Page 33 of 94

Re: Training

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 9:40 am
by cataracs
Training 12.11.2012:
Meito Suzuki Flach: +1
Daisuke Hikita Flach: +1
Seiji Kitagawa Berg: +1
Akihito Oda Berg: +1
Etsukazu Ogi Flach: +1
Rabeh Bekri Flach: +1
Rabeh Bekri Sprint: +1

Re: Training

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 11:11 am
by IDF
Training 12.11.2012:
Willy Telavi Berg: +1
Willy Telavi Flach: +1
Gerkan Brideliu Zeit: -1
Mirciu Dopotescu Berg: +1
Mirciu Dopotescu Sprint: -1
Joey Kiripani Berg: +1
Adrian Morgou Berg: +1
Vasil Potrov Sprint: +1
Ivi Kaskov Berg: +1
Ivi Kaskov Flach: +1
Mikhail Potrov Berg: +1
Mikhail Potrov Flach: +1

Adrian youhou !

Re: Training

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 6:20 am
by Robyklebt
Training 20.11.2012:
Titus Olteanu Berg: -1
Titus Olteanu Flach: -1
Titus Olteanu Abfahrt: -1
Titus Olteanu Zeit: -1
Titus Olteanu Sprint: -1
Bang Gong Flach: -1
Bang Gong Abfahrt: -1
Markku Yrjönpoika Sprint: -1
Daiken Sekiguchi Berg: +1
Pompiliu Scodreanu Berg: +1
Fariborz Mollagholipour Flach: +1
Nicola Buttu Flach: +1
Narcisse Pellevoisin Berg: +1
Narcisse Pellevoisin Flach: +1
Titus with the next full training, he seems to enjoy that.... me less, but ok. Gong starting too. Markku another sprint. Then... Daiken! He seems to love the Andes, +2 since we're riding them. Excellent. The other plus 100% Buttu 8x. None of the leaders trains though, Trapani, Gao, Momyshuly, Legrand.... but ok, Daiken is nice too, after all he manage to go to 70 mountain.

Re: Training

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 7:17 am
by sylvainmeteo
Training 20.11.2012:
Allan MacBernick Berg: -1
Allan MacBernick Abfahrt: -1
Allan MacBernick Zeit: -1
Allan MacBernick Sprint: -1
Aleksejs Rastorgujevs Flach: +1
PerGunnar Tverendahl Flach: +1
Jaroslav Bozovic Sprint: +1
Ondrej Kapovnik Flach: +1
Wayne Griffin Abfahrt: -1
Robert Sarbek Flach: +1
Robert Sarbek Sprint: +1
Erik Hlohovsky Berg: +1
Erik Hlohovsky Flach: +1
Brad Keselowski Sprint: +1
Pavol Skvarka Flach: +1
Marek Sajbok Flach: +1

ALLAN! 8-) 39/87 now with 37!
PGT nice, Aleksejs as well, Kapo takes flat, why not
rest is ok

Re: Training

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 9:21 am
by team fl
Training 20.11.2012:
Stefan Küng Berg: -1
Stefan Küng Sprint: -1
Niels Hörnö Berg: -1
Niels Hörnö Flach: -1
Victor Fargas Flach: +1
Roy Lichtenstein Berg: +1
Roy Lichtenstein Flach: +1
Roy Lichtenstein Abfahrt: +1
Stéphane Antiga Berg: +1
Henri Bienvenu Abfahrt: -1
Kenny Banzer Flach: +1
Küng still good, Roy outstanding. Hörnö double training with 18 and 9 percent... grrr... Rest as expected, no surprise training though.

Re: Training

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 9:47 am
by AlmavivaItalia
Training 20.11.2012:
Ayrton SennaDaSilva Zeit: -1
Thomas Brathwaite Flach: -1
Thomas Brathwaite Zeit: -1
Obadele Brathwaite Berg: +1
Obadele Brathwaite Sprint: +1


Kyle jump his second consecutive training at 70%, now he remains an 80-58
Peter stops at 70-78, not so good substitute for Thomas
Ayrton stops at 69-78, also not so good substitute...

What a bad luck this months

Re: Training

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2012 6:11 am
by Robyklebt
Training 27.11.2012:
Titus Olteanu Berg: -1
Titus Olteanu Flach: -1
Titus Olteanu Abfahrt: -1
Titus Olteanu Zeit: -1
Markku Yrjönpoika Flach: -1
Michele Trapani Berg: +1
Daoquan Gao Sprint: +1
Pompiliu Scodreanu Berg: +1
Pompiliu Scodreanu Flach: +1
Fariborz Mollagholipour Flach: +1
Nicola Buttu Flach: +1
Narcisse Pellevoisin Berg: +1
Narcisse Pellevoisin Flach: +1
Excellent! First Titus does only 4 trainings this time, then... Trapani! 86, yeah! Gao 89! And Scodreanu double! No Rakhat, but Trapani is more important, so all ok.

Re: Training

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2012 7:14 am
by sylvainmeteo
Training 27.11.2012:
Allan MacBernick Berg: -1
Allan MacBernick Flach: -1
Allan MacBernick Abfahrt: -1
Allan MacBernick Sprint: -1
Dominik Vilkovik Abfahrt: -1
Dalibor Galovec Abfahrt: -1
Aleksejs Rastorgujevs Flach: +1
Jaroslav Bozovic Sprint: +1
Wayne Griffin Abfahrt: -1
Robert Sarbek Flach: +1
Robert Sarbek Sprint: +1
Erik Hlohovsky Berg: +1
Erik Hlohovsky Flach: +1
Brad Keselowski Sprint: +1
Pavol Skvarka Flach: +1

Ok, no good or bad surprise, I'm happy that Aleksejs did 16/16 in flat

Re: Training

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2012 9:40 am
by team fl
Training 27.11.2012:
Stefan Küng Flach: -1
Stefan Küng Zeit: -1
Niels Hörnö Berg: -1
Xaver Unsinn Berg: +1
Stefano Benni Berg: +1
Jean OlléOllé Zeit: -1
Victor Fargas Flach: +1
Roy Lichtenstein Berg: +1
Roy Lichtenstein Abfahrt: +1
Stéphane Antiga Berg: +1
Stéphane Antiga Flach: +1
Kenny Banzer Flach: +1
King still usable, Niels getting eager for minustraining it seems, Xaver and Stefano marvelous, Jean irrelevant, Roy almost perfect, Stéphane perfect, Kenny as expected. Wonderful.

Re: Training

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2012 10:02 am
by AlmavivaItalia
Roland Ratzenberger Flach: +1
Abel Muzorewa Berg: +1
Peter Brathwaite Berg: +1 the only one sun situation in this november training
Aaron Brathwaite Flach: +1
Thomas Brathwaite Berg: -1
Thomas Brathwaite Sprint: -1
3rd consecutive lost in mountain with a -9%. Probability of this event, 0,81% and he makes it
Obadele Brathwaite Sprint: +1
John Brathwaite Flach: +1 Flat record in team, 87

Kyle.... still 80 with 70%. Probability of the event (jump 3 consecutive trainings) 2,7% and he makes it

Now i may hypotize that, for trainings counts how many races the rider rides in his entire career

Re: Training

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2012 5:40 pm
by Team Australia
Training 27.11.2012:
Lunis Fellah Flach: -1
Percy Canaerons Berg: +1
Percy Canaerons Flach: -1
David Larkin Berg: +1
David Larkin Flach: +1
Small Team, no one really old or young, so small training.

Percy very nice, even if he downgraded another time in flat. But 69 mountain and 83 time trial with 24 now, I think he's ready for his first race :lol:

But Fellah...He didn't take mountain with 24 and he didn't do it with 25 either. That's quite bad. When I saw his name I really thought he would...

Re: Training

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 8:04 am
by Robyklebt
Training 5.12.2012:
Titus Olteanu Berg: -1
Titus Olteanu Flach: -1
Titus Olteanu Abfahrt: -1
Titus Olteanu Zeit: -1
Titus Olteanu Sprint: -1
Markku Yrjönpoika Berg: -1
Daiken Sekiguchi Berg: +1
Narcisse Pellevoisin Berg: +1
Narcisse Pellevoisin Flach: +1
Hanspeter Peterhans Berg: +1
Hanspeter Peterhans Flach: +1
Romulus Avranescu Flach: +1
Romulus Avranescu Sprint: +1
Rakhat Momyshuly Berg: +1
Titus another full downtraining... Rakhat mountain! Daiken too. Romulus refuses the triple, but ok. Buttu, Mollagholipour or Scodreanu would have been more important actually.

Re: Training

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 8:57 am
by team fl
Training 5.12.2012:
Stefan Küng Flach: -1
Stefan Küng Abfahrt: -1
Stefan Küng Zeit: -1
Stefan Küng Sprint: -1
Niels Hörnö Abfahrt: -1
Gaudenz Taverna Abfahrt: -1
Stefano Benni Zeit: -1
Roy Lichtenstein Berg: +1
Benni Büchel Flach: +1
Benni Büchel Abfahrt: +1
Stéphane Antiga Berg: +1
Küng tops everything. Not as great as Olteanu, but close.

Re: Training

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 8:59 am
by Alkworld
Training 27.10.2012 - 05.12.2012:
Eliseo Alberto Berg: -2
Eliseo Alberto Flach: -1
Eliseo Alberto Abfahrt: -2
Eliseo Alberto Zeit: -1
Eliseo Alberto Sprint: -2
Tupac Amaru Flach: -2
Tupac Amaru Abfahrt: -1
Miguel Cervantes Abfahrt: -3
Miguel Cervantes Zeit: -1

Benito Salas Zeit: -1
Benito Salas Flach: -1
Benito Salas Sprint: -2
Benito Salas Abfahrt: -1
Oscar Romero Abfahrt: -1
Eloy Alfaro Berg: +1
Eloy Alfaro Zeit: -1
Bernardo OHiggins Berg: +1
Esteban Echeverria Abfahrt: -1
Juan Montalvo Abfahrt: -1
Juan Montalvo Zeit: -1
Jorge CarreraAndrade Berg: +1
Jorge CarreraAndrade Abfahrt: -1
Jorge CarreraAndrade Zeit: -1
Jaime Roldos Flach: +3
Jaime Roldos Zeit: -1
Francisco Santander Berg: +6
Caetano Veloso Berg: +6
Caetano Veloso Flach: +3
Federico GarciaLorca Berg: +5
Federico GarciaLorca Flach: +5
Carlos Cespedes Berg: +1
Carlos Cespedes Flach: +1
These are the last six training session summarized. Highlights include Cervantes (now 35), who turned into the manager's favorite rider recently and became quite successful in his late years. The young classic riders Santander, Veloso and GarciaLorca are all doing well until now, the middle aged ones (Costales and CarreraAndrade) are still incredibly bad, but one rider seems to be completely absent. Don Quijote is trying to become the youngest member ever in the "Club der Trainingsverweigerer", missed out already seven times while just being 25 years old.

Re: Training

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 10:07 am
by sylvainmeteo
Training 5.12.2012:
Shane Hmiel Berg: +1
Shane Hmiel Flach: +1
Allan MacBernick Flach: -1
Allan MacBernick Abfahrt: -1
Allan MacBernick Zeit: -1
Allan MacBernick Sprint: -1
Vasja Rupnik Zeit: -1
Dalibor Galovec Zeit: -1
Jaroslav Bozovic Flach: +1
John Sowerby Zeit: +1
Robert Sarbek Flach: +1
Robert Sarbek Sprint: +1
Erik Hlohovsky Berg: +1
Erik Hlohovsky Flach: +1
Pavol Skvarka Flach: +1

No Brad, Sowerby missed 83% flat, Allan loses everything except mountain, Erik good, and some classics don't want TT ^^
Jaroslav takes in flat instead of sprint, why not
really average training

Re: Training

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 1:17 pm
by IDF
Training 5.12.2012:
Willy Telavi Berg: +1
Joey Kiripani Berg: +1
Joey Kiripani Abfahrt: -1
Adrian Morgou Berg: +1
Ivi Kaskov Flach: +1
Mikhail Potrov Berg: +1
Mikhail Potrov Flach: +1

Adrian 73-80 26 years-old.. OMG.

Re: Training

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 1:48 am
by cataracs
Training 12.12.2012:
Youcef Dziri Flach: +1
Daisuke Hikita Berg: +1
Seiji Kitagawa Berg: +1
Hikaru Toyotomi Flach: +1
Akihito Oda Berg: +1
Etsukazu Ogi Berg: +1
Rabeh Bekri Flach: +1
Sasuke Uchiwa Berg: +1
Sasuke Uchiwa Flach: +1
Arnow want to finish his carrer by winning the Alk's tour it seems :- )

Re: Training

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 1:55 am
by Team Australia
Training 12.12.2012:
Deniz Gezmis Berg: +1
Deniz Gezmis Zeit: +1

Re: Training

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 2:00 am
by cataracs
Team Australia wrote:
Training 12.12.2012:
Deniz Gezmis Berg: +1
Deniz Gezmis Zeit: +1
Are you sure you copied all ?

Re: Training

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 8:47 am
by IDF
Training 12.12.2012:
Willy Telavi Berg: +1
Willy Telavi Flach: +1
Gerkan Brideliu Zeit: -1
Joey Kiripani Berg: +1
Mirko Shalamanov Flach: +1
Vasil Potrov Sprint: +1
Ivi Kaskov Flach: +1
Mikhail Potrov Berg: +1
Mikhail Potrov Flach: +1
Cekian Noakiu Abfahrt: -1

No Ergan,Adrian,Mirciu and Bogdan.. but Vasil , Joey and Mirko , not bad.

Re: Training

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 10:04 am
by sylvainmeteo
Training 12.12.2012:
Shane Hmiel Berg: +1
Shane Hmiel Flach: +1
Allan MacBernick Berg: -1
Allan MacBernick Flach: -1
Allan MacBernick Abfahrt: -1
Allan MacBernick Zeit: -1
Allan MacBernick Sprint: -1
Bert Waalwijk Zeit: -1
Vasja Rupnik Abfahrt: -1
Aleksejs Rastorgujevs Flach: +1
PerGunnar Tverendahl Abfahrt: -1
John Sowerby Flach: +1
John Sowerby Zeit: +1
Robert Sarbek Flach: +1
Robert Sarbek Abfahrt: +1
Erik Hlohovsky Berg: +1
Erik Hlohovsky Flach: +1
Brad Keselowski Sprint: +1
Pavol Skvarka Flach: +1
Marek Sajbok Flach: +1

Excellent for Aleksejs, Brad and especially Erik with 6 dobles in a row Sajbok is waking up, no problem for Shane

Re: Training

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 10:19 am
by team fl
Training 12.12.2012:
Stefan Küng Berg: -1
Stefan Küng Flach: -1
Stefan Küng Abfahrt: -1
Stefan Küng Zeit: -1
Niels Hörnö Berg: -1
Niels Hörnö Abfahrt: -1
Niels Hörnö Zeit: -1
Harry Hole Berg: -1
Harry Hole Zeit: -1
Gaudenz Taverna Berg: -1
Gaudenz Taverna Abfahrt: -1
Stefano Benni Flach: +1
Kari Steinsson Berg: +1
Victor Fargas Flach: +1
Roy Lichtenstein Berg: +1
Benni Büchel Flach: +1
Benni Büchel Abfahrt: +1
Stéphane Antiga Berg: +1
Kenny Banzer Flach: +1
Küng, Hörnö and Hole seem to give up their efforts to stay in shape, while Stefano, Kari, Victory, Kenny, Roy, Benni and Stéphane keep up the spirit.

Re: Training

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 10:31 am
by Robyklebt
Training 12.12.2012:
Titus Olteanu Berg: -1
Titus Olteanu Flach: -1
Titus Olteanu Abfahrt: -1
Titus Olteanu Zeit: -1
Titus Olteanu Sprint: -1
Bang Gong Abfahrt: -1
Markku Yrjönpoika Berg: -1
Markku Yrjönpoika Flach: -1
Michele Trapani Berg: +1
Fariborz Mollagholipour Flach: +1
Narcisse Pellevoisin Berg: +1
Narcisse Pellevoisin Flach: +1
Hanspeter Peterhans Berg: +1
Hanspeter Peterhans Flach: +1
Romulus Avranescu Berg: +1
Romulus Avranescu Flach: +1
Romulus Avranescu Sprint: +1
Rakhat Momyshuly Berg: +1
Titus for a change with the full program. The young ones convince fully this time, Peterhans double, Avranescu triple, Narcisse double, Fariborz flat and Rakhat mountain! Ok, the 2 other 24 year olds, Buttu and Scodreanu take another break, but Trapani mountain definetly makes up for that! Ape happy!

Re: Training

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 11:21 am
by Robyklebt
Training 20.12.2012:
Titus Olteanu Flach: -1
Titus Olteanu Abfahrt: -1
Titus Olteanu Zeit: -1
Titus Olteanu Sprint: -1
Markku Yrjönpoika Abfahrt: -1
Markku Yrjönpoika Sprint: -1
Daiken Sekiguchi Berg: +1
Pompiliu Scodreanu Berg: +1
Narcisse Pellevoisin Berg: +1
Victor Villa Flach: +1
Hanspeter Peterhans Berg: +1
Hanspeter Peterhans Flach: +1
Romulus Avranescu Flach: +1
Romulus Avranescu Sprint: +1
Titus only 4 this time, good! Daiken going crazy still, +4 mountain in the last 7 trainings. Victor convincing in the first training, Fariborz still not, but the other guy who had 0 so far in December restarts, Scodreanu. Buttu... ok, I try mountain again maybe, still don't know what he should train. Peterhans good, Avranescu no mountain, but 2 is ok, Narcisse no flat, but ok too.

Re: Training

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 5:22 am
by Robyklebt
Training 27.12.2012:
Titus Olteanu Berg: -1
Titus Olteanu Flach: -1
Titus Olteanu Abfahrt: -1
Titus Olteanu Zeit: -1
Titus Olteanu Sprint: -1
Bang Gong Zeit: -1
Markku Yrjönpoika Berg: -1
Markku Yrjönpoika Abfahrt: -1
Pompiliu Scodreanu Berg: +1
Nicola Buttu Flach: +1
Narcisse Pellevoisin Berg: +1
Narcisse Pellevoisin Flach: +1
Victor Villa Flach: +1
Hanspeter Peterhans Berg: +1
Hanspeter Peterhans Flach: +1
Romulus Avranescu Flach: +1
Titus 5 again. Buttu finally something, Villa flat, very good. Narcisse double again, now 7 of 8, good. Peterhans nice, Pompiliu very while Romulus likes flat. Fariborz again not training, obviously not happy with Victor joining the team.