Hanging game, why continue races.

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High Flyer
Posts: 226
Joined: Sun Aug 24, 2014 8:33 pm

Hanging game, why continue races.

Post by High Flyer » Sun Aug 24, 2014 11:48 pm

This is just annoying.
So the race goes on despite everyone leaving and it freezing for more than 1 hour. What a waste of energy and cost me a chance of getting a win or good place.
It wasn't a race to the finish it was a race to guess which time the game would unhang.
I hope that they C4F give all the riders full health again because it's unfair on those who attacked but where reeled in and those who tempoed.
TBH it would have been better to restart the races or continue them tomorrow at the same time rather than randomly going.
Then again, I'll be lucky to get points since noone could sprint and my sprint team is bad.

P.S. JUST FOUND OUT i GOT NO POINTS OR MONEY. Fuming right now. :evil:

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