
Non-technical discussions about RSF-riders and teams.

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Re: Training

Post by Robyklebt » Thu Aug 05, 2010 1:26 am

Training 5.8.2010:
Xenocrate Nedelcu Flach: -1
Xenocrate Nedelcu Abfahrt: -1
Xenocrate Nedelcu Zeit: -1
Xenocrate Nedelcu Sprint: -1
Anthony Grillboy Berg: -1
Anthony Grillboy Abfahrt: -1
Anthony Grillboy Zeit: -1
Iordan Duculescu Berg: +1
Baoyu Qian Berg: +1
Fabrizio Conti Flach: +1
Fabrizio Conti Sprint: +1
Théophile Fouché Flach: +1
Olimpiu Duculescu Flach: +1
Olimpiu Duculescu Sprint: +1
So ein Pech, so ein Pech!
Kraftsystemrevision! Include the distance!
Basics reform: Give blue a chance!
Don't punish bugusers. We all have to use bugs, since most of them are declared as "features"!

team fl
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Re: Training

Post by team fl » Thu Aug 05, 2010 8:21 am

Training 5.8.2010:
Hannes Büchel Flach: -1
Ronny Beck Abfahrt: +1
Pedro Garrido Berg: +1
Chuck Bass Berg: +1
Chuck Bass Flach: +1
Haruki Murakami Berg: +1
Haruki Murakami Flach: +1
Was erlauben Büchel!
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

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Re: Training

Post by Aixteam » Thu Aug 05, 2010 10:50 am

Training 5.8.2010:
Edwige Rounnoud Berg: -1
Edwige Rounnoud Abfahrt: -1
Edwige Rounnoud Zeit: -1
Edwige Rounnoud Sprint: -1
Ernie Davis Flach: +1
Teddy Sheringham Flach: -1
Teddy Sheringham Abfahrt: -1
Derek Morgan Flach: +1
Incredibly bad .. I have searched for 30 minutes something good in this training , and I can't see ..
Petit Singe: Aix croit toujours qu'il sera important dans le real life, RSF bah, pas trop ambitieux, NoPik a compris que il n'aura jamais le succes qu'il peut avoir ici en real life, alors il donne tout pour RSF!

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Re: Training

Post by Robyklebt » Thu Aug 12, 2010 4:44 am

Training 12.8.2010:
Xenocrate Nedelcu Flach: -1
Xenocrate Nedelcu Abfahrt: -1
Xenocrate Nedelcu Zeit: -1
Xenocrate Nedelcu Sprint: -1
Fabrizio Conti Berg: +1
Fabrizio Conti Sprint: +1
Théophile Fouché Flach: +1
Karl Eiterolloid Sprint: +1
Bakhtiyar Sagyrbayuly Berg: +1
Bakhtiyar Sagyrbayuly Flach: +1
Olimpiu Duculescu Flach: +1
So ein Pech, so ein Pech!
Kraftsystemrevision! Include the distance!
Basics reform: Give blue a chance!
Don't punish bugusers. We all have to use bugs, since most of them are declared as "features"!

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Re: Training

Post by Kaju » Thu Aug 12, 2010 9:27 am

Training 12.8.2010:
Teddy Edwards Abfahrt: -1
Joao Ramos Flach: +1
Fokke Zylstra Sprint: +1
Kiko Bukvic Berg: +1
Kiko Bukvic Flach: +1
Nandor Radvanyi Flach: +1
Luka Vladovic Abfahrt: -1
Joél Sveringsson Berg: +1
Marcel Roller Berg: +1
Vincent Kruyckx Berg: +1
Davy Valeri Berg: +1
Arnje Nyard Berg: +1
Super Training. Marcel nun auf 74 Berg, bester Klassiker den ich je hatte, Vincent auf 72, somit schon der zweitbeste^^ Arnje bisher auch kein Bergtraining ausgelassen....Joao nimmt zum 6 Mal hintereinander ein Flachtraining auf das er weniger als 10% hat, wow

team fl
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Re: Training

Post by team fl » Thu Aug 12, 2010 9:49 am

Training 12.8.2010:
Lorenz Dürr Berg: +1
Jens Scholz Zeit: -1
Pedro Garrido Berg: +1
Chuck Bass Berg: +1
Haruki Murakami Berg: +1
Haruki Murakami Flach: +1

I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

el Galactico
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Re: Training

Post by el Galactico » Thu Aug 12, 2010 10:29 am

Training 12.8.2010:
Felipe Garrido Berg: +1
Felipe Garrido Flach: +1
Diego DelRios Flach: +1
Ignacio Castillo Zeit: -1
Salvador Carriba Flach: +1

Del Rios best flat rider of all times. Garrido perfect! TT of Castillo is shit but ok, took the risk!
Rodrigo Tellez - Winner of Tour Down Under 2023!!!

Siempre Campeones! Hala Galacticos!!

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Re: Training

Post by Bear » Thu Aug 12, 2010 10:38 am

Training 12.8.2010:
Sidney Swanborough Berg: +1
Drew Bezanson Zeit: -1
Jamie Bearclaw Berg: +1
Angelo Pagani Flach: +1
Sidney unexpected on 50 mountain now. Drew likes to take minus instead of positive %. Jamie as usual. And fortunately Pagani took flat, finally.

Rockstar Inc
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Re: Training

Post by Rockstar Inc » Thu Aug 12, 2010 11:05 am

Training 12.8.2010:
Fernando Copado Berg: +1
Fernando Copado Flach: +1
Alberto Gutierrez Abfahrt: +1
Felipe Copado Berg: +1
Javier Cordero Sprint: +1
Manuel Soldado Flach: +1
Iker Rico Berg: +1
Iker Rico Flach: +1
Jesus Gallego Flach: +1
Jose Lastras Flach: +1
Angel Ramos Zeit: +1
hmm i think i'm satisfied...only bad thing: since going away from the sprint business my flat riders don't train as i used to...Czarny+Arconada are bad :x
Fernando Copado+Cordero+Ramos are cool
"I'm an old-school sprinter. I can't climb a mountain but if I am in front with 200 metres to go then there's nobody who can beat me.” Mark Cavendish, at the 2007 Eneco Tour

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Re: Training

Post by Aixteam » Thu Aug 12, 2010 11:46 am

Training 12.8.2010:
Martin Tissot Abfahrt: -1
Edwige Rounnoud Berg: -1
Edwige Rounnoud Flach: -1
Edwige Rounnoud Abfahrt: -1
Edwige Rounnoud Sprint: -1
Teddy Sheringham Berg: -1
Teddy Sheringham Sprint: -1
Paul Oconnel Berg: +1
Derek Morgan Flach: +1
Derek Morgan Abfahrt: +1
Ernie Davis Flach: +1
Ernie Davis Sprint: +1
Adrien Dalcin Berg: +1
Good today , Dalcin-Oconnel at 71 now ... Could be interesting in the mountain stages . I think it's maybe time to sell Rounnoud :lol:
Petit Singe: Aix croit toujours qu'il sera important dans le real life, RSF bah, pas trop ambitieux, NoPik a compris que il n'aura jamais le succes qu'il peut avoir ici en real life, alors il donne tout pour RSF!

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Re: Training

Post by Lizard » Thu Aug 12, 2010 1:34 pm

Oh man, I just forgot that there´s training... well, here it is (I found out at the race somthing´s wrong^^)

Training 12.8.2010:
Mark Enkeevelaert Sprint: +1
Tom vanAmstel Berg: +1
Tom vanAmstel Flach: +1
Ndale Mbeki Zeit: -1
Dick Eickendreyer Flach: +1

Mark great, vanAmstel too, Dick aswell. Rest piece of bla.
Wizards Cycling: De toenemende Ster van Amsterdam

Hall of Fame:
Adam Wollfinger (73-82-80-47-57, 64 Reg)
Herbert Königsbauer (87-60-66-54-53, 57 Reg)
Manuel Clausen (76-83-63-46-64, 57 Reg)
Tom van Amstel (74-80-74-50-65, 35 Reg)

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Re: Training

Post by sylvainmeteo » Fri Aug 13, 2010 6:15 pm

Training 12.8.2010:
Magnus Sidgursson Abfahrt: +1
Mike Heidelberg Flach: +1
Gregor Szczepaniak Berg: +1
Gregor Szczepaniak Flach: +1
Jussi Patalovanen Berg: +1
Not bad, especially for Szczepaniak...
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Re: Training

Post by Bear » Fri Aug 20, 2010 12:46 am

Training 20.8.2010:
Drew Bezanson Zeit: -1
Jamie Bearclaw Berg: +1
Bäh, Jamie takes 100%, ok, nothing special. The rest is just bullshit. None of them trains positive.

Equipe Benelux
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Re: Training

Post by Equipe Benelux » Fri Aug 20, 2010 12:57 am

Training 20.8.2010:
Hector Robles Berg: +1
Hector Robles Flach: +1
Marcel deJong Berg: +1
Marcel deJong Abfahrt: -1
Jonas Hendrickx Abfahrt: -1
Daan deBruyne Berg: +1

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Re: Training

Post by NoPikouze » Fri Aug 20, 2010 1:09 am

Why does Potemkine never train ?
He's definitly bugged, I want my money back.
Qui sème le vent récolte le tempo...

Rockstar Inc
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Re: Training

Post by Rockstar Inc » Fri Aug 20, 2010 1:13 am

Training 20.8.2010:
Anton Czarny Berg: +1
Anton Czarny Abfahrt: +1
Javier Cordero Sprint: +1
Angel Ramos Zeit: +1
Fernando Copado Flach: +1
Daniele Pietropolli Berg: +1
Manuel Soldado Flach: +1
Iker Rico Flach: +1
Jesus Gallego Flach: +1
Jose Lastras Flach: +1
Alberto Gutierrez Abfahrt: +1
Felipe Copado Berg: +1
good training
"I'm an old-school sprinter. I can't climb a mountain but if I am in front with 200 metres to go then there's nobody who can beat me.” Mark Cavendish, at the 2007 Eneco Tour

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Re: Training

Post by Lizard » Fri Aug 20, 2010 1:55 am

Czarny doppelt UND Pietropolli? Der Pietro wird mir irgendwann noch zum Verhängnis, da bin ich mir ganz sicher... spätestens April^^
Training 20.8.2010:
Manuel Clausen Berg: +1
Tom vanAmstel Berg: +1
Tom vanAmstel Flach: +1
Robbin Peppermayer Flach: +1
Dick Eickendreyer Flach: +1
So... well... CLAUSEN MOTHAFUCKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wizards Cycling: De toenemende Ster van Amsterdam

Hall of Fame:
Adam Wollfinger (73-82-80-47-57, 64 Reg)
Herbert Königsbauer (87-60-66-54-53, 57 Reg)
Manuel Clausen (76-83-63-46-64, 57 Reg)
Tom van Amstel (74-80-74-50-65, 35 Reg)

team fl
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Re: Training

Post by team fl » Fri Aug 20, 2010 8:38 am

Training 20.8.2010:
Hannes Büchel Berg: -1
Hannes Büchel Flach: -1
William deWorde Sprint: +1
Haruki Murakami Berg: +1
Haruki Murakami Flach: +1
Chuck Bass Berg: +1
slowly but surely i am afraid of the training. longo refuses the 3rd time 67 %, but büchel thinks he has to do a double-downgrade with 10 and 9 % after. his 3rd downgrade with 33... sprint for de worde helps nothing, of course everybody else except murakami, who has 100 % training, refuses to practice too... shit motherfuck fuck shit.
I didn't mean to say it. But I meant what I said.

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Re: Training

Post by Kaju » Fri Aug 20, 2010 9:19 am

Training 20.8.2010:
Piotr Mojov Flach: +1
Arnje Nyard Berg: +1
Fokke Zylstra Sprint: +1
Torben Christensen Zeit: -1
Marcel Roller Abfahrt: +1
Vincent Kruyckx Berg: +1
Davy Valeri Berg: +1

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Re: Training

Post by Aixteam » Fri Aug 20, 2010 10:42 am

Training 20.8.2010:
Derek Morgan Flach: +1
Ernie Davis Flach: +1
Ernie Davis Sprint: +1
Funny ... pffff
Petit Singe: Aix croit toujours qu'il sera important dans le real life, RSF bah, pas trop ambitieux, NoPik a compris que il n'aura jamais le succes qu'il peut avoir ici en real life, alors il donne tout pour RSF!

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Re: Training

Post by Alkworld » Fri Aug 20, 2010 5:50 pm

Training July:
PedroLuis Boitel Flach: +3
PedroLuis Boitel Zeit: -1
Joaquim GoncalvesLedo Flach: +3
Pancho Villa Flach: +1
Manuel Belgrano Flach: +1
Carlos Gardel Berg: +2
Carlos Gardel Abfahrt: -1
Orlando Zapata Flach: +1
Orlando Zapata Abfahrt: +1
Getulio Vargas Flach: +2
Getulio Vargas Abfahrt: -1
Esteban Trueba Flach: -1
Paulo Coelho Abfahrt: -2
Paulo Coelho Flach: -1
Paulo Coelho Zeit: -1
Paulo Coelho Berg: -1
Some nice trainings in July, no need to complain.
Training August (incl. 20.08.2010):
Manuel Puig Berg: +3
Manuel Puig Flach: +3
Pancho Villa Flach: +1
PedroLuis Boitel Flach: +1
PedroLuis Boitel Abfahrt: +1
Francisco Madero Zeit: -2
Paulo Coelho Flach: -2
Paulo Coelho Berg: -1
Paulo Coelho Sprint: -2
Paulo Coelho Zeit: -1
Manuel Belgrano Berg: -1
Manuel Belgrano Abfahrt: -1
Getulio Vargas Zeit: -1
Jose Bonifacio Abfahrt: -2
Esteban Trueba Abfahrt: -1
Esteban Trueba Zeit: -1
My riders seem to be on vacation. Puig is 21 and as expected, but only three positive trainings of all the other riders in three training cycles is kind of ridiculous ... negative trainings seem to work better. However, who cares? Trueba is still 70-90 :D

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Re: Training

Post by Robyklebt » Sat Aug 21, 2010 7:34 am

Training 20.8.2010:
Xenocrate Nedelcu Berg: -1
Xenocrate Nedelcu Flach: -1
Xenocrate Nedelcu Abfahrt: -1
Xenocrate Nedelcu Zeit: -1
Xenocrate Nedelcu Sprint: -1
Fabrizio Conti Berg: +1
Fabrizio Conti Sprint: +1
Théophile Fouché Flach: +1
Bakhtiyar Sagyrbayuly Flach: +1
Olimpiu Duculescu Flach: +1
Olimpiu Duculescu Sprint: +1
So ein Pech, so ein Pech
Kraftsystemrevision! Include the distance!
Basics reform: Give blue a chance!
Don't punish bugusers. We all have to use bugs, since most of them are declared as "features"!

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JPS Classics
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Re: Training

Post by JPS Classics » Sat Aug 21, 2010 9:13 am

Complete August:
Natane Tuihalamaka Berg: +1 Flach: +3
Vjeko Onishchenko Berg: +2 Flach: +1
Sven Sjögren Berg: +3 Flach: +3
Ryder Hesjedal Berg: +1 Sprint: +2
Manuele diVaio Berg: +3
Kevin Neirynck Berg: +1 Flach: +3
Martijn Schoenmakers Berg: +3 Flach: +2
Fjodor Shovkovsky Berg: +1 Flach: +3
Steven Dulac Berg: +1 Zeit: -1
It's good Trainings .... Natane first Double at 20th are nice .... Vjeko is a minimalist .... Sjögren great three doubles with 22! ... Ryder a crazy man! .... Di Vaio ok, no doubles :( ... Kevin good .... Martijn with two doubles good .... Fjodor one double good too .... Steven trains one mountain, great, loosing TT its ok.

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Re: Training

Post by Lizard » Fri Aug 27, 2010 12:45 am

Training 27.8.2010:
Tom vanAmstel Berg: +1
Tom vanAmstel Flach: +1
Dick Eickendreyer Flach: +1
Fuck dis shit! I mean, 2 riders over 30, rest is all young and full of energy... or at least bullshit. :D
Wizards Cycling: De toenemende Ster van Amsterdam

Hall of Fame:
Adam Wollfinger (73-82-80-47-57, 64 Reg)
Herbert Königsbauer (87-60-66-54-53, 57 Reg)
Manuel Clausen (76-83-63-46-64, 57 Reg)
Tom van Amstel (74-80-74-50-65, 35 Reg)

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Re: Training

Post by Bear » Fri Aug 27, 2010 12:49 am

Training 27.8.2010:
Steve Romaniuk Zeit: -1
Kris Holm Zeit: +1
Drew Bezanson Berg: +1
Jamie Bearclaw Berg: +1
Jamie, well done so far. Drew is still alive, now 72-80. Kris perfect for the TTT. And Desalle saves his skills. Training was ok.

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