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Run several race/tour in parallel

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 11:47 am
by chartreusecycle
In real cycling, teams are often riding 2 races/tours in parallel: for example FDJ riding this summer Tour de France and Osterreich Tour in parallel.

Could it be possible to introduce this concept in RSF ?
- Teams should ride these race/tour in parallel with 2 different line-up (obviously!);
- Race/Tour should be ride at different time during the day (to avoid any hard coding with 2 races at the same time);
- A team register in 2 parallel race/tour should pay 2 race-points.

To me this could have some positive effect on the game:
- Some managers are creating multi (even if they have a RSF licence ex: maurice/ptt...) in order to ride more race by day;
- Managers could be able to ride interesting tours and classics when they are planned in parallel with a new dimension in management: priorization in the line-up (like IRL);
- When several race/tour are planned in parallel we sometimes have a lack of participant in several race, that could improve this kind of situation.

Buhmann is it achievable in term of coding ?

Re: Run several race/tour in parallel

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 1:32 pm
by team fl
Uh, you open pandora's box here. And turn the knive in a (still?) open wound. I will be happy to follow the discusson :)

Re: Run several race/tour in parallel

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 2:16 pm
by chartreusecycle
Idéfix wrote:That's a nice idea, I like it. But it's only for big teams (enough numerous ones).
Exactly like in reallity: big structures from PRO-TOUR, smaller ones in CONTINENTAL and national small teams.

Re: Run several race/tour in parallel

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 2:36 pm
by Robyklebt
Just a general: RIDE EVERY DAY TWICE rule IMO is not needed, or good.
What would be nice is still the: A kind of important tour and a one day classic on the same day. Big teams should be able to ride both, if the have the time.
Tour+Tour IMO no, even if TA+PN, TdS+Dauphiné overlap, but with the wild sitting we see very often... no. would just demand more sitting

Then a sort of "compensation double days"... so that not only Catalunya-GW/E3 parallel and things like that are there, but that every month has more or less the same number of possible "double race days"

But well... IMO Buhmann has way more important stuff to do, most important one is watch some sprints on youtube.

Re: Run several race/tour in parallel

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 7:13 pm
by olmania
Gosh !

We will loose all the balance we have today in the game. Managers with more time will earn more points, more money, and it's going to be a RSF with 2 different speeds ! If we had enough manager to create different divisions and allow the ones who want to give 4hours/day to RSF together, without the ones who are struggling to continue to be here 2hours a day, why not, but we don't have enough very active and available managers to do this (create a poll if you want to check).
Managers who are giving 2hours a day (sometimes just 15-20times a month, no more), will think they can't be competitive anymore against managers playing 4hours a day.
I don't even develop other points I found stupid, this is enough for me to say NO to this reccurently coming idea.

And yes Buhmann has already too many things, important ones to do, don't distract him with such ideas.

Re: Run several race/tour in parallel

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 7:17 pm
by sylvainmeteo
2 hours per day is already a lot for a non negligible amount of managers... :roll:
I like this idea, but that will lead exactly that OL just said ;)