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Sprint Houston Sheldon 19.04.2016 AD 9:00 CEST

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 10:56 am
by Robyklebt
If leso or Buhmann (a little humor never hurts in the bug forum) could check that sprint they probably find a bug somewhere.

Look at James xxx, in the irish jersey and Herman Kxxx in some German looking jersey. James is following a train (that increases after 50 meters of following another train, but that's tactics, questionable tactic, but well) and suddenly is dropped. He restarts his sprint 50 meter later. In the same 50 meters Herman Kxxx stops his sprint too, he was sprinting the 50 meters before, then stops, like James restarts 50 meters later.
According to trekken he changed nothing for those 50 meters... (he's the Herman-master), Alk hasn't said anything if he changed. He could have followed the second trekkenrider, but even if he doesn't get the wheel usually he would drop next to the guy, no?

Another thing that looks slightly weird is roughly 100 meters before, Herman Kxx looks like he tries to do something from behind the guy in front of him.. maybe following but can't because he's blocked? Most likely, althoug he doesn't react immediately when the train passes really, just gets slightly faster, usually in those cases the reaction is immediate I think, then blocked.

Anyway, to me looks weird (intuitive maybe, weird certainly)... ok, maybe trekken and Alk did weird changes? Please check! And save it somewhere for posterity, so maybe Buh can analyze it once he retires!!

If it's not bug, but just weird unlucky settings, other nice bugs around, like to me it seems completely random when riders automatically follow the guy in front of them and when not.... after an attack attempt not following, ok, but sometimes no attack and the rider doesn't get the wheel he wants, some other wheel, but is not following it... so have to check all riders each time...