Nationenkomitee / Nations Committee

Non-technical discussions about RSF-riders and teams.

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Re: Nationenkomitee / Nations Committee

Post by CircleCycle » Tue Jul 04, 2017 1:06 pm

you got the source, you can watch this

where the guy is obviously representing Czechoslovakia

and as I use ~75% fictional characters for my riders and for example Auric Goldfinger was no problem I expect the same for this rider. After all, I didn't choose a bond-villain before checking the facts and if I could at least provide some sources.

team fl
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Re: Nationenkomitee / Nations Committee

Post by team fl » Tue Jul 04, 2017 1:14 pm

CircleCycle wrote:you got the source, you can watch this

where the guy is obviously representing Czechoslovakia

and as I use ~75% fictional characters for my riders and for example Auric Goldfinger was no problem I expect the same for this rider. After all, I didn't choose a bond-villain before checking the facts and if I could at least provide some sources.
A movie is not a serious source... esp. a James Bond movie (very weird names...).

I really thought you would give it a more serious try. Anyway I will give you a hint: Kronsteen is obviously a jewish name or a name from jewish origin. So can you find names with the suffix -steen in the Czech Republik or in Slovakia? Try that :)

Edith adds that Steen is "Niederdeutsch" vor Stein (Stone)
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

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Re: Nationenkomitee / Nations Committee

Post by CircleCycle » Tue Jul 04, 2017 1:21 pm

So if a jew wants to be czech or slovak he has to adapt his name? Serious?

team fl
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Re: Nationenkomitee / Nations Committee

Post by team fl » Tue Jul 04, 2017 1:25 pm

CircleCycle wrote:So if a jew wants to be czech or slovak he has to adapt his name? Serious?
No, I didn't say that. You wander from the subject and lose yourself in details. Anyway. I didn't reject the nationality for your rider. I only tried to help you find a way to get it back. Now it's up to you.
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

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Re: Nationenkomitee / Nations Committee

Post by CircleCycle » Tue Jul 04, 2017 1:38 pm

You are helping, haha....
by ignoring what I posted? By bringing senseless suggestions? What do you want to prove?
Once again, I checked carefully before giving him a name and nation. And since you allowed Auric Goldfinger... you made a case for fictional bond villains

The guy who made him stateless was Wookie, but since you wouldn't agree anyway, no matter which source I bring, it is hopeless case most probably.

team fl
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Re: Nationenkomitee / Nations Committee

Post by team fl » Tue Jul 04, 2017 1:50 pm

CircleCycle wrote:You are helping, haha....
by ignoring what I posted? By bringing senseless suggestions? What do you want to prove?
Once again, I checked carefully before giving him a name and nation. And since you allowed Auric Goldfinger... you made a case for fictional bond villains

The guy who made him stateless was Wookie, but since you wouldn't agree anyway, no matter which source I bring, it is hopeless case most probably.
I don't ignore what you have posted. Tov Kronsteen is clearly a fictional charakter who was given the the Czech nationality by Ian Fleming. It's made up. Hence in my opinion you can't argue that his name sounds realistic for the Czech Republic if you ONLY refer to the movie this fictional character plays a role in, a movie, that uses several unrealistic names. No matter what kind of other names have been accepted in the past because of other reasons (f.e. Goldfinger sounds German, Kronsteen doesn't sound czech). So if you don't come up with a better argumentation, at least I won't change anything about it. Maybe Wookie does. And just because I don't see your point doesn't mean that it won't be accepted eventually.
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

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Re: Nationenkomitee / Nations Committee

Post by CircleCycle » Wed Jul 05, 2017 12:35 pm

team fl wrote:
CircleCycle wrote:You are helping, haha....
by ignoring what I posted? By bringing senseless suggestions? What do you want to prove?
Once again, I checked carefully before giving him a name and nation. And since you allowed Auric Goldfinger... you made a case for fictional bond villains

The guy who made him stateless was Wookie, but since you wouldn't agree anyway, no matter which source I bring, it is hopeless case most probably.
I don't ignore what you have posted. Tov Kronsteen is clearly a fictional charakter who was given the the Czech nationality by Ian Fleming. It's made up. Hence in my opinion you can't argue that his name sounds realistic for the Czech Republic if you ONLY refer to the movie this fictional character plays a role in, a movie, that uses several unrealistic names. No matter what kind of other names have been accepted in the past because of other reasons (f.e. Goldfinger sounds German, Kronsteen doesn't sound czech). So if you don't come up with a better argumentation, at least I won't change anything about it. Maybe Wookie does. And just because I don't see your point doesn't mean that it won't be accepted eventually.
I understand your point, but definitely do not agree, especially with the Goldfinger case. Fictional character, Bond villain, "Auric" - what a name :)
And while we had the point already cleared, that Kronsteen isn't a typically Czechoslovakian (yes, i know, but reffering to the novel/movie), that doesn't mean he can't be citizen of this country.
So, waiting for Wookie to comment on this....

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Re: Nationenkomitee / Nations Committee

Post by kielgy » Wed Jul 05, 2017 3:47 pm

team fl wrote:
kielgy wrote:Heeeeyyyy :-)

und Buuuh, der gute Leon ist doch Däne... Ich habe fast alle Namen von HT übernommen , wäre doch super, wenn die auch die daher zugeordneten Nationalitäten behalten dürften, oder??

Bist du selber noch bei HT ??

Hat sich ja nicht sooo viel verändert hier im game auf den ersten Blick :-)

Lg, Patrick
Ja Hallo und herzlich willkommen zurück

Bin schon seit mehreren Jahren nicht mehr bei HT. Zum Fahrer: Bitte kurz im NC-Thread den Antrag stellen, den guten Leon wieder zum Dänen zu machen. Mit entsprechender Begründung. Weiss allerdings nicht, ob da HT reicht ;).

Beste Grüsse, FL
Tue ich hiermit mal :-)

Hallo zusammen. Ich habe den Grossteil meines Teams nach spielern bei Hattrick benannt. Dort sind dementsprechend auch die nationen zugeordnet und ich würde mich freuen, wenn ich diese auch 1:1 so übernehmen darf :-)

Also wäre es echt super, wenn Leon Biebertal wieder Däne werden darf :-)

Lg, Kielgy
Team Erkrath RS 8)

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Re: Nationenkomitee / Nations Committee

Post by Wookie » Fri Jul 07, 2017 2:55 pm

CircleCycle wrote:Tov Kronsteen ... k_Sheybal)
Pass is on the way.

team fl
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Re: Nationenkomitee / Nations Committee

Post by team fl » Mon Jul 10, 2017 9:53 am

kielgy wrote:
team fl wrote:
kielgy wrote:Heeeeyyyy :-)

und Buuuh, der gute Leon ist doch Däne... Ich habe fast alle Namen von HT übernommen , wäre doch super, wenn die auch die daher zugeordneten Nationalitäten behalten dürften, oder??

Bist du selber noch bei HT ??

Hat sich ja nicht sooo viel verändert hier im game auf den ersten Blick :-)

Lg, Patrick
Ja Hallo und herzlich willkommen zurück

Bin schon seit mehreren Jahren nicht mehr bei HT. Zum Fahrer: Bitte kurz im NC-Thread den Antrag stellen, den guten Leon wieder zum Dänen zu machen. Mit entsprechender Begründung. Weiss allerdings nicht, ob da HT reicht ;).

Beste Grüsse, FL
Tue ich hiermit mal :-)

Hallo zusammen. Ich habe den Grossteil meines Teams nach spielern bei Hattrick benannt. Dort sind dementsprechend auch die nationen zugeordnet und ich würde mich freuen, wenn ich diese auch 1:1 so übernehmen darf :-)

Also wäre es echt super, wenn Leon Biebertal wieder Däne werden darf :-)

Lg, Kielgy
Should be okay now.
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

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Re: Nationenkomitee / Nations Committee

Post by Chense » Mon Jul 10, 2017 8:25 pm

Hey guys ... my new rider "Paul Sauter" got the danish nationality due to an mistake ... please trottel him and give me the change to give him his right nation (germany)


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Re: Nationenkomitee / Nations Committee

Post by Wookie » Tue Jul 11, 2017 9:16 am

Chense wrote:Hey guys ... my new rider "Paul Sauter" got the danish nationality due to an mistake ... please trottel him and give me the change to give him his right nation (germany)

Therefore he has to be in your team :P

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Re: Nationenkomitee / Nations Committee

Post by Chense » Tue Jul 11, 2017 8:16 pm

Wookie wrote:
Chense wrote:Hey guys ... my new rider "Paul Sauter" got the danish nationality due to an mistake ... please trottel him and give me the change to give him his right nation (germany)

Therefore he has to be in your team :P
Ah sorry :P forgot that youth riders wont show up for trotteling :P so i will come back later ^^

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Re: Nationenkomitee / Nations Committee

Post by RP KMT » Thu Jul 27, 2017 6:39 pm

Sehr geehrter Herr Rapid Vitesse

"Hildor Hansen"

siehe Position 96. Immerhin 8804x in Schweden vorhanden? Werden die jetzt alle ausgewiesen ... und wohin?
Norddeutschland? Dänemark? neuer Staat? VHS= Vereinigte hansische Staaten? Hanesien?

Geht mir langsam dezent aufn Sack mich hier ständig zu rechtfertigen!!! Seit mal nen bisl lockerer!!!

Gruß KMT

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Re: Nationenkomitee / Nations Committee

Post by team fl » Thu Jul 27, 2017 7:21 pm

Sei du mal ein bisschen lockerer. Hat dich jetzt sicher Stunden gekostet, das kurz zu posten. Du hast den Aufwand für einen Fahrer pro Monat, falss überhaupt. Bei uns sinds ein paar mehr. Da kann es schon mal vorkommen, das man eine falsche Entscheidung trifft. Sicherlich ärgerlich für dich, das es einige deiner Fahrer getroffen hat. Aber kein Grund, hier so aufzutreten.

Abgesehen davon sind wir immer froh um den Input der User und ein gewisses Mass an Verständnis.

Long story short: Pass ist spätestens ab morgen unterwegs mit den üblichen drei Tagen Wartezeit.

Und übrigens: Rapid Vitesse ist kein deutschsprachiger Spieler. Hence, sorry for the German, but it has been easier to communicate in this case.

Edith meint einfach als Nationalität nochmals Schweden auswählen. Geht schneller. Obwohl ich nicht übel Lust hätte, den Fahrer einfach staatenlos zu machen. Aus Gründen. Aber wir sind ja zivilisiert und machen sowas nicht, wie z.B. freiwillige Helfer wegen "echten" Problemen doof anzumachen.
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

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Re: Nationenkomitee / Nations Committee

Post by Robyklebt » Thu Jul 27, 2017 8:04 pm

RP KMT wrote:Sehr geehrter Herr Rapid Vitesse

"Hildor Hansen"

siehe Position 96. Immerhin 8804x in Schweden vorhanden? Werden die jetzt alle ausgewiesen ... und wohin?
Norddeutschland? Dänemark? neuer Staat? VHS= Vereinigte hansische Staaten? Hanesien?

Geht mir langsam dezent aufn Sack mich hier ständig zu rechtfertigen!!! Seit mal nen bisl lockerer!!!

Gruß KMT
Seid, not seit.
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Re: Nationenkomitee / Nations Committee

Post by RP KMT » Thu Jul 27, 2017 9:47 pm

Ja ok FL,

bin da wohl etwas übers Ziel hinausgeschossen. Ist doch aber auch für euch einfachen wenn wirklich nur Grenzfälle geändert werden. Das ein Carlos nicht nach Norwegen past schon klar.
Von den wahren Trotteln ganz zu schweigen.

Sorry nochmal ...

@Klebt ... Solange dein Affe keine Rechtschreibkurse anbietet werde ich es nie lernen ;)

team fl
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Re: Nationenkomitee / Nations Committee

Post by team fl » Fri Jul 28, 2017 8:47 am

RP KMT wrote:Ja ok FL,

bin da wohl etwas übers Ziel hinausgeschossen. Ist doch aber auch für euch einfachen wenn wirklich nur Grenzfälle geändert werden. Das ein Carlos nicht nach Norwegen past schon klar.
Von den wahren Trotteln ganz zu schweigen.

Sorry nochmal ...
Dankeschön, passt ja jetzt (ich hab schon auf OK geklickt, braucht nur noch zwei weitere). Und der Link kommt auf jeden Fall in unsere Sammlung :).

Gruss, FL
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

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Re: Nationenkomitee / Nations Committee

Post by Robyklebt » Fri Jul 28, 2017 9:03 am

Möchte übrigens noch wissen warum ein Carlos nicht nach Norwegen passen soll.

Unten bei Navnesøk "Carlos" eingeben, dann kommt "Det er 605 menn som har Carlos som første fornavn" Was das genau heisst nicht klar, könnte von "Big Donkey ist ein Idiot" bis "605 Männer (inkl. Bübchen) haben Carlos als Vornamen" oder was in der Art alles heissen.
Wie viele davon Norweger sind keine Ahnung, aber den Carlos einfach so als Norweger zu disqualifizieren ist doch etwas gewagt.
Kraftsystemrevision! Include the distance!
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Don't punish bugusers. We all have to use bugs, since most of them are declared as "features"!

team fl
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Re: Nationenkomitee / Nations Committee

Post by team fl » Fri Jul 28, 2017 9:45 am

Edith meint (an mich gerichtet), erst lesen, dann posten. (Obwohl das Gegenteil auch lustig sein kann...)
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

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Re: Nationenkomitee / Nations Committee

Post by color-code » Sun Aug 06, 2017 1:13 pm

Hi my new rider "diego greivin" diego is most popular name in costa rice and greivin to so i don't see thiis problem...
can you give me this nationality please!



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Re: Nationenkomitee / Nations Committee

Post by Wookie » Sun Aug 06, 2017 2:57 pm

color-code wrote:Hi my new rider "diego greivin" diego is most popular name in costa rice and greivin to so i don't see thiis problem...
can you give me this nationality please!


You know how it works. Show us a reliable source and he will get his pass back.

Edit: And why do you post this with the account of your brother?

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Re: Nationenkomitee / Nations Committee

Post by katiki » Tue Aug 08, 2017 11:53 am

i hope he will gets his pass back they are real popular names

and sorry didn't see that he doesn't log-out i always think that i'm on my profil :p
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Re: Nationenkomitee / Nations Committee

Post by Wookie » Tue Aug 08, 2017 3:56 pm

katiki wrote:i hope he will gets his pass back they are real popular names

and sorry didn't see that he doesn't log-out i always think that i'm on my profil :p
Wookie wrote:You know how it works. Show us a reliable source and he will get his pass back.

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Re: Nationenkomitee / Nations Committee

Post by katiki » Tue Aug 08, 2017 11:38 pm

Champion de Belgique 2016
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