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2 little transfer bugs

Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 11:56 am
by NoPikouze
First, I have a rider in my team, but he has never been transferred... Maybe I bought him with a direct bet, I can't remember.

Second, I bought a 27 year old rider, checked his price if I sell him, and there is a little problem. The "verhandlung" screen says XXX MARKTWERT, XX% taxes, XX% abfindung (less than 50 days thing, i guess).
Altough the final price is not calculated on the MARKTWERT, but on the PRICE. (not 3.4m but 2.8m)
That is correct I think, but why in hell write the other value in the calculation screen, it's confusing.

Re: 2 little transfer bugs

Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 12:27 pm
by Pedrocito
I have riders without transfers, too.