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bet in market

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 4:00 pm
by Pirkio
I've tried to offer the 50% for one rider in the market but the game say he never will come

Sandor Kocsis 3.697.000 offer of 1.950.000

But in the market there is Gregory Harry 3606.000 now buyable for 1.803.000

So looks impossible to bet for a rider on a low % but his cost went down the same and you will buy only when he's on the price you want. Is right?

Re: bet in market

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 12:29 pm
by Buhmann
Not a the help on the TM-page. There is it explained.
Div 1-5 auction-system for sold riders

Riders that were sold by a team and appear on the Division 1-4 markets are sold in auctions too. For these riders the minimum bid is 85%. When the rider's price has reached this limit, the rider stays on the market. The price then continues to decrease with different speed, depending on their age. Riders under 85% can only be bought by "direct-buy"