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Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 12:45 pm
by Allagen
Servus, ich hätte da mal eine Idee. Man könnte ja 1x im Jahr (oder öfters falls gewünscht) einen RSF-Marathon machen für die wirklichen RSF-Freaks unter uns. Die Grundidee, man fährt eine Tour innerhalb eines Tages. Entweder mit den ehemaligen Fahrern und dann ohne Punkte/Gehalt/Einnahmen, oder eben mit dem aktuellen Team (ob mit oder ohne Gehalt/Einnahmen, weiß ich nicht).

Man würde z.b. um 10 Uhr Anfangen, ca 90 Minuten Fahren, eine halbe Stunde Pause, um 12 Uhr fängt die nächste Etappe an, wieder halbe Stunde Pause, dann um 14, 16, 18 und 20 Uhr die nächsten Etappen. Tour dazu würde ich noch zeichnen demnächst, falls die Idee überhaupt gewünscht wird.

Ich fänd das irgendwie richtig cool mal einen kompletten RSF-Tag einzulegen. Einen Tag der RSF-Freaks.

Hello, i have an idea. We can ride once a year (or maybe more) a RSF-Marathon. The basic idea is you drive a tour in one day. Either with the former drivers and then no points / salary / income, or just with the current team (with or without a salary / income, I do not know).

The first stage would e.g. beginning at 10 clock, about 90 minutes driving, a half hour break, at 12 clock starts the next stage, again half an hour break, then at 14, 16, 18 and 20 clock the next stages. Tour for that I would still draw soon, if the idea is even desired.

I would find that somehow really cool times to insert a complete RSF day. A day of RSF freaks.

Re: RSF-Marathon

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 2:57 pm
by RS Ostfriesland

Re: RSF-Marathon

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 4:33 pm
by RainerT
ich finde Allas Vorschlag interessant und würde sicherlich teilnehmen. Wichtig wäre es dafür zu sorgen, dass nicht zu viele offline sind, weil sie das rennen als nicht wichtig empfinden. daher sollte es zumindest bonifikationen geben wie – einmal ins blaue gedacht – auszeichnungen der sieg-fahrer wie bei landesmeistern durch kennzeichnung neben dem namen, und/oder einen zufälligen jugend-fahrer (oder einen in rente geschickten, der plötzlich wieder lust hat eine saison zu fahren), der sich für das team bewirbt (rennen als fahrer-akquise), da es ihn beeindruckt hat…

interessant weiterzudenken imho!

interesting suggestions. i'd take part! but imho it will be important to make a bonus-system so the participating teams take it serious and take part, be online etc. the bonifications can be eg. awards to winning riders like for national champions beside the names. and/or to win a random youth-rider that liked the performance and hence applys for the winning team (kind of akquisition-races). or a retired rider that decides to come back for eg. one more season or another defined or wirthin barriers random timespan.

interesting thoughts imho!

Re: RSF-Marathon

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 4:37 pm
by Hansa
Find ich gut aber dann bitte an einem Sonntag oder Samstag wobei Sonntag vielleicht besser und halt ne besondere offline regel dafür einführen

Like this idea but we should do it on sunday or saturday, better sunday, and we bneed a special offline rule for this

Re: RSF-Marathon

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 4:58 pm
by team fl
why not, only one thing: no points, no money. same as it should be for the NCs!

Re: RSF-Marathon

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 8:53 pm
by ATB - Racing
team fl wrote:why not, only one thing: no points, no money. same as it should be for the NCs!

Re: RSF-Marathon

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 1:11 am
by Avaya
Hört sich interessant an, aber 6 rennen in dann ca. 12 stunden ist schon sehr hart.. zumindest stell ich mir das echt übel vor. vllt wäre es sinnvoller so wie alla schon gesagt hat, um 10uhr anzufangen, dann 90minuten+halbe stunde pause & dann das nächste um 12 bis 13:30 und dann erstmal nen break zu machen bis 16uhr, an dem es dann bis 17:30, danach 19:30 und dann 21:30 wieder los geht. so hat man zwischendrin mittags mal 2 1/2h zeit um i.was "sinnvolles" zu machen: kochen, grillen, sex whatever.

Weiteres Problem sind die Fahrer, mit denen da gefahren werden soll. Ich z.B. habe nur einen retired Fahrer und es gibt sicher noch x andere ohne, die wären dann quasi ausgeschlossen davon.

Ne Idee, die ich hätte (wobei ich nicht weiß, ob man die realisieren kann), dass man vorgefertigte Teams hat. Zum Beispiel bei ner Tour mit 4 Etappen(2 Bergige Etappen +3000 Höhenmeter,2 Hügelige Etappen +1500 Höhenmeter) und 2 Halbetappen (1 flaches ITT 10km & 1 bergiges ITT 15km) hat jedes Team die selben Fahrer: (NUR EIN BEISPIEL)


So hätte jedes Team die selben Chancen und es würde sich zeigen, wer unter gleichen Bedingungen denn der Beste ist. Wer kennt es nicht:"Hätte ich auch solche Fahrer, würde ich das auch gewinnen" bla.
Gut, es hat auch seine Nachteile, taktieren, überraschendes wird weniger, aber Vorteile hat es auch & die dürften eigentlich überwiegen. Bei der 1. Etappe wird dann wahrscheinlich nicht klar sein, wer Favo ist & wer arbeiten soll, aber spätestens ab der 2. hat sich das ganze dann.

Now translated into english via Reverso, cause I'm too lazy to translate it by myself..:

Sounds interesting, but 6 stages in then approx. 12 hours is already very hard. I'd imagine it horrible. Perhaps it would be more meaningful to start at 10 o'clock, then 90min.+30min break and then next around 12 to 13:30 and then a longer break till 16 o'clock in which it goes off then to 17:30, afterwards 19:30 and then 21:30 again. so u got a break of 2 1/2 hours to do things like: cooking, barbecue, sex whatever.

Another problem are the drivers, with those should be driven there. I have, e.g., only a retired driver and there is certainly still x other without, then they would be cut off from the race..

One idea that I have (but I don't know if Buhmann can realize it) that all Teams has prefabricated riders, which got the same stats. For example,a tour with 4 stages (2 hilly stages 3000 height meters, 2 hilly stages 1500 height meters) and 2 half stages (1 flat ITT 10 kms and 1 hilly ITT 15 kms) every team the same drivers: (ONLY AN EXAMPLE)


So every team would have the same chances and it would appear who is then the best under the same conditions. Who does not know it: " If I also had such drivers, I would also win this " bla.
Well, it also has its disadvantages, manoeuvre, surprising becomes less, but it also has advantages and they might predominate, actually. Maybe at the 1st stage it won't be likely clear who is Favo and who should work, but at the 2nd Stage it will be more clearly.

Re: RSF-Marathon

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 1:20 am
by Buhmann
Relative much t implement for this. I don´t know if this would be accept by many users. Maybe the short (oldie) races should be enough for the first time.

Re: RSF-Marathon

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 9:03 am
by Allagen
also man sollte sich jetzt nicht an den 6 rennen aufhängen. ist das zu viel, macht man eben nur 4. und ich will ja auch gar nicht, dass wir 100 teilnehmer haben und jeder das toll findet. mir würde es schon reichen wenn man eine normale tour mit 10-15 echten freaks hinbekommt. wie gesagt, eine tour für freaks. wer sich nicht dazuzählt muss es ja nicht fahren ;)

und das man zu lange in rsf hängt is doch kein argument. vermutlich hängen einige hier viel länger als 4-6 stunden pro tag ab ;)

Re: RSF-Marathon

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 3:44 pm
by Quick
ATB - Racing wrote:
team fl wrote:why not, only one thing: no points, no money. same as it should be for the NCs!

Competition without reward is boring.

Re: RSF-Marathon

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 3:56 pm
by Robyklebt
The reward is there!

Re: RSF-Marathon

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 4:00 pm
by team fl
the way is the goal?

Re: RSF-Marathon

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 1:14 am
by Maurice
Wäre ich sofort dabei ;)

Re: RSF-Marathon

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 2:14 pm
by lesossies
A good idea for the Jubilee race day and, if it works well, we can remake it from time to time, specialy in the long winter day.

Re: RSF-Marathon

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 7:02 pm
by RS Ostfriesland
nobody interested in bahnrennen? =)

Re: RSF-Marathon

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 10:12 pm
by Radomiak
The idea is fun, but without any prizes(points/money) i guess it's not fun enough to convince me to spend most of the day for rsf :(

Re: RSF-Marathon

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 10:17 pm
by NicoVanarlo
Radomiak wrote:The idea is fun, but without any prizes(points/money) i guess it's not fun enough to convince me to spend most of the day for rsf :(
And if all rsf goes in buhman's house to drink beer and eat meat in the same time? :p

Re: RSF-Marathon

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 10:34 pm
by Hansa
lesossies wrote:A good idea for the Jubilee race day and, if it works well, we can remake it from time to time, specialy in the long winter day.
like :)

Re: RSF-Marathon

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 12:36 am
by Pokemon Club
Radomiak wrote:The idea is fun, but without any prizes(points/money) i guess it's not fun enough to convince me to spend most of the day for rsf :(
depend if no prizes no money and full reg the day after, maybe some guys will ride on funny and crazy moves, it can be very cool

Re: RSF-Marathon

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 8:48 am
by Radomiak
True, but if am gonna spend a lot of time for it, i want prizes! Glory by winning it isnt enough and i doubt it would be me :P Thats why it should be ridden as normal tour, but in one day.

Re: RSF-Marathon

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 11:18 am
by Radunion
Do not always think about money, think about the fun. The best team in the game is not the team with biggest bank account.

Re: RSF-Marathon

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 11:57 am
by Radomiak
Radunion wrote:Do not always think about money, think about the fun. The best team in the game is not the team with biggest bank account.
Well i didn't say I will ride such race only for money, but it's like in game reward(fun is like outside reward :P, not sure if I explained it correctly).

The problem without money prizes, is that that there will not be any cost of riding this race. It means that teams will be able to ride with 9 leaders, best riders which they can get. Smaller or newer teams will have like 0 chance to build such a team, they will be on lose position before the race starts. In normal races the cost of the team per stage is very important part of the game. Managers need to consider money when they choose line up, there is some strategy before the race, which I enjoy.Thats why in my opinion prizes should be in this marathon.

Also don't make this race retire riders race. I don't like these races + I have no chance to ride because i haven't almost any retire riders. It's not only me but quite a lot teams i think :(

Re: RSF-Marathon

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 1:57 pm
by Pokemon Club
Take it in the other sense. Some teams are not affraid to take 2 climber + 3 classic + 1 sprinter normally. For one teams if all have the possibility to take his best team what is the problem ?
And new managers ? Nex managers can have a day off or a parallel Div 6-7 race

Re: RSF-Marathon

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 2:20 pm
by Avaya
I like my idea that everyone has the same riders, but I don't know if that's possible.

Re: RSF-Marathon

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 2:33 pm
by Buhmann
Similarly riders is possible. Is the same procedure like now in the oldie races if you have not inscripted any rider.