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ANDES Inscription

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 3:35 pm
by flockmastoR

Very important, I was inscripted for the ANDES at 15:00 with 9 riders and I just see I am not in the field now

Is it possible to help me into this field before it starts or can i cancel my Andes 2014?

Re: ANDES Inscription

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 3:49 pm
by flockmastoR
Not that I am optimistic that someone shows up but

Have the team inscripted to the 18:00 race now, if its possible to manually put this team into the 15:00 race it would be great
otherwise i am not sure if I can ride the Andes this year.

Re: ANDES Inscription

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 3:52 pm
by Robyklebt
Add him, add him!

Re: ANDES Inscription

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 11:09 am
by flockmastoR
At least someone saw this, otherwise I wouldnt be in the 15:00 group now. But what lesso did is crap (sry, i thank you that you tried to solve it but its shit)

1) 15:00 group: look at the time differences. Platini now with 45seconds to the winner of the 15:00 field, he lost that time in the 18:00 field to a a huber with 82 mountain 79 TT and 76 downhill, in the 15:00 group I have the same difference to a classic with 67 TT thats a big difference, to my rider "Sutermeister" Platini lost 9 seconds and that rider would have been able to fight for the stage victory in the 15:00 group (he has 74 TT 63mountain and 70 downhill). Maybe he wouldnt have won maybe he would, lets say he would have had the same time as the winner, then Platini would be 2 seconds in front of Veracruz (the biggest opponent for the GK), Now he is 33seconds behin (thirtythree). All in all it would have been something between 4 seconds in front of and 8 seconds behind Veracrux but 33? Come on!
I know it might not be possible to adjust it afterwards, but why the hell then just do it like you did?. It would be as unfair if in my group Platini would have won the TT and start with a 15 seconds gap to veracrux. Platini is 6 seconds behind Courado too (84 mountain, less downhill, 52 TT)

I asked you to put me in as long as there is the chance to do it fair, it was over you put me in and fine me with that. I said I probably can't race at 18:00. As noone was there of you till 17:30 I decided to go to the 18:00 race and try to change my calender to be able to race this without taking 8 days a sitter. 15:00 was soposed expected to be a seconds fight between Platini and Veracrux, but i am not willing to rider this race with 30 seconds from start.

2) Can you please leave a comment when you do things like that? Ask if its ok to do it like that, the bug took away my chance to race the 15:00 race with the same chances as everybody else and you took away my chance to ride the 18:00 race with the same chances as everybody else.
Great day!

Re: ANDES Inscription

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 12:19 pm
by flockmastoR
buhmann just answered my email:

I think the best and fairest solution will be to put my team into the 18:00 group again.

Re: ANDES Inscription

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 1:42 pm
by lesossies
flockmastoR wrote:buhmann just answered my email:

I think the best and fairest solution will be to put my team into the 18:00 group again.

Ok I put you in the 18:00 group back.

Re: ANDES Inscription

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 10:19 pm
by flockmastoR
lesossies wrote:
flockmastoR wrote:buhmann just answered my email:

I think the best and fairest solution will be to put my team into the 18:00 group again.

Ok I put you in the 18:00 group back.
thx and sry for the misunderstanding, thx that you reacted quit fast (even if it was not what I meant