Nationenkomitee / Nations Committee

Non-technical discussions about RSF-riders and teams.

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Team GAK
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Re: Nationenkomitee / Nations Komitee /

Post by Team GAK » Thu Apr 04, 2013 12:33 pm

i couldn´t care less bout that. ... &cat=boxer ----> that´s what interests me!

auxilium torino
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Re: Nationenkomitee / Nations Komitee /

Post by auxilium torino » Thu Apr 04, 2013 12:33 pm

about marco II, or marco secondo, look in real life john lucas III, sohn of John Lucas, both baskettball players Seattle Supersonics/ Toronto Raptors

anyway , i never voted about Marco II, i was inactive last year in this time, for ionfo about the decision should ask to others judge ( hansa, Ahab, and others active judge last year)
Allenatore Italia - Manager Dainese OG 10 bronzo TTT
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auxilium torino
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Re: Nationenkomitee / Nations Komitee /

Post by auxilium torino » Thu Apr 04, 2013 12:35 pm

Team GAK wrote:i couldn´t care less bout that. ... &cat=boxer ----> that´s what interests me!
Cápsula de Elizabeth “Chiquita” Sánchez, quien se convertió en la primera Campeona Nacional Mosca del boxeo femenil. La pelea tuvo lugar en la Arena México, en el 2002, y su contrincante fue Adriana Benítez en 2002. Este video forma parte del documental 10 Rounds (realizado por Roberto Arocha, Santiago Riuseñor, Emilio Chapela y un servidor) donde se narran las dos primeras peleas por el Campeonato Nacional dentro del boxeo de mujeres.

real name is ??? Elizabeth
Allenatore Italia - Manager Dainese OG 10 bronzo TTT
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auxilium torino
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Re: Nationenkomitee / Nations Komitee /

Post by auxilium torino » Thu Apr 04, 2013 12:40 pm

Robyklebt wrote:It's not Marcoll, it's MarcoII. Marco the second.
Chiquita IMO comes from Chica, which is girl, so Chiquita would be little girl, which is kind of nonsense actually. As a name. Not that I really care..... BUT, you guys should put in your rules that the names from those "babyname" sites aren't proof. They just put in anything they find on the internet. Including misspellings and nicknames and whatever some guys on an internetgame use as names... Could be very possible that in their search they come accross RSF and find a guy called "MarcoII" and then you can find him in their database too.

Oh.. knew it: Look at this:

Famous people Guiseppe Verdi. All included misspellings and everything.
thanks..about this side, look this following kommentar:

Varianten des Namens

Ähnliche Vornamen

Guiscardo und

all italian name, 2 or 3 are right, the rest don't exist...
this side make money win with every clicked side, the intrest is to have more name, not important if their are right or not!
Allenatore Italia - Manager Dainese OG 10 bronzo TTT
Manager SantiNelli WC 10/10 argento TT
Manager SantiNelli WC 3/11 6/11Oro TT
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Team GAK
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Re: Nationenkomitee / Nations Komitee /

Post by Team GAK » Thu Apr 04, 2013 12:48 pm

maybe no name in ur eyes, but there are definitely parents naming their daughter "Chiquita" (only, 0,025% as a max in 1985, but ok), so i guess, the name must be ok for here too!

team fl
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Re: Nationenkomitee / Nations Komitee /

Post by team fl » Thu Apr 04, 2013 1:32 pm

Just for the protocoll: Of course misspelling is another case than "Chiquita". And that name was not accepted because of some baby-names urls, but because (in my opinion) it is realistic that somebody in Costa Rica could have that name as first name, even if nobody actually has that first name atm and it is not common.

Anyway, this would lead to more discussion, like other weird first names for other nations too. But then we have to be strict again. Thus, Chiquita would have to stay nationaless and in the future, shine as an example for these kind of names.

GAK, can you give us a serious link for any existing person named Chiquita (no nickname...)?
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

Blaue Quellen
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Re: Nationenkomitee / Nations Komitee /

Post by Blaue Quellen » Thu Apr 04, 2013 5:56 pm

Just for notice: Buratino is a figure of baltic (i.e. estonian) and russian literature, in nearly every sense comparable to the famous Pinocchio. Furthermore there is a very popular indigenous estonian lemonade called Buratino.

As long as one or the other member of this committee is obviously just to lazy to search for the background of a rider's name I can use funny names anyway.

Please be so kind to immediately remove the rubbish and annoying note concerning Kaspar's nationality from the starting page. Oh, and if you are really in the mood of correcting some things then you should rename this thread: it is, of course, not a "Nations Komitee", but a "committee" or a "commission". You don't really want me to accept a commission which isn't even able to use a correct name for itself, do you?

There will be no more communication concerning this matter from my side, as I am really furious and could forget my good manners.

Yours sincerely,

Last edited by Blaue Quellen on Thu Apr 04, 2013 11:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Nationenkomitee / Nations Komitee /

Post by quentin » Thu Apr 04, 2013 9:50 pm

I might have an answer for the nationality of Patria Rastra. Page 57 my request. thank you
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Re: Nationenkomitee / Nations Komitee /

Post by Hunsrueck » Thu Apr 04, 2013 11:03 pm

quentin wrote:I might have an answer for the nationality of Patria Rastra. Page 57 my request. thank you
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Re: Nationenkomitee / Nations Komitee /

Post by quentin » Fri Apr 05, 2013 9:03 am

Thank you
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team fl
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Re: Nationenkomitee / Nations Komitee /

Post by team fl » Fri Apr 05, 2013 9:05 am

Please everybody, calm down..

The NC (not to write it wrong dear Grammar Nazis and Ortographic Junkies) has enough problems. Everybody knows that. The NC itself, its members and the common RSF user who have ever got in contact with the NC. The NC already did some structural adaptions that were very positive. Unfortunately, some NC members didn't. And unofortunately, the rules can be interpreted quite open by a single NC member. BUT:

1.) The thread name was done be Hansa. Either he has to change it or a mod. Please, feel free. Until then, Comments like the one of Blaue Quellen are not really what motivates people to follow the long and hard path to a better NC system. Thanks for understanding that.

2.) The NC needs the fucking help of the users. A normal FC member just does not have the time to check every single name via google or other websites. And not every NC member is so bored to learn about the popoular Estonian stories about a guy names whatthefuckever. And that's exactly why the NC needs the help of YOU. To show the NC thinks like that, to help then redo decisions that were wrong. Thanks for also understanding that.

3.) Most things the NC does not show up here, because it's 0815 stuff. That's roughly 90% which is correct work. The stupid things that show up in this thread is the vast minority of the cases.

4.) Most cases can be solved by pure and simple thinking for 2 seconds. Some are not. Like that Chiquita stuff. So don't get fed up because it takes time sometimes. For some it's clear. For some not. But instead of raving around or adding cynic comments, just be helpful! Again, see point 2.

Now feel free to demotivate the FC further and feel like a boss doing it, whoever you are. Or as proposed: Just calm down and for the good: help the NC doing its job.
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

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Re: Nationenkomitee / Nations Komitee /

Post by AlmavivaItalia » Fri Apr 05, 2013 9:31 am

Fl, there is only a main issue: Why the case has to be solved by the one who decides? isn't better to have an admin who can change NCmember decision?

team fl
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Re: Nationenkomitee / Nations Komitee /

Post by team fl » Fri Apr 05, 2013 9:37 am

AlmavivaItalia wrote:Fl, there is only a main issue: Why the case has to be solved by the one who decides? isn't better to have an admin who can change NCmember decision?
My post is a general remark. And not everybody thinks all the time about your Marx brother. And your conclusions are wrong, as usual. The case can be "solved" by every NC member. But - as mentioned manytimes - wouldn't it be great if once the NC would do something in consenus instead of one doing this, one doing that, one correcting something another one thinks was right? Hmmm? So just try to be patient. Your Gummo will most certainly get his nationality. Hope then this "main issue" is off the table. It seems the NC only deals with "main issues".
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

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Re: Nationenkomitee / Nations Komitee /

Post by Quick » Fri Apr 05, 2013 10:08 am

AlmavivaItalia wrote:I make some other suggestions, are you able to do that?

For example, change name for everyone:

Chico---> Leonard

Isn't it a clear solution?

and, really, i still don't understand why 3 yes and one no.. Not well known? stupid Artist Name? (Gummo, something like Jelly, or Gum Itself)
That's no possible solution because noone except the big overlord can change names.
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Team Enigma
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Re: Nationenkomitee / Nations Committee

Post by Team Enigma » Sun Apr 07, 2013 8:23 pm

Nachricht von Auxilium Torino(National Comitee), 04.04.2013"
�nderung der Nationalit�t von Roberto Arlt:, "Argentina" zu "Staatenlos"
Begr�ndung: Kein Name! Fahrer wird deshalb Staatenlos. Beim nächsten mal bitte glaubwürdige Namen wählen.
Also Roberto Arlt (Wikipedia) ist kein echter Name?

Ich klinge jetzt vielleicht wie ein Besserwisser/Klugscheißer oder sonst wie, aber sollte man die Namen nicht sicherheitshalber bei Google oder Wikipedia suchen? So findet man oft Menschen, die den gleichen (Nach-)Namen haben/tragen.

RS Ostfriesland
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Re: Nationenkomitee / Nations Committee

Post by RS Ostfriesland » Sun Apr 07, 2013 8:26 pm

Pass is on the way.

Anonymer RSFler: ich trink glaub ich 2 mal im jahr alk und einmal resette ich :-D

Team GAK
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Re: Nationenkomitee / Nations Committee

Post by Team GAK » Tue Apr 09, 2013 6:24 pm

by team fl » Thu Apr 04, 2013 8:40 am

Team GAK wrote:Warum wurde der/die bitte geknöpft??????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Nachricht von Auxilium Torino(National Comitee), 03.04.2013
�nderung der Nationalit�t von Chiquita deQuesada:, "Costa Rica" zu "Staatenlos"
Begr�ndung: Kein Name! Fahrer wird deshalb Staatenlos. Beim nächsten mal bitte glaubwürdige Namen wählen

Nationality on the way. And don't get too excited everytime a NC member does not know everything about Banana factory first names...

promised delivery of the passport canceled? due to?

team fl
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Re: Nationenkomitee / Nations Komitee /

Post by team fl » Tue Apr 09, 2013 6:35 pm

team fl wrote:Just for the protocoll: Of course misspelling is another case than "Chiquita". And that name was not accepted because of some baby-names urls, but because (in my opinion) it is realistic that somebody in Costa Rica could have that name as first name, even if nobody actually has that first name atm and it is not common.

Anyway, this would lead to more discussion, like other weird first names for other nations too. But then we have to be strict again. Thus, Chiquita would have to stay nationaless and in the future, shine as an example for these kind of names.

GAK, can you give us a serious link for any existing person named Chiquita (no nickname...)?

that was the last post. so can you?
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

Team GAK
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Re: Nationenkomitee / Nations Committee

Post by Team GAK » Tue Apr 09, 2013 7:19 pm

well, i posted ... &cat=boxer

here and was informed, that a REAL EXISTING BOXER is allowed to name herself "Chiquita", a VIRTUAL BIKER is not. hopefully u realize someday, how bigoted that is!
anyway, Keep that passport and get lucky with it (not you personal)
interessting Point in that case for me: you told me: "Passport is on the way", then an important user argued against me - an suddenly you overruled your decision....

RS Ostfriesland
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Re: Nationenkomitee / Nations Committee

Post by RS Ostfriesland » Tue Apr 09, 2013 9:57 pm

Wrong. FL wanted to send you the passport and aux cancelled it. Thats all. After that FL asked you for a proof. Now we got a proof and the pass is on the way. This time i send you and now i guess nobody will cancel it. ;)

Anonymer RSFler: ich trink glaub ich 2 mal im jahr alk und einmal resette ich :-D

Team GAK
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Re: Nationenkomitee / Nations Committee

Post by Team GAK » Tue Apr 09, 2013 10:02 pm

thank you very much, Ostfriesland!

auxilium torino
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Re: Nationenkomitee / Nations Committee

Post by auxilium torino » Wed Apr 10, 2013 1:21 am

Team GAK wrote:well, i posted ... &cat=boxer

here and was informed, that a REAL EXISTING BOXER is allowed to name herself "Chiquita", a VIRTUAL BIKER is not. hopefully u realize someday, how bigoted that is!
anyway, Keep that passport and get lucky with it (not you personal)
interessting Point in that case for me: you told me: "Passport is on the way", then an important user argued against me - an suddenly you overruled your decision....
is not the name, the real name is ELIZABETH!!!!!!
chicquita is little, she is LIttle Elizabeth... ... e=a27n1dep ... &cat=boxer
Allenatore Italia - Manager Dainese OG 10 bronzo TTT
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Team GAK
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Re: Nationenkomitee / Nations Committee

Post by Team GAK » Thu Apr 18, 2013 3:53 pm

Nachricht von Auxilium Torino(National Comitee), 18.04.2013
�nderung der Nationalit�t von Chiquita deQuesada:, "Costa Rica" zu "Staatenlos"
Begr�ndung: ich habe mich genug erkundigt, Chiquita ist eine kosename( oder wie man sagt), aber 100% keine name...

was ist denn hier los? ich bekomme zunächst die Nationalität für ein paar tage zurück, und jetzt wird sie wieder entzogen?????????

team fl
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Re: Nationenkomitee / Nations Committee

Post by team fl » Thu Apr 18, 2013 4:16 pm

Frag Aux, mir ist es mittlerweile zu blöd.

Tut mir leid für dich GAK.
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

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Re: Nationenkomitee / Nations Committee

Post by Ronson » Fri Apr 19, 2013 1:13 pm

Ich finde den Namen zwar scheiße, aber es ist nen spanischer Mädchenname!
Wer Rückenwind hat, fährt einfach nur zu langsam!

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