Designing questions

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Designing questions

Post by Robyklebt » Wed Apr 07, 2010 9:16 am

Roby has 2 questions!

1 for leso:

If I save the etn file in the ooeditor it puts it automatically in openoffice,/blabla/blabla/blabla. Is there any way I can change that, decide myself where I want to put it?

1 for iBan or other google earth geniuses:

Can I somehow make a track in google earth and save it as gpx? Or any other way to export it to the GPS track analyze net?
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Cerro Torre RT
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Re: Designing questions

Post by Cerro Torre RT » Wed Apr 07, 2010 9:47 am

In my version,i just got the posibility to save a track to .kml or .kmz and until now, I did not find another possibility to export a path.

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Re: Designing questions

Post by Robyklebt » Wed Apr 07, 2010 10:07 am

Same for me... but in GPX net it says that somehow kmz (or kml) can be imported... but of course when Roby tried yesterday he didn't manage to do it.... bah..
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Re: Designing questions

Post by Cerro Torre RT » Wed Apr 07, 2010 11:08 am

And as far as i see it, those files are exported without hight data. I may be wrong, but i can't find them in the file. those paths seem to be saved fixed to the ground, or relative to the ground. No possibility to get hight information out of those.

There may exist freeware to convert those to .gpx or something like that. But as i don't know how those analyse tools work (if they can get the hight information from other sources), i don't thnik that would be useful.

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Re: Designing questions

Post by iBanesto » Wed Apr 07, 2010 11:39 am

Save it to a kml-file, open it in the GPS-Track program and get the height data from the hgt-files. That kind of stuff:

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Re: Designing questions

Post by Robyklebt » Wed Apr 07, 2010 1:14 pm

Ok, got that far actually, saved a track as kml, but Roby being Roby maybe is to stupid to save the tracks properly... It shows up as EMPTY in the GPS Analyzer... trackpoints 0...

Step by step explanation by iBan please!

How to save a track in google earth as kml.
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Re: Designing questions

Post by iBanesto » Wed Apr 07, 2010 7:35 pm

Empty? Height 0?
Then: Trackpoints bearbeiten -> SRTM-Höhendaten zuweisen
If there are unchecked boxes on the left side, get those hgt-files from one of the servers on the right. Don't forget to choose the folder of the hgts, "Verzeichnis wählen". "SRTM-Daten zuweisen", done.

Saving in Google Earth, don't know what could be wrong there... if GE saves the kml-file properly that file should be fine. In any case, I do it like this: "Pfad hinzufügen" -> Laying the path... -> Ok-Button in the pathwindow -> Left side of the screen, "Orte", rightclick the path, "Ort speichern unter", choose kml and pathname, done.

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Re: Designing questions

Post by Robyklebt » Thu Apr 08, 2010 7:46 am

First part is ok, well, don't really get that far though..

It's the second part:
Saving in Google Earth, don't know what could be wrong there... if GE saves the kml-file properly that file should be fine. In any case, I do it like this: "Pfad hinzufügen" -> Laying the path... -> Ok-Button in the pathwindow -> Left side of the screen, "Orte", rightclick the path, "Ort speichern unter", choose kml and pathname, done.
Exactly what I'm doing. But then when I try to open it with the GPS Tool...:error "Index was outside the bounds of the array". No clue what it means though... And then the "track" shows up as: 0 trackpoints. bla bla.

Even updated the GTA now... no clue why it doesn't work.. thought maybe my way of saving the track in google earth was wrong, but no... exactly as you say... ideas?
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Re: Designing questions

Post by Cerro Torre RT » Thu Apr 08, 2010 8:56 am

I don't know if that is right, but the reportet error sounds to me like too many waypoints in the path. Have you tried it with one consisting of just few, some like 10?

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Re: Designing questions

Post by Robyklebt » Thu Apr 08, 2010 1:13 pm

Tried... but njet, doesn't seem to be the problem either..

System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
at GPS_Track_Analyse.Berechnungen.berechneTrackdaten(Int32 Tindex) in D:\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\GPS-Track-Analyse-4\GPS-Track-Analyse\Berechnungen.vb:line 961

the detailed error report

Only thing that I understand from this: Roby to stupid to do it...
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Re: Designing questions

Post by Robyklebt » Thu Apr 08, 2010 2:04 pm

Got it. Need to change the date and time format to german, germany... bah..

But thanks for the help. Actually one of the tests still doesn't work.. maybe length a problem too.
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Re: Designing questions

Post by Bear » Mon Apr 12, 2010 12:01 pm

I have a question about the gps analyzer. The profiles/routes of the Giro del Trentino are also as a gps track "downloadable". But with the GPS Track Analyse.NET it doesn't work (because it is not a garmin mapsource track?).

Normally I design with Google Earth and tracks4bikers. But if the gps tracks are there I would like to try this. Maybe somebody knows a programm to open also this *.gpx of the Giro del Trentino?

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Re: Designing questions

Post by Robyklebt » Mon Apr 12, 2010 1:47 pm

It works for me.

Save the file, then open it with the GPS Track-Analyse net thing.

Then I would just need to download the SRTM files.

What exactly doesn't work for you?
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Re: Designing questions

Post by Bear » Mon Apr 12, 2010 2:20 pm

The Analyse programm says that the file can't be read because it is not a garmin mapsource file.

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Re: Designing questions

Post by Robyklebt » Mon Apr 12, 2010 2:32 pm

Which version do you have? Mine is 5.0.1 and it works.

Oeffnen, then put in as file tipe : "GPX eXchange (*.gpx)" not "Garmin Mapsource route (*.gpx)" and open the file..
with the garmin map source gpx I get an error message too, but with the other one works perfectly.
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Re: Designing questions

Post by Bear » Mon Apr 12, 2010 3:02 pm

Thank you roby, now it works with "GPX eXchange (*.gpx)". I have the same version.

Unfortunately no designing and no racing for the rest of the day :( But I can design the last trentino stage tomorrow morning.

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Re: Designing questions

Post by olmania » Mon Feb 28, 2011 8:34 pm

problem with the ukrainian in the stage editor flag I guess ... Russian corruption again ? :lol:

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Re: Designing questions

Post by MiSa » Mon Oct 31, 2011 7:17 pm

Hallo zusammen,

der miese MiSa würde sich auch mal versuchen ein paar Rennen zu zeichnen. Zwischen all seinen Frauen hat er zwar nicht immer Zeit, doch gerade in den kommenden Wintermonaten könnten sich Lücken ergeben.

Dabei gibt es nur ein Problem, WIE GEHT DAS???????

Der kleine Affe hat mir mal etwas gesendet doch leider waren die Anforderung viel zu hoch für mich :oops:
Man beachte das hohe Alter und die wenigen PC-Kentnisse und das fast nicht vorhandene Englisch^^

Ich bräuchte jemanden der mir alles erklärt, also von A bis Z. Wie bekomme ich bei Google Earth dies gemacht, wo und wie wird das gespeichert u.s.w.

Ich würde da gerne unterstützen, es müsste sich halt mal jemand erbarmen und mir ALLES mal erklären. Derjenige muß bereit sein, sich zu quälen und darf auch nicht lachen, wenn besondere Rückfragen kommen :roll:

Also wer will kann mir gerne eine PN senden und bekommt dann auch einen Heldenorden.

Gruß MiSA
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Re: Designing questions

Post by Mapei Quickstep » Sun Nov 06, 2011 6:08 pm

I had to correct 2 of my races, Genova - Parma and Inverness - Talisker Bay, because I forgot to put in the intermediate sprint. I did it now, but the change isn't displayed in the race grafic. Why ?

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Re: Designing questions

Post by sylvainmeteo » Sun Nov 06, 2011 6:14 pm

Mapei Quickstep wrote:I had to correct 2 of my races, Genova - Parma and Inverness - Talisker Bay, because I forgot to put in the intermediate sprint. I did it now, but the change isn't displayed in the race grafic. Why ?
just go in RSF Editor and put genovaparma (your race filename) in the filename and click and load on server, the same for Inverness Talisker bay ;)
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Re: Designing questions

Post by Mapei Quickstep » Sun Nov 06, 2011 6:17 pm

If I do that, loading my races from the server, I see that my changes in the tables are made correctly. Just the stage picture doesn't display my changes.

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Re: Designing questions

Post by Robyklebt » Sun Nov 06, 2011 8:57 pm

Kraftsystemrevision! Include the distance!
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Re: Designing questions

Post by Hunsrueck » Sat Jan 14, 2012 11:16 pm

I have a question to leso:

which fantasyraces will require more?

singleraces, little tours or big tours?

greets huns

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Re: Designing questions

Post by lesossies » Sun Jan 15, 2012 12:57 am

I have a lot of fantasy races but I allways need new.
For tours the same, It is now better but more choice will be better.
Now that the right saison beginns we´ll need some 4-5 Days between the classics.

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Re: Designing questions

Post by Hunsrueck » Sun Jan 15, 2012 1:02 am

Ok, thx.

I try to do some in the next days :)

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