Pretty disappointing January training:Training 27.1.2022:
Alexandros Karatzoglou Berg: -1
Alexandros Karatzoglou Sprint: -1
Uwe Schöning Berg: -1
Uwe Schöning Abfahrt: -1
Oskar Simony Sprint: +1
Geoffrey Hinton Berg: +1
Jakob Uexküll Berg: +1
Jakob Uexküll Flach: +1
Erich Tschermak Berg: +1
Erich Tschermak Flach: +1
Erich Tschermak, 21: 4/3 in mnt/flt, hoped for 4/4 but not very unlikely he misses one, 59-76-77
Jacob Uexküll, 22: 4/3 in mnt/flt, overperfoming in flat, 57-70-77
Moustapha Faye, 23: +3 flt, good one, 50-83 71spr
Geoffrey Hinton, 25: 2/1/1 in mnt/flt/spr and a covered downhill training followed by an uncoverey downhill downtraining, 55-82 78spr
Young team performed good, medium old team ist the problem:
Oskar Simony, 26: +1 sprint, just covered, one or two flat points more would be nice but he is perfect as he is
György Szabo, 26: Nothing, he really would need some more flat as he has a decent pave skill and should be helper for Faye
August Oetker, 27: Just downtraining in dwn/tt
Otto Schötensack, 28: Same as for Simony, my flat riders really don't overperform
Boaz Trakhtenbrot, 28: Nothing, well he already overperformed in previous months
Akos Detreköi, 30: Just an unimportant downtraining in tt
Willfried Nöbauer, 31: -
Franz Schackhöfer, 32: -
Old guns:
Lance Fortnow, 33: -1 dwn, ok so far
Jacob Wolfowitz, 34: -1/-1/-1 dwn/tt/spr, not losing main skills, hope he is still good for defending his season opening wins
Uwe Schöning, 36: 3/1/1/2/2 mnt/flt/dwn/tt/spr, good he keeps some flat, still usable but also still expensive for his skills
Alexandros Karatzoglou, 36: 1/1/2/2/2, still good enough for beeing a money sprinter
Arthur Rinderknech, 35 already sold before tonights training: 2/0/0/2/1