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divisions - Too many advancemants and relegations

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 1:25 pm
by Cerro Torre RT
In my eyes, way too much teams change divisions at the End of the Season. Numbers are the following:

Division 1: 20 Teams staying, 10 changing, 33% changes
Division 2: 15 Teams staying, 25 changing, 62,5% changes
Division 3: 15 Teams staying, 35 changing, 70% changes
Division 4: 15 Teams staying, 45 changing, 75% changes

While Div1 is much, but somehow ok, in my opinion the numbers of the following divisions are completly disproportionate. There shall be a bit more of a continuity, at least 50% of the Teams have to stay. So my proposal is, while keeping the total number of Teams:

Division 1: 23 Teams staying, 7 relegations, 23% changes
Division 2: 24 Teams staying, 7 advancements, 9 relegations, 40% changes
Division 3: 30 Teams staying, 9 advancements, 11 relegations, 40% changes
Division 4: 36 Teams staying, 11 advancements, 13 relegations, 40% changes

Or, with numbers more similar to the actual ones

Division 1: 20 Teams staying, 10 relegations, 33% changes
Division 2: 20 Teams staying, 10 advancements, 10 relegations, 50% changes
Division 3: 25 Teams staying, 10 advancements, 15 relegations, 50% changes
Division 4: 30 Teams staying, 15 advancements, 15 relegations, 50% changes

Re: divisions - Too many advancemants and relegations

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 1:50 pm
by Lizard
Good idea.

Re: divisions - Too many advancemants and relegations

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 1:56 pm
by Robyklebt
Nr 1 sounds fairly good, expcept maybe D1 only 7 down... 8 would be better IMO.

And maybe a bigger turnover in D4/5?

Right now in D4 1585 are enough to stay in D4, but there are 35 teams in D5 that have more points than that.
Ok that's partly the case because right now the number of promotions/relegations is so big, many of the weak D4 wouldn't be there if it was harder... but just 13 up to D4 seems a bit too hard. I'd go for 20

Re: divisions - Too many advancemants and relegations

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 3:28 pm
by Cerro Torre RT
Trying to fit roby's thoughts would think of something like that:

Division 1: 22 Teams staying, 8 relegations, 26% changes
Division 2: 22 Teams staying, 8 advancements, 10 relegations, 45% changes
Division 3: 28 Teams staying, 10 advancements, 12 relegations, 44% changes
Division 4: 30 Teams staying, 12 advancements, 18 relegations, 50% changes

Couldn't get in the 20 from 4 to 5, but with 18 we can match the 50%. With that, it looks quite ok for me too, looks quite ok for me, too.

Re: divisions - Too many advancemants and relegations

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 3:46 pm
by Robyklebt
Oh, theres an echo in here? in here?

Ok, ok!

Re: divisions - Too many advancemants and relegations

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 6:48 pm
by olmania
I like the actual system.
Always a big fight for the turnover.
And the excellent newcomers can come in group1 easily in 2-3months.

Re: divisions - Too many advancemants and relegations

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 10:19 pm
by Cerro Torre RT
But as i came up the last months, i think it is too easy to get up there with an... let's say average-performance.

Re: divisions - Too many advancemants and relegations

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 10:29 pm
by Luna
I have no real opinion on this matter. But I like to mention that selling a rider could quickly lead to demotion oder falling out of the promotion ranks. While for now you can let a rider end his career without immediately losing every chances for your season goal (staying in the div or promoting).

Re: divisions - Too many advancemants and relegations

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 9:38 pm
by Zauberlehrling
For me there is too much changement.


Down: Alkworld 5557
Up: Aix 6021

Ok, a better team is coming up

Down: Cerro 4519
Up: ritchie 4274

Bad, the team going down is better than the team coming up.

Down: AGHN 2337
Up: Katjuschka 2206

Bad, same as D2-D3

Down: Thoronto 1504
Up: Beastie 1881

Ok, the new team has more points than the old...

In my opinion the team coming up should be significant (I would say about 10%) better than the team going down, otherwise there is no sense... so I would reduce relegation/advancement specially between D2-D3-D4. Of course, that's just this month, but I think, it's quite normal, that better teams are going down than coming up

PS: This month it's clear, the loss of D2 is big. :D