
Your team should be here

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Post by olmania » Sat Feb 27, 2010 11:47 pm

OLcycle, the history and the actual situation

The team was created during the summer 2007.
During the firsts months, the goal was to learn the game. Only a few races by month. Discover the game, and take pleasure to see the team growing up was the priority.
And, the firsts victories during the winter with the eternal fighter : Hirko Nacklitsch ! This guy was my motivation to continue the game, with this guy I learned so many things, and the most important with the pleasure : I won.
And, after that The Legend till this day : Clément Lhotellerie arrived. That was the time of the "Old Generation" : C.Lhotellerie, R.SantaCruz, I.Shatyf, H.Nackelitsch, O.Reverte.
And, for 2009, new generation : U.Arguello, G.Grandlac, P.Vuarte, A.Maziloy.
2009, the year of the confirmation for OLcycle with a lot of victories, but with deception, sometimes during the races, sometimes because it was impossible to do important races.
So, in 2010, OLcycle wants to engage in the maximum important races, and win

Actual Points (27/02/2010) =

615 Races
69237 eternal Points
Div 1

Actual Team (27/02/2010) =

Firstname : Alinmoer
Name : Steryov
In the team since : 01/12/2008

Nationality : Lituania

Size : 196cms
Weight : 86kgs

Speciality : Flat and Pavé
Eternal points (27/02/2010) : 1904pts

Special Features : His son Tuncai is born the day of his last victory in the circuit (13/09/2009). He hates McDonald, and his father is the boss of a clandestine manufacture of Vodka.

Firstname : Antony
Name : Maziloy
In the team since : 01/03/2009

Nationality : France

Size : 171cms
Weight : 65kgs

Speciality : Climber
Eternal points (27/02/2010) : 6617pts

Special Features : Ha has always some mushrooms in his bags, these mushrooms are "delicious" he said, he picked them himself around his family home. His girlfriend hate cyclism, she's a curling professional, she plays for the Russian Team.

Firstname : Arturo
Name : Vencho
In the team since : 01/10/2009

Nationality : Peru

Size : 179cms
Weight : 71kgs

Speciality : Middle Moutain
Eternal points (27/02/2010) : 535pts

Special Features : He practices windsurfing, and in Peru a legend said that he has five girlfriends at the same time, just before coming in Europe. Now, he's single but only the Mondays, don't ask for what. One day he tried to beat Ulises at foosball, he lose 11-0 !

Firstname : Bae
Name : JiJoon
In the team since : 01/09/2009

Nationality : South Corea

Size : 178cms
Weight : 76kgs

Speciality : Flat
Eternal points (27/02/2010) : 127pts

Special Features : He's affraid by a pen without his cap. He has two snakes, one red, one green, and he hopes little purple snake one day ...

Firstname : Cieza
Name : DeLeon
In the team since : 01/08/2009

Nationality : Peru

Size : 191cms
Weight : 84kgs

Speciality : Pavé-Flat-Sprint
Eternal points (27/02/2010) : 1695pts

Special Features : He's a badboy. For his first interview in Europe he said "Fu** you" to the Italian reporter from the gazetta. And one day, he hit a dude who touch him in a hill = broken nose for the fan. He has black hair, and blond beard.

Firstname : Gabriel
Name : Grandlac
In the team since : 01/02/2009

Nationality : France

Size : 181cms
Weight : 72kgs

Speciality : Middle Moutain and special sprint skill.
Eternal points (27/02/2010) : 7755pts

Special Features : He speaks 5 languages (French, English, Spanish, Hindi and Mandala). He's in love with a girl rock star, always listening that when he's training. He drinks only sugar water during the races.

Firstname : Guilhermo
Name : DelPozo
In the team since : 01/06/2009

Nationality : Ecuador

Size : 180cms
Weight : 75kgs

Speciality : Pavé-Middle Moutain
Eternal points (27/02/2010) : 1375pts

Special Features : He's sometimes stupid, he's able to do 5parties/week and after "I'm sorry there were a problem in my family". He's not a training fan, already three fines for that ! But he's able to say thanks to his team, he let his prime of Coppa Mosella to the reste of the team.

Firstname : Horacio
Name : Sasille
In the team since : 01/12/2009

Nationality : Peru

Size : 179cms
Weight : 80kgs

Speciality : Flat
Eternal points (27/02/2010) : 47pts

Special Features : Horacio is a killer of rabbit. When he was young he tried to play football, but the was at the top of a cliff, and when he shots wide the cages, he had to go searching the ball in cycle. At the end, he was better with a cycle than a ball.

Firstname : Ikasis
Name : Stoltidis
In the team since : 28/04/2009

Nationality : Greece

Size : 166cms
Weight : 59kgs

Speciality : WaterBoy
Eternal points (27/02/2010) : 59pts

Special Features : He's born in a little island. Only his family live here on this island. He was at the International Cyclist School of Thessaloniki, but he had an accident at 18 years old, and 2 years without training, hard for him to developp good skills after that. Now he's happy to be in the professional circuit.

Firstname : Jokic
Name : Bolstjan
In the team since :

Nationality : 04/10/2009

Size : 177cms
Weight : 73kgs

Speciality : WaterBoy
Eternal points (27/02/2010) : 60pts

Special Features : He's born in Alaska, and during his youth time, he lives in twelve different coutries. He's a fan of ACDC and Bjork. His dream is to have a yellow boat with a velodrome at board.

Firstname : Julio
Name : ValejoLlosa
In the team since : 01/11/2009

Nationality : Peru

Size : 169cms
Weight : 72kgs

Speciality : Complete Waterboy
Eternal points (27/02/2010) : 6pts

Special Features : He's really agressive in the peloton to protect his leader, already seven falls for his fault. He's eating sushis in the airplane because it's the only dish avaible at will.

Firstname : Paulo
Name : Vuarte
In the team since : 01/07/2009

Nationality : Peru

Size : 202cms
Weight : 92kgs

Speciality : ITT
Eternal points (27/02/2010) : 1799pts

Special Features : The Destroyer ! He's calm, but strong. He likes rugby and sumo. He's a fan of Brian Joubert and Feliciano Lopez. He has eight flats all around the world, we don't know with wich money.

Firstname : Timothée
Name : Lhotellerie
In the team since : 01/01/2010

Nationality : France

Size : 170cms
Weight : 64kgs

Speciality : Climber
Eternal points (27/02/2010) : 107pts

Special Features : That's the nephew of the Legend Clement Lhotellerie. And he wants to do more : 10000points in his carreer ! He's sometimes crazy in the downhills, and capable or terribles attacks. He eats sausages in the morning, like Roby.

Firstname : Ulises
Name : Arguello
In the team since : 01/05/2010

Nationality : Uruguay

Size : 186cms
Weight : 80kgs

Speciality : Sprint
Eternal points (27/02/2010) : 4928pts

Special Features : That's the master of foosball. No one can beat him in the team, incredible technic ! Except that no one can beat him at sprint. This year, he wants a podium in MSR ! His ennemy is the young Hémorroide from Robyklebt.

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Re: OLcycle

Post by olmania » Sat Feb 27, 2010 11:48 pm



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Re: OLcycle

Post by olmania » Sat Feb 27, 2010 11:48 pm



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Re: OLcycle

Post by olmania » Sun Feb 28, 2010 9:37 pm

Turn Over in March

The old rider of the team from Viet-Nam said "Now, i'm tired after all theses races, my legs are not good since the start of 2010. That's the time to stop." So, after 284races during 12months, that's the end of his career. Bye Tian Lumpoa !

And, another departure : Thijs VanArtegonen "The competition in the team was too strong, stressful. I couldn't run enough with OLcycle. With the Arturo arrival in the team, i have not my place in the team anymore". Thijs had a lot of rumors for a new contract in March, maybe not in a big team (D3-D4).

And a new young talent for March in OLcycle :

He comes from the Middle of the France, from the Clermont Auvergne Cyclisme Club. He won the Classic of Athens U20 and the stage of Willunga hill on the down Under Tour U20 in January.

Benoit Chellis (France) : 56/74/51/60/66 68(pavé) 49(reg)

He wants to be the new middle moutain leader in the team, he knows that he will have to do big training. His model is Gabriel Grandlac, he's so similar than him when he's cycling on the road. "We will see him in few months, i'm sure of that" said Gabriel this afternoon about his 'successor'.
After the training, his first aim is to win a race before 25years old, why not a white trikot !?!

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Re: OLcycle

Post by olmania » Mon Mar 01, 2010 7:26 pm

Surprise this afternoon at OLcycle !

So, all the press was waiting for the new young rider Benoit, and with him for the presentation an other young french cyclist was here : Julien Vican.
He said "I'm surprised to be here today, last week i was with my little team in the North of the France to do a good training for a little stupid critérium around my village, and tonight i'll ride for the D1 Team my first race Sarda Cat2 WoW !"

Julien Vican : 49/64/51/49/49 60(pavé) 40(reg)

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Re: OLcycle

Post by Amor lux » Mon Mar 01, 2010 8:50 pm

Benoit will be very strong ! Ihope for you ! ;)

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Re: OLcycle

Post by olmania » Tue Mar 02, 2010 1:41 am


Juan Velasquez from Riders was topFavo.

01. 00:00:00 Benjamin Deceunink (TVE Jesenice)
02. 00:00:00 Benjamin Maines (RC Matrosen OK)
03. 00:00:00 David Cavendish (VC Aywaille)
04. 00:00:00 Juan Velazquez (the RIDERS)
05. 00:00:00 Dwayne Forge (Z-Racing-Team)
06. 00:00:00 Ulises Arguello (OLcycle)
07. 00:00:00 Matthias Büttiker (RSV Gundeldinge)
08. 00:00:00 Cieza DeLeon (OLcycle)
09. 00:00:00 Marco Rivella (VC Aywaille)
10. 00:00:00 Alberto Giménez (Team Erkrath RS)
11. 00:00:00 Morton Hillininen (Team Erkrath RS)
12. 00:00:00 Hans Laen (Bonebreakers)
13. 00:00:00 Shawn Crawford (VC Aywaille)
14. 00:00:00 Mattia Gavazzi (VC Aywaille)
15. 00:00:00 Loic Pretot (RSV Gundeldinge)
16. 00:00:00 Edison doNascimento (Bonebreakers)
17. 00:00:00 Juha Salminen (Team Bearclaw)
18. 00:00:00 Chris Kemoeatu (Steel Riders)
19. 00:00:00 Per Schmeichel (Bonebreakers)
20. 00:00:00 Asafa Powell (the RIDERS)
21. 00:00:00 Garth Wilkins (RC Matrosen OK)
22. 00:00:00 Lukas Hostettler (RSV Gundeldinge)
23. 00:00:00 Bruno Felix (RSV Gundeldinge)
24. 00:00:00 James Cranford (TVE Jesenice)
25. 00:00:00 Greg Minnaar (Team Bearclaw)
26. 00:00:00 Benoit Chellis (OLcycle)
27. 00:00:00 Blair Morgan (Team Bearclaw)
28. 00:00:00 Bernado Ferras (Steel Riders)
29. 00:00:00 Gavin Fender (VC Aywaille)
30. 00:00:00 Dre Bly (Steel Riders)
31. 00:00:00 Alejandro RestrepoRamirez (Bonebreakers)
32. 00:00:00 Kris Boeckmans (VC Aywaille)
33. 00:00:00 Argimiro RamosMendez (the RIDERS)
34. 00:00:00 Steven Eagleson (TVE Jesenice)
35. 00:00:00 Touraj Houshmandzadeh (Steel Riders)
36. 00:00:00 Taliriktug Desalle (Team Bearclaw)
37. 00:00:00 Kaluka Maiava (Steel Riders)
38. 00:00:00 Tristan Doherty (RC Matrosen OK)
39. 00:00:00 Malte Svenson (VC Aywaille)
40. 00:00:00 Ositadinma Umenyiora (Steel Riders

Favos at 50m for the sprint. So, the outsiders on the podium, gw Deucenik ! And Enormous Cieza DeLeon with his 69 Sprint ! :D +55K

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Re: OLcycle

Post by VC Aywaille » Tue Mar 02, 2010 2:05 am

Cieza "Petit Léon" can thanks Mister "unbelievable" Gavazzi for the wheel! :)

See you, OL, for a new adventure! :twisted:
VC Aywaille
The team to beat

Il ne faut jamais juger les gens sur leurs fréquentations : Judas, par exemple, avait des amis irréprochables! (Verlaine)

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Re: OLcycle

Post by olmania » Wed Mar 03, 2010 12:29 am


Ulises best sprinter. No form, out of the race, not a real problem. This race wasn't important.

01. 00:00:00 Leandro daSouza (Los Galacticos)
02. 00:00:00 Esteban Trueba (Alkworld)
03. 00:00:00 Chris Bone (chaingang)
04. 00:00:00 Kasian Enke (Adler)
05. 00:00:00 Kekele Mugambi (Team CCS)
06. 00:00:00 Joel Graf (Alster-Wasser)
07. 00:00:00 Adriano LeiteRibeiro (Strohhutbande)
08. 00:00:00 Gabriel Grandlac (OLcycle)
09. 00:00:00 David Silva (Cerro Torre RT)
10. 00:00:00 Andrej Lawrov (Alster-Wasser)
11. 00:00:00 Marcelo Salas (Aston Team)
12. 00:00:00 Koos Moerenhout (Egsdorfer)
13. 00:00:00 Michele Gunirolo (Strohhutbande)
14. 00:00:00 Jaco Ysaye (Quick-Step)
15. 00:00:00 Diego DelRios (Los Galacticos)
16. 00:00:00 Julen Aguinagalde (Cerro Torre RT)
17. 00:00:00 Jose DeSanMartin (Alkworld)
18. 00:00:00 Alejandro DeLaTorre (Los Galacticos)
19. 00:00:00 Lieuwe Westra (Egsdorfer)
20. 00:00:00 Etienne Hairbottle (Riding Stars)
21. 00:00:00 Chico Buarque (Alkworld)
22. 00:00:00 Dennis VanWinden (Egsdorfer)
23. 00:00:00 Aron Palmarsson (Cerro Torre RT)
24. 00:00:00 Gabriel Santillo (Adler)
25. 00:00:00 Khotso Khalishwayo (chaingang)
26. 00:00:00 Marco Vidal (Aston Team)
27. 00:00:00 Perry Schnabeltier (Adler)
28. 00:00:00 Benoit Chellis (OLcycle)
29. 00:00:00 Antonio Arriagada (Aston Team)
30. 00:00:00 Juri Kostlow (Alster-Wasser)
31. 00:00:00 Jérome LeBusquet (Los Galacticos)
32. 00:00:00 Miguel Bravo (Aston Team)
33. 00:00:00 Renato SoaresDeAugusto (Strohhutbande)
34. 00:00:00 JuJu Stine (chaingang)
35. 00:00:00 Christian Poos (Egsdorfer)
36. 00:00:00 Fernando Riera (Aston Team)
37. 00:00:00 Nero Latrell (Team CCS)
38. 00:00:00 Isaam Venda (Team CCS)
39. 00:00:00 Bohuslav Zdrahal (Adler)
40. 00:00:00 Gerard Fyt (Quick-Step)

Gabi for a good sprint. +25K
And sorry all, internet problem in the last 30kms of the race.

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Re: OLcycle

Post by olmania » Wed Mar 03, 2010 11:48 pm


TT Sports topfavo !

01. 00:00:00 Andris Aigars (El Bergo)
02. 00:00:00 David LeGal (Demenageurs)
03. 00:00:00 Andreas Stauff (Team Franconia)
04. 00:00:00 Alberto Giménez (Team Erkrath RS)
05. 00:00:00 Eugenio Castellotti (TT Sports)
06. 00:00:00 Adrian Croft (Rhino Cycling)
07. 00:00:00 Ferdinand Kron (Heroes)
08. 00:00:00 Arno Wiederkehr (Zauberlehrlinge)
09. 00:00:00 Steven Caethoven (Team Franconia)
10. 00:00:00 Ulises Arguello (OLcycle)
11. 00:00:00 Hermann Tanner (Zauberlehrlinge)
12. 00:00:00 Mike Gräber (Quick-Step)
13. 00:00:00 Cieza DeLeon (OLcycle)
14. 00:00:00 Morton Hillininen (Team Erkrath RS)
15. 00:00:00 Luigi Razzo (Zauberlehrlinge)
16. 00:00:00 Justin Alliot (Demenageurs)
17. 00:00:00 Hector Diaz (Rhino Cycling)
18. 00:00:00 David Baranbaum (El Bergo)
19. 00:00:00 Thomas Raquier (amor lux bzh)
20. 00:00:00 Paolo Rossi (El Bergo)
21. 00:00:00 Ruslan Baltiev (Equipe Risque)
22. 00:00:00 Jaco Ysaye (Quick-Step)
23. 00:00:00 Yannick Guireau (Demenageurs)
24. 00:00:00 Nenad Vrhovnik (Zauberlehrlinge)
25. 00:00:00 Luuk vanKekkerstaan (Team Erkrath RS)
26. 00:00:00 Martin Bergel (El Bergo)
27. 00:00:00 Rajundara Aloubadanjere (TT Sports)
28. 00:00:00 Josh Williams (amor lux bzh)
29. 00:00:00 Maxim Lisitsyn (amor lux bzh)
30. 00:00:00 Benoit Chellis (OLcycle)
31. 00:00:00 Badan Sadri (Zauberlehrlinge)
32. 00:00:00 Alexander Kirov (Equipe Risque)
33. 00:00:00 Dimitriy Byakov (Equipe Risque)
34. 00:00:00 Benno Wiederkehr (Zauberlehrlinge)
35. 00:00:00 Patrick Hödl (El Bergo)
36. 00:00:00 Gunnar Nilsson (TT Sports)
37. 00:00:00 Guillaume Coeffic (Demenageurs)
38. 00:00:00 Dave Parkman (Team Franconia)
39. 00:00:00 Johannes Johanson (El Bergo)
40. 00:00:00 Liam Ruchaud (Team Erkrath RS)

And a fucking bad sprint for me ! Excpet for the excellent Cieza !

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Re: OLcycle

Post by olmania » Thu Mar 04, 2010 10:56 pm


01. 00:00:00 Henk Landry (Team Lumbi)
02. 00:00:00 Gabriel Grandlac (OLcycle)
03. 00:00:00 Jean Sennedot (Pastis Ricard)
04. 00:00:00 Jonas Karatek (T-Mobile Team)
05. 00:00:00 Lielen Papu (T-Mobile Team)
06. 00:00:00 Ceba Serpo (Hundi)
07. 00:00:00 Casper Elstrup (Chense)
08. 00:00:00 Patrick Vamphel (Team Lumbi)
09. 00:00:00 Laurent Maréchal (Gaurain Rx)
10. 00:00:00 Bernd Hollerbach (Rsv Hofgarten)
11. 00:00:00 Steph Pauwels (Gaurain Rx)
12. 00:00:00 Gottfried Helnwein (RSV Cottbus)
13. 00:00:00 Jose Vallenilla (Chense)
14. 00:00:00 Boba Fett (Chense)
15. 00:00:00 Umberto Ubriacone (iBanesto)
16. 00:00:00 Cyriel Baiwir (Gaurain Rx)
17. 00:00:00 Gregory Pennetier (Pastis Ricard)
18. 00:00:00 Alexey Alexandrow (Team Lumbi)
19. 00:00:00 Anibal Alocado (iBanesto)
20. 00:00:00 Janson Warener (Quick-Step)
21. 00:00:00 Bernd Tanne (T-Mobile Team)
22. 00:00:00 Arturo Vencho (OLcycle)
23. 00:00:00 Gustav Habermann (Rsv Hofgarten)
24. 00:00:00 Helge Greidarson (Team Lumbi)
25. 00:00:00 Arnaud Vervaecke (Quick-Step)
26. 00:00:00 Santiago Jimenez (T-Mobile Team)
27. 00:00:15 Matthias Brandle (Rockclimbers)
28. 00:00:15 Guilhermo DelPozo (OLcycle)
29. 00:00:15 Scott Davis (heuberger ac)
30. 00:00:30 Matias Fredriksson (RSV Cottbus)
31. 00:00:30 Armin Bettler (Rockclimbers)
32. 00:00:30 Eröd Biro (heuberger ac)
33. 00:00:30 Gabriel Antunes (Hundi)
34. 00:00:30 Patrick Ruffier (Pastis Ricard)
35. 00:00:30 Klaus Kinski (RSC Buseck)
36. 00:00:30 Clément Mouillé (ac mouille)
37. 00:00:30 Angelos Patzeris (RSV Cottbus)
38. 00:00:30 Paolo Padrone (Quick-Step)
39. 00:00:30 Stjepan Wagoresch (Team Lumbi)
40. 00:00:30 Anuar Awang (iBanesto

Big try with Quick and Iban in the last hill, but without downhill riders, that was impossible against the chase. Gabi tired for the sprint but Gabi is Gabi 8-) . +80K

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Re: OLcycle

Post by olmania » Fri Mar 05, 2010 9:52 pm


Big fight against the pure sprinters, but their teams were big !

01. 00:00:00 Walter Brenten (Speedy)
02. 00:00:00 Miguel Garrido (Ciclistas)
03. 00:00:00 Markk Cazvendishh (Brio-Rennstall)
04. 00:00:00 Arnaud Tournant (Herakles)
05. 00:00:00 Aitor Galdos (Astana)
06. 00:00:00 Cieza DeLeon (OLcycle)
07. 00:00:00 Jan Vermaart (Wizards Cycling)
08. 00:00:00 Hasan Salihamidzic (Speedy)
09. 00:00:00 Andrew Stapleton (Speedy)
10. 00:00:00 Bjarni Palmason (Ice Friends)
11. 00:00:00 Shawn Crawford (VC Aywaille)
12. 00:00:00 David Cavendish (VC Aywaille)
13. 00:00:00 Rolland Lamure (LARAPANA)
14. 00:00:00 Enzo Locatelli (LARAPANA)
15. 00:00:00 Kim Rhinse (BrauereiWolters)
16. 00:00:00 Alexei Sharkov (LARAPANA)
17. 00:00:00 Patrick Carson (Brio-Rennstall)
18. 00:00:00 Sep Vanmarcke (Astana)
19. 00:00:00 Ruben Plazza (LARAPANA)
20. 00:00:00 Frederik Christoffersen (Ice Friends)
21. 00:00:00 Alexander Kirov (Equipe Risque)
22. 00:00:00 Mattia Gavazzi (VC Aywaille)
23. 00:00:00 Marcello Pavarin (Astana)
24. 00:00:00 Thomas Raquier (amor lux bzh)
25. 00:00:00 Maxim Lisitsyn (amor lux bzh)
26. 00:00:00 Aleksandr Marenich (BrauereiWolters)
27. 00:00:00 Ken Kesteloot (Brio-Rennstall)
28. 00:00:00 Jadon Waverly (BrauereiWolters)
29. 00:00:00 Roman Uzdenov (Equipe Risque)
30. 00:00:00 Ola Berg (Ice Friends)
31. 00:00:00 Guilhermo DelPozo (OLcycle)
32. 00:00:00 Peter Brehmer (Speedy)
33. 00:00:00 Josh Williams (amor lux bzh)
34. 00:00:00 Dimitriy Byakov (Equipe Risque)
35. 00:00:00 Pekka Kujala (Ice Friends)
36. 00:00:00 Balthasar Seidenhand (BrauereiWolters)
37. 00:00:00 Pepito Guardacho (amor lux bzh)
38. 00:00:00 Alexandr Kolobnev (Astana)
39. 00:00:00 Krasimir Ibic (LARAPANA)
40. 00:00:00 Kevin Albers (LARAPANA)

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Re: OLcycle

Post by olmania » Sun Mar 07, 2010 7:49 pm

Paris - Nice 2010

:arrow: 8days / 8stages

Goals :
- Have fun
- Discover the new Lhotellerie in the moutain
- Try to win one success
- Money


01. 00:00:00 Derrick Reynolds (Hansa-Team)
02. 00:00:01 Roberto Petrarca (PeterMeter)
03. 00:00:01 Arnthor Valgeirsson (LibertySeguros )
04. 00:00:02 Manuel Zorilla (Hansa-Team)
05. 00:00:10 Kai Berg (Hundi)
06. 00:00:14 Lielen Papu (T-Mobile Team)
07. 00:00:16 Tomasz Blaszil (RiedenerRC)
08. 00:00:17 Carlos Ibanez (El Pablo)
09. 00:00:17 Bernd Tanne (T-Mobile Team)
10. 00:00:20 Tendzin Rinpoche (lesossies)
11. 00:00:20 Santiago Jimenez (T-Mobile Team)
12. 00:00:21 Tyler Houston (RiedenerRC)
13. 00:00:23 Jonas Karatek (T-Mobile Team)
14. 00:00:23 Fernando Sanchez (TX Cycles)
15. 00:00:23 Rüdiger Bierbauch (El Pablo)
16. 00:00:25 Ricardo Sancho (El Pablo)
17. 00:00:26 Federico Giuliani (PeterMeter)
18. 00:00:29 Ceba Serpo (Hundi)
19. 00:00:29 Leonardo Merzagora (PeterMeter)
20. 00:00:29 Benoit Chellis (OLcycle)
21. 00:00:30 Piotr Piecha (RiedenerRC)
22. 00:00:31 Jochen Behle (LibertySeguros )
23. 00:00:32 Clayton Rhodes (Hansa-Team)
24. 00:00:33 Timothée Lhotellerie (OLcycle)
25. 00:00:35 Umberto Ubriacone (iBanesto)
26. 00:00:36 Tim Peter (PeterMeter)
27. 00:00:36 Keith Warham (Hansa-Team)
28. 00:00:37 Matthew Jennings (Hansa-Team)
29. 00:00:37 Harry Kellermann (El Pablo)
30. 00:00:38 Gabriel Grandlac (OLcycle)
31. 00:00:38 Einar Schleck (meidlinger)
32. 00:00:38 Antonio Parrachillo (PeterMeter)
33. 00:00:38 Damon Zeynep (lesossies)
34. 00:00:39 Marco Cartonelli (PeterMeter)
35. 00:00:40 Elzo Zout (El Pablo)
36. 00:00:40 Heimar Perero (RiedenerRC)
37. 00:00:40 Timothy Witherspoon (Hansa-Team)
38. 00:00:40 Fabian Schmidt (Hundi)
39. 00:00:40 Jörg Kulas (T-Mobile Team)
40. 00:00:43 Mario Dupenceto (meidlinger)

Normal. And for the White that will be really hard ... i will try another thing !


01. 00:00:00 Yarrawah Yobbo (iBanesto)
02. 00:00:00 Preben Nordstrand (El Pablo)
03. 00:00:00 Elzo Zout (El Pablo)
04. 00:00:00 Mario Dupenceto (meidlinger)
05. 00:00:00 Jonas Karatek (T-Mobile Team)
06. 00:00:00 Bjarni Sveinbjörnsson (LibertySeguros )
07. 00:00:00 Nuri Kapoor (lesossies)
08. 00:00:00 Gabriel Grandlac (OLcycle)
09. 00:00:00 Tendzin Rinpoche (lesossies)
10. 00:00:00 Derrick Reynolds (Hansa-Team)
11. 00:00:00 Thorsteinn Trygvarsson (LibertySeguros )
12. 00:00:00 Benny Loch (TX Cycles)
13. 00:00:00 Carlos Nestruso (T-Mobile Team)
14. 00:00:00 Timothy Witherspoon (Hansa-Team)
15. 00:00:00 Janko Lodowski (RiedenerRC)
16. 00:00:00 Einar Schleck (meidlinger)
17. 00:00:00 Willi Wurst (meidlinger)
18. 00:00:00 Ceba Serpo (Hundi)
19. 00:00:00 Tobias Eitel (meidlinger)
20. 00:00:00 Benoit Chellis (OLcycle)
21. 00:00:00 Jochen Behle (LibertySeguros )
22. 00:00:00 Sergiu Suplu (iBanesto)
23. 00:00:00 Bernd Tanne (T-Mobile Team)
24. 00:00:00 Inah Vagg (meidlinger)
25. 00:00:00 Carlos Ibanez (El Pablo)
26. 00:00:00 Niklas Tillmann (T-Mobile Team)
27. 00:00:00 Gabriel Antunes (Hundi)
28. 00:00:00 Clayton Rhodes (Hansa-Team)
29. 00:00:00 Piotr Piecha (RiedenerRC)
30. 00:00:00 Pedro Pasapures (iBanesto)
31. 00:00:00 Kai Berg (Hundi)
32. 00:00:00 Krystina Kowalcyk (RiedenerRC)
33. 00:00:00 Ars Ricken (meidlinger)
34. 00:00:00 Dolma Padmasambhova (lesossies)
35. 00:00:00 Tyler Houston (RiedenerRC)
36. 00:00:00 Carald Hunt (meidlinger)
37. 00:00:00 Julio ValejoLlosa (OLcycle)
38. 00:00:00 Damon Zeynep (lesossies)
39. 00:00:00 Fernando Sanchez (TX Cycles)
40. 00:00:00 Sandalio Aldeia (TX Cycles)

Gabi is a legend, always here ! Normal, not excellent results.


01. 00:00:00 Elzo Zout (El Pablo)
02. 00:00:00 Mario Dupenceto (meidlinger)
03. 00:00:00 Yarrawah Yobbo (iBanesto)
04. 00:00:00 Jonas Karatek (T-Mobile Team)
05. 00:00:00 Tendzin Rinpoche (lesossies)
06. 00:00:00 Timothy Witherspoon (Hansa-Team)
07. 00:00:00 Derrick Reynolds (Hansa-Team)
08. 00:00:00 Gabriel Grandlac (OLcycle)
09. 00:00:00 Timothée Lhotellerie (OLcycle)

10. 00:00:00 Sandalio Aldeia (TX Cycles)
11. 00:00:00 Einar Schleck (meidlinger)
12. 00:00:00 Clayton Rhodes (Hansa-Team)
13. 00:00:00 Kai Berg (Hundi)
14. 00:00:00 Nuri Kapoor (lesossies)
15. 00:00:00 Bjarni Sveinbjörnsson (LibertySeguros )
16. 00:00:00 Thorsteinn Trygvarsson (LibertySeguros )
17. 00:00:00 Gabriel Antunes (Hundi)
18. 00:00:00 Benny Loch (TX Cycles)
19. 00:00:00 Willi Wurst (meidlinger)
20. 00:00:00 Homer Donovan (RiedenerRC)
21. 00:00:00 Dolma Padmasambhova (lesossies)
22. 00:00:00 Ceba Serpo (Hundi)
23. 00:00:00 Jochen Behle (LibertySeguros )
24. 00:00:00 Arnthor Valgeirsson (LibertySeguros )
25. 00:00:00 Bernd Tanne (T-Mobile Team)
26. 00:00:00 Fernando Sanchez (TX Cycles)
27. 00:00:00 Janko Lodowski (RiedenerRC)
28. 00:00:00 Santiago Jimenez (T-Mobile Team)
29. 00:00:00 Inah Vagg (meidlinger)
30. 00:00:00 Lielen Papu (T-Mobile Team)
31. 00:00:00 Tobias Eitel (meidlinger)
32. 00:00:00 Niklas Tillmann (T-Mobile Team)
33. 00:00:00 Benoit Chellis (OLcycle)
34. 00:00:00 Piotr Piecha (RiedenerRC)
35. 00:00:00 Umberto Ubriacone (iBanesto)
36. 00:00:00 Keith Warham (Hansa-Team)
37. 00:00:00 Jörg Kulas (T-Mobile Team)
38. 00:00:00 Sergiu Suplu (iBanesto)
39. 00:00:00 Antonio Colom (TX Cycles)
40. 00:00:00 Cameron Hynes (Hansa-Team)

Not a bad sprint. +30K, cool.


01. 00:00:00 Bernd Tanne (T-Mobile Team)
02. 00:00:01 Homer Donovan (RiedenerRC)
03. 00:00:15 Mario Dupenceto (meidlinger)
04. 00:00:15 Timothy Witherspoon (Hansa-Team)
05. 00:00:15 Derrick Reynolds (Hansa-Team)
06. 00:00:15 Thorsteinn Trygvarsson (LibertySeguros )
07. 00:00:15 Tendzin Rinpoche (lesossies)
08. 00:00:15 Elzo Zout (El Pablo)
09. 00:00:15 Nuri Kapoor (lesossies)
10. 00:00:15 Gabriel Grandlac (OLcycle)
11. 00:00:15 Jonas Karatek (T-Mobile Team)
12. 00:00:15 Jochen Behle (LibertySeguros )
13. 00:00:15 Einar Schleck (meidlinger)
14. 00:00:15 Umberto Ubriacone (iBanesto)
15. 00:00:15 Piotr Piecha (RiedenerRC)
16. 00:00:15 Tobias Eitel (meidlinger)
17. 00:00:15 Arnthor Valgeirsson (LibertySeguros )
18. 00:00:15 Mauro Monticulo (iBanesto)
19. 00:00:15 Lielen Papu (T-Mobile Team)
20. 00:00:15 Bartec Piecha (RiedenerRC)
21. 00:00:15 Timothée Lhotellerie (OLcycle)
22. 00:00:15 Clayton Rhodes (Hansa-Team)
23. 00:00:15 Jampa Vajhudhari (lesossies)
24. 00:00:15 Santiago Jimenez (T-Mobile Team)
25. 00:00:15 Carlos Ibanez (El Pablo)
26. 00:00:15 Keith Warham (Hansa-Team)
27. 00:00:15 Tim Peter (PeterMeter)
28. 00:00:15 Sandalio Aldeia (TX Cycles)
29. 00:00:15 Gabriel Antunes (Hundi)
30. 00:00:15 Leonardo Merzagora (PeterMeter)
31. 00:00:15 Fernando Sanchez (TX Cycles)
32. 00:00:15 Antonio Colom (TX Cycles)
33. 00:00:15 Antonio Parrachillo (PeterMeter)
34. 00:00:15 Ceba Serpo (Hundi)
35. 00:00:15 Kai Berg (Hundi)
36. 00:00:39 Sergiu Suplu (iBanesto)
37. 00:00:46 Tyler Houston (RiedenerRC)
38. 00:00:46 Cameron Hynes (Hansa-Team)
39. 00:00:46 Jörg Kulas (T-Mobile Team)
40. 00:00:46 Michail Bialetzky (RiedenerRC)


01. 00:00:00 Derrick Reynolds (Hansa-Team)
02. 00:00:00 Sandalio Aldeia (TX Cycles)
03. 00:00:00 Arnthor Valgeirsson (LibertySeguros )
04. 00:00:03 Kai Berg (Hundi)
05. 00:00:05 Tendzin Rinpoche (lesossies)
06. 00:00:06 Piotr Piecha (RiedenerRC)
07. 00:00:06 Clayton Rhodes (Hansa-Team)
08. 00:00:30 Einar Schleck (meidlinger)
09. 00:00:30 Timothée Lhotellerie (OLcycle)
10. 00:00:37 Bartec Piecha (RiedenerRC)
11. 00:00:37 Leonardo Merzagora (PeterMeter)
12. 00:00:46 Carlos Ibanez (El Pablo)
13. 00:00:49 Lielen Papu (T-Mobile Team)
14. 00:00:49 Umberto Ubriacone (iBanesto)
15. 00:00:52 Santiago Jimenez (T-Mobile Team)
16. 00:00:52 Elzo Zout (El Pablo)
17. 00:01:09 Antonio Colom (TX Cycles)
18. 00:01:09 Jochen Behle (LibertySeguros )
19. 00:01:09 Antonio Parrachillo (PeterMeter)
20. 00:01:20 Gabriel Antunes (Hundi)
21. 00:01:22 Mauro Monticulo (iBanesto)
22. 00:01:22 Ceba Serpo (Hundi)
23. 00:01:22 Bernd Tanne (T-Mobile Team)
24. 00:01:22 Jampa Vajhudhari (lesossies)
25. 00:01:22 Mario Dupenceto (meidlinger)
26. 00:01:22 Gabriel Grandlac (OLcycle)
27. 00:01:23 Timothy Witherspoon (Hansa-Team)
28. 00:01:26 Fernando Sanchez (TX Cycles)
29. 00:01:32 Jonas Karatek (T-Mobile Team)
30. 00:01:32 Homer Donovan (RiedenerRC)
31. 00:01:40 Thorsteinn Trygvarsson (LibertySeguros )
32. 00:01:40 Nuri Kapoor (lesossies)
33. 00:02:28 Tobias Eitel (meidlinger)
34. 00:02:34 Rudi Fricke (TX Cycles)
35. 00:02:34 Keith Warham (Hansa-Team)
36. 00:02:34 Jörg Kulas (T-Mobile Team)
37. 00:02:34 Tomasz Blaszil (RiedenerRC)
38. 00:02:34 Janko Lodowski (RiedenerRC)
39. 00:02:34 Michail Bialetzky (RiedenerRC)
40. 00:02:34 Sashi Therang (lesossies)


01. 00:00:00 Jonas Karatek (T-Mobile Team)
02. 00:00:00 Timothy Witherspoon (Hansa-Team)
03. 00:00:00 Nuri Kapoor (lesossies)
04. 00:00:00 Thorsteinn Trygvarsson (LibertySeguros )
05. 00:00:00 Gabriel Grandlac (OLcycle)
06. 00:00:00 Tendzin Rinpoche (lesossies)
07. 00:00:00 Elzo Zout (El Pablo)
08. 00:00:00 Mario Dupenceto (meidlinger)
09. 00:00:00 Derrick Reynolds (Hansa-Team)
10. 00:00:00 Jochen Behle (LibertySeguros )
11. 00:00:00 Janko Lodowski (RiedenerRC)
12. 00:00:00 Einar Schleck (meidlinger)
13. 00:00:00 Homer Donovan (RiedenerRC)
14. 00:00:00 Sandalio Aldeia (TX Cycles)
15. 00:00:00 Bernd Tanne (T-Mobile Team)
16. 00:00:00 Umberto Ubriacone (iBanesto)
17. 00:00:00 Mauro Monticulo (iBanesto)
18. 00:00:00 Clayton Rhodes (Hansa-Team)
19. 00:00:00 Timothée Lhotellerie (OLcycle)
20. 00:00:00 Antonio Colom (TX Cycles)
21. 00:00:00 Piotr Piecha (RiedenerRC)
22. 00:00:00 Jampa Vajhudhari (lesossies)
23. 00:00:00 Lielen Papu (T-Mobile Team)
24. 00:00:00 Keith Warham (Hansa-Team)
25. 00:00:00 Carlos Ibanez (El Pablo)
26. 00:00:00 Jörg Kulas (T-Mobile Team)
27. 00:00:00 Kai Berg (Hundi)
28. 00:00:00 Arnthor Valgeirsson (LibertySeguros )
29. 00:00:00 Ceba Serpo (Hundi)
30. 00:00:00 Fernando Sanchez (TX Cycles)
31. 00:00:00 Santiago Jimenez (T-Mobile Team)
32. 00:00:00 Bartec Piecha (RiedenerRC)
33. 00:00:00 Gabriel Antunes (Hundi)
34. 00:01:54 Niklas Tillmann (T-Mobile Team)
35. 00:03:13 Cameron Hynes (Hansa-Team)
36. 00:05:25 Tomasz Blaszil (RiedenerRC)
37. 00:05:25 Michail Bialetzky (RiedenerRC)
38. 00:09:46 Benoit Chellis (OLcycle)
39. 00:09:46 Chris Schmidt (Hundi)
40. 00:09:46 Ars Ricken (meidlinger)


01. 00:00:00 Jochen Behle (LibertySeguros )
02. 00:00:04 Umberto Ubriacone (iBanesto)
03. 00:00:10 Gabriel Antunes (Hundi)
04. 00:00:10 Homer Donovan (RiedenerRC)
05. 00:00:10 Lielen Papu (T-Mobile Team)
06. 00:00:37 Thorsteinn Trygvarsson (LibertySeguros )
07. 00:00:37 Ceba Serpo (Hundi)
08. 00:00:37 Mauro Monticulo (iBanesto)
09. 00:00:41 Jonas Karatek (T-Mobile Team)
10. 00:00:41 Mario Dupenceto (meidlinger)
11. 00:00:41 Elzo Zout (El Pablo)
12. 00:00:41 Derrick Reynolds (Hansa-Team)
13. 00:00:41 Tendzin Rinpoche (lesossies)
14. 00:00:41 Timothée Lhotellerie (OLcycle)
15. 00:00:41 Timothy Witherspoon (Hansa-Team)
16. 00:00:41 Piotr Piecha (RiedenerRC)
17. 00:00:41 Arnthor Valgeirsson (LibertySeguros )
18. 00:00:41 Kai Berg (Hundi)
19. 00:00:41 Einar Schleck (meidlinger)
20. 00:00:41 Clayton Rhodes (Hansa-Team)
21. 00:00:41 Bartec Piecha (RiedenerRC)
22. 00:00:41 Carlos Ibanez (El Pablo)
23. 00:00:41 Santiago Jimenez (T-Mobile Team)
24. 00:00:41 Darian Rajavi (lesossies)
25. 00:00:41 Fernando Sanchez (TX Cycles)
26. 00:00:41 Sandalio Aldeia (TX Cycles)
27. 00:00:41 Antonio Colom (TX Cycles)
28. 00:00:41 Tomasz Blaszil (RiedenerRC)
29. 00:01:39 Nuri Kapoor (lesossies)
30. 00:01:47 Bernd Tanne (T-Mobile Team)
31. 00:02:30 Bae JiJoon (OLcycle)
32. 00:02:30 Jampa Vajhudhari (lesossies)
33. 00:07:18 Michail Bialetzky (RiedenerRC)
34. 00:07:18 Janko Lodowski (RiedenerRC)
35. 00:07:18 Radomir Robota (iBanesto)
36. 00:07:18 Tyler Houston (RiedenerRC)
37. 00:10:07 Gabriel Grandlac (OLcycle)
38. 00:10:07 Keith Warham (Hansa-Team)
39. 00:12:39 Cameron Hynes (Hansa-Team)
40. 00:12:39 Sergiu Suplu (iBanesto)


01. 00:00:00 Gabriel Grandlac (OLcycle)
02. 00:00:00 Jochen Behle (LibertySeguros )
03. 00:00:00 Umberto Ubriacone (iBanesto)
04. 00:00:00 Thorsteinn Trygvarsson (LibertySeguros )
05. 00:00:00 Lielen Papu (T-Mobile Team)
06. 00:00:00 Mauro Monticulo (iBanesto)
07. 00:00:01 Derrick Reynolds (Hansa-Team)
08. 00:00:01 Arnthor Valgeirsson (LibertySeguros )
09. 00:00:10 Mario Dupenceto (meidlinger)
10. 00:00:10 Homer Donovan (RiedenerRC)
11. 00:00:10 Timothy Witherspoon (Hansa-Team)
12. 00:00:10 Bernd Tanne (T-Mobile Team)
13. 00:00:10 Piotr Piecha (RiedenerRC)
14. 00:00:10 Clayton Rhodes (Hansa-Team)
15. 00:00:10 Einar Schleck (meidlinger)
16. 00:00:10 Timothée Lhotellerie (OLcycle)
17. 00:00:10 Bartec Piecha (RiedenerRC)
18. 00:00:10 Tendzin Rinpoche (lesossies)
19. 00:00:10 Carlos Ibanez (El Pablo)
20. 00:00:10 Kai Berg (Hundi)
21. 00:00:10 Elzo Zout (El Pablo)
22. 00:00:10 Gabriel Antunes (Hundi)
23. 00:00:10 Santiago Jimenez (T-Mobile Team)
24. 00:00:10 Ceba Serpo (Hundi)
25. 00:00:36 Nuri Kapoor (lesossies)
26. 00:00:36 Jonas Karatek (T-Mobile Team)
27. 00:01:04 Keith Warham (Hansa-Team)
28. 00:01:04 Jampa Vajhudhari (lesossies)
29. 00:01:04 Oleg Aidarov (LibertySeguros )
30. 00:01:04 Tobias Eitel (meidlinger)
31. 00:03:21 Michail Bialetzky (RiedenerRC)
32. 00:06:26 Janko Lodowski (RiedenerRC)
33. 00:06:26 Krystina Kowalcyk (RiedenerRC)
34. 00:06:26 Tomasz Blaszil (RiedenerRC)
35. 00:06:26 Ars Ricken (meidlinger)
36. 00:06:26 Sashi Therang (lesossies)
37. 00:09:11 Damon Zeynep (lesossies)
38. 00:09:11 Sergiu Suplu (iBanesto)
39. 00:09:11 Willi Wurst (meidlinger)
40. 00:09:11 Kenichi Sunagawa (El Pablo)

Nice victory to conclude.

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Re: OLcycle

Post by olmania » Mon Mar 15, 2010 5:32 pm


01. 00:00:00 Alex Mäuserich (DerBVHerneSued)
02. 00:00:00 Dennis Seidenberg (Team Cheers)
03. 00:00:00 Jeremy McBates (World Riders)
04. 00:00:00 Viktor Kipketer (Satzte Sich)
05. 00:00:04 Josip Sesar (bremen)
06. 00:00:04 Angelo Pagani (Team Bearclaw)
07. 00:00:04 Pipo Boreyko (Baratellos)
08. 00:00:04 Arturo Vencho (OLcycle)
09. 00:00:04 Willy Ronsse (Vierkant Racing)
10. 00:00:04 Niko Schumann (Montania Crew)
11. 00:00:04 Danilo Basso (Becks)
12. 00:00:04 Darryl Fletcher (Team Scotland)
13. 00:00:04 Alexandr Pokryshkin (bremen)
14. 00:00:04 Michael Dekker (Sandow Racing)
15. 00:00:07 Milos Teodosic (Satzte Sich)
16. 00:00:07 Mattia Gavazzi (VC Aywaille)
17. 00:00:07 Zan Tabak (Vierkant Racing)
18. 00:00:07 Miguel Victor (portugal team)
19. 00:00:07 Jacob Fuglsang (VC Aywaille)
20. 00:00:07 Henrique Teixeira (MSport WRC)
21. 00:00:07 Shiva Kadeer (Wookie)
22. 00:00:07 Vidkun Viking (Sandow Racing)
23. 00:00:07 Gottfried Knatterbach (VC Aywaille)
24. 00:00:07 Fabio Coentrao (World Riders)
25. 00:00:07 Mori Reagal (Montania Crew)
26. 00:00:07 Pedro Juventude (World Riders)
27. 00:00:07 Alex Greatest (DerBVHerneSued)
28. 00:00:07 Marco Grimpali (bremen)
29. 00:00:07 Timothée Lhotellerie (OLcycle)
30. 00:00:07 Milos Kukan (Wookie)
31. 00:00:07 Greg Minnaar (Team Bearclaw)
32. 00:00:07 Srdjan Susnjar (bremen)
33. 00:00:07 Gilberto Silva (MSport WRC)
34. 00:00:07 Antonin Votte (asieg)
35. 00:00:07 Ingigerdur Mikaeldsdottir (Merz Racing)
36. 00:00:24 Jorge Lorenzo (Team Cheers)
37. 00:00:24 Ricardino Quaresma (portugal
38. 00:00:24 Michael vanderGun (Team Cheers)
39. 00:00:31 Goran Suton (Baratellos)
40. 00:00:31 Guilhermo DelPozo (OLcycle)

a bad day. +2K

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Posts: 2632
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Re: OLcycle

Post by olmania » Tue Mar 16, 2010 5:55 pm


01. 00:00:00 Neil Fender (RoadRacer)
02. 00:00:00 Nikolaus Müssiggang (Satzte Sich)
03. 00:00:00 Stan Keegan (Team EPO)
04. 00:00:00 Ulises Arguello (OLcycle)
05. 00:00:00 Brad Wright (Team EPO)
06. 00:00:00 Marco Rivella (VC Aywaille)
07. 00:00:00 Stephanie Dorsch (Girl Power )
08. 00:00:00 Olmus Sarkozy (Maurice)
09. 00:00:00 David Cavendish (VC Aywaille)
10. 00:00:00 Neil Harvey (RoadRacer)
11. 00:00:00 Tanel Kangert (Panasonic)
12. 00:00:00 Paolo Simone (Rad Team Meins)
13. 00:00:00 Dimitri Kuglov (Team AUT)
14. 00:00:00 Hening Kehrer (RoadRacer)
15. 00:00:00 Jonas Karatek (T-Mobile Team)
16. 00:00:00 Johann Steffel (NoobsOnTour)
17. 00:00:00 David Kirschhof (ByZickl)
18. 00:00:00 Victor Ramos (Blitz Viersen)
19. 00:00:00 Mattia Gavazzi (VC Aywaille)
20. 00:00:00 Daniel Kraus (Tokio)
21. 00:00:00 Danijel Horvath (chaingang)
22. 00:00:00 Borut Bozic (Deuseburger )
23. 00:00:00 Cornelius VanOoijen (Deuseburger )
24. 00:00:00 Marius Sabaliauskas (T-Mobile Team)
25. 00:00:00 Cieza DeLeon (OLcycle)
26. 00:00:00 Keith Valentere (RoadRacer)
27. 00:00:00 Shawn Crawford (VC Aywaille)
28. 00:00:00 Sonja Bruckner (Girl Power )
29. 00:00:00 Sandro Lohmeier (Panasonic)
30. 00:00:00 JuJu Stine (chaingang)
31. 00:00:00 Erik Jordsson (Crissler)
32. 00:00:00 Lars Kaufman (Team AUT)
33. 00:00:00 Tihomir Movila (ByZickl)
34. 00:00:00 Olmus Einstein (Maurice)
35. 00:00:00 Roberto Santacrose (Blitz Viersen)
36. 00:00:00 Ebo Latif (Rad Team Meins)
37. 00:00:00 Xung Lihung (Rad Team Meins)

Not excellent, not bad. +40k
38. 00:00:00 Tyson Costa (RoadRacer)
39. 00:00:00 Khotso Khalishwayo (chaingang)
40. 00:00:00 Kenneth Right (NoobsOnTour)

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Re: OLcycle

Post by olmania » Wed Mar 17, 2010 9:54 pm

El Taxi wants Rond om Nokere !

Guilhermo DelPozo, alias "El Taxi" wants a win this month. Why not this race ! Sure, there are other classics at the end of the month, but this one can be good for him.

The last km is "perfect for me" but "The team is maybe too short to conduce me for the end of the race, I don't know. I'll be one of the favo, but that's not a good reason to think that i'm forced to do a good place. I'm a bit anxious. I want win, anxiously !".
And, when we ask him to know if ha has a secret to win "Mhh, i drink a special alcohol from my grand'pa, and i do the 'dance of Ecuador killer', and i keep with me a little sheet with the most difficult verbs in the french language" ... mhhh ... ok ... good luck El Taxi !

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Re: OLcycle

Post by olmania » Thu Mar 18, 2010 12:57 am


01. 00:00:00 Fernando DeQuintanilla (Poison Dwarves)
02. 00:00:00 Guilhermo DelPozo (OLcycle)
03. 00:00:00 Zayntdin Bakaev (Team Erkrath RS)
04. 00:00:01 Francisco Llara (Z-Racing-Team)
05. 00:00:01 Per Schmeichel (Bonebreakers)
06. 00:00:01 Johel Arteaga (the RIDERS)
07. 00:00:01 Argimiro RamosMendez (the RIDERS)
08. 00:00:01 Fernando Montufar (Poison Dwarves)
09. 00:00:01 Huang Xiaobo (lesossies)
10. 00:00:02 Humberto OsorioBotello (Poison Dwarves)
11. 00:00:02 Vasile Stinga (Team Erkrath RS)
12. 00:00:02 Didier Dupoing (iBanesto)
13. 00:00:02 Mauro Monticulo (iBanesto)
14. 00:00:02 Raphael Fankhauser (RSV Gundeldinge)
15. 00:00:03 Gustavo Tejeda (the RIDERS)
16. 00:00:03 Sergiu Suplu (iBanesto)
17. 00:00:03 Rahul Lonpo (lesossies)
18. 00:00:03 Rene Bordel (Z-Racing-Team)
19. 00:00:04 Sebastian Gerard (Gerolsteiner)
20. 00:00:04 Petar Puterniciu (iBanesto)
21. 00:00:04 Loic Pretot (RSV Gundeldinge)
22. 00:00:04 Aaron Brincat (Team Erkrath RS)
23. 00:00:05 Reto Landoldt (RSV Gundeldinge)
24. 00:00:06 Nuri Kapoor (lesossies)
25. 00:00:07 Ismail Tohti (lesossies)
26. 00:00:09 Luuk vanKekkerstaan (Team Erkrath RS)
27. 00:00:16 Sascha Brenner (RSV Gundeldinge)
28. 00:00:23 Darratu Abeba (Gerolsteiner)
29. 00:00:23 Darian Rajavi (lesossies)
30. 00:00:23 Haralabos Triantafyllou (BSE Marzahn)
31. 00:00:23 Blair Morgan (Team Bearclaw)
32. 00:00:24 JuanCarlos Blanco (the RIDERS)
33. 00:00:47 Greg Minnaar (Team Bearclaw)
34. 00:00:47 Laurent Maréchal (Gaurain Rx)
35. 00:00:47 James Arancibia (BSE Marzahn)
36. 00:00:47 Yvon Leterminus (Gaurain Rx)
37. 00:00:47 Taliriktug Desalle (Team Bearclaw)
38. 00:00:47 Eline Rupette (Gaurain Rx)
39. 00:00:47 Aurelio Quintana (Gaurain Rx)
40. 00:00:47 Max Fretz (Z-Racing-Team)

Horrible place. But happy to be on the podium.

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Re: OLcycle

Post by Luna » Thu Mar 18, 2010 1:20 am

After your announcement I had to watch the race, of course. Close defeat. A tragedy. But a very nice approach to the race.

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Re: OLcycle

Post by olmania » Thu Mar 18, 2010 12:58 pm

Luna wrote:After your announcement I had to watch the race, of course. Close defeat. A tragedy. But a very nice approach to the race.
The very interesting thing was the three guys for the victory had differents skills, but they finish in the same second. So the 4%** in ok for different kind of riders.
Nice race yesterday, good chatbox, big teams, and good tactics.

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Re: OLcycle

Post by Luna » Thu Mar 18, 2010 1:03 pm

Yes, these mixes of ascent combined with cobbles are quite incalculable. That's good. Making races interesting.

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Re: OLcycle

Post by olmania » Sat Mar 20, 2010 1:46 am


The last preparation for the team before la Clacississicissicissima !

01. 00:00:00 Vincent Faulconbridge (Team MiSa)
02. 00:00:00 Ulises Arguello (OLcycle)
03. 00:00:00 Benjamin Deceunink (TVE Jesenice)
04. 00:00:00 Patrick Linquist (pontepiscopiens)
05. 00:00:00 Adrian Croft (Rhino Cycling)
06. 00:00:00 Andreas Stauff (Team Franconia)
07. 00:00:00 Hans Laen (Bonebreakers)
08. 00:00:00 Dino Mavric (Berlin Marks AG)
09. 00:00:00 Bjarni Sveinbjörnsson (LibertySeguros )
10. 00:00:00 name geben2 (Ansach)
11. 00:00:00 Kiril Pandajev (Ogopogo-Racing)
12. 00:00:00 Greg Minnaar (Team Bearclaw)
13. 00:00:00 Ashton Quaid (Team Sagunto)
14. 00:00:00 Benoit Chellis (OLcycle)
15. 00:00:00 Olgnar Nistrom (pontepiscopiens)
16. 00:00:00 Zlatko Zahovic (Berlin Marks AG)
17. 00:00:00 Per Schmeichel (Bonebreakers)
18. 00:00:00 James Cranford (TVE Jesenice)
19. 00:00:00 Roby Clarval (pontepiscopiens)
20. 00:00:00 Angelo Pagani (Team Bearclaw)
21. 00:00:00 Chris Kemoeatu (Steel Riders)
22. 00:00:00 Ernst Gröger (Ansach)
23. 00:00:00 Luiz Muchacho (Team Franconia)
24. 00:00:00 Bernd Bratpfanne (Berlin Marks AG)
25. 00:00:00 Helge Ohrenschmalz (Team MiSa)
26. 00:00:00 Principe Codadeltreno (Ogopogo-Racing)
27. 00:00:00 Jochen Behle (LibertySeguros )
28. 00:00:00 Bernado Ferras (Steel Riders)
29. 00:00:00 Juan Gorvu (Team Sagunto)
30. 00:00:00 Greg Camarillo (Steel Riders)
31. 00:00:00 Oleg Aidarov (LibertySeguros )
32. 00:00:00 Marc Reign (Team Franconia)
33. 00:00:00 Baldo Ripping (pontepiscopiens)
34. 00:00:00 Demir Gekas (Team Franconia)
35. 00:00:00 Thomas Mascher (Ansach)
36. 00:00:00 Edison doNascimento (Bonebreakers)
37. 00:00:00 Hector Diaz (Rhino Cycling)
38. 00:00:00 Serrano Moreno (Team Sagunto)
39. 00:00:00 Hector Gonzalez (Ogopogo-Racing)
40. 00:00:00 Armin Kircher (Ansach)

Excellent sprint by Ulises, but for 1mm (on my computer^^) he loose. So, let's see tomorrow ! +80K

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Re: OLcycle

Post by olmania » Sat Mar 27, 2010 3:47 pm

Hi all !

After 1 week with some problem on my somputer (crash computer during MSR last weekend). A win this week in GP San Giuseppe, and a bad race in belgium before that.
After all, a bad month. But this week end i'm back for win ! Critérium International 14H ! Antony Maziloy ! His last race, after this tour, he will stop his carreer.
So, the team will go in Div2 for one month, and maybe more. Not a problem.

Criterium International

:arrow: 2days / 3 stages

One goal : WIN the Critérium !


01. 00:00:00 Antony Maziloy (OLcycle)
02. 00:00:17 Jimmy McFadden (Team Scotland)
03. 00:00:22 Sergei Larin (Equipe Risque)
04. 00:00:22 Mad Eye (Germanwings)
05. 00:00:27 Fabio Coentrao (World Riders)
06. 00:01:03 Thiago Branco (Recien Nacidos)
07. 00:01:39 Miguel Indureine (zolana)
08. 00:01:39 Tom Galot (Kitovras)
09. 00:02:25 Dun Kim (Recien Nacidos)
10. 00:02:25 Alexej Sorenko (Radsport Bunt)
11. 00:02:29 Alexandre Sidorski (Radsport Bunt)
12. 00:02:56 Michel Lecomte (Riding Stars)
13. 00:03:51 Etienne Hairbottle (Riding Stars)
14. 00:03:51 Arturo Vencho (OLcycle)
15. 00:04:04 Bruno Cancemi (TeamRun)
16. 00:04:04 Jens Müller (franks winner)
17. 00:04:04 Andoni Artxeoga (Makiz)
18. 00:04:06 Darryl Fletcher (Team Scotland)
19. 00:04:06 Reshay Twain (Equipe Risque)
20. 00:04:06 Marco Lippuner (ML Cycling Team)
21. 00:04:06 Bender MacHampelton (Equipe Risque)
22. 00:04:06 Andris Santera (Recien Nacidos)
23. 00:04:42 Heiko Blum (Freunde vllt)
24. 00:05:07 Dominik Klütsch (zolana)
25. 00:05:07 Pepe Zapatini (Germanwings)
26. 00:05:07 Christian Thom (franks winner)
27. 00:07:12 Pedro Juventude (World Riders)
28. 00:07:12 Gabriel Grandlac (OLcycle)
29. 00:09:07 Gil Burguard (zolana)
30. 00:09:07 Zvonimir Cheguiev (Makiz)
31. 00:09:07 Bonny Tyler (Radsport Bunt)
32. 00:09:07 Alexander Kirov (Equipe Risque)
33. 00:09:07 Ally McCoist (Team Scotland)
34. 00:09:07 Anatoli Stavanko (Radsport Bunt)
35. 00:09:31 Yurik Yukov (Rally Mafia)
36. 00:09:31 Burt Williams (Riding Stars)
37. 00:09:31 Bitus Ramunus (ML Cycling Team)
38. 00:09:31 Larsson Erik (ML Cycling Team)
39. 00:09:31 HongFu Chang (ML Cycling Team)
40. 00:09:31 Nick Tamer (Makiz)

Nice win. That was the goal of March for Anto : be the KING of Ospédale ! +65K (yeah 500K/race team^^)


01. 00:00:00 Reshay Twain (Equipe Risque)
02. 00:00:02 Arturo Vencho (OLcycle)
03. 00:00:03 Thiago Branco (Recien Nacidos)
04. 00:00:03 Gabriel Grandlac (OLcycle)
05. 00:00:03 Bender MacHampelton (Equipe Risque)
06. 00:00:04 Alexander Hoffmann (Junge)
07. 00:00:04 Thomas Champion (Kitovras)
08. 00:00:04 Albert Mann (Riding Stars)
09. 00:00:04 Alexander Hellas (World Riders)
10. 00:00:04 Fritz Flott (zolana)
11. 00:00:04 Antony Maziloy (OLcycle)
12. 00:00:04 Paul McStay (Team Scotland)
13. 00:00:04 Mad Eye (Germanwings)
14. 00:00:04 Detlef Jenner (Junge)
15. 00:00:04 Etienne Hairbottle (Riding Stars)
16. 00:00:04 Sergei Larin (Equipe Risque)
17. 00:00:04 Heiko Blum (Freunde vllt)
18. 00:00:04 Michel Lecomte (Riding Stars)
19. 00:00:04 Jimmy McFadden (Team Scotland)
20. 00:00:04 Bonny Tyler (Radsport Bunt)
21. 00:00:04 Tom Galot (Kitovras)
22. 00:00:04 Miguel Indureine (zolana)
23. 00:00:04 Alexej Sorenko (Radsport Bunt)
24. 00:00:04 Mick Jagger (Radsport Bunt)
25. 00:00:04 Wladimir Klimowets (Radsport Bunt)
26. 00:00:04 Johann Padeborner (Radsport Bunt)
27. 00:00:04 Stian Veum (Germanwings)
28. 00:00:04 Dominik Klütsch (zolana)
29. 00:00:04 Henry Lester (Kitovras)
30. 00:00:04 Anatoli Stavanko (Radsport Bunt)
31. 00:00:04 Sven Sandmann (Riding Stars)
32. 00:00:04 Burt Williams (Riding Stars)
33. 00:00:04 Emilio Turdo (Germanwings)
34. 00:00:04 Bae JiJoon (OLcycle)
35. 00:00:04 Martin Mutzke (Riding Stars)
36. 00:00:04 Fabio Coentrao (World Riders)
37. 00:00:04 Boala Tieré (Riding Stars)
38. 00:00:04 Julio ValejoLlosa (OLcycle)
39. 00:00:04 Sprinti Allroundi (zolana)
40. 00:00:04 Alexander Kirov (Equipe Risque)

Good try, but Vencho not in form. 2 and 4, good. +60k


01. 00:00:00 Paulo Vuarte (OLcycle)
02. 00:00:05 Sokratis Galanis (Junge)
03. 00:00:05 John Connen (Kitovras)
04. 00:00:07 Michel Lecomte (Riding Stars)
05. 00:00:09 Sven Sandmann (Riding Stars)
06. 00:00:24 Anatoli Stavanko (Radsport Bunt)
07. 00:00:29 Etienne Hairbottle (Riding Stars)
08. 00:00:34 Heiko Blum (Freunde vllt)
09. 00:00:34 Keith Johnson (Riding Stars)
10. 00:00:35 Antony Maziloy (OLcycle)
11. 00:00:46 Darryl Fletcher (Team Scotland)
12. 00:00:55 Jimmy McFadden (Team Scotland)
13. 00:00:57 Karl Schneekoppe (Recien Nacidos)
14. 00:01:03 James Morrison (Team Scotland)
15. 00:01:05 Thomas Champion (Kitovras)
16. 00:01:05 Alexandre Sidorski (Radsport Bunt)
17. 00:01:07 Tom Galot (Kitovras)
18. 00:01:09 Paul McStay (Team Scotland)
19. 00:01:15 Alexander Kirov (Equipe Risque)
20. 00:01:17 Bae JiJoon (OLcycle)
21. 00:01:17 Willi Friedel (Freunde vllt)
22. 00:01:18 Andris Santera (Recien Nacidos)
23. 00:01:19 Leopold Kronecker (Recien Nacidos)
24. 00:01:22 Bonny Tyler (Radsport Bunt)
25. 00:01:22 Andrei Travin (Equipe Risque)
26. 00:01:22 Ronny Hase (Freunde vllt)
27. 00:01:23 Roman Uzdenov (Equipe Risque)
28. 00:01:24 Mad Eye (Germanwings)
29. 00:01:24 Thiago Branco (Recien Nacidos)
30. 00:01:26 Sergei Larin (Equipe Risque)
31. 00:01:27 Bill Right (Freunde vllt)
32. 00:01:28 Reshay Twain (Equipe Risque)
33. 00:01:28 Uli Nunner (Freunde vllt)
34. 00:01:28 Nikita Khokhlov (Equipe Risque)
35. 00:01:29 Dominik Klütsch (zolana)
36. 00:01:29 Dimitriy Byakov (Equipe Risque)
37. 00:01:30 Alexej Sorenko (Radsport Bunt)
38. 00:01:30 Stian Veum (Germanwings)
39. 00:01:31 Albert Mann (Riding Stars)
40. 00:01:31 Fritz Flott (zolana)

Big Paulo today ! Perfect, +70K

General classification :

Mannschaftswertung: Recien Nacidos
Jungfahrertrikot: Sergei Larin (Equipe Risque)
Sprinttrikot: Reshay Twain (Equipe Risque)
Bergtrikot: Fausto Bartali (Recien Nacidos)

01. 00:00:00 Antony Maziloy (OLcycle)
02. 00:00:37 Jimmy McFadden (Team Scotland)
03. 00:01:11 Mad Eye (Germanwings)
04. 00:01:13 Sergei Larin (Equipe Risque)
05. 00:01:35 Fabio Coentrao (World Riders)
06. 00:01:46 Thiago Branco (Recien Nacidos)
07. 00:02:11 Tom Galot (Kitovras)
08. 00:02:28 Michel Lecomte (Riding Stars)
09. 00:02:51 Miguel Indureine (zolana)
10. 00:02:59 Alexandre Sidorski (Radsport Bunt)
11. 00:03:20 Alexej Sorenko (Radsport Bunt)
12. 00:03:42 Dun Kim (Recien Nacidos)
13. 00:03:45 Etienne Hairbottle (Riding Stars)
14. 00:04:17 Darryl Fletcher (Team Scotland)
15. 00:04:35 Reshay Twain (Equipe Risque)
16. 00:04:41 Heiko Blum (Freunde vllt)
17. 00:04:49 Andris Santera (Recien Nacidos)
18. 00:04:51 Arturo Vencho (OLcycle)
19. 00:05:08 Jens Müller (franks winner)
20. 00:05:15 Bender MacHampelton (Equipe Risque)
21. 00:06:01 Dominik Klütsch (zolana)
22. 00:06:03 Pepe Zapatini (Germanwings)
23. 00:06:20 Christian Thom (franks winner)
24. 00:08:42 Gabriel Grandlac (OLcycle)
25. 00:08:56 Anatoli Stavanko (Radsport Bunt)
26. 00:09:06 Pedro Juventude (World Riders)
27. 00:09:47 Alexander Kirov (Equipe Risque)
28. 00:09:54 Bonny Tyler (Radsport Bunt)
29. 00:09:59 James Morrison (Team Scotland)
30. 00:10:05 Paul McStay (Team Scotland)
31. 00:10:15 Leopold Kronecker (Recien Nacidos)
32. 00:10:18 Ronny Hase (Freunde vllt)
33. 00:10:19 Roman Uzdenov (Equipe Risque)
34. 00:10:25 Dimitriy Byakov (Equipe Risque)
35. 00:10:26 Stian Veum (Germanwings)
36. 00:10:28 Emilio Turdo (Germanwings)
37. 00:10:29 Burt Williams (Riding Stars)
38. 00:10:35 Ally McCoist (Team Scotland)
39. 00:10:45 Boala Tieré (Riding Stars)
40. 00:10:53 Yurik Yukov (Rally Mafia)

I like the Critérium in Corsica ! Big Anto, with a beautiful victory to conclude his career ! +230K for this tour, not bad.

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Re: OLcycle

Post by olmania » Mon Mar 29, 2010 11:51 pm


A big group tonight !

01. 00:00:00 Istvan Kosz (Rhino Cycling)
02. 00:00:00 Yarrawah Yobbo (iBanesto)
03. 00:00:00 Peter Baumann (Team MiSa)
04. 00:00:00 Ulises Arguello (OLcycle)
05. 00:00:00 Scott Johansson (Skullz)
06. 00:00:00 Olmus Sarkozy (Maurice)
07. 00:00:00 Keenan oReileigh (Team LunaLounge)
08. 00:00:00 Joel Graf (Alster-Wasser)
09. 00:00:00 Eugenio Castellotti (TT Sports)
10. 00:00:00 Jeronimo Alba (Skullz)
11. 00:00:00 Claudio Terranova (Merz Racing)
12. 00:00:00 Denis Roustour (pontepiscopiens)
13. 00:00:00 Eugen Bertram (Team Edelweiss)
14. 00:00:00 Baldo Ripping (pontepiscopiens)
15. 00:00:00 Jennifer Bubbly (Team AGHN)
16. 00:00:00 Markk Cazvendishh (Brio-Rennstall)
17. 00:00:00 Chris Kemoeatu (Steel Riders)
18. 00:00:00 Fredy Vava (Team Edelweiss)
19. 00:00:00 Ingmar Thoru (pontepiscopiens)
20. 00:00:00 Miroslav Nimec (Alster-Wasser)
21. 00:00:00 Silvano Vazquez (Team LunaLounge)
22. 00:00:00 Helge Ohrenschmalz (Team MiSa)
23. 00:00:00 Tom Eeckelaert (Team Lulu)
24. 00:00:00 Harvinder Mukku (Team AGHN)
25. 00:00:00 Ingigerdur Mikaeldsdottir (Merz Racing)
26. 00:00:00 Patrick Carson (Brio-Rennstall)
27. 00:00:00 Sergiu Suplu (iBanesto)
28. 00:00:00 Cieza DeLeon (OLcycle)
29. 00:00:00 Guadalupe Mendez (Team LunaLounge)
30. 00:00:00 Radislav Poljewitsch (Alster-Wasser)
31. 00:00:00 Rajundara Aloubadanjere (TT Sports)
32. 00:00:00 Benoit Chellis (OLcycle)
33. 00:00:00 Bradley Burgett (pontepiscopiens)
34. 00:00:00 Hector Diaz (Rhino Cycling)
35. 00:00:00 Thum Zamri (Team Lulu)
36. 00:00:00 Mauro Monticulo (iBanesto)
37. 00:00:00 Olmus Srebijct (Maurice)
38. 00:00:00 Tom Cock (Team Edelweiss)
39. 00:00:00 Bernado Ferras (Steel Riders)
40. 00:00:00 Roby Clarval (pontepiscopiens)

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Re: OLcycle

Post by MiSa » Tue Mar 30, 2010 2:37 pm

Hi Ol,
my english is not so good, but i try^^

you say in the fair play evaluation yesterday: "bah ! always in my wheel !".
excuse me, but i already had your wheel was pure accidental. in the next race i will take anotherone, ok?

best greetings
Das Beste daran, mit der Spitzengruppe ins Ziel zu kommen, ist die Tatsache, dass das Leiden früher ein Ende hat.

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Re: OLcycle

Post by olmania » Tue Mar 30, 2010 2:41 pm

MiSa wrote:Hi Ol,
my english is not so good, but i try^^

you say in the fair play evaluation yesterday: "bah ! always in my wheel !".
excuse me, but i already had your wheel was pure accidental. in the next race i will take anotherone, ok?

best greetings
Hi !
That's not a problem, you can try to take the wheel you want ;)
I just observe that the three last sprints with you in the group, always in my wheel. Not bad for you, a victory, and a 3rd place yesterday. :D Grats.
Don't apologise, you can do what you want. Next time i'll take your wheel : me 17° and and 18° with a 50m sprint :lol:

See you

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