New riders

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Re: New riders

Post by Robyklebt » Tue Dec 07, 2010 10:43 am

New riders.

First a short analysis of the ones I "presented" in march and August (yes yes, I'm looking for disappointments for the Awards)

-Carlos Gardel, Alk 55-74-79-56-56 36 reg. at the start. Now 65-85, became a helper not a leader as he would have in my team. But nonetheless 3 wins, and definetly made an impact, as one the absolutely best helpers of 2010.
-Benoit Chellis, OL 56-74-51-60-66 49 reg. Become 72-79, 3 wins, 3 podiums in tours 1 points jersey, maybe not as many wins as I would have thought, otherwise a good solid career as OL Rider so far.
-Gino Cutunio, Ariostea: 56-73-68-52-65 46 reg. 74-74 with 76 sprint. 13 wins, as could be expected on of the best of his type. Suffers a bit from Aris racebreaks.
-Kjell Lindelöf, Kaju 55-73-77-47-45 46 Reg, 75,1 Pavé 6279 with 79,3 pavé not too surprisingly Kaju sold him, 2 other teams, but now basically he is no more than an overpriced support rider. Disappointing, even if the possibility that he would be sold soon was big.
-Enzo Locatelli, LARAPANA, 53-73-56-47-66 46 reg. 73,3 pavé. 63-78 now, same thing as Lindelöf. And this guy had sprint too. Sold, long time no team, no just a rather unimpressing support rider that should be able to get some money and points thanks to his sprint.
-Didier Chatelain, ZL 73-54-77-48-46 51 reg. 89-60 now, so an absolute elite rider. Vuelta win in group 2, but wasn't such an easy group 2, Andes winner group 1, but doesn't like the Jura where he always arrives second. Very good career so far.
-Marijn Vandewalle,CCS 73-54-74-49-50 50 reg Sold after 3 trainings, now a 76-56 on the transfermarket. 0 races 0 points, a waste.
-Babacar Kolda, fresim 73-56-79-54-53 45 Reg Sold after missing one mountain training at 22. Now an 81-57-79 with 59 TT on the transfer market. A waste too.

50-50, some developped nicely, Chatelain-Cutunio-Gardel-Chellis, the others didn't. But in all cases it was the managers fault more than the riders, selling too early.


-JhonFaber AlvarezBedoya: Poison Dwarves, 73-54-78-53-54 and 47 reg. Good rider, will he train TT or flat with 21? Sold after 8 trainings, now on the market with 81-54-78-58. Surprising and disappointing,

-John Demong: Renault Magnum 73-51-78-52-56 49 reg. Now 86-51-78-55-56. Training ok, and won the youth jersey in the Andes and was second in Lombardia. Still only 25, so could/should progress further. Looks good so far.

-Dion Frazer: Equipe Risque: 73-56-75-53-52 65 reg and 60,8 Pavé. Sold after 8 trainings, now 81-60-75-53-52 on the transfer market. Won a Vuelta stage and the white jersey (anybody noticed how nice and white the jersey looks at Sheik? Not grey, it's white! Really beautiful) Don't understand some managers.. why sell him? Good training, successes, why even buy him if you sell him then?

-Karim Boudra, Elaska: 50-59-74-52-82 40 reg. Now 52-60 with 91 sprint. Bad training at 23, only +1, sold by Elaska after 2 more missed trainings at 24. Training is a bitch. Now riding for Ogopogo, where he still could see some success, but he won't be the super sprinter that he could have been with more trainings luck. Nonetheless won 2 races already.

-Patrick Dawson: 50-59-78-56-82 with 36 reg. Now 50-61-79-56-93. Not perfect training, but not catastrophic either, average I would guess. With 93 he can still hope to have a decent career, even if at Brio he will often be the nr 2 only, behind Houghton with 95. 1 win so far.

August, too early to say something definitive, but here my awesome prediction skills seem to have failed me. Demong good so far, needs training to be better, Dawson with late luck can still become a 94-95 sprinter, the rest are basically failures. Sold too early with one expection, Boudra who really didn't train that well. A disappointing generation. Let's hope Demong and Dawson save them.

Riders for December


- Oz Oijterkamp, Wizard, 73-54-79-53-56 with 35 reg. 35 can be a disadvantage, but as Coulieu showed it doesn't have to be (but it should be) Excellent starting skills, 79 downhill is wonderful, although maybe not that needed with 35 reg. With his sprint he should have chances in the classics as well, plus stages if the training doesn't allow GC riding. Question mark is Wizards commitment to a climber, he's known as a classic riders manager after all.
-Ryan Bearclaw: 73-56-73-51-52 47 reg. Perfect flat, dowhill a bit low for my taste, but still ok. Ok reg, sprint as TT, if he trains could become Giro leader for Bearclaw.
-Gabriel GarciaMarquez Alkworld, 73-53-77-52-44 with 59.9 pavé and 55 reg. Complete rider a bit of flat missing, but with reg and downhill. If he trains well he'll have a great career at Alk.


-Stephan Ratzendorf, Chense: 50-58-78-51-82 48 reg. Reg a bit high, otherwise very nice.
-Ricardo Patrese, TT Sports: 49-56-54-58-82 35 reg. All a bit lower, but here the manager guarantees a commitment to sprint. No downhill, too much TT, flat not perfect, not the perfect rider, but in a sprinter team.

Classic riders:

-Martin Omlin: RSV Gundelinge: 55-74-73-55-44 with 35 reg No sprint, no reg, so a support rider or solo attacker in one day races. Ok, no big danger of becoming a star, sprint too important, but I like the type of rider anyway. Hope he trains well.
-Lorenz Maréchal, Gaurain, 55-74-62-52-64 with 51 reg. Sprint and reg, not my favorite combination, but could work. His goal probably to become the new Laurent Maréchal.
-Ales Carboni: Luna. 55-73-73-56-78 with 74,8 pavé and 44 reg Ares would have been a much nicer first name... Flanderstype, pavéskill excellent 79 the hidden skill if I calculated right. Maybe a bit late for Flanders, he'll only be 25 then. Sprint not perfect either, but for a Flanden pavé sprint winner not that much pavé is needed anyway.

Leupolds (or Habermachers)

Only 1

-Cesare deVecchi, Petermeter. 55-73-78-76-66 with 57 reg. Absolute monster, has everything, maybe too much of everything. Leupolds usually need strong support, not that much of everything themselvers. Interestingly though PeterMeter seems to go for a Habermacher, first training was flat +1, no TT.


-Howard Wolowitz, Ciclistas 48-73-75-48-65 with 36 reg. 79 hidden pavé, 3 from the top, but with the sprint obviously a candidate for a good PR result. Since he has to train mainly one skill, in April he should be already strong enough to compete for the win.

Flat riders:

-Dylan Boomhut and Thalgat Urganov, NoPikouze and L RSV. Both started at 46-73, and both cost less than 1,2 Mio. Which makes them winners already. Boomhut could even become a decent pavé rider
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Re: New riders

Post by Luna » Tue Dec 07, 2010 12:18 pm

Robyklebt wrote: -Ales Carboni: Luna. 55-73-73-56-78 with 74,8 pavé and 44 reg Ares would have been a much nicer first name... Flanderstype, pavéskill excellent 79 the hidden skill if I calculated right. Maybe a bit late for Flanders, he'll only be 25 then. Sprint not perfect either, but for a Flanden pavé sprint winner not that much pavé is needed anyway.

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Re: New riders

Post by Bear » Tue Dec 07, 2010 1:40 pm

-Dion Frazer: Equipe Risque: 73-56-75-53-52 65 reg and 60,8 Pavé. Sold after 8 trainings, now 81-60-75-53-52 on the transfer market. Won a Vuelta stage and the white jersey (anybody noticed how nice and white the jersey looks at Sheik? Not grey, it's white! Really beautiful) Don't understand some managers.. why sell him? Good training, successes, why even buy him if you sell him then?
I don't understand that either. Don't buy him and let others go for a strong leader...

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Re: New riders

Post by Buhmann » Tue Dec 07, 2010 2:24 pm

Hmm. Perfect rider. Should buy him...

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Re: New riders

Post by Robyklebt » Tue Dec 07, 2010 2:29 pm

Ehm, you realize he demands 10 credits more salary than little Jean C.?
You know, that thing called reg we have, that mostly has no influence on the race but a tiny little one on the salary? :lol:

Still the perfect rider?

ps: 94'285 90-60-79-48-47 35 reg vs 94'295, 81-60-75-53-52 65 reg- Just taking notes for 2013 when Buh might get around our little reg problem...
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Re: New riders

Post by Buhmann » Tue Dec 07, 2010 3:03 pm

Pfff :P

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Re: New riders

Post by Allagen » Tue Dec 07, 2010 5:09 pm

Sprinters: (skills with 20y)

Stefan Ratzendorf - Chense


well, 48 reg is not so good, only for double stages, but nice skills, damn nice skills. 50-58-78 is quite perfect

Hilly Allrounders: (skills with 20y)

Randy Swoopes - GlamourSpeed


Beautifull Allrounder with a little bit TT and good Sprintskill. nice rider for little tours
RV Allagen. Qualität seit 2006. Erfolg seit 2006.

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Re: New riders

Post by Robyklebt » Thu Sep 20, 2012 7:50 am

Lets see, even if nobody cares, the ape restarts this thread. Mostly because otherwise he has to do something else right now...looking for excuses

21 year olds in September:

Sprint: Lots of regmonsters it seems.
My favorite:
Lucien Pinder 49-59-75-52-85 with 50 reg Skullz. Favorite because Libbys girl is just too hard to write, and because only 50 reg and downhill. So while will be expensive, at least can do some work in downhills.


Kyle Brathwaite, 75-57-79-49-53, 62 reg. by Brath Rhum. Excellent! Starts one below the maximum in mountain, yes, but otherwise very very very nice, especially the reg. Really would have liked to get this one for myself actually! Will be expensive, might not get a perfect team around him, but with decent training, he will be good.

Sébastien Melotte: 76-57-79-51-59 with 37 reg. Quick. So will be a serial winner. Most likely the nr 2 in the Kwick GT teams, but with 37 reg actually he probably would make for a better leader than support rider. We'll see. For sure with 59 sprint he will fight for stage wins. But 37 reg will be his big problem.

Ruslan Machado: 76-58-76-50-48 with 42 reg, Lorient. Actually would be nr 2, like him better than Melotte, but since one is a Kwickboy.... likely the Kwickboy will have a great career. Here we'll see, his problem could be that he the only climber in the team, unless Lorient buys a second one. Then 42 reg will be very critical too. If the training is right, but that counts for all 3 (Kyle the least, reg can make up a point or 2 depending on the situation) he should be able to play a good role in stage races, but doesn't look like a winner with his reg.


Colin Cunningham 59-77-75-46-52 with 41 reg. Rockstar. Another guy I want, Braithwaite and him, nice duo! Perfect helping classic, downhill there, not too much sprint, very nice. As a leader needs good training, needs to become a 76+ mountain very likely to have much success, but as a support rider for a climber would be perfect as he is.

Romelu VanImpre, 58-71-66-47-67 with 36 reg. The typical sprinter. Enough downhill to follow, enough flat to follow most of the time, sprint is being built, looks good, another guy who should have lots of success.

Pawel Alexandrow 59-76-79-71-56 with 41 reg. Radunion. In my view... the TT is tragic. Without it he would be nr 1 of this class. Outstanding, nice everything, including 56 sprint which is good enough to hope to win. Not too much reg... then the TT.. blah.. I wouldn't know what to do with him actually. TT seems a bit to low to be able to really win a lot, he probably will win some stage races, even Todea would have won one with a better manager, but to really become a stage race star... not enough I think. Still a nice rider, one of those almost too nice to pass up, but that then I wouldn't know what to do. Anyway, he should get his successes, one day races too, the tendency in the last years has been lots of 60-65 sprinters, less 70+, so with 56 he'll be an outsider each time, but never without a chance.

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Re: New riders

Post by AlmavivaItalia » Thu Sep 20, 2012 8:48 am

Kyle Brathwaite, 75-57-79-49-53
yeah, Kyle is very happy to be noticed by you... but, 2 problems^^

1) you ruin my "training suspence"
2)he doesn't want to train with me more... because i'm nearly a 3rd division team... he wants to reach a team Like petit Singe...

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Re: New riders

Post by Robyklebt » Thu Sep 20, 2012 9:21 am

Never look at the forum before checking the training!
October: You: D2 probably. Ok, could be D3 Me: D2.... So same shit basically.
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Re: New riders

Post by Lizard » Thu Sep 20, 2012 6:31 pm

Already forgot about this thread. Thx for pushing it, I will hopefully find some time in November to post some of the fresh riders too.
Wizards Cycling: De toenemende Ster van Amsterdam

Hall of Fame:
Adam Wollfinger (73-82-80-47-57, 64 Reg)
Herbert Königsbauer (87-60-66-54-53, 57 Reg)
Manuel Clausen (76-83-63-46-64, 57 Reg)
Tom van Amstel (74-80-74-50-65, 35 Reg)

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Re: New riders

Post by Lizard » Tue Oct 02, 2012 12:36 pm

October, here we are!


Emmanuel AlooEfoulou, r QUICK, Cameroon: 73-52-76-54-48, 65 Reg - what a reg monster, has everything a stage race climber needs.

Goral Lama, lesossies, Nepal: 73-56-72-54-49, 40 Reg - just hilariously good with the big time flat skills, only missing 5-7 reg points maybe.

Luiz Gonzalez, Team MBak, Mexico: 72-54-79-57-55, 54 reg - that guy is wicked. Perfect rider.


Arnaud Clement, Riding Stars, France: 56-74-75-61-63, 54 Reg - that guy even has 73.7 pavés, absolutely no weeknesses. Just a little much reg points probably.

Dominique Maltais, Harzer Woelfe, Canada: 56-73-70-46-61, 48 Reg - that's how a classic rider should look like. Strong skills, also secondary, decent reg points and absolutely no TT.

Henk Eemsdam, Team THOMAS, Netherlands: 55-73-74-56-63, 52 Reg - just picked him because finally I see a good dutch classic rider, yey!


Eliezer Ehrenpreis, Equipe Mathematique, Israel: 50-59-73-53-81, 55 Reg - except for the reg points that guy is super solid, got everything he needs.

Wouter Raeymaekers, Angry Cycling, Belgium: 50-59-54-47-82, 47 Reg - even plenty of pavés on this guy (63.2). As always, Belgium gets a super strong sprinter this month again, being one of only five 82's we have in October.

Cliff OShea, RS Ostfriesland, Ireland: 50-56-76-48-81, 47 Reg - very good downhill, decent flat, good TT and reg points. Way above average.
Wizards Cycling: De toenemende Ster van Amsterdam

Hall of Fame:
Adam Wollfinger (73-82-80-47-57, 64 Reg)
Herbert Königsbauer (87-60-66-54-53, 57 Reg)
Manuel Clausen (76-83-63-46-64, 57 Reg)
Tom van Amstel (74-80-74-50-65, 35 Reg)

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Re: New riders

Post by Robyklebt » Tue Oct 02, 2012 12:42 pm

Mmh... you 'missed' one climber..

Philémon Bang Bang: 72-53-72-57-56 44 reg. (Wizard) After Gonzalez right now the second strongest of the bunch. He might want a second climber to help later on, but with normal average training for the moment he has everything he needs. The lower reg? It's pretty perfect reg if he gets his climbing companion actually.
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Re: New riders

Post by Lizard » Tue Oct 02, 2012 12:57 pm

Robyklebt wrote:Mmh... you 'missed' one climber..

Philémon Bang Bang: 72-53-72-57-56 44 reg. (Wizard) After Gonzalez right now the second strongest of the bunch. He might want a second climber to help later on, but with normal average training for the moment he has everything he needs. The lower reg? It's pretty perfect reg if he gets his climbing companion actually.
Only took three guys of every part, and Bang-Bang seemed to me weaker than the rest.
Wizards Cycling: De toenemende Ster van Amsterdam

Hall of Fame:
Adam Wollfinger (73-82-80-47-57, 64 Reg)
Herbert Königsbauer (87-60-66-54-53, 57 Reg)
Manuel Clausen (76-83-63-46-64, 57 Reg)
Tom van Amstel (74-80-74-50-65, 35 Reg)

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Re: New riders

Post by NoPikouze » Tue Oct 02, 2012 2:11 pm

Nice. Next time could you also tell the paid prices for those riders, because people like me have no clue how much they cost!
Qui sème le vent récolte le tempo...

RS Ostfriesland
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Re: New riders

Post by RS Ostfriesland » Tue Oct 02, 2012 2:17 pm

Cliff OShea 2.247.760
Just a little over his value.

Anonymer RSFler: ich trink glaub ich 2 mal im jahr alk und einmal resette ich :-D

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Re: New riders

Post by Lizard » Tue Oct 02, 2012 2:59 pm

So I shall bid on every rider to know that? Find out yourself, man ... my guy costed 3.400.002 btw.
Wizards Cycling: De toenemende Ster van Amsterdam

Hall of Fame:
Adam Wollfinger (73-82-80-47-57, 64 Reg)
Herbert Königsbauer (87-60-66-54-53, 57 Reg)
Manuel Clausen (76-83-63-46-64, 57 Reg)
Tom van Amstel (74-80-74-50-65, 35 Reg)

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Re: New riders

Post by Robyklebt » Tue Oct 02, 2012 3:04 pm

Clicking on transfer shows you the price too.... but then it takes another 10', at least for me since I'd have to go back 3 times per rider to remember the price :D
Agree with the Lizard... DIY!
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Re: New riders

Post by NoPikouze » Tue Oct 02, 2012 3:43 pm

I'm not your man, man ! And if I wanted to check it myself, I obviously wouldnt look at your shortlist...
Qui sème le vent récolte le tempo...

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Re: New riders

Post by Lizard » Tue Oct 02, 2012 3:49 pm

NoPikouze wrote:I'm not your man, man ! And if I wanted to check it myself, I obviously wouldnt look at your shortlist...
That's as obvious as me posting the prices if I wanted to check the prices, ain't it? Well nevermind.
Wizards Cycling: De toenemende Ster van Amsterdam

Hall of Fame:
Adam Wollfinger (73-82-80-47-57, 64 Reg)
Herbert Königsbauer (87-60-66-54-53, 57 Reg)
Manuel Clausen (76-83-63-46-64, 57 Reg)
Tom van Amstel (74-80-74-50-65, 35 Reg)

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Re: New riders

Post by Robyklebt » Thu Jan 03, 2013 6:25 pm

Ok, time for some more new guys here, but first let's see how the old ones from September did so far:

Lucien Pinder 49-59-75-52-85 with 50 reg Skullz. 50-59-74-52-91. 1 win. 1279 points But only 91 sprint, so kind of a disappointment so far. He'll win more races in the future for sure, since Ox is a sprinters team right now, but a better training would have helped.


Kyle Brathwaite, 75-57-79-49-53, 62 reg. by Brath Rhum.81-58-79-49-53. Really bad luck in training, he'll never be more than a helper, an expensive one now. 1119 points, 1 young rider classification.

Sébastien Melotte: 76-57-79-51-59 with 37 reg. Quick. 84-58-78-51-59. Training a bit below average too. But not as tragic as Kyle, he is definetly usable. 1187 points, 1 race win, 3 young rider jerseys. Can still become a star.

Ruslan Machado: 76-58-76-50-48 with 42 reg, Lorient. 82-66-76-50-48. A 80-70. And right now IMO a waste. A 80-70 with 48 sprint just doesn't seem worth it. As a helper, yes, but the thing is those boys usually want to be leaders. But ok, 1 race win, 581 points. Doubt he'll have a GREAT career, for that he really misses the sprint, but can probably fight for some wins here and there.

Colin Cunningham 59-77-75-46-52 with 41 reg. Rockstar. 69-81-74-46-52, 429 points, 1 win. Not perfect mountain training, but still a lot is possible with 25. Too early to tell really, but looks ok, and one win so far, good.

Romelu VanImpre, 58-71-66-47-67 with 36 reg. 69-73-66-47-74. 451 points, one race win. Kind of expected more, but then don't really know how early classic sprinters start winning, maybe that's only once they reach 70+ mountain. Potential to become a serial winner still there. Training ok I guess, at least looks good to me.

Pawel Alexandrow 59-76-79-71-56 with 41 reg. Radunion. 72-81-79-70-56. PERFECT mountain training.. excellent. A star. The TT still tragic though, but good, seems not to be covered. 394 points, one race win. Very expensive rider of course, that TT really hurts.. but ok, with that TT he will be a potential contender in certain stage races too. The future.. .all depends on the training now, but chances to become an absolute monster are there.

The september crop.. mixed I'd say. One with superb training, all except Kyle with a race win already, that's good. But negative, the superstar potential doesn't seem to be there, except for Alexandrow. And Romelu a bit.
Star of september though Szilad Teimkosisz. 75-53-77-80-46, 38 reg. 6 young riders jersey, 2 stage races won, 2 race wins. 2803 points. Looks like a possible superstar. Training not THAT outstanding I guess, he started at 67 mountain 72 TT. Or maybe he goes more for TT than Hubers usually do, thought a normal Huber would have more mountain. But he has a team built around him, so despite his low reg he should be a strong contender in stage races in the real season too.

Ok, new guys in January: As usual only guys in known teams, whatever that means. And guys with no names get ignored too.

Classics... tooooo many. I get 104 riders with minimum 54 mountain and 65 flat....
Classic classic guys: Complete with downhill and not too much TT

- Marco Zanin: 56-74-73-53-48. 37 reg and 71,9 pavé. Ariostea My favorite here, nice complete guy, no sprint, who cares, not much reg, keeps him cheap, some pavé which will make him expensive, but interesting in certain races too. Although being an Ari and one of the few ones with downhill, he'll be working most of his career.
- Michiel de Ruyter: 56-73-73-57-51, 45 reg. NoPikouze A bit too much TT for my taste, otherwise very very nice. Reg upper Ape limit, but still ok. If he trains, he could very well have a stellar career, unlike for Zanin, he can still become the leader of his team. Actually looks likely he will.
- Dionysis Chiotis 55-72-79-48-55. 37 reg, 73,5 pavé. Chartreuse. Very nice too, actually maybe he is my favorite here. 73,5 pavé can make him interesting already from march, if he takes 10 flat trainings... he'll be a 80,5 pavé rider for E3-Flanders etc. And even if he doesn't, if Chartreuse concentrates on the mountain, he'll still very likely be 77 pavé then, enough to play a role, 55 sprint ok too, and then can still be a nice possible leader for normal hilly races.

Classic with sprint:
Nobody. Lots of them there, but the ape won't mention anyone. All with weaknesses. Too much reg mostly, or then team not known enough.


- Riccardo Corvaglia 55-68-78-77-48, 52 reg. Vagaderi. Looks perfect for a Leupold to me. Ok, no clue how much reg they need, maybe 52 is too much, but seems ok to me. Will need some flat trainings sooner or later, get over 70, for the rest he's ready to become a star.

- Kevin Dumas: 73-55-73-49-55, 59 reg. LARAPANA. Looks like a classic attacking climber, very nice. 55 sprint will help for more stage wins too.
- Moritz Rixdorfer: 73-56-79-48-56, 62 reg. rsc bouletten. The team not known enough to be included here normally, but with this rider I make an exception. Perfect skills, ok, 1 sprint too much, but no need to cover that after all.
- Markel Olaritzu: 70-56-74-63-50, 53 reg. L RSV. The guy that will be the most succesful climber of his generation.. .Sadly, since the TT is so important here. Give that guy a helper, and unless he trains REALLY badly, he'll be the favorite against all other climbers, except some super training guys, and Hubers.

- Teko Hope 67-53-63-72-51, 45 reg. Vuvuzela Huber with some downhill weakness, but shouldn't be a problem if he gets a decent team mate. The reg to me looks ok too, want become to expensive. Looks like a star for the real season


-Jimmy Somerville 49-55-69-51-82, 42 reg. Bergwerk. Surprised Bergwerk buys a guy with such huuuuge weaknesses. Thought he'd buy only something like 50-58-75-50-82... all the rest too weak :lol: Actually the flat is a bit weakish according to the ape, 55, mmhh, rather only 81 sprint but 58 8-) But should be ok. The guy looks good, sprints like shit so far though. As usual with sprinters. Let's see the training now.
- Mathieu Deroy: 48-56-47-52-81, 37 reg. Gaurain. Not much to say, looks good, let's see how he trains.
- George Orwell: 48-59-50-59-81, 44 reg. Alkworld. Best flat, too much TT, but that's good for the TTTs, so I like it! For the rest, see the 2 above, training..
- Axel Hurtig: 48-59-67-47-81, 50 reg. rsc bouletten, that's why he comes in, if the climber is there, let's have 2 of his riders. Looks good, a bit too much reg for my taste, mmh, a lot too much reg, otherwise looks nice, some downhill too, which doesn't hurt.

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Re: New riders

Post by Pokemon Club » Thu Jan 03, 2013 6:50 pm

This Chiotis looks really, really strong. And this Kyle, what an unlucky man ! It is amazing !

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Re: New riders

Post by bergwerk cycling » Thu Jan 03, 2013 8:59 pm

Robyklebt wrote: -Jimmy Somerville 49-55-69-51-82, 42 reg. Bergwerk. Surprised Bergwerk buys a guy with such huuuuge weaknesses. Thought he'd buy only something like 50-58-75-50-82... all the rest too weak :lol: Actually the flat is a bit weakish according to the ape, 55, mmhh, rather only 81 sprint but 58 8-) But should be ok. The guy looks good, sprints like shit so far though. As usual with sprinters. Let's see the training now.

3 Month waiting was enough for me .-)

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Re: New riders

Post by Alkworld » Wed Jan 16, 2013 7:00 pm

Pokemon Club wrote:This Chiotis looks really, really strong. And this Kyle, what an unlucky man ! It is amazing !
The guy wanted to play this loser role only until Roby's post. Now he doesn't stop training ;)

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Re: New riders

Post by IDF » Sun Feb 03, 2013 5:50 pm

And now Roby ?
[8:11:11 PM] SM: j'ai un bug la j'arrive plus a aller sur RFM

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