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Re: Training

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 7:15 am
by Wookie
Training 5.3.2010:
Corey Barlow Berg: +1
Timothan Andersson Flach: +1

Han Soloo Berg: -1
Ernest Roulant Abfahrt: -1
Milos Kukan Zeit: -1
Shiva Kadeer Berg: +1

Re: Training

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 8:08 am
by Robyklebt
Training 5.3.2010:
Stefano Uzielli Berg: +1
Dario Erioli Flach: -1
Dario Erioli Sprint: -1
Septimiu Berlogea Berg: +1
Iordan Duculescu Flach: +1
So ein Pech, so ein Pech

Re: Training

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 8:48 am
by el Galactico
Training 5.3.2010:
Jérome LeBusquet Berg: +1
Jérome LeBusquet Flach: +1
Adriano Perreira Berg: +1
Adriano Perreira Flach: +1
Jorge Felicandes Berg: +1
Alejandro DeLaTorre Berg: +1
Alejandro DeLaTorre Flach: +1
Ignacio Castillo Berg: +1

Excellent training for me!! Castillo! Braaten!! Felicandes! Good! DeLaTorre and LeBusquet standard trainings. Perreira with great double training, like to have that 3 other times this month.

Re: Training

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 9:38 am
by Strohhutbande
Sergio LeonelAgüero Berg: +1
Ricardo dosSantosLeite Berg: +1
Marcélo daSilvaJunior Flach: +1
Romario deSouzaFaria Flach: +1
Arthur AntunesCoimbra Flach: +1
Arthur AntunesCoimbra Abfahrt: +1
Gabriel OmarBatistuta Abfahrt: -1
Renato SoaresDeAugusto Abfahrt: -1
Renato SoaresDeAugusto Zeit: -1

Sergio, Ricardo,Marcélo,Romario and Arthur okay
Gabriel is not too bad
Renato is quiet bad he will leave the team in this month
Where is Adriano he should train mountain or sprint!!!

Re: Training

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 10:18 am
by Alkworld
Training 5.3.2010:
Jose Bonifacio Flach: +1
Jose Bonifacio Abfahrt: +1
Carlos Gardel Berg: +1
Carlos Gardel Flach: +1
Esteban Trueba Sprint: +1
Chico Buarque Flach: -1
Chico Buarque Zeit: -1
Chico Buarque Sprint: -1
Gilberto Gil Berg: -1
JorgeLuis Borges Berg: -1
JorgeLuis Borges Zeit: -1
JorgeLuis Borges Sprint: -1
Pablo Neruda Sprint: -1
Getulio Vargas Berg: +1
Getulio Vargas Flach: +1
Francisco Madero Berg: +1
The young ones all very nice, particularly Vargas, the old ones a bit disappointing, particularly Gil, who loses climbing with only 4%. The highlight however is Trueba, who took 1% sprint, which he actually doesn't need (climbing would have been more important), but can be useful in future too.

Re: Training

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 12:56 pm
by Bear
Training 5.3.2010:
Angelo Pagani Berg: +1
Cal Clutterbuck Zeit: +1
Kris Holm Flach: +1
Kris Holm Zeit: +1
Drew Bezanson Berg: +1
Drew Bezanson Flach: +1
Matthew Bearclaw Flach: +1
Juha Salminen Berg: +1
Juha Salminen Zeit: +1
Steve Romaniuk Berg: +1
Very good training. Would be perfect if Matt had trained Climb instead of Flat. But anyway, good that he even trained.

Angelo: very nice, now 71-80
Cal: on the way, now 82 TT
Kris: double, did his job perfectly
Drew: double, good start for the classic helper, he can go on like this
Juha: double, wow, didn't expect this, will be perfect for the Giro team
Steve: takes climb, that's fine

Unfortunately, Greg doesn't like to train. Too bad for him and his salary demand^^

Re: Training

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 1:12 pm
by Gera
Training 5.3.2010:
Keith Warham Berg: +1
Matthew Jennings Berg: +1
Matthew Jennings Flach: +1
Kalle Svanbäck Berg: -1
Kalle Svanbäck Flach: -1
Kalle Svanbäck Abfahrt: -1
Kalle Svanbäck Zeit: -1
Kalle Svanbäck Sprint: -1
Nkunulego Duma Flach: +1
Clayton Rhodes Flach: +1
Cayetano Paredes Flach: +1
Timothy Witherspoon Flach: -1
Derrick Reynolds Flach: -1
Jennings Doppeltraining Pflicht, von den Klassikern trainiert wenigstens Warham wieder einmal Berg. Rhodes Flach auch nicht schlecht, Berg wäre schöner gewesen, aber wir wollen mal auf dem Boden bleiben. Reynolds und Witherspoon trainieren jeweils nur Flach ab, auch okay. Alles in allem schon in Ordnung so.

Re: Training

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 2:09 pm
by team fl
Training 5.3.2010:
Alex Goop Abfahrt: -1
Ronny Beck Berg: +1
Ronny Beck Flach: +1
Nico Goop Berg: +1
Lorenz Dürr Sprint: +1
Daniel Clavadetscher Flach: +1
not so bad. goop and dürr quite good. de worde and nederlof may train their flat skill a bit more often... grmpf. but at least alex is still a fighting machine with 35.

Re: Training

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 4:13 pm
by Zauberlehrling
Training 5.3.2010:
Remo Bangerter Berg: +1
Christian Läderach Berg: +1
Jonas Maurer Berg: +1
Didier Chatelain Berg: +1
Didier Chatelain Flach: +1

Re: Training

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 5:44 pm
by olmania
Training 5.3.2010:
Gabriel Grandlac Berg: -1
Gabriel Grandlac Abfahrt: -1
Gabriel Grandlac Sprint: -1
Arturo Vencho Berg: +1
Timothée Lhotellerie Berg: +1
Julien Vican Flach: +1
Benoit Chellis Berg: +1
Benoit Chellis Flach: +1
Bae JiJoon Abfahrt: -1
Alinmoer Steryov Flach: -1
Alinmoer Steryov Zeit: -1
Bad Horacio, no training, impossible to go to 88flat now i think. Gabi is old, bad. Vican is a fucking badboy^^, like Bae. Alinmoer, ok, old dude. And, Arturo and Timothée are good, ouf !

Re: Training

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 5:54 pm
by Krom
Training 5.3.2010:
Francesco Silvao Berg: -1
Francesco Silvao Zeit: -1
Michal Fousek Berg: +1
Michal Fousek Flach: +1
Franco Medici Berg: +1
Franco Medici Zeit: +1
Rafael Dahan Abfahrt: +1
Garcia Perez Berg: -1
Not realy good, but it's ok.

Re: Training

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 8:21 pm
by Chense
Training 5.3.2010:
Rolf Seiler Berg: +1
Thomas Ester Berg: +1
nice now 65-82 and 64-77

Raffael Dosenknecht Berg: +1
Raffael Dosenknecht Flach: +1
on 52-76 now
Antonio Carrio Flach: +1
56-79 is ok
Lars Greffener Berg: +1
Lars Greffener Flach: +1
Salvatore Riina Berg: +1
Salvatore Riina Flach: +1
55-74 and 54-74 well they are young and new :)
Salvatore DiGaetano Berg: +1
Salvatore DiGaetano Sprint: +1
The new young star 56 mountain and 66 sprint
Salvatore Contorno Sprint: +1
our "pseudo"-sprinter now 85 sprint
Casper Elstrup Abfahrt: -1
Boba Fett Zeit: -1
Not bad :)

Train was okay

Re: Training

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 8:23 pm
by Aixteam
Training 5.3.2010:
Julien Lizeroux Sprint: -1
Pierre Martin Zeit: -1
Pierre Martin Sprint: -1
Roby Sheringham Berg: +1
Martin Tissot Berg: +1
Kilian Degre Berg: -1
Kilian Degre Sprint: -1
Alberto Marchino Flach: +1
Ernesto Vega Sprint: +1
Edgar Grospiron Berg: +1
Edgar Grospiron Flach: +1
Adrien Dalcin Berg: +1
Not so bad , just ok

Re: Training

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 5:23 pm
by US Radler
Training 5.3.2010:
Achmed Coraya Berg: +1
Achmed Coraya Flach: +1
Tom DeClercq Berg: +1
Tom DeClercq Flach: +1
Frank DeClercq Berg: +1
Muhammed Khelo Berg: +1
Muhammed Khelo Flach: +1
Jessica Parker Abfahrt: -1
Eddy Planckaert Sprint: +1
Abraham Trola Berg: +1

nice training, really nice 8-)

Re: Training

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 1:44 am
by el Galactico
Training 12.3.2010:
Edson Barroso Flach: +1
Luiz Foguete Berg: +1
Luiz Foguete Zeit: -1
Diego DelRios Flach: +1
Jorge Felicandes Berg: +1
Jérome LeBusquet Berg: +1
Jérome LeBusquet Flach: +1
Adriano Perreira Berg: +1
Adriano Perreira Flach: +1
Alejandro DeLaTorre Flach: +1

DeLaTorre with no mountain, really bad this guy, no has to become a 80-70 :(
The rest is simply perfect, but this is crap...

Re: Training

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 1:48 am
by Zentaron
Collin Caltapang Berg: +1
Collin Caltapang Flach: +1
Javier Negocioso Berg: -1
Javier Negocioso Abfahrt: -1
Adam Attapattu Flach: +1
Logi Geirsson Flach: -1
Logi Geirsson Abfahrt: -1
Logi Geirsson Sprint: -1

stupid training, no sprinters who gain some sprintpoints, Logi losing another flatskill, other riders don't win flatskills, except when they are at 100%
and if it's going on so, there will be maybe a Giro without Javier -.-

stupid training, really really stupid - bah

Re: Training

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 1:51 am
by Rockstar Inc
Training 12.3.2010:
Leigh Howard Flach: +1
Dylan Sanders Berg: +1
Brian Anderson Abfahrt: -1
Brian Anderson Sprint: -1
Marc Reign Flach: +1
Marc Reign Sprint: +1
Sam Bewley Flach: +1
Andreas Stauff Flach: +1
Andreas Stauff Sprint: +1
Blaise Rogeau Flach: +1
Anthony Black Zeit: -1
Licht und Schatten

Light and shadow

Re: Training

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 2:13 am
by Bear
Training 12.3.2010:
Blair Morgan Berg: +1
Blair Morgan Sprint: -1
Steve Romaniuk Berg: +1
Steve Romaniuk Flach: +1
Cal Clutterbuck Zeit: +1
Kris Holm Flach: +1
Kris Holm Zeit: +1
Drew Bezanson Berg: +1
Drew Bezanson Flach: +1
Juha Salminen Berg: +1
Nice training again. Matthew and Angelo are allowed to take a break. Only Greg is going on my nerves. The rest is just perfect.

Blair: takes another mountain, and throw away a useless point of sprint-skill
Steve: takes 80% mountain and 8% flat, I need more of that lucky guys
Cal: U23 CLM World Championships one "year" too early, pffft, who cares???
Kris: like I want him, 70 flat is ok, now he can train to be a good TTT helper
Drew: Perfect after two training sessions. he has to go on like this
Juha: another mountain, I didn't expect this, but useful

Re: Training

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 2:37 am
by NoPikouze
Training 12.3.2010:
Pape Diouff Abfahrt: -1
Lars Huizinga Berg: +1
Lee Sangho Flach: +1
Kim JooSung Berg: +1
Kim JooSung Flach: +1
Peter Keko Flach: +1

Lars WHERE THE HELL IS THE TT +1 ?! 90% man... :evil: NOT TWICE BRO
Lee takes one with around 50% on berg and flat.
Kim takes both with 25-30% 8-)

Re: Training

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 5:27 am
by Lizard
Training 12.3.2010:
Adam Wollfinger Berg: -1
Adam Wollfinger Sprint: -1
Nicolas LaCroix Flach: +1
Ndale Mbeki Berg: +1
Ndale Mbeki Flach: +1
Jaroslav Jendl Berg: +1
Bastiaan Beijssens Berg: +1
Bastiaan Beijssens Flach: +1
Joost Berkefeldt Flach: +1
Really getting on my nerves... Jes, Jendl is a good man when it gets to training, but... well, Adam old, no problem. Basil doesn´t have to, but Kato was someone I hoped for another training in a shorter time. Still 13% at mountain.. nevermind. Vermaart very disappointing after the good first 12 trainings. 87 should be still doable this month, I hope. LaCroix fine, Mbeki aswell. Laviniere... hey, twice no 66%. Seriously dude, you´re going to be fired if this goes on.

Re: Training

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 8:14 am
by Robyklebt
Training 12.3.2010:
Ouyang Feng Zeit: +1
Iordan Duculescu Flach: +1
Stefano Uzielli Flach: +1
Dario Erioli Abfahrt: -1
Dario Erioli Zeit: -1
Septimiu Berlogea Berg: +1
Xenocrate Nedelcu Abfahrt: -1
So ein Pech, so ein Pech

Re: Training

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 9:19 am
by team fl
roby die alte pechmarie. beim team fl eindeutig kuriosestes training ever (allerdings nicht schlecht):
Training 12.3.2010:
Nico Goop Berg: +1
Severino Nicolosi Abfahrt: +1
Severino Nicolosi Sprint: +1
William deWorde Sprint: +1
Lorenz Dürr Sprint: +1
Alex Goop Flach: -1
Alex Goop Sprint: -1
Ronny Beck Berg: +1
Ronny Beck Flach: +1
Guus Nederlof Berg: +1
Daniel Clavadetscher Flach: +1
Nico Goop trainiert eigentlich Flach...
Nicolosi trainiert eigentlich Berg...
DeWorde trainiert eigentlich Falch...
Nederlof trainiert eigentlich Flach...

Re: Training

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 9:35 am
by Alkworld
Training 12.3.2010:
Jose Bonifacio Berg: +1
Jose Bonifacio Flach: +1
Jose Bonifacio Abfahrt: +1
Carlos Gardel Berg: +1
Carlos Gardel Flach: +1
Miguel Hidalgo Berg: +1
Getulio Vargas Berg: +1
Francisco Madero Berg: +1
Diego Rivera Berg: +1
Esteban Trueba Berg: +1
Great training! Madero, Vargas, Bonifacio and Carlos are young, training as expected. But Hidalgo good, finally reached 71, Alkworld classic rider maximum! Trueba and Rivera just perfect, the two big leaders of the team both go up in climbing. Could almost not be better!

Re: Training

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 9:37 am
by Gera
Training 12.3.2010:
Clayton Rhodes Berg: +1
Cayetano Paredes Berg: +1
Cayetano Paredes Flach: +1
Cayetano Paredes Abfahrt: +1
Nkunulego Duma Flach: +1
Timothy Witherspoon Abfahrt: -1
Derrick Reynolds Zeit: -1
Derrick Reynolds Sprint: -1
Bongani Ngumla Berg: -1
Bongani Ngumla Zeit: -1
Matthew Jennings Berg: +1
Matthew Jennings Flach: +1
Kalle Svanbäck Berg: -1
Kalle Svanbäck Flach: -1
Kalle Svanbäck Abfahrt: -1
Kalle Svanbäck Zeit: -1
Kalle Svanbäck Sprint: -1
Cameron Hynes Berg: +1
Rhodes wieder Berg, jetzt 89 ... guter Junge! Derrick trainiert "nur" Sprint und Zeit ab und Timothy nur Abfahrt - alles im grünen Bereich! Paredes sogar 3fach-Training, 1mal 100% und 2mal um die 30%, Jennings doppelt auch Pflicht und Hynes trainert auch wieder mal Berg. Der Rest war zu erwarten ...

Re: Training

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 9:52 am
by flockmastoR
Training 12.3.2010:
Lorenz Lindelöf Berg: +1
Christian Bikon Zeit: -1
Johann Bernoulli Berg: +1
Nikolaus Bernoulli Berg: +1
Nikolaus Bernoulli Zeit: +1
Benoit Mandelbrot Flach: +1
Ernst Lindelöf Berg: +1
Tino Jokic Berg: +1
Bis auf das flachtraining Benoits nur die Pflichtsachen gekommen. Grothendieck lässt auch erstmal sprint aus :?