
Non-technical discussions about RSF-riders and teams.

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Re: Training

Post by ProTour-Team » Tue Jun 12, 2012 12:40 pm

Training 12.6.2012:

bad training again.. ekici takes the flat while cengül does not (so 1/4 by having 66%..), no for robnix and rasumov once more (~ 40%), and lot of negativ trainings..
as i like the statistic by alk here mine: negativ: 7,89 turn to 11; positiv: 8,60 turn to 9..
so not too bad at all, but a lot of bad luck at important trainings (-28% gets taken whereas +66%, 38% and 30% not)

Sinan Yanar Berg: +1
Sinan Yanar Sprint: +1
Mbele Sakho Flach: +1
Mbele Sakho Abfahrt: +1
Mehmet Ekici Flach: +1
Mau Panapa Flach: +1
Grega Mavric Berg: +1
Grega Mavric Flach: +1
Joe Davani Berg: +1
Alexej Rasumov Zeit: -1
Jonathan Roth Zeit: -1
Jonathan Roth Sprint: -1
Jonhny Speed Flach: -1
Jonhny Speed Abfahrt: -1
Jonhny Speed Zeit: -1
Jonhny Speed Sprint: -1
Francesco Romiti Berg: -1
Francesco Romiti Abfahrt: -1
Francesco Romiti Zeit: -1
Francesco Romiti Sprint: -1

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Re: Training

Post by Robyklebt » Wed Jun 20, 2012 6:35 am

Training 20.6.2012:
Nicolas Legrand Berg: +1
Nicolas Legrand Flach: +1
Dehuai Wei Berg: -1
Dehuai Wei Abfahrt: -1
Dehuai Wei Sprint: -1
Frédéric Montandon Berg: -1
Frédéric Montandon Abfahrt: -1
Frédéric Montandon Zeit: -1
Frédéric Montandon Sprint: -1
Caius Todea Zeit: -1
Markus Leibundgut Zeit: -1
Markus Leibundgut Sprint: -1
Leonardo Alighieri Flach: -1
Leonardo Alighieri Zeit: -1
Michele Trapani Berg: +1
Thaddäus Häfeli Flach: +1
Very happy at first, finally the Legrand double... then bah... Trapani no 70% flat, grrr, worse, Sekiguchi no 94% mountain, grr. Ah well, Häfeli, nice too.
Kraftsystemrevision! Include the distance!
Basics reform: Give blue a chance!
Don't punish bugusers. We all have to use bugs, since most of them are declared as "features"!

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Re: Training

Post by Alkworld » Wed Jun 20, 2012 7:41 am

Alkworld wrote:I can prove mathematically that this training was crap:
Statistically expected number of trainings:
6.2 positive, 6.9 negative
Actual trainings:
2 positive, 11 negative
Almost the same percentages, but this time a little better although still below average:
4 positive (Cervantes sprint and Echevarria flat completely useless however), 6 negative

team fl
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Re: Training

Post by team fl » Wed Jun 20, 2012 9:01 am

Training 20.6.2012:
Toni Hassler Zeit: -1
Stefano Benni Berg: +1
Stefano Benni Flach: +1
Jean OlléOllé Abfahrt: -1
Kari Steinsson Flach: +1
Arni Steinsson Flach: +1
Walter Walch Flach: +1
Walter Walch Abfahrt: +1
Nice training. Nate still good with 34, Hassler getting worse slowly but surely, although the TT is not that important. Stefano and Walter as expected, the Steinsson twins even start getting serious now.
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

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Re: Training

Post by sylvainmeteo » Wed Jun 20, 2012 9:15 am

Training 20.6.2012:
Jon Arbuckle Abfahrt: -1
Roland OvidiuGerbacea Zeit: -1
Filip Holosko Abfahrt: -1
Filip Holosko Sprint: -1
Bert Waalwijk Berg: +1
Bert Waalwijk Flach: +1
Dominik Vilkovik Flach: +1
Vasja Rupnik Berg: +1
Dalibor Galovec Berg: +1
Vito Mazcek Berg: +1
Ondrej Kapovnik Berg: +1

short but good one
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Re: Training

Post by ProTour-Team » Wed Jun 20, 2012 3:00 pm

Training 20.6.2012:

really good this time as Mahir and Mehmet both take Flat, Alain and Alexej with Mountain and the 2 youngster Grega and Mbele with a doubletraining, too.. But of course their has to be a negativ side aswell: Sinan only takes Sprint and leaves out Mountain with 95%! So he already is 2 behind the maximum, not looking too good :/

Sinan Yanar Sprint: +1
Alain Robnik Berg: +1
Alexej Rasumov Berg: +1
Mehmet Ekici Flach: +1
Mahir Cengül Flach: +1
Mbele Sakho Flach: +1
Mbele Sakho Abfahrt: +1
Grega Mavric Berg: +1
Grega Mavric Flach: +1
Mau Panapa Flach: +1
Moussa Diarra Abfahrt: +1
Djibo Ndiaye Abfahrt: -1
Wanmelbu Warawara Zeit: -1
Jonathan Roth Berg: -1
Jonathan Roth Abfahrt: -1
Jonathan Roth Zeit: -1
Jonathan Roth Sprint: -1
Jonhny Speed Berg: -1
Francesco Romiti Berg: -1
Francesco Romiti Abfahrt: -1
Francesco Romiti Zeit: -1

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Re: Training

Post by AlmavivaItalia » Sun Jun 24, 2012 1:36 am

Hi to all...

i like to found how anyone of us is lucky or unlucky....

so i want to do a "statistical" data analyis of the random training which works on RSF...

My idea is this

I've this rider:

John Brathwaite: 21 years old, 50-76 2 berg and 5 flat training, expected +1 in berg 71/100, expected +1 in flat 100%, others, Nothing(0%)
After the training he pops in flat and downhill.. (example)

i will save this info:

100% --->pop true 1, false 0
71% --->pop true 0 false 1
0% ---> pop true 1 false 0

it will be divided by team if anyone want to participate and help me...

it can also, as 2nd kind of result, do a prospect of how the random works, so if there is a link by team, by nation, by number of riders, by money in the bank, by victories, by division or simply if it works only as a 100facies dice, how i expect....

everyone who wants to participate can contact me by PN/PM

Thank you if you want to participate

PS: sorry for my bad english


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Re: Training

Post by Widar » Wed Jun 27, 2012 12:43 am

Training 27.6.2012:
Heiner Hoch Berg: +1
Mirco Schneider Berg: +1
Mirco Schneider Zeit: +1
Jörg Heimbach Flach: +1
Dirk Fellner Flach: +1
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Re: Training

Post by Robyklebt » Wed Jun 27, 2012 2:25 am

Training 27.6.2012:
Nicolas Legrand Berg: +1
Nicolas Legrand Flach: +1
Frédéric Montandon Berg: -1
Frédéric Montandon Flach: -1
Frédéric Montandon Abfahrt: -1
Frédéric Montandon Zeit: -1
Caius Todea Zeit: -1
Markus Leibundgut Berg: -1
Markus Leibundgut Abfahrt: -1
Markus Leibundgut Zeit: -1
Leonardo Alighieri Abfahrt: -1
Zenzo Yamada Flach: +1
Michele Trapani Berg: +1
Michele Trapani Flach: +1
Daiken Sekiguchi Berg: +1
Good training. Oldies, who cares, all has beens or never beens. Ok, has beens, the ape wants me to be nice to our old riders. Wei actually brilliant, maybe he really wants the Tour?

Legrand double, uff, finally 4-2 normal, even good, after starting with 2-0.
Daiken single.. 3-0, ok, 1 missed at 94%, happens. finally the end of lucky classics and the restart of lucky climbers?
Trapani double, so 4-3-1, took risk, flat sucks anyway, so let's see about the downhill, 1 ok.
Yamada +1, good, 86, no way Wei comes in from him, sorry old man.
Over the month +2 for Häfeli which is very good too.

Not much else, some Ramirez or Yrjönpoika would have been nice, but we had that in May, plus... the young guys are more important, and they did well, except Daiken with his 94% missed everybody even better than the percentages say, even if only slightly (as Daiken would have had he taken the 94% the first time and whatever he had in that case this time) Even with Daikens miss, finally the young guys above average... good. Even excellent.
Kraftsystemrevision! Include the distance!
Basics reform: Give blue a chance!
Don't punish bugusers. We all have to use bugs, since most of them are declared as "features"!

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Re: Training

Post by flockmastoR » Wed Jun 27, 2012 7:53 am

Training 27.6.2012:
Oliver Heaviside Flach: -1
Moritz Schönflies Abfahrt: -1
Moritz Schönflies Zeit: -1
Maksim Maasikas Zeit: -1
Romano Avogadro Abfahrt: -1
Josef Loschmidt Abfahrt: -1
Alfred DeutschGerman Berg: +1
Alfred DeutschGerman Flach: +1
Lorenzo Avogadro Berg: +1
A joke? looks like i only have old guys in my team. Schönflies and Maasikas are the positive ones again and stay at 88-86 flat . Heaviside the master of downtraining, will be sold if there is enough money to buy any other half-leader
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Re: Training

Post by sylvainmeteo » Wed Jun 27, 2012 9:14 am

Training 27.6.2012:
Blazej Bozovic Abfahrt: -1
Chad Hackenbracht Zeit: -1
Jon Arbuckle Berg: +1
Roland OvidiuGerbacea Abfahrt: -1
Roland OvidiuGerbacea Zeit: -1
Filip Holosko Zeit: -1
Roman Bezjak Abfahrt: -1
Bert Waalwijk Flach: +1
Dominik Vilkovik Flach: +1
Dalibor Galovec Berg: +1
PerGunnar Tverendahl Berg: +1
PerGunnar Tverendahl Zeit: -1
Vito Mazcek Berg: +1
Ondrej Kapovnik Berg: +1

Not bad, grr Bert missed 93% mountain grr
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Re: Training

Post by AlmavivaItalia » Wed Jun 27, 2012 9:30 am

Roland Ratzenberger Abfahrt: -1
Ayrton SennaDaSilva Berg: +1
Abel Muzorewa Flach: +1
Mark Huges Flach: +1
John Brathwaite Berg: +1
John Brathwaite Flach: +1

Ayrton blocks his flat to 78(2nd training missed...)
Abel &Mark becomes a 59-81 both...
John completes his 4-4 training...

And Patrick Hilbert, 34yo, starting 86-53-78-49-54, after the season, become 86-53-77-49-53

he wants to ride TdF^^

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Re: Training

Post by Alkworld » Wed Jun 27, 2012 9:32 am

Alkworld wrote:
Alkworld wrote:I can prove mathematically that this training was crap:
Statistically expected number of trainings:
6.2 positive, 6.9 negative
Actual trainings:
2 positive, 11 negative
Almost the same percentages, but this time a little better although still below average:
4 positive (Cervantes sprint and Echevarria flat completely useless however), 6 negative
Slowly, it's getting better:
6 positive (none of them really useful), 4 negative (Otero (sold now) and Miranda: 0)

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Re: Training

Post by Robyklebt » Thu Jul 05, 2012 7:41 am

Training 5.7.2012:
Frédéric Montandon Berg: -1
Frédéric Montandon Flach: -1
Frédéric Montandon Abfahrt: -1
Frédéric Montandon Zeit: -1
Frédéric Montandon Sprint: -1
Caius Todea Flach: -1
Caius Todea Zeit: -1
Titus Olteanu Abfahrt: -1
Markus Leibundgut Flach: -1
Markus Leibundgut Abfahrt: -1
Markus Leibundgut Zeit: -1
Leonardo Alighieri Sprint: -1
Zenzo Yamada Zeit: -1
Michele Trapani Berg: +1
Thaddäus Häfeli Flach: +1
Nicolas Legrand Berg: +1
Kraftsystemrevision! Include the distance!
Basics reform: Give blue a chance!
Don't punish bugusers. We all have to use bugs, since most of them are declared as "features"!

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Re: Training

Post by Alkworld » Thu Jul 05, 2012 7:49 am

The training is still mathematically crap.
Statistically expected number of trainings:
4.9 positive, 2.7 negative
Actual trainings:
3 positive, 2 negative

Details will be posted when there's a good training again.

team fl
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Re: Training

Post by team fl » Thu Jul 05, 2012 7:49 am

Training 5.7.2012:
Arni Steinsson Flach: +1
Walter Walch Flach: +1
Henri Bienvenu Berg: +1
Henri Bienvenu Flach: +1
Nathaniel Biedermann Abfahrt: -1
Nathaniel Biedermann Zeit: -1
Nathaniel Biedermann Sprint: -1
Niels Hörnö Flach: +1
Gaudenz Taverna Berg: +1
Stefano Benni Berg: +1
Jean OlléOllé Abfahrt: -1
Nicy, Nate only loses unimportant skills, rest ist okay. Jean gets close to have as many down trainings as up trainings. With 26.
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

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Re: Training

Post by Widar » Thu Jul 05, 2012 8:06 am

Training 5.7.2012:
Kader Diawara Berg: +1
Enrice Zablo Abfahrt: -1
Enrice Zablo Zeit: -1
Mirco Schneider Zeit: +1
Sören Svensson Zeit: +1
Jörg Heimbach Berg: +1
Mats Nilsson Berg: +1
Armin Westerdick Flach: +1
Dirk Fellner Flach: +1
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Re: Training

Post by flockmastoR » Thu Jul 05, 2012 9:33 am

Training 5.7.2012:
Moritz Schönflies Berg: -1
Moritz Schönflies Flach: -1
Moritz Schönflies Zeit: -1
Maksim Maasikas Flach: -1
Maksim Maasikas Zeit: -1
Jeff Joker Flach: -1
Hieronymus Heuser Berg: +1
Hieronymus Heuser Flach: +1
Alfred DeutschGerman Flach: +1
Lance Hardwood Flach: +1
Lorenzo Avogadro Zeit: -1
Mark Inlander Berg: +1
The flat guys too old right now to really support Joker any more, could be that Joker will be sold at the end of the month. Mandelbrojt stays at 86, important for Austria. Heuser normal, Alfred 100%, Inlander 70%, nothing unexpected (positiv or negative)
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Re: Training

Post by sylvainmeteo » Thu Jul 05, 2012 11:08 am

Training 5.7.2012:
Blazej Bozovic Zeit: -1
Chad Hackenbracht Zeit: -1
Pavel Grzymkowiak Abfahrt: -1
Martin Parkkola Flach: +1
Filip Holosko Berg: -1
Filip Holosko Flach: -1
Filip Holosko Sprint: -1
Bert Waalwijk Berg: +1
Arvydas Gardzijauskas Berg: +1
Arvydas Gardzijauskas Flach: +1
Vasja Rupnik Berg: +1
Dalibor Galovec Flach: +1
Marek Sajbok Flach: +1
Marek Sajbok Abfahrt: +1

bad one
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Re: Training

Post by Robyklebt » Thu Jul 12, 2012 1:31 am

Training 12.7.2012:
Dehuai Wei Flach: -1
Dehuai Wei Zeit: -1
Dehuai Wei Sprint: -1
Yesid Ramirez Zeit: -1
Frédéric Montandon Berg: -1
Frédéric Montandon Flach: -1
Frédéric Montandon Abfahrt: -1
Frédéric Montandon Sprint: -1
Caius Todea Abfahrt: -1
Markus Leibundgut Abfahrt: -1
Bang Gong Zeit: -1
Markku Yrjönpoika Sprint: +1
Yaya Toure Abfahrt: -1
Yaya Toure Zeit: -1
Zenzo Yamada Zeit: -1
Michele Trapani Berg: +1
Thaddäus Häfeli Flach: +1
Nicolas Legrand Berg: +1
A down training festival.... not only the old guys, but Gong, Touré, double that guy, Ramirez and Yamada too. Daiken then misses another mountain... blaaaaaaaaaaaa. Still 2 positive things, Markku and Häfeli, especially Thaddäus is excellent. Trapani at 100% was clear, Legrand close to 100% likely.
Kraftsystemrevision! Include the distance!
Basics reform: Give blue a chance!
Don't punish bugusers. We all have to use bugs, since most of them are declared as "features"!

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Re: Training

Post by sylvainmeteo » Thu Jul 12, 2012 8:40 am

Training 12.7.2012:
Blazej Bozovic Zeit: -1
Allan MacBernick Abfahrt: -1
Allan MacBernick Zeit: -1
Jon Arbuckle Abfahrt: -1
Bert Waalwijk Berg: +1
Bert Waalwijk Flach: +1
Arvydas Gardzijauskas Flach: +1
Vasja Rupnik Berg: +1
PerGunnar Tverendahl Berg: +1
Wayne Griffin Zeit: -1
Marek Sajbok Flach: +1
Marek Sajbok Abfahrt: +1

Team : SM Team
Victoires d'étape : 374 ; dont les 5 monuments et les 3 GTs !
Hall of Fame : Katrasnik: 26724 pts

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Re: Training

Post by flockmastoR » Thu Jul 12, 2012 9:29 am

Training 12.7.2012:
Wolfgang Gröbner Zeit: -1
Moritz Schönflies Berg: -1
Moritz Schönflies Abfahrt: -1
Maksim Maasikas Berg: -1
Maksim Maasikas Flach: -1
Maksim Maasikas Abfahrt: -1
Louis Auslander Abfahrt: -1
Janus Letho Flach: +1
Janus Letho Abfahrt: -1
Hieronymus Heuser Berg: +1
Hieronymus Heuser Flach: +1
Alfred DeutschGerman Flach: +1
Lorenzo Avogadro Berg: +1
Hm nothign unexpected, ok Lorenzo mountain Letho good too
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Re: Training

Post by Alkworld » Thu Jul 12, 2012 11:15 am

Training 12.7.2012:
Ernesto Sabato Flach: -1
Ernesto Sabato Abfahrt: -1
Facundo Cabral Zeit: -1
Tupac Amaru Berg: +1
Miguel Cervantes Berg: +1
Benito Salas Abfahrt: -1
Jorge CarreraAndrade Berg: +1
Luis Costales Berg: +1
Pablo Picasso Berg: +1
There's light at the end of the tunnel, and a very bright one! Picasso, Cervantes and Tupac all excellent!

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Re: Training

Post by Moscow Team Pro » Thu Jul 12, 2012 1:49 pm

Training 12.7.2012:
Oleg Yurchenko Flach: +1
Miai Marinescu Flach: +1
Mirko Schwarz Abfahrt: -1
Mirko Schwarz Zeit: -1
Igor Yaseev Zeit: +1
Leonid Golubev Berg: +1

ok Yurchenko and Marinescu (they have 23 years), Golubev mountain training but skips the third consecutive training on the plain at 22, Yaseev training trial but for the second time in 21 years does not train mountains, plains Wegerley not train at age 23 with 70 %, now I do not speak more than Gorobsov in the last 4 seasons have taken 1 point in the mountains, ok Schwarz in 34 years has not lost mountains and plains, Quiroul 25 years 71-79 miss the second consecutive workout, will go the way of Gorobsov? Then there are those runners who train a feature around 10% and never, ever take a point!
After a year of playing I still curse the training, is not it all or are out of luck!

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Re: Training

Post by Robyklebt » Fri Jul 20, 2012 8:30 am

Training 20.7.2012:
Dehuai Wei Berg: -1
Dehuai Wei Flach: -1
Dehuai Wei Zeit: -1
Frédéric Montandon Berg: -1
Frédéric Montandon Flach: -1
Frédéric Montandon Abfahrt: -1
Frédéric Montandon Zeit: -1
Frédéric Montandon Sprint: -1
Caius Todea Flach: -1
Titus Olteanu Abfahrt: -1
Markus Leibundgut Berg: -1
Markus Leibundgut Flach: -1
Leonardo Alighieri Berg: -1
Leonardo Alighieri Zeit: -1
Michele Trapani Berg: +1
Nicolas Legrand Berg: +1
Sekiguchi really likes being a 67...
Kraftsystemrevision! Include the distance!
Basics reform: Give blue a chance!
Don't punish bugusers. We all have to use bugs, since most of them are declared as "features"!

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