
race and calendar global organistion

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Post by Freudenfeuer » Wed Jun 22, 2011 2:36 pm

Kann ich nicht richtig hinsehen oder steht bei den NM`s nur das Datum? Die Uhrzeit fehlt, kann das sein?
bergwerk: Freude is a "Spielverderber" ... i dont know the english word for that ... a gamekiller?

gary moore rocks..............

Rockstar Inc
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Re: Nationalmeisterschaften

Post by Rockstar Inc » Wed Jun 22, 2011 3:04 pm

I assume you mean the following:
1) go to race calendar
2) click for the NM (the button with 26.06.2011 in the 2nd column)
3) click on "all races (incl. results)"
by Alk
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Re: Nationalmeisterschaften

Post by Hasselhoff » Sat Jul 23, 2011 10:03 pm

dachte auch erst... hat sich geklärt.

MfG Hasselhoffs
"Man sollte nicht alles glauben, was man im Internet liest"- Abraham Lincoln

Allstars United
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Re: Nationalmeisterschaften

Post by Allstars United » Thu Oct 06, 2011 8:59 pm

echt unverschämt, dass die immer auf Duisburger Auswärtsspiele gelegt werden. kann ich WIEDER net teilnehmen...

Weiß man zufällig schon, an welchem Februarwochenende die nächsten stattfinden....? 12. oder 26. Februar nehm ich an :(

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Re: Nationalmeisterschaften

Post by schokolade » Thu Oct 06, 2011 10:52 pm

bin ich blind oder wieso seh ich nirgends wann die sein sollen :D

ok und den verein den du da schreibst kenn ich genauso wenig :D ^^ :twisted:

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Re: Nationalmeisterschaften

Post by claw » Thu Oct 06, 2011 10:56 pm

und startzeiten ->info
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team fl
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Re: Nationalmeisterschaften

Post by team fl » Mon Oct 28, 2013 9:29 am

Because they just took place:

- STOP giving money and points for the NCs, please. Some NCs maybe worth doing that, but most are not. The flag has to be incentive enough.

And as a second point:

- make teams register for NCs. Not just pass by and then win it because you're the only one there online.
- make offline rules work. even if the result is that there is no national champion.
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

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Re: Nationalmeisterschaften

Post by Allagen » Sat Jan 25, 2014 10:08 am

team fl wrote:Because they just took place:

- STOP giving money and points for the NCs, please. Some NCs maybe worth doing that, but most are not. The flag has to be incentive enough.

And as a second point:

- make teams register for NCs. Not just pass by and then win it because you're the only one there online.
- make offline rules work. even if the result is that there is no national champion.

sounds good
RV Allagen. Qualität seit 2006. Erfolg seit 2006.

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Re: Nationalmeisterschaften

Post by lesossies » Sat Jan 25, 2014 3:21 pm

team fl wrote:Because they just took place:

- STOP giving money and points for the NCs, please. Some NCs maybe worth doing that, but most are not. The flag has to be incentive enough.

And as a second point:

- make teams register for NCs. Not just pass by and then win it because you're the only one there online.
- make offline rules work. even if the result is that there is no national champion.
Yes, sounds not bad. although I liked the NC money (can we maybe let a symbolic prize, 25000 ???).
I´ll see how we can change it for the next NCs.

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Re: Nationalmeisterschaften

Post by Pokemon Club » Sat Jan 25, 2014 3:26 pm

lesossies wrote:
team fl wrote:Because they just took place:

- STOP giving money and points for the NCs, please. Some NCs maybe worth doing that, but most are not. The flag has to be incentive enough.

And as a second point:

- make teams register for NCs. Not just pass by and then win it because you're the only one there online.
- make offline rules work. even if the result is that there is no national champion.
Yes, sounds not bad. although I liked the NC money (can we maybe let a symbolic prize, 25000 ???).
I´ll see how we can change it for the next NCs.
It isn't like I am against or for the money, but the national championship jersey isn't enough symbolic to add symbolic money ? I prefer 1000 times just the jersey and all riders at 1000 energy the day after than a money fight.

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