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Standings Points Calculation

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 11:31 pm
by High Flyer
At the starting July I had 16.826
Start August 18.736
Now 19.511

It should be 2.685 right?. Nope because I sold riders that earned me the points and have now ended up with a loss of points.
Surely the amount of points should be calculated by the amount of points in races rather than riders.
Seems a bit flawed that I could literally buy and sell my way in and out of divisions by buying and selling riders on the last day of the month to raise or lower my season totals in the last minute and then sell them the next day((not mentioning any names) esp before the WC)

Maybe just making the points from races go to standing and riders desperately than from race to rider to standing so the 2 are different.


Re: Standings Points Calculation

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 11:50 pm
by High Flyer
I do wonder the usage of a technic page when most topics are rarely considered let alone followed....

Re: Standings Points Calculation

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2016 2:25 am
by auxilium torino
RSF have a lot of others important bugs to be solve, and a lot of others technic points that can be improved to make this game a better one.
This points calulation is really not important!

Re: Standings Points Calculation

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2016 10:25 am
by luques
Well honestly this is something I never understood too.
Don't know what others think but in this period the technic community seems a bit lazy ;)

Re: Standings Points Calculation

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2016 11:02 am
by team fl
Seems a bit flawed that I could literally buy and sell my way in and out of divisions by buying and selling riders on the last day of the month to raise or lower my season totals in the last minute and then sell them the next day((not mentioning any names) esp before the WC)
There are many reasons why this isn't a big concern:

1) It is not at all profitable to buy and sell riders a lot, once you have established a competitive team and thus have a decent Team value

2) Divisions have almost no meaning. Hence it is relatively unimportant in which Division you are as long as you can ride the big classic races. And about WC? That's pretty unimportant too and only one race very three month.

My question is - as this is a game for cycling Freaks and a Simulation (as far as possible) - if this system reflects the rules in cycling (UCI).

Anyway, my plead would be that his system has proven itself sustainably over 10 years. Of course, this should not be the main argument for it, but it's a strong indicator that it fits the game.