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Whole Team falls back

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 11:35 am
by sgumgub
San Luis...9 o'clock...

km 154...The whole team (together with gesperrt B) falls back 50 seconds...I immedietly checked the settings to see if maybe gesperrt accidently helped a helper, but he didnt!All other eight riders were set to help gesperrt B for like 5 kms and then someone siebed on km 154, the same km where gesperrt wasnt able to follow Bamba, and then the whole team was gone...

If you check the "rennbericht", you can see that Mingh and Miller were the only ones who passed...all others, with gesperrt(!!!), dropped theirselves from the group:(

How I said, he didnt help anyone and I hope Buh is able to check that somehow?

That pretty much cost me a possible podium for todays stage and also a good position in gc...just sucks.

Re: Whole Team falls back

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 11:44 am
by Buhmann
I´ll check this...

Was there the message in the race-log, that the riders wait for him? Oka, i will look for it that evening by myself.

Re: Whole Team falls back

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 12:06 pm
by sgumgub english it says "drops himself" or something like that...I already posted that in the OP.

Re: Whole Team falls back

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 12:42 pm
by Luna
You've been hacked, it seems. Didn't kept your passwort secret?

Re: Whole Team falls back

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 1:20 pm
by sgumgub
lol...Not sure.

I still have the same password that I already had when i was named CSC-MaMa...Thats about 2 years clue who exactly I told the password back then...

Re: Whole Team falls back

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 2:46 pm
by BMG-Allstars
Luna wrote:You've been hacked, it seems. Didn't kept your passwort secret?
But he said he checked immeadiatly after gesperrt b felt back and the helping was correct (all eight others helped b), so a hack is impossible, execpt the hacker changed the helping back in seconds...

Here is the transcript of the km. Looks like a "Helper mistake", but a bug when Bug says helping was correct.

Bamba Anderson (BMG-Allstars) attackiert
gesperrt b (bugmugs) schafft es nicht mitzugehen
Ching Minh (bugmugs) kann nicht mithalten
Jugar DiMaria (bugmugs) kann nicht mithalten
Robert Dewey (bugmugs) kann nicht mithalten
Jon Doh (bugmugs) kann nicht mithalten
Eric Hause (bugmugs) kann nicht mithalten
Jared Brians (bugmugs) kann nicht mithalten
Jake Miller (bugmugs) kann nicht mithalten
Robert Dewey (bugmugs) lässt sich zurückfallen
Jon Doh (bugmugs) lässt sich zurückfallen
Eric Hause (bugmugs) lässt sich zurückfallen
Jared Brians (bugmugs) lässt sich zurückfallen
gesperrt b (bugmugs) lässt sich zurückfallen

So, when I look at the uncome of the km it looks like all helped Jake Miller or at least gesperrt helped Jake MIller. Minh was behind that group, diMaria in the same.

Re: Whole Team falls back

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 3:44 pm
by Zentaron
I think there is no message of falling back, when you activate the box at the end of the riders instructions in the control panel. So i think like Luna. He has probably been a victim of someone who knows his password. And the others fall back becuase of helping gesperrt b and that is shown in the race log.

Re: Whole Team falls back

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 5:50 pm
by Robyklebt
But gesperrt b himself drops back too, so it can't have been his box. Because then there is no reason for him to wait for somebody.. then he wouldn't appear in the log.

Re: Whole Team falls back

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 6:05 pm
by Luna
If I were an evil hacker who wants his whole team to drop, I would keep a window/tab open, containing the original settings. Then I'd change the settings in an other tab, click "save settings", watch the result, and in the same second immediately click "save settings" in the back-up window/tab. When MaMa realizes what happened and reloads his settings for a conformation, I would be already logged out and over hills.

Re: Whole Team falls back

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 10:02 am
by sgumgub
mhhh, I see buhmann didnt check back so far :(

hoe he will come to look it over today...