi in fact was on arboleda for the sprint
Hansa(16:14): so i dont think it really is a bug
Hansa(16:14): and then the chain was simply to long to fit everyone in the sprint window and the last riders got cut (saw this already a couple of times but normally only the weaker ones in the end get cut)
Romoc Riders(16:13): mine was too
Romoc Riders(16:13): sorry if your sprinter was left behind cuz of that
Romoc Riders(16:13): my plan was the train but right on the last km i had to join a meeting at work and failed to set a proper sprint
Hansa(16:13): ah so we had 0 trains and all other sprinters were randomly sorted by strongest in front and then some random haning they had in, wolfi for example didnt even follow the guy in front of him at the start of the sprint wolfi was just randomly there
FB Radsport Team(16:09): I would open a bug, if I would be shure not to have done shit by myself ...
Elaska(16:06): i will do then so we can discuss it
Big Donkey(16:05): Anyway, second time in a short while this happened. Last time nobody opened a bug thread, I open enough threads, see no reason I should always be the one... so I'll stick with not opening one
Big Donkey(16:04): Romoc Riders(15:51): i have to be honest tho. Bongani forgot to help Emmond
Big Donkey(16:03): He said it earlier in the chat
Elaska(16:02): maybe his plan was not the train ?
Big Donkey(16:02): Funniest thing of course is the guy who probably made more money this way than if it was not bugged, asking for 100k for everybody now....

Big Donkey(16:01): Elaska, he forgot to put in helping for Emmond, so the plan was a train, but he fucked it up
Medical Service(16:01): was an exciting race at the end ..too bad it bugged out ..well anyway cu guys

Big Donkey(16:01): 1 guy riding, 3 guys helped, one of them Henri, changing Verkerk and Lorenzini... with Romoc waiting that long to help, on him.
Elaska(16:01): @Romoc Riders : you built a train ? or Bongani sprinted alone ?
Hansa(16:00): @romoc you had build your own train with 3 sprinters?
Medical Service(16:00): well he found some energy at the last km

Hansa(16:00): cyril was last of all guys seen in the sprint window
Hansa(16:00): cyril launched from in front with his 0 power i guess thats why he was shown in the sprint window and finished 28th
Big Donkey(16:00): And since I can expect to have a few guys in my wheel... winning just seemed hopeless from my own train.
Big Donkey(15:59): So my train was just way weaker than his at this point, after riding almost the whole race, only Furpach was in earlier.
Medical Service(15:59): @hansa yeah i mean all the fresh guys that were in tempo at the last km
Big Donkey(15:59): And everybody that followed this season can guess that my 3 sprinters all had topform on the same day anyway...
Medical Service(15:58): well chassot didnt sprint so
Hansa(15:58): and romocs train was bugged ok
Big Donkey(15:58): Would have, but I went on Romoc's train. As I said, it's roughly the same strength as mine...
Elaska(15:58): some one is going to open a topic in the forum to discuss it ?
Hansa(15:58): @medical no cyril was in the escape and he is placed 28th
Hansa(15:57): donkey didnt build an own train? and what happened to romocs train? dont think an own train would have fixed much tbh
Medical Service(15:57): all guys from escape are placed at the end^^
stevens(15:57): collective fall
Schappy(15:56): we have to learn, make more own trains
RideforMoney(15:56): Elena last of the peloton while having a sprint settled
FB Radsport Team(15:55): Gw!
stevens(15:55): @big donkey: I need 100k to cheer me up ahah
Hansa(15:55): winning like that doesnt really feel good would have preffered to win out of the group
Tukhtahuaev(15:54): Can't even see what happened in the sprint to make things even worse
Hansa(15:54): he was launching from in front for the sprint and he indeed was there
Big Donkey(15:54): I don't think at this point Alk can do much, that's still from the old thing, and he hasn't touched that much...
Hansa(15:54): cyril lin btw finishing with 0 power on position 28
Romoc Riders(15:54): gw
Romoc Riders(15:54): anyway
Romoc Riders(15:54): Wolfi and Cerveira were there by simple luck
Whisbone(15:54): gw
Hansa(15:54): espacially because the sprintcode is still buhman code
Elaska(15:54): so that's it ?
Tukhtahuaev(15:54): Gw
Romoc Riders(15:54): at least give it to someone who actually launched the sprint
RideforMoney(15:53): What a joke..
Hansa(15:53): but sprint replay doesnt work so will be hard for alk to check anything
Medical Service(15:53): bongani lost a lot the last 50
Big Donkey(15:53): GW
Hansa(15:53): strange sprint
stevens(15:53): gw
Romoc Riders(15:53): well...not nice
Big Donkey(15:53): Wolfensberger...
Medical Service(15:53): gw
Big Donkey(15:53): And doubt would have been enough
Hansa(15:53): idk because i cant watch the replay of the last 50m

Big Donkey(15:52): I should have gone earlier of course with Lorenzini, but was being confused
Medical Service(15:52): or maybe he will

Hansa(15:52): 100m was the setting from the sprint start should have changed that
Romoc Riders(15:52): Wolfi for sure
Medical Service(15:52): will be close .. but im afraid he wont make it romoc
Hansa(15:52): ahh should have set wolfi to 50ms now
Big Donkey(15:52): But looks like Bongani
Romoc Riders(15:52): pls
Romoc Riders(15:52): don't
Romoc Riders(15:52): naaaah
Romoc Riders(15:52): lesson from this: try your own train!
Hansa(15:52): idk donkey i had noone launching
Big Donkey(15:52): I would have thought Wolfensberger or Deklavs
Romoc Riders(15:52): nope. more in the chain no
Romoc Riders(15:51): ?
Romoc Riders(15:51): will he make it/
Hansa(15:51): @romoc more rider yes, but more riders in one chain?
Romoc Riders(15:51): he is kinda selfish tbh
Big Donkey(15:51): So everybody was following I guess?
Romoc Riders(15:51): forgot to make settings
RideforMoney(15:51): Same. Etienne was following Chassot
Tukhtahuaev(15:51): Was only on mitgehen
Romoc Riders(15:51): i have to be honest tho. Bongani forgot to help Emmond
stevens(15:51): this will give rfm even more reason not to ride for a sprint in case his sprinter disappears
Tukhtahuaev(15:51): Deklavs showing as sprinting fro mfront and being blocked is also just plain wrong
Medical Service(15:50): lorenzini strong bob has a hard time catching up^^
Romoc Riders(15:50): also...i've seen more riders in the sprint screen.
Big Donkey(15:50): Questions, those that have this "von vorne und wird blockiert" any of those actually tried from the front or was mitgehen?
Hansa(15:49): i saw missing riders and blocked riders some times already but not in that quantity
Elaska(15:49): why not the others ?
RideforMoney(15:49): Like the 11% who is buggy as hell
Elaska(15:49): But he is in the train sprint
Elaska(15:49): Etienne Francois(RideforMoney) launches the sprint and is blocked
SV Furpach(15:49): Ddamn it, missling my Sprinter too
Hansa(15:49): and the one chain that was there was to long then to show everyone
stevens(15:49): i don't see the point of setting up a shitty system that makes the game constructive elaska plays 2h he doesn't even have his sprinter
Hansa(15:49): so many guys got blocked when starting their sprint
Hansa(15:49): Anhelina Kalinina(Schappy) sprintet von vorne und wird blockiert Lennart Hefti(FB Radsport Team) sprintet von vorne und wird blockiert Fridolin Flückiger(Hansa) sprintet von vorne und wird blockiert
Schappy(15:48): massensturz, only explaining i believe here
Romoc Riders(15:48): de Kooker might catch
Big Donkey(15:48): He wasn't fit after all, not always with helper
Big Donkey(15:48): Not catching you...
Schappy(15:48): i miss two guys too, sure put the first 4 in "mitgehen" not the 3 only the third and 4th rider
Hansa(15:48): doesnt look like anyone catching him
FB Radsport Team(15:48): So do I
Romoc Riders(15:47): pls don't catch Bongani
Medical Service(15:47): bob doesnt do what i tell him wtf

Romoc Riders(15:47): naaah
Big Donkey(15:47): Remember Buhmann's words... it's INTUITIVE
Medical Service(15:46): and i switched the one to follow but it didnt work ..was on the one i put in before the sprint
stevens(15:46): This is bullshit
Romoc Riders(15:46): i'm missing both Emmond and Arboleda

RideforMoney(15:46): De Kooker is wanking

Elaska(15:46): i missing my sprinter man
Tukhtahuaev(15:46): Makes no sense that Kemp is not there, but Gafurbekov is for example
Big Donkey(15:46): Chassot and Verkerk not there either...
stevens(15:46): I'm missing 3
Medical Service(15:46): im missing two guys in the sprint ..one from the front and one from the peloton
RideforMoney(15:46): New feature : road too narrow
Big Donkey(15:46): In the past in those situations after a while some showed up after 50 meters
Romoc Riders(15:45): Adrian Arboleda(Romoc Riders) launches the sprint and is blocked

Hansa(15:45): i guess that chain is to long to show everyone

Hansa(15:45): everyone that tried to sprint from in front was blocked?
Elaska(15:45): where is my sprinter ?
RideforMoney(15:45): Bongani go
FB Radsport Team(15:44): shit
Romoc Riders(15:44): too many sprinters
Tukhtahuaev(15:44): This is definitely bugged
Big Donkey(15:44): Mine was dead, changed...
Elaska(15:44): wtf ?
RideforMoney(15:44): Haha
Hansa(15:44): 0 trains lol
Hansa(15:44): great catch
Romoc Riders(15:44): huh
Elaska(15:44): hehe
Big Donkey(15:43): Catch?
Big Donkey(15:43): 2"?
Big Donkey(15:43): 1"?
2024-01-30 Big Donkey Elaska 1 Good move, good reading of the race, just the sprint didn't work out. High quality racing.