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adjusting sprints for gt

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 10:55 am
by deuseburger
Moin miteinander,
almost since i can remember the sprint-, the mountain points and the time bonfications have been adjusted for the gt´s. which, in fact i must admit, is quite a good idea. unfortunately i now came to realize that this also is the case for the "nebenprogramm" (the little tours taking place during the same time). riding the Tour de l´Ile de France i just have to say that this really is a spoiler, would have been much more fun to ride it in the old fashioned way... this just limits the options and kills some of the fun cause excitement is reduced a lot...

therefore i would like to know if it is technical possible to run two or more races at the same time with different sprint settings, and if this is beeing the case i would claim to have a change and do so... or at least give it a thought...

greez deuse

Re: adjusting sprints for gt

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 11:26 am
by Buhmann
Of course it is possible. When we has ridden the giro, we did it that way. Now leso has decided that for all races the TdF system counts. I don´t see the problem, in my opionion it is okay for a few weeks.

Re: adjusting sprints for gt

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 9:58 am
by Weezel
Buhmann wrote:Of course it is possible. When we has ridden the giro, we did it that way. Now leso has decided that for all races the TdF system counts. I don´t see the problem, in my opionion it is okay for a few weeks.
I'm in Deuses opinion, the "Tour de l´Ile de France" would be more exciting, if there would be time bonfications!