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Mexico 15h, 06.12. Money, sprint and time bug

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2014 6:56 pm
by Robyklebt
Moneybug at 15h. And points

Luques-Douchy-Big Donkey with way too much money. And points for the green jersey. And time for GC

See the points jersey.
See the earnings
See the GC

Probably km 121 with an IS, was repeated a few times. And probably the last km too, it went down again just as the sprint was finished, but before the result came up. Possibly we all got the time bonification there repeatedly too?

Tobler arrived 7'xx (Seems down again, can't tell exactly) before the group, in GC he has 13'00 advantage over Juarez now. Should be much much much less, around 4'? 3' minutes. Not sure how that happened, repeat the arrival and his third place lots and lots of time?

Anyway, it's a mess.

Re: Mexico 15h, 06.12. Money, sprint and time bug

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2014 11:00 am
by Alkworld
Money looks correct in my team which was not scoring any points at intermediates, so this may be limited to the three teams scoring points. The end of stage looks correct money-wise, but the time difference in GC look like, as if the stage time was calculated twice. Tobler would have had wth about 4 minutes. When adding another 07:29 and the bonus seconds from the many intermediates am km 121, the current GC standing could make sense.

Re: Mexico 15h, 06.12. Money, sprint and time bug

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2014 12:48 pm
by lesossies
Write me the in a correct way all the settings I should adapt, I´ll change it If necessary.

Re: Mexico 15h, 06.12. Money, sprint and time bug

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2014 1:58 pm
by Alkworld
According to the race log, we had 21 times the following result at the IS at km 121:
1.Edik Ilyutchik (Luques): 6
2.You Shunshin (VeloClubDouchy): 4
3.Reto Tobler (Petit Singe): 2

Then 3 times the following result at the IS at km 144:
1.You Shunshin (VeloClubDouchy): 6
2.Reto Tobler (Petit Singe): 4
3.Edik Ilyutchik (Luques): 2

Which means for points (money and time is always half that for IS?):
- 124 (20*6 + 2*2) too many for Edik Ilyutchik (Luques)
- 92 (20*4 + 2*6) too many for You Shunshin (VeloClubDouchy)
- 48 (20*2 + 2*4) too many for Reto Tobler (Petit Singe)

Time for Shunshin and Ilyutchik shouldn't matter at all, while for Tobler, in case it would matter later, should be around 08:00. Would that somehow make sense with the money and time you gained?

Re: Mexico 15h, 06.12. Money, sprint and time bug

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2014 3:37 pm
by luques
Alkworld wrote:According to the race log, we had 21 times the following result at the IS at km 121:
1.Edik Ilyutchik (Luques): 6
2.You Shunshin (VeloClubDouchy): 4
3.Reto Tobler (Petit Singe): 2

Then 3 times the following result at the IS at km 144:
1.You Shunshin (VeloClubDouchy): 6
2.Reto Tobler (Petit Singe): 4
3.Edik Ilyutchik (Luques): 2

Which means for points (money and time is always half that for IS?):
- 124 (20*6 + 2*2) too many for Edik Ilyutchik (Luques)
- 92 (20*4 + 2*6) too many for You Shunshin (VeloClubDouchy)
- 48 (20*2 + 2*4) too many for Reto Tobler (Petit Singe)

Time for Shunshin and Ilyutchik shouldn't matter at all, while for Tobler, in case it would matter later, should be around 08:00. Would that somehow make sense with the money and time you gained?
It may be. Actually have no idea about time (but as you say should not matter for Edik), 124 points less for Edik have sense too.

Money I think it is 6k, 4k, 2k, but I guess there is the 90% rule in our field (if it is applied), so I have 111600 more then what I should have. Christmas gift? :D

Re: Mexico 15h, 06.12. Money, sprint and time bug

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2014 3:41 pm
by Robyklebt
If I calculated correctly Reto Tobler should be 5'01" ahead of Benito Juarez in the GC.
1'22" and 1'12" lost= 2'34, won 7'29"+6" bonifications.. which then is: 5'01"???
Thought it should be even less.... but maybe missed something?

Money and points wise probably easiest if you just cancel all from the intermediates:)

Re: Mexico 15h, 06.12. Money, sprint and time bug

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2014 12:53 pm
by team fl
Will this bug be corrected? I ask because if not, some "moves" won't make any sense from my side, esp. for an attempt to win the points classement... Would be nice to know as soon as possible.

Re: Mexico 15h, 06.12. Money, sprint and time bug

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2014 1:50 pm
by Alkworld
@leso: Can you pls update the points classement as follows:

Edik Ilyutchik (Luques): current points - 124
You Shunshin (VeloClubDouchy): current points - 92
Reto Tobler (Petit Singe): current points - 48

@Luques, RKL, VCD, FL: correct?

Re: Mexico 15h, 06.12. Money, sprint and time bug

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2014 3:38 pm
by luques
Alkworld wrote:@leso: Can you pls update the points classement as follows:

Edik Ilyutchik (Luques): current points - 124
You Shunshin (VeloClubDouchy): current points - 92
Reto Tobler (Petit Singe): current points - 48

@Luques, RKL, VCD, FL: correct?

Re: Mexico 15h, 06.12. Money, sprint and time bug

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2014 3:44 pm
by team fl
luques wrote:
Alkworld wrote:@leso: Can you pls update the points classement as follows:

Edik Ilyutchik (Luques): current points - 124
You Shunshin (VeloClubDouchy): current points - 92
Reto Tobler (Petit Singe): current points - 48

@Luques, RKL, VCD, FL: correct?
Guess so too... but I wasn't there when it happend.

Re: Mexico 15h, 06.12. Money, sprint and time bug

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 4:15 pm
by team fl
Any intentions to do something about the bug explained in this thread?

Re: Mexico 15h, 06.12. Money, sprint and time bug

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2014 9:31 am
by team fl
Another day gone, another day nothing happend about the sprint points. it has been 60k Credits now that I have not earned due to that bug (and not wearing the green points jersey), since stage 6. That was last week on Saturday...

Will this be how the tour ends? With a points classement winner due to a bug? Alkworld gave you enough to do it, Roby supported it, Luques (who currently has the green jersey) supported it... What prevents you from correcting it?

Edith corrects to 60k (10k each stage). Thanks to Luques.

Re: Mexico 15h, 06.12. Money, sprint and time bug

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2014 11:49 am
by lesossies
team fl wrote: What prevents you from correcting it?


Re: Mexico 15h, 06.12. Money, sprint and time bug

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2014 12:57 pm
by team fl
lesossies wrote:
team fl wrote: What prevents you from correcting it?

Thought so, esp. reading other bug reports at the moment, that are way more urgent :). Anyway, it would be nice if it could be corrected before the end of the last stage on Sunday.

Re: Mexico 15h, 06.12. Money, sprint and time bug

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 2:44 pm
by team fl
Merci! :)