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Re: Training

Post by Tukhtahuaev » Fri May 05, 2023 8:58 am

Training 5.5.2023:
Sherzod Kholmatov Flach: +1
Egor Stepanov Flach: +1
Nikita Tatarinov Berg: +1
Nikita Tatarinov Abfahrt: -1
Oybek Sariboev Berg: +1
Oybek Sariboev Flach: +1
Atanas Peshov Flach: +1
Normunds Deklavs Flach: +1
Normunds Deklavs Sprint: +1
Another very decent training. No one missing any high percentages. Sariboev and Stepanov very nice flat trainings. Tatarinov mountain also nice and downtraining downhill really doesn't matter for him

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Re: Training

Post by Robyklebt » Fri May 05, 2023 9:32 am

Training 5.5.2023:
Archibald Short Flach: -1
Archibald Short Abfahrt: -1
Archibald Short Zeit: -1
Archibald Short Sprint: -1
Tim Bradman Berg: -1
Tim Bradman Abfahrt: -1
Tim Bradman Zeit: -1
Tim Bradman Sprint: -1
Amancio Carpinteiro Zeit: -1
Amancio Carpinteiro Sprint: -1
Reinaldo Gamboa Sprint: -1
Raffaele Pecci Zeit: -1
Lucien Trutat Zeit: -1
Leonardo Ceroni Berg: +1
Leonardo Ceroni Sprint: -1
Matisse Magritte Berg: +1
René Henri Flach: +1
Archie good, keeps mountain, at 39. But very likely his last race today.
Bradman -4, keeps flat, good, but at 38, what for?
Amancio loses 2... his Giro hopes stay alove
Gamboa sprint, bah
Pecci TT, good, lost too much already at 33, calming down on flat is good.

Trutat in plus with a -, TT lost, good, no need for 51
Ceroni mountain, sprint down to 55. He's training flat, but of course we take mountain with pleasure.
Magritte mountain, now 59
Henri flat, still perfect after 1 training, 75!

Not a good training... No good hints for my Giro team, Trutat or Steiner with a nice plus would have made the decision easier...
No good training for Roubaix either. Blake 89%, leaves it out. Magritte I went for the 74-73% risk, he too refuses the flat and thus pavé. 100% flat for the next training again, 1 missing ok, but both??
No Verkerk, 58%, still no Vanuytsel and mountain... but the one hurting really is Blake. Bah.
Kraftsystemrevision! Include the distance!
Basics reform: Give blue a chance!
Don't punish bugusers. We all have to use bugs, since most of them are declared as "features"!

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Re: Training

Post by Bear » Fri May 05, 2023 9:02 pm

Training 5.5.2023:
Pyry Juupalouma Berg: -1
Mads Korneliussen Zeit: -1
Lukas Skiold Zeit: -1
Roni Kytonen Berg: +1
Oscar Härnström Flach: +1
Heikki Mikkola Berg: +1
Heikki Mikkola Flach: +1
Jimmy Wicksell Berg: +1
Jimmy Wicksell Flach: +1
Vesa Ylinen Berg: +1
Vesa Ylinen Flach: +1
all doesnt matter

Roni good. 67-83 now
Oscar 100%
Heikki, Jimmy and Vesa all with double, nice

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Re: Training

Post by Tukhtahuaev » Fri May 12, 2023 7:56 am

Training 12.5.2023:
Sherzod Kholmatov Flach: +1
Oybek Sariboev Berg: +1
Atanas Peshov Flach: +1
Normunds Deklavs Flach: +1
After 2 great trainings now an absolutely horrible one. Everything below 93% didn't train. Deklavs also already missing sprint in his 2nd training

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Re: Training

Post by flockmastoR » Fri May 12, 2023 8:15 am

Training 12.5.2023:
Moustapha Faye Berg: -1
Moustapha Faye Flach: -1
Moustapha Faye Abfahrt: -1
Moustapha Faye Zeit: -1
Moustapha Faye Sprint: -1
Helmut Heuser Flach: -1
Helmut Heuser Abfahrt: -1
Mouhamed Fall Sprint: -1
Nikola Tesla Sprint: -1
Anders Celsius Berg: +1
Oleksij Iwachnenko Berg: +1
Oleksij Iwachnenko Abfahrt: -1
James Watt Flach: +1
Rolf Sievert Berg: +1
Rolf Sievert Flach: +1
The downs are ok, except for the sprint for tesla, fall keeping 87 flat good. Celsius insane 71-85 now with 32, Faraday missing completely
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Re: Training

Post by Quick » Fri May 12, 2023 8:53 am

Training 12.5.2023:
Franco Scalleone Sprint: -1
Cristobal Guaqueta Flach: +1
Germán Paz Abfahrt: -1
Salomón Contreras Abfahrt: +1
Enzo Eamara Berg: +1
Alfonso Chantaca Berg: +1
Alfonso Chantaca Flach: +1
Pablo Yapuchura Berg: +1
Pablo Yapuchura Flach: +1
Denis Valderrama Berg: +1
Denis Valderrama Flach: +1
Maximiliano Montealegre Berg: +1
Maximiliano Montealegre Flach: +1
The South Americana still train shitty. At least all 21 year olds took their double.
J-Czucz hype train

Chemnitz Pro Cycling Team
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Re: Training

Post by Chemnitz Pro Cycling Team » Fri May 12, 2023 9:18 am

Training 12.5.2023:
Nero Faye Flach: -1
Nero Faye Sprint: -1
Gerd Gehrer Abfahrt: -1
Stefan Kurzig Berg: +1
Uninspired training. Aditya keeps flat, what's good. Kurzig misses his flat trainig, the other younger ones didn't train. Bah.

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Re: Training

Post by Robyklebt » Fri May 12, 2023 11:33 am

Training 12.5.2023:
Archibald Short Berg: -1
Archibald Short Flach: -1
Archibald Short Abfahrt: -1
Archibald Short Zeit: -1
Archibald Short Sprint: -1
Tim Bradman Flach: -1
Tim Bradman Abfahrt: -1
Tim Bradman Zeit: -1
Tim Bradman Sprint: -1
Amancio Carpinteiro Flach: -1
Raffaele Pecci Sprint: -1
Isidoor Vanuytsel Abfahrt: +1
Lucien Trutat Berg: +1
Edwin Verkerk Sprint: +1
Callum Blake Flach: +1
Matisse Magritte Flach: +1
René Henri Flach: +1
Short training, but not for Short. -5. No problem. Bradman -4, keeps the mountain, still no TdS for you. Carpinteiro loses flat. Pecci sprint, which is ok, mountain and flat are the ones he has to keep during the Giro.

Vanuytsel downhill, good, but really mountain is what we want...
Trutat mountain, now 74-76, Excellent
Verkerk back with sprint, 63-64 and 68 sprint at 24,5, the 75 sprint we dreamed of seems hard to reach actually. Not really his fault, missed 2 so far, even with 70 now getting a 65+-65-75 probably was too optimistic.
Blake flat, Magritte too, Henri as well, now 75-74-76 flat, Henri refusing the double/triple, 50 mountain sort of would be nice... but we'll keep trying getting sprint to 48 too... Blake with 75 flat at 23,5 will need very good training to reach very high pavé, Magritte one year younger looks better, but he'll have to cover the 59 mountain.
Kraftsystemrevision! Include the distance!
Basics reform: Give blue a chance!
Don't punish bugusers. We all have to use bugs, since most of them are declared as "features"!

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Re: Training

Post by radekdeboktor » Fri May 12, 2023 5:33 pm

My team is a bit old, but I had +1 in every skill with % >=10% and none -1. I feel really lucky
Team Boktorense

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Re: Training

Post by Bear » Fri May 12, 2023 10:08 pm

Training 12.5.2023:
Pyry Juupalouma Zeit: -1
Mads Korneliussen Berg: -1
Mads Korneliussen Zeit: -1
Mads Korneliussen Sprint: -1
Mikael Persson Berg: -1
Nisse Bengtsson Berg: +1
Nisse Bengtsson Flach: +1
Nisse Bengtsson Abfahrt: +1
Oscar Härnström Flach: +1
Heikki Mikkola Berg: +1
Heikki Mikkola Flach: +1
Jimmy Wicksell Berg: +1
Jimmy Wicksell Flach: +1
Vesa Ylinen Berg: +1
Vesa Ylinen Flach: +1
Good and bad.

Bad: Roni dont train mtn with 64% is not good but he was training above average so far. Oldies with lots of downtraining. Mikael mtn hurts the most.

Good: Nisse with a triple. 21y old all double.

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Re: Training

Post by Quick » Sat May 20, 2023 12:48 am

Training 20.5.2023:
Franco Scalleone Abfahrt: -1
Mattia Savinci Berg: +1
Marco Moser Abfahrt: -1
Alfredo Ganna Abfahrt: -1
Edilberto Osso Berg: +1
Enzo Eamara Berg: +1
Alfonso Chantaca Berg: +1
Alfonso Chantaca Flach: +1
Pablo Yapuchura Berg: +1
Denis Valderrama Berg: +1
Denis Valderrama Flach: +1
Maximiliano Montealegre Berg: +1
Maximiliano Montealegre Flach: +1
Another shite training. Paz with 24 not seen this month yet. Eamara with 22 no flat training yet. Now the 21 year olds stop taking their doubles too. Looks like Pablo is going to struggle with 80 flat as well. Contreras missed flat also the second time now with 22.

Osso good. Doesn't make up for the rest though.
J-Czucz hype train

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Re: Training

Post by Robyklebt » Sat May 20, 2023 5:22 am

Training 20.5.2023:
Archibald Short Berg: -1
Archibald Short Flach: -1
Archibald Short Abfahrt: -1
Archibald Short Zeit: -1
Archibald Short Sprint: -1
Tim Bradman Berg: -1
Tim Bradman Flach: -1
Tim Bradman Abfahrt: -1
Tim Bradman Zeit: -1
Tim Bradman Sprint: -1
Amancio Carpinteiro Berg: -1
Amancio Carpinteiro Abfahrt: -1
Amancio Carpinteiro Zeit: -1
Reinaldo Gamboa Abfahrt: -1
Reinaldo Gamboa Zeit: -1
Raffaele Pecci Flach: -1
Raffaele Pecci Zeit: -1
Urs Steiner Berg: +1
Baykali Gurruwiwi Berg: +1
Baykali Gurruwiwi Flach: +1
Edwin Verkerk Berg: +1
Edwin Verkerk Sprint: +1
Callum Blake Flach: +1
Matisse Magritte Flach: +1
René Henri Berg: +1
René Henri Flach: +1
Short&Bradman the full program.
Amancio -3, keeps flat, nice for the Giro, which he isn't riding. 60-81 at 36
Gamboa -2, nothing important
Pecci -2, incl. flat, 82 now -3 in 7 trainings. Not that great


Steiner 86 mountain now. Good man, his demand for sole leadership for the Giro already came in, and has been rejected.
Gurruwiwi, double, now 58-86, for a guy that was supposed to be a pure flat rider and only trained mountain as a hobby because there was nothing else that seemed sensible.. 58-86 is pretty good. More mountain than my 2 60-80es....
Verkerk nice double too, now 64-64 with 69 sprint. Getting there.
Blake and Magritte do their flat/pavé jobs, 76/75 with 77.8/77.1 now.
Henri finally the double, so now 50 mountain, no need for more, will try sprint a bit next time.

Pretty sensational training, Steiner, Gurruwiwi double, Verkerk double too.
Kraftsystemrevision! Include the distance!
Basics reform: Give blue a chance!
Don't punish bugusers. We all have to use bugs, since most of them are declared as "features"!

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Re: Training

Post by Tukhtahuaev » Sat May 20, 2023 8:36 am

Training 20.5.2023:
Vladimir Bogaciuc Berg: +1
Oybek Sariboev Berg: +1
Atanas Peshov Flach: +1
Normunds Deklavs Flach: +1
Normunds Deklavs Sprint: +1
Not ideal again. Kholmatov missing flat pretty bad, especially because he could really use that today. At least Deklavs double this time

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Re: Training

Post by flockmastoR » Sat May 20, 2023 11:03 am

Training 20.5.2023:
Moustapha Faye Berg: -1
Moustapha Faye Flach: -1
Moustapha Faye Abfahrt: -1
Moustapha Faye Zeit: -1
Moustapha Faye Sprint: -1
Helmut Heuser Berg: -1
Helmut Heuser Flach: -1
Helmut Heuser Zeit: -1
Mouhamed Fall Berg: -1
Mouhamed Fall Flach: -1
Mouhamed Fall Abfahrt: -1
Nikola Tesla Flach: -1
Nikola Tesla Sprint: -1
Georg Ohm Abfahrt: +1
James Watt Flach: +1
Michael Faraday Flach: +1
Rolf Sievert Berg: +1
Rolf Sievert Flach: +1
Really bad one, Fall finally losing the 87 flat, Chau struggling to get to the 85 mountain, Tesla losing both flat and sprint is a horror, useless downhill training for Ohm but the only surprising up, Faraday at least with flat, but the risk at 22 didn't pay out at all, hoped for some mountain here, Watt a solid training guy, 84 flat now, Sievert with double nice too
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Re: Training

Post by Quick » Sat May 27, 2023 7:42 am

Training 27.5.2023:
Franco Scalleone Berg: -1
Salvatore Zamorano Abfahrt: -1
Edilberto Osso Berg: +1
Germán Paz Flach: +1
Germán Paz Sprint: +1
Salomón Contreras Flach: +1
Enzo Eamara Berg: +1
Alfonso Chantaca Berg: +1
Alfonso Chantaca Flach: +1
Pablo Yapuchura Berg: +1
Pablo Yapuchura Flach: +1
Denis Valderrama Berg: +1
Denis Valderrama Flach: +1
Maximiliano Montealegre Berg: +1
Maximiliano Montealegre Flach: +1
Enzo no flat for the 4th time this month. But that's also the only thing I can complain about.

Paz returns to training with a double. Osso gets 70 mountain and the 21 year olds all with a double.
J-Czucz hype train

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Re: Training

Post by Tukhtahuaev » Sat May 27, 2023 8:20 am

Training 27.5.2023:
Sherzod Kholmatov Flach: +1
Egor Stepanov Flach: +1
Nikita Tatarinov Abfahrt: -1
Yaroslav Nesterenko Flach: +1
Oybek Sariboev Berg: +1
Atanas Peshov Flach: +1
Normunds Deklavs Flach: +1
Normunds Deklavs Sprint: +1
Nothing to complain about here. Every high percentage taken, Nesterenko and Stepanov training flat as a bonus

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Re: Training

Post by flockmastoR » Sat May 27, 2023 10:24 am

Training 27.5.2023:
Moustapha Faye Berg: -1
Moustapha Faye Flach: -1
Moustapha Faye Abfahrt: -1
Moustapha Faye Zeit: -1
Moustapha Faye Sprint: -1
Helmut Heuser Flach: -1
Helmut Heuser Abfahrt: -1
Helmut Heuser Zeit: -1
Mouhamed Fall Berg: -1
Mouhamed Fall Flach: -1
Mouhamed Fall Abfahrt: -1
Gabriel Fahrenheit Abfahrt: -1
James Watt Flach: +1
Michael Faraday Flach: +1
Rolf Sievert Berg: +1
Rolf Sievert Flach: +1
GRR bad one, Fall fell to 85 flat, Heuser 70-72 now, he will stay until the Austrian championship and then retire probably, Watt with good training 85 flat at 23, Chau with just one mountain training at 24, staying at 84. Faraday with +3 flat at 22, so the risk for getting mountain didn't pay off, Sievert great 4/4 at 21
Boaz Trakhtenbrot:
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Re: Training

Post by Robyklebt » Sat May 27, 2023 1:48 pm

Training 27.5.2023:
Archibald Short Berg: -1
Archibald Short Flach: -1
Archibald Short Abfahrt: -1
Archibald Short Zeit: -1
Archibald Short Sprint: -1
Tim Bradman Berg: -1
Tim Bradman Flach: -1
Tim Bradman Abfahrt: -1
Tim Bradman Zeit: -1
Amancio Carpinteiro Berg: -1
Amancio Carpinteiro Flach: -1
Amancio Carpinteiro Abfahrt: -1
Reinaldo Gamboa Berg: -1
Reinaldo Gamboa Flach: -1
Raffaele Pecci Berg: -1
Raffaele Pecci Abfahrt: -1
Patrizio Rossi Abfahrt: -1
Leonardo Ceroni Flach: +1
Leonardo Ceroni Abfahrt: +1
Edwin Verkerk Flach: +1
Edwin Verkerk Sprint: +1
Callum Blake Flach: +1
Matisse Magritte Flach: +1
René Henri Flach: +1
René Henri Sprint: +1
Short -5
Bradman -4
Carpinteiro -3
Gamboa -2
Pecci as well -2, but he survived the Dolomites, so now losing mountain ok.
Rossi -1


Ceroni double! Now finally 80 flat, can go to training mountain. Downhill a nice bonus
Verkerk doubt too, flat sprint this time, 64-65 with 70 sprint now
Blake and Magritte their flat/pavé as hoped/was sure
Henri flat and sprint, 78 flat now the only thing that really counts, but with 100% was never in doubt.

Nice training, Ceroni-Verkerk doubles unexpected and nice.
Kraftsystemrevision! Include the distance!
Basics reform: Give blue a chance!
Don't punish bugusers. We all have to use bugs, since most of them are declared as "features"!

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Re: Training

Post by Quick » Mon Jun 05, 2023 5:58 am

Training 5.6.2023:
Franco Scalleone Berg: -1
Franco Scalleone Flach: -1
Cesare Camoranesi Sprint: -1
Gio diStefano Berg: -1
Cristobal Guaqueta Flach: +1
Enzo Eamara Berg: +1
Alfonso Chantaca Berg: +1
Alfonso Chantaca Flach: +1
Pablo Yapuchura Berg: +1
Denis Valderrama Berg: +1
Denis Valderrama Flach: +1
Maximiliano Montealegre Berg: +1
Maximiliano Montealegre Flach: +1
Hector Uzcategui Berg: +1
Hector Uzcategui Flach: +1
Osso or Paz would have been nice. Pablo flat would have been good either and some annoying minus trainings today.

Chantaca goes double which makes it a good training though
J-Czucz hype train

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Re: Training

Post by Robyklebt » Mon Jun 05, 2023 8:49 am

Training 5.6.2023:
Tim Bradman Berg: -1
Tim Bradman Flach: -1
Tim Bradman Abfahrt: -1
Tim Bradman Zeit: -1
Tim Bradman Sprint: -1
Amancio Carpinteiro Abfahrt: -1
Amancio Carpinteiro Zeit: -1
Amancio Carpinteiro Sprint: -1
Reinaldo Gamboa Flach: -1
Reinaldo Gamboa Abfahrt: -1
Reinaldo Gamboa Zeit: -1
Reinaldo Gamboa Sprint: -1
Raffaele Pecci Berg: -1
Raffaele Pecci Zeit: -1
Guillaume Payot Berg: -1
Lucien Trutat Flach: +1
Edwin Verkerk Abfahrt: -1
Matisse Magritte Flach: +1
René Henri Flach: +1
Excelino Marquez Berg: +1
Excelino Marquez Flach: +1
Bradman full program at 39
Amancio -3 at 37, but keeping the 2 most important skills. Excellent.
Gamboa -4 at 36, keeps mountain
Pecci -2 at 35, keeps flat which is the most important (but all at this point are rather unimportant)
Payot -1 at 33, mountain. Was surprised to see "1", he's 33, how can he train mountain?? Ah, minus :lol:

Payot pretty bad, the rest actually quite good, especially Rossi at 34 keeping all.

Trutat 77 flat now! Yes, mountain better but he really needs flat too, 77 better than 76, he breaks the spell, very nice.
Verkerk takes a minus, downhill. Ok, he's not going to be a 68-68-75 sprinter anyway, but + hope at least 66-64-73 or so...
Magritte flat, now 77 flat 78.5 pavé like Blake. Looks like Magritte will be leader right now.
Henri the expected flat, 79 now
Marquez the 96% mountain risk double, now will go to 100% and risk the flat.

Ceroni-Vanuytsel insist on being the weakest 60-80 in generations, but since Lekubarri-Trutat are the strongest classics in a while I can deal with it I guess. Trutat very nice, an ok training.
Kraftsystemrevision! Include the distance!
Basics reform: Give blue a chance!
Don't punish bugusers. We all have to use bugs, since most of them are declared as "features"!

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Re: Training

Post by flockmastoR » Mon Jun 05, 2023 9:13 am

Training 5.6.2023:
Helmut Heuser Flach: -1
Helmut Heuser Abfahrt: -1
Helmut Heuser Sprint: -1
Mouhamed Fall Berg: -1
Mouhamed Fall Flach: -1
Mouhamed Fall Abfahrt: -1
Nikola Tesla Flach: -1
Nikola Tesla Abfahrt: -1
James Watt Flach: +1
James Watt Abfahrt: -1
Michael Faraday Flach: +1
Rolf Sievert Berg: +1
Tunç Hamarat Berg: +1
Tunç Hamarat Flach: +1
Ingo Dachwitz Flach: +1
Ingo Dachwitz Sprint: +1
Fall losing flat is bad, Tesla losing 2 of the least important skills, let's see if he will get to race again before being sold
Watt with a nice early flat to 86 at 24, risking and losing downhill for that is worth it, Faraday taking the 77% flat, Sieviert "just" mountain, going for the usual 95%-45% for the classic at 22 hope to bring him to 80 flat. Rest is 100% and nearly 100% trainings of the 2 21 year olds Hamarat and Dachwitz

@Payot, it's still the Giro defeat that is bothering him
Boaz Trakhtenbrot:
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Re: Training

Post by CerveloTestTeam » Mon Jun 05, 2023 9:44 am

Training 5.6.2023:
Danny Clarke Berg: +1
Danny Clarke Flach: +1
Danny Clarke Abfahrt: +1
Robert Pauer Flach: +1
Raphael Kaiser Flach: +1
Francis Bebey Flach: +1
Tensing Norgay Flach: +1
Manu Bebey Berg: +1
Manu Bebey Flach: +1
Kami Rita Berg: +1
Kami Rita Flach: +1
Absolutly insane training perfomance to start the month! Clarke was on the seat of being sold at the end of this month, after he missed 4 60% chances of uphill training at 23 whilst downtraining downhill at -10% twice. Since then he hit his mountain training twice on 40% at 24 and now an insane triple on very low percentages. Lets see how he does in the Dauphine now.
Apart from that I'm more than happy with R.Pauer, who's now at 85 flat. Him and Kaiser are against any expectation again and again training up their most important skills, so that they managed to get themselves to be valuable assets for the team.
The youngsters (Bebey Brothers and newbie Rita) did as expected on very high percentages, Tensing not taking the high percentage mountain training is rather annoying. Yet i'd be rightfully considered whining to complain about that, especially since he at least hit his low percentage Flat training.

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Re: Training

Post by Tukhtahuaev » Mon Jun 05, 2023 1:21 pm

Training 5.6.2023:
Egor Stepanov Zeit: -1
Zhasulan Tolebek Zeit: -1
Oybek Sariboev Abfahrt: -1
Atanas Peshov Flach: +1
Normunds Deklavs Flach: +1
Beksultan Babakhanov Berg: +1
Beksultan Babakhanov Flach: +1
Ilya Pashkevich Berg: +1
Ilya Pashkevich Flach: +1
Can't get much worse than this. Only Peshov training flat not 100% expected, a lot more downtrainings than expected too

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Re: Training

Post by Quick » Mon Jun 12, 2023 5:54 am

Training 12.6.2023:
Robert Klebhuber Flach: -1
Robert Klebhuber Abfahrt: -1
Robert Klebhuber Zeit: -1
Salomón Contreras Flach: +1
Enzo Eamara Berg: +1
Alfonso Chantaca Berg: +1
Pablo Yapuchura Berg: +1
Denis Valderrama Flach: +1
Maximiliano Montealegre Berg: +1
Maximiliano Montealegre Flach: +1
Hector Uzcategui Berg: +1
Hector Uzcategui Flach: +1
Robert not ideal.

Pablo no flat again. Chantaca no flat this time but mountain, so still OK.

Rest also not really good. MM one flat away from 80 is good at least.
J-Czucz hype train

Posts: 329
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Re: Training

Post by Tukhtahuaev » Mon Jun 12, 2023 7:51 am

Training 12.6.2023:
Vladimir Bogaciuc Berg: +1
Yaroslav Nesterenko Flach: +1
Oybek Sariboev Berg: +1
Atanas Peshov Flach: +1
Normunds Deklavs Flach: +1
Beksultan Babakhanov Berg: +1
Beksultan Babakhanov Flach: +1
Ilya Pashkevich Berg: +1
Ilya Pashkevich Flach: +1
A lot better than last week. Pashkevich and Babakhanov the expected double, but Deklavs just doesn't want to train Sprint it seems. Maybe time to switch to mountain. Same for Kholmatov and flat. Probably won't even get to 80.
Peshov on the other hand not missing flat even once so far and Sariboev also developing nicely.

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